New York 2006

Chapter 134 Love and Career

Chapter 134 Love and Career

"Hmph, here you are."

In the early morning, Taylor looked proud and proudly thrust the newspaper into Luo Ji's hand.

"What is it?"

Luo Ji was sitting on the sofa in the hotel living room. He took the newspaper. It was a serious local mainstream newspaper in Los Angeles. The front page was given to Luo Ji and Taylor.

"You can see for yourself."

The photo on the front page of the newspaper was taken yesterday during the interview between Luo Ji and Taylor after the signing.

Luo Ji and Taylor stood in the middle, Lyndon Reeve and Elon Musk stood on both sides, everyone smiled happily at the camera.Next to the four people is SolarCity's company logo.

"The photo was well taken. You are very photogenic. Very beautiful."

Taylor stood aside and said: "Of course, I have been practicing for a long time. Expression management is absolutely perfect."

Luo Ji continued to read the newspaper. The headline of the news was: "Yesterday, Logic and Taylor Swift invested in SolarCity, a solar energy startup, and completed Series D financing."

Although Taylor often appears in newspapers, the feeling of being in the news for an investment company is very different from being in the news as a singer for her job.

Luo Ji looked up and saw that Taylor was very excited, with a smile on his face, and he was very proud of himself.

She pointed at the newspaper and said, "Keep reading."

"Logic and Taylor, this enviable couple in the recording industry, a few days ago, they participated in the Live Earth global concert launched by former Vice President Al Gore, which focused on environmental protection. The two of them felt that the concert was simply Not satisfied with supporting environmental protection, the two people showed up in Fremont, California yesterday to invest in a newly established solar energy company. The company's valuation is as high as 5000 million U.S. dollars, and the two people made a D-round investment."

"The company's shareholders include the famous entrepreneur Elon Musk, who founded the interstellar exploration company SpaceX and the famous electric vehicle company Tesla. He is a star entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. The founder of the company is Lyndon Reeve, who is also the founder of the company. Famous entrepreneur in Silicon Valley.”

"Logic told reporters during an interview that global warming is a real problem. Since the government is slow to act, private entrepreneurs like them must contribute their own strength to the environmental protection industry."

"When Taylor Swift was interviewed, she told reporters that SolarCity is a great company. They charge a certain amount of rent every month and install extremely expensive solar power equipment for free to house owners. In this way, they can Use solar energy to protect the environment, and the monthly electricity bill is much lower than the monthly electricity bill of traditional electricity..."

After reading the news, Luo Ji smiled and said, "You performed very well when being interviewed by reporters yesterday. Everyone was very satisfied with your speech in front of the media. You promoted our company to reporters."

Taylor smiled playfully: "No, I also want to make a contribution to the company. Am I a qualified entrepreneur?"

"You did a great job."

Luo Ji joked: "You might as well stop being a singer and become a CEO."

Taylor's face was full of pride: "Haha, I'll consider it, but I don't like ordinary companies. They must be large companies with a market value of hundreds of billions, such as Microsoft, Apple, and Google."

Luo Ji followed Taylor's words and said, "Haha, that's their honor."

Taylor saw that Luo Ji was in a particularly good mood, so she walked up to Luo Ji, spread her legs and straddled Luo Ji's lap, then she put her arms around Luo Ji's neck: "My dear, I want to tell you something. "

"What's the matter?" Taylor was wearing a purple skirt today, and her big white legs were right next to her. Luo Ji's hands felt very silky and smooth.

Taylor did not stop his restless hands and said cautiously: "I'm going back to Nashville tomorrow."

"Why so suddenly!"

Luo Ji stopped and looked at Taylor angrily: "Didn't you say that you have been free during this period and you still want to accompany me to the concert?"

"Honey, don't be angry!"

Taylor put his hands around and kissed Luo Ji's forehead, and said softly: "Because my single "Coffee" performed well, Big Machine is preparing to release my mini album in advance, so I let me go back and record the song."

After hearing this, Luo Ji's inner anger did not decrease but increased a lot. The two of them kept getting together and staying apart.But Taylor was right in front of him, so gentle and petty that Luo Ji couldn't bear to push him away.Simply put aside your worries and directly pick up Taylor and go to the bedroom.

"Then the matter is settled. Alas, don't..."

The two of them lay on the bed breathing heavily.Luo Ji's mind relaxed, and it took him a minute to calm down and think of business.

Luo Ji sat up and looked at Taylor seriously: "I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Luo Ji's serious face, Taylor put Luo Ji's white shirt on and sat up.

"Taylor, we have been together for more than half a year, but we have not been together for even a month. Do you think this kind of relationship is normal? Can you put down the recording of the mini album?"

"Felix! Are you serious, asking me to cancel the recording of the album?"

Taylor then looked angry and said angrily: "Why didn't you say it just now? You said it after you were done. I did all those things in vain."

I'm not stupid, Luo Ji thought to himself.

Luo Ji then looked serious and said solemnly, "Don't change the subject, I'm serious."

Taylor was a little indignant: "Then keep talking!"

Luo Ji took Taylor's hand, looked directly into her eyes, and said very seriously: "Dear, I think so. You are busy working, and I am busy working. If this continues, the two of us will We only see each other for less than two months in a year, and long-distance relationships are really painful. I hope you can stay with me and accompany me instead of running around."

Taylor immediately retracted his hand: "What do you mean? You want me to give up my identity as a singer and become a housewife?"

"Of course not!" That's what Luo Ji actually thought in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. He said, "You can just release an album every two years! You've worked hard for half a year to earn so much." A little money. But the 60 you invested in me before has now become 400 million, and there may be higher returns in the future. Think about it, what are you working so hard for!"

"It's not about money."

Taylor looked at him and said seriously: "Feili, I spent five years learning guitar, practicing singing, and learning song writing skills. It took me three years of traveling around the United States to sign a successful contract. Becoming a super singer has been my dream since I was a child. , I want to record my life through music.”

"You can become a superstar by releasing an album in two years."

Luo Ji held Taylor's hand and continued, "Think about it, what would our relationship be like if we were separated for a long time?"

On one side is my lover, on the other side is my childhood dream. This is really a dilemma.Taylor's face was full of confusion. After thinking for a while, she quickly spoke.

"But I signed a contract with Big Machine Records, and I can't refuse their request for a release. Feili, I'll just be busy for a while, okay? I should have a lot of free time to spend with you next year."

Luo Ji rubbed his hair in annoyance, and finally said helplessly, "Okay."

Hearing Luo Ji's words, Taylor couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she responded in time.

She looked at the man next to her. He seemed to have changed a lot after he came back from this global tour. He used to be careless and happy with himself all day long without thinking about the future at all.But after returning this time, I began to worry about their future.

"Thank you for your understanding, honey." Taylor said with a smile.

Luo Ji looked at Taylor with mixed feelings in his heart, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Taylor took Luo Ji's arm and leaned into his arms: "My dear, please don't think so wildly!"

Luo Ji kissed Taylor's hair and stroked Taylor's arm with his other hand: "What if one day you fall in love with someone else because our time together is too short?"

"Impossible!" Taylor then said: "Dear, don't worry, I will never betray you."

But, I'm not sure!Luo Ji said in his heart. He looked down at Taylor's face, guilt welling up in his heart, and his mind couldn't help but go back to more than 20 days ago.

That day, Luo Ji's touring team, led by Robin, held a camping trip on the outskirts of Canada.

Luo Ji had been dead for several months at that time, and his young hormones had nowhere to vent. But that night, he met Blake and the white girl.Whenever Luo Ji closed his eyes at that time, all he could think about was that matter.

As luck would have it, Robin couldn't sleep either and went out to hang out.In the silent night, two men and women who had a crush on each other saw desire in each other's eyes.

Robin took the initiative to kiss her, and Luo Ji responded enthusiastically.Everything was so fast and passionate, the two of them naturally...

“What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas.”

This was what Robin said to Luo Ji after she finished. She was very free and easy, as if it had never happened.But Luo Ji was not so calm inside, and he felt guilty.

Luo Ji actually knew his character and heart very well. He had never been an innocent person. Like all men, he liked beautiful women.Like all men, he can like multiple women at the same time.

Luo Ji was attracted by women such as Robin, Max, Bianca and Britney who attracted his heart. Of course, Britney had more of an idol complex.

But Taylor was special, and he felt really different about Taylor.

When Luo Ji saw Taylor for the first time, he didn't feel that excited.

But after that, Taylor gave him a feeling that hit the depths of his soul. No woman could cause Luo Ji's mood swings like Taylor.

So Luo Ji really cherished this relationship.But he had a new understanding of his control, and it was fine with Taylor by his side, but without him, he was afraid that he would make a mistake again.It ended up hurting her.

"Ah, what are you doing? It hurts a little."

Taylor touched Luo Ji's chest and squeezed it, then said with a wicked smile: "Get out of bed quickly. I've been out for an hour. I'm afraid my mother will come here. She's been staring at me so closely lately. It's all my fault. You must drink in England."

"Why do you blame me? It was obviously you who asked for the drink."

Taylor stretched out his hand and squeezed hard: "What did you say?"

"it's all my fault."

Luo Ji quickly gave up: "Let's go, let's go have breakfast!"

The two got dressed, tidied up their appearances a little, and walked outside.Taylor walked beside Luo Ji and looked up and down.

"Fili, you seem to have grown taller!"

"Really?" Luo Ji didn't pay attention to this matter for nearly half a year.

"We'll know after we measure it."

The two chatted and laughed and found a tape measure in the hotel. Taylor happily said: "You are 183 now."

"Hehehe." Luo Ji chuckled. The depression this morning suddenly dissipated, and he became careless again: "I'm finally taller than you!"


Taylor had a bad smile on his face: "Really? Then next time I will try wearing high heels and stand with you."

(End of this chapter)

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