New York 2006

Chapter 13 Emotional Experience

Chapter 13 Emotional Experience
In the small square of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Luo Ji said into the microphone: "Thank you everyone for coming to enjoy my performance. We will only perform for this one day this weekend. I will send the video to the Logic channel on YouTube tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to watch. .”

Then he added: "There will be two days of performances next weekend, starting at [-] p.m. and ending at [-] p.m., and the performance will still be four hours. The temperature tonight is much lower than the previous few days, which I didn't consider Yes, I hope you can forgive me."

Some audience members didn't have enough fun, as if they were watching a small concert. Everyone's nose was red from the cold, and they sang in groups. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh.
Some spectators gathered around and wanted to take photos with him and the kitten, but because of the night, the shooting effect of the mobile phone was very poor.

A middle-aged white man walked up to him with a 20-year-old girl. The two acted like a couple: "That original song of yours is really nice! Where can I download it?"

For the song Viva la Vida, if the accompaniment is just a guitar, you can now find a small recording studio to record it and upload it to iTunes to sell it and make money.Luo Ji was still a little bit psychological. He didn't want to be too different from Tianqi's original song, and he would record it later when he had enough money.

"It hasn't been produced yet. There is only a guitar playing and singing version. If you want to listen to it, leave me your email address and I will send it to you tomorrow!"

"Forget it, your performance is wonderful. I will support you when you release that song. That song is called Viva la Vida, right?"


"What do you mean?"

"Spanish for Viva Vida."

The 20-year-old girl next to me said, "You sing very well. Can we take a photo together?"

The middle-aged man was not jealous and happily helped his little girlfriend take a photo with Luo Ji and the kitten. When the photo was finished, he also joined in for a photo.

It took a while for the audience to disperse, and everyone went to a nearby restaurant. Luo Ji, his mother Sammy, his brother Chucky, Max, Blake, Hailey, her little sisters, and several classmates from the choir sat down. A table.

Luo Ji opened the menu and took a look. The price instantly made Luo Ji's blood pressure soar.Luo Ji cast a sidelong glance at Blake. Blake noticed him and immediately made a begging gesture and gestured to Hailey next to him and Hailey's little sisters.

M-FXXK!Luo Ji told Blake to just book an ordinary restaurant, but in the end, he just wanted to pretend to be sexy in front of the woman, so he had no choice but to give up. Today's income was pretty good, and considering that Blake was also working very hard, Luo Ji became the incarnation of Wingman: "Everyone can order what they want to eat. Blake, can you take care of Hailey and the others and see what they eat?"

"I want to eat prawns!" Brother Chucky said immediately.

Luo Ji immediately agreed: "Okay."

"Mom, is there anything you want to eat?"

"I can do it."

"Max, what do you want to eat?"

"Steak, I haven't eaten since this afternoon!"


Luo Ji took out a small notebook and said, "Everyone has watched it from beginning to end, so you can speak freely. Do you think there is anything that needs to be improved in my street singing?"

Blake said: "Logic, DV consumes too much power. It can't last for four hours. You need to buy a backup battery."

"Okay, I'll go to Amazon to order one tomorrow." Luo Ji wrote it down in his notebook and then said, "Are there any more? Don't be restrained, everyone!"

A slightly shorter classmate in the choir said: "You should know that many people are attracted by the kitten to listen to your singing!"

Luo Ji was confused as to whether he could speak, but he still smiled: "Yeah, I know that."

The short classmate continued: "In a four-hour performance, the kitten cannot always stand on your shoulders. It spends most of the time on the ground. But when there are more people, the people behind will be replaced by those in front. People blocking their view make it difficult for them to see the kitten."

Luo Ji thought about it carefully and thought for a moment: "Then next time we come here, we can bring a stool and let the cat sit on the stool. It just so happens that the weather is getting colder and the ground is too cold. We can also spread a stool on it. A blanket for the kitten to sit on.”

"Okay, okay." Everyone agreed.

"Anything else? Don't be restrained, you can say anything."

Another student in the choir said: "Logic, your guitar playing is still too monotonous. Do you need other instruments? I can help you."

There was already him and the kitten. Luo Ji didn't want to blur the focus, so he declined politely: "We'll talk about this later. Don't rush it yet."

Max suggested: "Felix, don't you want to upload your song video online?"


"Then you can bring a sign with your account number on it next time you come here. Interested passers-by will definitely try to search for your account number."

Luo Ji gave Max a thumbs up: "This is a really good idea."


After the dinner party, Luo Ji arranged for vehicles to take the choir students home.Blake went to arrange for Hailey and her little sisters to return home.

Max stepped forward, stretched out his hand to help Luo Ji straighten his collar, and then smoothed his hair with his hand: "Look at the mess you made."

Luo Ji said, "I did this on purpose. Don't you think it's very stylish? It's messy but still beautiful. In our country, singers are at the forefront of the popular era. I'm exploring my style!"

Max's face was full of questions: "What is your style?" Luo Ji answered seriously: "Postmodern style."

Max messed up Luo Ji's collar again and rubbed his hair violently with his hands: "emmm, this is very postmodern!"


Max said tentatively: "That's it for today, I'll leave first?"

Luo Ji's straight man replied: "Well, go ahead. I won't see you off today. Your home is pretty close to here anyway."

Max was stunned for a moment and covered up his embarrassment: "Uh, bye then."

Luo Ji was only thinking about how to edit the video and upload it, and he was completely unaware of Max's expression: "Okay, bye."

Max turned back three times with each step, while Luo Ji smiled and waved goodbye.

At this time, his mother, Sami, walked up to him with his younger brother, Chucky: "That Max looks at you very gently. Does she like you, but she looks a bit old. How old is she? What does she do?"

It was not unreasonable for Max to be angry when he found out his age that day. The less people know about this kind of thing, the better: "She is my friend."

Mother Sami looked suspicious: "I can't see it!"

Luo Ji changed the topic: "Let's take a taxi home! It's almost ten o'clock now. I want to take a good rest tonight to recuperate my energy, and I will edit the video tomorrow."

Luo Ji has been studying how to edit videos these days, and he almost understands it. He even made some videos, and everyone's reviews are pretty good.

Sammy looked longingly: "I won't go back tonight, and Chucky will be left in your care."

Luo Ji was stunned: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find Ryan."

Luo Ji was also speechless. His mother had a new boyfriend every now and then.The whole process is probably about falling in love, passionately in love, then finding out that the man is a scumbag, breaking up, and finally crying to death.

Sammy's life scope is just that big, and the boyfriends she finds are all the scum near the RV camp. She has not learned any lessons. After breaking up, she will be depressed for a period of time, and then she will immediately find a new one, and soon she will enter a new life. emotions.

Luo Ji was displeased: "Is this Ryan reliable? What does he do? I remember you have only known each other for two days!"

Sami said casually: "He is the bartender of our commercial street bar. You should have met him."

Luo Ji had seen that the bartender was not a good person. He was a well-known gangster in the neighborhood: "Mom, can you not go there tonight? You have only known him for two days? He is not a good person. I heard that he beats women. .”

Sami showed his mother's majesty: "He is very good to me, don't talk nonsense, you leave me alone."

Luo Ji resorted to a bitter trick. He stepped forward and took his mother's arm, saying coquettishly, "Mom, don't go, okay? I want to eat the breakfast you made tomorrow."

"Be obedient, I will go back and do it for you tomorrow morning. Do you know that you will take good care of Chucky tonight?"

"Can you not go?"


Luo Ji's face turned cold: "You'd better take care of yourself! We've only known each other for two days and you're like this. Don't be deceived again and end up crying!"

Sammy yelled: "Children, don't worry about adults' business!"

Luo Ji also got angry: "Can you be more reserved, restrain your abundant emotions, manage your emotions a little, and don't fall into trouble so quickly! You always forget to eat and not fight, and all you realize is rubbish. "

Sami was in disbelief and shouted loudly: "I would like this. I would rather be injured than live like a walking zombie. The most important thing in life is various emotional experiences!"

"That's bullshit emotional experience of yours!"

Luo Ji cursed loudly, and he felt a little dazed. The relationship between mother and son seemed to be back to before, with a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every seven days.Pedestrians passing by looked at the two people arguing in surprise.

Blake appeared out of nowhere, came up to Luo Ji and said, "Stop talking. Sammy, go and do your work. I will take care of Chucky."

Sammy was so angry that he turned around and left!
Blake chuckled: "I feel like this is like you. You guys used to have a fight every few days!"

Luo Ji glared at him. He was in no mood to joke now.

Blake immediately dropped his smile.

Chucky stared blankly as Sammy stormed off.Although he is a little dull, he also knows that his mother and brother are at odds. In the past, when encountering this kind of situation, he would hide under the bed with a pillow. After a while, the family will soon return to normal, but now there is no pillow , a little at a loss for a moment.

Luo Ji noticed something was wrong with his younger brother, reached out and touched his head to comfort him, "Do you have any toys you want? I can buy them for you?"

Chucky said nothing, just looked in the direction his mother was leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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