New York 2006

Chapter 143 Pig Teammates

Chapter 143 Pig Teammates

Luo Ji, Braun, Fiona, John Liu, bodyguards and some people from the New York City Government.A group of more than a dozen people were walking on the road to Flushing Meadows-Corona Park.

A white lady from the New York City Government introduced: "Logic, look over there, this is the place the city government has planned for you to hold the music festival!"

Luo Ji glanced around and saw that there was a large empty lawn all around.Not far away is a large metal globe, which is a landmark building in the park.

"There are no fences here. How will you check the tickets? What will happen if you evade the fare after the music festival? This is a public park. You don't know the quality of the people of New York!"

John Liu hurriedly encouraged Luo Ji: "We can hand over its operation rights to you. Then you can renovate this area as you wish. The road facilities here are very good and the construction difficulty is particularly low. It won't cost much!"

"The renovation will cost at least 1000 million!"

Braun answered: "Music festivals can only be held a few times a year at most, and this place will not be abandoned by then. The investment in renovating this place is not small! When will we recover the cost! Unless the city government is willing to contribute part of it!"

Several city government officials looked at each other. The New York Department of Housing and Urban Development Minister was a middle-aged white man. He said: "Logic, what we want to make sure is whether the music festival will be the top one! I don't want to see that. A second-rate music festival!”

“Of course it’s the top music festival!”

Luo Ji said categorically: "I will definitely use my connections in the music industry to invite the top stars. Now I can confirm that those attending will be me, Britney, Carrie Underwood, and Taylor Swift. . I will continue to invite other stars in the future! The first lineup will definitely satisfy you!"

Several people from the New York City Government nodded. These singers were already quite famous. In this way, they were much higher than the Lollapalooza Music Festival in Chicago.

The middle-aged white man looked at Luo Ji and said seriously: "It is impossible for the government to fund now. You also know that it is a subprime mortgage crisis. Ordinary people hate capitalists, not to mention you are a billionaire. If the city government funds He will definitely be scolded by the people, who are very reluctant to see taxpayers’ money being handed over to capitalists.”


"Although we can't contribute capital, we can ask the city government to give SB Live Performance Company a low-interest loan and give the music festival a tax exemption for three years!"

The conditions were actually not bad. Luo Ji looked at John Liu, who winked at Luo Ji quietly, and Braun nodded.

Luo Ji extended his hand to shake the middle-aged white man's hand: "Happy cooperation!"

"It's a pleasure to work with you, Logic. You can't go wrong with this business. Think about it, although there is a lot of initial investment, New York still doesn't have a large-scale music festival that can be called a name. The consumption of New York people is not low, as long as your If the music festival is successful, many people will definitely come here. Usually you can also find those young singers to attract people to come."

Luo Ji said seriously: "This is a win-win situation. I will definitely make this music festival a business card of New York!"

"Hahaha, I'm looking forward to that day!" the middle-aged white man said, and patted Luo Ji on the shoulder with a smile: "You are very good, Logic! Work hard, it will be good for you and New York City!"

"He is still responsible for specific matters. I am just a shareholder."

Luo Ji introduced Braun from SB Live Performance Company to him: "This is the CEO of the company. His qualifications are not low. He is responsible for my concerts..."

Luo Ji is mainly responsible for recruiting people today. He is a big singer and has persuasive power.But Braun is still responsible for the specific subsequent negotiations and contacts!

After finishing all this, Luo Ji, John Liu and others and Braun visited SB Company in Queens for more than 20 minutes. After accepting photo interviews with reporters, the New York City Department of Urban Development Minister and other government officials took their leave.

Watching the New York Minister of Urban Development leave, Luo Ji whispered to Braun: "Let the company donate some money to him when the time comes!"

"I see!"

"Then go and do your work. Work hard!"

Luo Ji imitated the actions of the middle-aged white man just now, and patted Braun on the shoulder in a mature manner: "You will have to work hard next!"

Braun was a little surprised, then nodded to Luo Ji and left.

After finishing all this, Fiona took out a newspaper and handed it to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji came to a place with John Liu and handed him the newspaper: "Did you read this news? The Republican Party has taken action."

The newspaper was the Wall Street Journal, and the headline was an unlikely figure who financed Ms. Clinton's presidential campaign.

The content inside details the political donations made by Xu Yongqian to her, which contains potential campaign finance violations.

John Liu took it and took a look: "I've seen it. It said that Xu Yongqian's "binder" donor has donated more than 20 yuan to Democratic candidates in the past few years, but his income is very meager, so it is impossible for him to donate so much." How much money! But this is not a big deal. This "bundler" is a gift shop owner. There will definitely be no problems with Xu's fund transfer. After all, he has been in this industry for several years, so there is no way he would make such a small mistake. "

"That's just chasing rumors. But this is the Wall Street Journal, the mouthpiece newspaper of the Republican Party. They can't fight an uncertain battle. Does Xu Yongqian have any leverage in their hands, and there will be follow-up offensives!"

Luo Ji was a little anxious. He always considered the worst-case scenario: "He is a "broker" between the Chinese and the Democratic Party. If something happens to him, it will affect the confidence of the Democratic Party figures in the Chinese! This is no small matter!"

John Liu is considered a leading figure in the Chinese political circles in New York. After Luo Ji reminded him, he became vigilant: "We need to ask him first!"

At the Manhattan Chinese Association, Luo Ji, Lin Qingji, John Liu, Xu Yongqian and some leading Chinese figures in New York gathered together.

John Liu looked serious: "Are you sure you're fine? Xu Yongqian!"

Xu Yongqian pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses with an angry expression: "It's all smeared by the Wall Street Journal. I'm [-]% sure that I did it very cleanly and there will be absolutely no problems with campaign funds. I have been in this industry for five years. Do you still doubt me about this little thing?"

John Liu said seriously: "We have no doubt that there is a problem with your operation, but this time it was reported by the Wall Street Journal, and it is very likely that the entire Republican Party is behind it. You said that they would be stupid enough to win on an issue that is impossible to win. Are you entangled? They must have a back-up plan!"

Xu Yongqian touched the non-existent beads of sweat on his forehead: "I have absolutely no problem!"

John Liu noticed something unusual, and he whispered: "If you confess something as soon as possible, maybe we can help you. This is not a trivial matter, and you know the stakes! To you, to the entire ethnic group, and to the Democratic Party .This is no small matter.”

"I..." Xu Yongqian's expression was painful!

"What on earth is going on?" John Liu asked.

He took out a bottle of OxyContin from his pocket, opened it shakily and took a piece.His image is completely different from the elegant and easy-going person before.

After taking the prescribed medicine, his mood stabilized: "When I was in Los Angeles in 1989, I raised 100 million yuan from investors and started a latex glove business. As a result, the business failed and these people falsely accused me. I was confused at the time. , and reached a plea agreement with the prosecutor. At that time, I had to serve three years in prison, but I regretted it again, so I escaped."

This news shocked everyone, and everyone looked at each other in disbelief.Luo Ji also looked at him in shock.

John Liu held back his anger: "You mean, you are still a fugitive?"


"Fxxk!" John Liu, who had always shown himself to be calm, said a curse word, and everyone in the room fell into silence.

Just then there was a knock on the door.A Chinese girl walked in. Luo Ji recognized her. She was Grace Meng, a descendant of a Chinese political family in New York.

She looked at the crowd and said, "Ms. Clinton's campaign spokesman Wolf just spoke to the media, saying that Mr. Xu is a generous supporter of the Democratic Party and its candidates for a long time, and has always been honest and trustworthy and abides by the rules of the game."

Regardless of whether Ms. Clinton is aware of the inside story of these things, it is necessary for politicians to support the donors, and she must take a stance as soon as possible!
The Republican Party is obviously going after her this time. Xu Yongqian danced happily in her presidential campaign fundraising!

John Liu once again swore: "Fxxk! Once your fugitive identity is announced, these people will definitely cut off from you. You will make these politicians lose their confidence in Chinese Americans."

Luo Ji got over his initial surprise, but now he calmed down. He was keenly aware that something was wrong: "Mr. Xu, for what reason were you prosecuted last century?"

Xu Yongqian was stunned for a moment, and then said vaguely: "It's just improper use of funds."

Luo Ji took out his cell phone and shook it: "Do you want me to call Judy Zhao in Los Angeles to consult? As long as it's recorded, it's not difficult to check!"

Xu Yongqian looked at Luo Ji, was silent for a while and said, "Ponzi scheme."

Lin Qingji was immediately shocked: "Then your current fund is also a Ponzi scheme. I also invested 100 million yuan in your fund!"

Xu Yongqian said nothing, indicating her acquiescence!

Others opened their mouths and realized that this glamorous man turned out to be a liar!Everyone couldn't believe it.

Luo Ji curled his lips and looked relatively calm!

He met a Ponzi scheme scammer some time ago, Martin Channing, the father of Max's friend Caroline.Before the accident, he was well-dressed and always a guest wherever he went.

Luo Ji was not surprised by the Ponzi scheme, but he had doubts about the abilities of this group of Chinese Americans.

How unreliable are Chinese Americans to allow such a person to become a "broker" of the Democratic Party!Why don't you review such an important position?These people are simply pig teammates!

Everyone looked at John Liu.It’s up to him to decide how to deal with it in the end!

John Liu calmed down: "If you don't want to commit suicide, don't think about escaping. Go to Los Angeles and surrender in two days!"

Xu Yongqian's face was filled with despair: "I won't do it!"


I wonder if John Liu is bragging!Now that Xu Yongqian is being targeted by the Republican Party, no one would dare to do this!
John Liu began to deal with the aftermath. He was very thoughtful and asked Xu Yongqian's illegal behavior carefully.Xu Yongqian seemed to have broken a jar, shaking everything out.

"I used to use words to lure investors, which could bring them higher returns and get them to donate to Democratic politicians. But I estimate that after my identity as a fugitive is announced, they will definitely bite me back and say that I forced them! "

"When they see my photos with those big shots, they will naturally believe that I can bring them huge benefits. Just like you, when you saw me standing with Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, you didn't accept it Me? Let me occupy such an important position."

"It's like an addiction. You can't quit it. After you become famous, everyone will please you and compliment you. This feeling is addictive and you can't stop! I used to chat and laugh with big shots, but I can no longer stand being an ordinary person!"

"Mr. Clinton, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerry, Japanese-American California Democratic Representative Mrs. Matsui, next year's presidential candidate Ms. Clinton, Chicago's Senator Barack MP..."

Good guy, I don’t know how many people this guy has donated to.

This suddenly involved a large number of Democratic Party figures.When the news breaks, the Republican Party will definitely attack on a large scale.

This man is also a showman and shows up in the media everywhere for fear that others will not know about him.But think about it, how can you maintain a Ponzi scheme without being high-profile!

John Liu looked serious: "Who is involved in your current Ponzi scheme?"

"Mainly some white people, and a small amount of Chinese. The more famous ones include Joel Rosenman, the founder of Woodstock, and Alex Evig of Briarwood Investment Partners. I am all through Pennsylvania. The state governor knows him! They invested 80%.”

After Xu Yongqian finished speaking, he looked at Lin Qingji and said, "I will return your 100 million to you later."

Lin Qingji nodded, and John Liu asked the most important question: "How much money are you losing now?"

"8000 million!"

Everyone in the scene was dumbfounded. The aftermath was about to begin. Some people looked at Luo Ji, and a few others looked at other rich Chinese people.

Luo Ji pretended not to see it.Although he has money, he will not take over this mess.

Xu Yongqian's loopholes are too big. The Republican Party is taking action this time. They definitely don't want to see anyone trying to plug the loopholes.

They want to use Xu Yongqian, an important "fundraiser" of the Democratic Party, to attack those big figures in the Democratic Party.

They must already have evidence in their hands, and whoever wants to stop them is their enemy.Luo Ji had no interest in provoking such a behemoth as the Republican Party for the time being.

Everyone else fell silent. John Liu also knew the danger and did not mention the aftermath.

He looked at Xu Yongqian helplessly: "No one can help you this time. The last thing you can contribute to the ethnic group is that you can't admit campaign finance fraud even if you are killed. Do you understand?"

Xu Yongqian looked pained: "I know this better than anyone else! I don't want to die in prison yet!"

Luo Ji suddenly remembered when he was smeared by Universal Music. He looked at Xu Yongqian and said, "Mr. Xu, do you still remember how I fought back when I was smeared by Universal Music?"


"Maybe you should do that."

Luo Ji then spoke: "The only purpose of the Republican Party now is to use public opinion to attack the Democratic Party through your affairs. Next year's presidential election is their purpose. You are now more high-profile than before. You are said to have been racially profiled, because The Republican Party slandered you because of your identity! Because you donated money to the Democratic Party, the Republican Party attacked you through the Wall Street Journal!"

"I have committed enough crimes to put me in jail, so what's the use? In the end, we have to come back to the evidence!"

"At the very least, you gave the Democratic Party an excuse to muddy the waters. This way you won't be abandoned immediately by the Democratic Party, and they will give you some help!"

Luo Ji paused and continued: "Sometimes facts don't matter, public opinion does!"

(End of this chapter)

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