New York 2006

Chapter 141 I do

Chapter 141 I do
Luo Ji and several members of the band were chatting and kicking in a room at the Smoot Hotel.The five-month global tour was indeed exhausting for everyone, and several members discussed taking their partners with them to travel together.

"How about we go skiing in Switzerland? It's a famous tourist destination."

A white team member immediately retorted: "I don't like places that are too cold. How about we go to a tropical beach to relax?"

"How about Ibiza in Spain? Many celebrities from the Hollywood music industry often go there to relax."

Several people looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

One of the Chinese team members said: "Logic, are you going? Take Taylor with you. We have been working the hardest these past few months! It's time to relax."

Luo Ji said to several people: "I have something else to do, so I won't go. You can go and have fun. When you come back, the accommodation and air ticket company will reimburse you."

They are now all members of Logic Artist Management Company, the accompaniment team maintained by Luo Ji personally. They have left the music company. After all, the music company has Universal as a shareholder, and it cannot continue to be so indifferent between public and private.

"Yeah! Logic, you're the best!" All the accompaniment members cheered immediately, and everyone even wanted to come over and lift him up into the air.

Luo Ji quickly refused: "Okay, okay. Stop being pretentious. That's it."

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.There was a knock on the door.

The groom's father opened the door and walked in. He was one of the few people at the wedding banquet who knew that Logic was today's wedding band. He was arranged by the bridesmaid Robin to take care of and guide the band.

The groom's father looked like a redneck from the Midwest, with a very rough appearance. However, as an ordinary person, no matter what his political leanings were, he was obviously honored to have a big singer become his child's wedding band. Yan.

He smiled and said very politely: "Logic, the wedding oath ceremony is about to begin."


Luo Ji picked up the guitar and said to the band members, "Go and arrange the banquet venue. Bring all the instruments and playback equipment. The wedding banquet is about to start."

"Okay." The leader of the band said.

Luo Ji followed the groom Matthew's father to the chapel of the hotel. The place was filled with people in rows. Under the guidance of the groom's father, Luo Ji went to the rightmost seat in front of the chapel and sat down.

Everyone around him recognized him, and they were all shocked.However, the wedding ceremony was about to begin, so they basically restrained themselves and did not come forward to strike up a conversation.

A few people in the front row smiled and nodded to him. Luo Ji also nodded to everyone and waited quietly.

After a while, the groom Matthew, a tall man wearing a black top hat, walked in and stood in front of the church.Best man Ted was with him.Photographers are also taking pictures in one corner.

The groom's father, who was sitting in the front row, reminded: "The bride will be here soon, and the music can start."


Luo Ji took up the guitar and started playing. This was arranged by Robin. She said that the bride Lily liked the acoustic guitar best.

Wise men say, only fools rush in
The wise say that only fools are addicted to love.

But I can't help, falling in love with you
But falling in love with you is something I can't help.

Shall I stay, would it be a sin
If this is a crime, should I stop there?

If I can't help, falling in love with you
If I fall in love with you, I can't help myself.

Luo Ji played the guitar and sang "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley.

European and American wedding ceremonies are more solemn and some quiet music should be chosen.

This song is very suitable for wedding ceremonies. Its melody is "Plaisir d'amour" written by the eighteenth-century German composer Jean Martini. It is based on a classical melody and adds a solemn atmosphere to the song. , coupled with lyrics about love, gives people a classical and romantic feeling.

Luo Ji Tianqi's song "Perfect" is actually very suitable, but this song was written by him to Taylor, but Robin was here today, so he wouldn't be stupid enough to sing this song.

Take my hand, take my whole life too
Take my hand and take my whole life with you.

For I can't help, falling in love with you
Because I can't help falling in love with you.

The bride Lily walked into the church accompanied by Robin, followed by two little flower girls holding flower baskets and scattering flower petals.The bride Lily didn't notice Luo Ji who was playing and singing at all. She wore a transparent veil on her head and walked slowly towards the groom. All her eyes and love were given to the groom Matthew who was standing in front.This is a pair of true lovers.

Normally, the bride would be accompanied by her father, but now it was Robin, the bridesmaid.Luo Ji didn't need to think that her family environment must not be very good.

When the music ends, the bride and bridesmaids stand on the left, the groom and groomsmen stand on the right, and the wedding host stands in the middle.He spoke to everyone.

"As the young couple Matthew and Lily tie the knot, we are forced to ask, what is love? Love is like a stream that originates from the mountains. It can only go through thousands of miles of twists and turns and overcome countless obstacles. The obstacles finally meet and merge into a vast sea of ​​love. Love is innate and destined."

After the wedding host finished his preface, he looked at the groom Matthew: "Matthew Ericson, you are willing to accept Lily Aldrin as your legal wife in this wedding, and you are willing to love her from now on, Respect her, comfort her, care for her and be loyal to her as long as you live without any other ideas?"

"I do! I do."

"Lily Aldrin, would you like to..."

Luo Ji watched this scene, and the apocalypse suddenly appeared in his mind. It started with some scenes from a wedding, including photos, wine glasses, and flowers. Then a girl in a wedding dress appeared on the screen and danced.

hI do love you, yes I do love you
i love you yes i really love you
I'll be waiting till I hear you say I do
I will wait until the day you say yes

cause I love you, love you
Because I love you I love you very much

I'll be by your side till the day I die
I will accompany you until death

I'll be waiting till I hear you say I do
I will wait until the day you say yes

Luo Ji watched this scene quietly, thoughts swirling in his mind.Apocalypse, which has not come for a long time, has come for the second time this month.

So beautiful!
With the lyrics in his mind, Luo Ji was slightly moved when he saw the wedding scene.

Luo Ji's eyes soon stopped focusing on the bride and groom, and instead fell on Robin.She is her own goddess of luck. If she hadn't invited herself to be the band at the wedding, how could Tianqi have heard of this song?
She is really beautiful today, wearing a lavender dress, even more beautiful than the bride.

But she was a little sentimental. She was so moved by this solemn wedding ceremony that big tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

The woman's family sitting in the front row saw the bridesmaid in this state and hurriedly handed over tissues.Robin took it and wiped it. After she finished wiping it, she looked at Luo Ji with a lonely expression.

Luo Ji smiled back at her.Isn't it just a good friend getting married?As for being so moved?he thought to himself.

After not seeing each other for more than two months, Robin seems to have gained a little weight.But she looks in better shape.Luo Ji's mind began to wander. He still preferred a slightly fleshier look. Taylor was too skinny.But I heard that older people tend to gain weight.Do not know is not true.

After the wedding ceremony is over, the bride and groom leave, and then it’s time to take wedding photos.Luo Ji was instantly surrounded by wedding guests, and everyone rushed to take photos with him.

Luo Ji gave Robin enough respect, and basically everyone who came to take a photo with him was welcomed.Of course, photos with the bride and groom are also indispensable.

After working for an hour and finishing the group photo, Luo Ji finally found time to walk on the lawn with Robin and chat.They asked each other about their recent lives and work, etc.

The two of them had just been chatting happily, but Luo Ji's brain suddenly twitched for some reason and he blurted out.

"You seem to be getting fat!"

When Robin heard Luo Ji's words, he immediately looked angry.She used the boxing skills she had learned as a child and punched Luo Ji's right arm with hatred.

"Ah, I was joking. As for that?"

The beating really hurt this time. Luo Ji rubbed his sore right arm and continued to say to Robin, "You're a little presumptuous! Be careful, I'll ask my bodyguards to take care of you."

Robin became even more angry when he heard Luo Ji's words.I walked up and wanted to give him a shot.

Luo Ji immediately ran to the side and looked at Robin warily: "I don't hit women, so don't go too far. I've helped you like this today! You mean it when I say a joke."

Robin looked at Luo Ji angrily, said nothing, raised his legs and walked into the hotel.

She seemed really angry, woman, what a trouble.

Luo Ji hurriedly caught up with him, his face full of flattery: "Don't be angry..."

 I do-911
(End of this chapter)

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