New York 2006

Chapter 150 The Game of Hollywood

Chapter 150 The Game of Hollywood
"Logic, what do you think about Netflix's stock rising by 10% during this period after you spoke in the media a few days ago?"

In Burbank, Los Angeles, Luo Ji got out of the car and was about to walk into Logic Film and Television when he was blocked by a group of financial media reporters and entertainment reporters.The bodyguards wanted to move forward to drive away the reporters, but Luo Ji waved his hand to stop them.

"I can only say that these investors are very smart and have the same forward-looking vision as me. There are few people who understand streaming media better than me. I have done in-depth research and they believe that I am not wrong."

Luo Ji wore a crisp suit, faced the camera confidently, and posed in his most handsome pose.

The reporters immediately seemed to be on stimulants and kept snapping pictures.Luo Ji asked everyone to take enough photos before planning to leave.

"Logic, when Paris Hilton was interviewed by the media, she said that you were a gentleman and that she liked you very much. Do you have anything to say?"

"Logic, do you have anything to say about Silverman's silence during this time?"

"Logic, you and Taylor haven't appeared publicly in the media for a long time. Is there something wrong with your relationship?"

Luo Ji immediately turned back: "She and I have a very good relationship, please don't make random guesses! She is currently recording her EP and is quite busy. I am also busy with my movie "Twilight", so the time for us to meet is relatively short. few."

"Logic, what do you want to say about your movie Twilight?"

If you had asked this kind of question earlier, wouldn't I be able to tell you all morning?
Luo Ji stopped quickly: "Now the writing of the script has come to an end, the director has been selected, the filming plan has been put on the schedule, and the funds have been secured. I am very confident in the movie..."

Luo Ji started talking at length and couldn't stop talking.A reporter finally grew impatient and shouted.

"Logic, the New York Post did a survey and interviewed more than 100 teenage girls, and they all said that your album "16" did not satisfy them. There were also votes on Reddit and 4chan forums. Most people said they were dissatisfied with your album "[-]". You’re not happy with your album.”

The reporter continued: "Logic, you told the media that if your album does not satisfy the majority of people, you will run naked for ten kilometers on Broadway. When do you plan to fulfill this promise now?"

Luo Ji suddenly felt as if he had eaten Sxxt, frowning, waving his hands and walking towards the company without looking back.When we arrived at the company, Zhu Haowei, the company's producer in charge, walked up.

Zhu Haowei said: "Boss, representatives from MTV Movies, Summit Entertainment, and Thomas Tull, the boss of Legendary Pictures, are all here."

"Okay, you go help first, I'll call you later!"

Luo Ji walked into the conference room alone, smiled and shook hands with several people.He acted very confident: "Haven't the funds been in place? I wonder what you want from me today?"

Thomas Tull, the boss of Legendary Pictures, said: "We are looking for you this time because the Writers Guild is looking for you."

Luo Ji was confused: "They contacted me two days ago, and I have agreed to meet with them. Are there any questions?"

"Of course there is a problem! And it's a big problem!"

Thomas Tull continued: "Now the American Film and Television Studio Alliance AMPTP is in collective bargaining with the American Writers and Screenwriters Guild WGA. They are very likely to find you as a breakthrough. You have just joined Hollywood, you are young, and it is easier to persuade."

The American Film and Television Studios Alliance, whose members are basically American film and television production companies.The main members are major American television networks and the six major Hollywood film studios.There are more than 300 members in total, representing the interests of film and television companies.

Others, such as producers, actors, soundtracks, directors, screenwriters and other unions, represent the interests of various workers in Hollywood.

The contract signed between Luo Ji's film company and "Twilight" novel author Stephanie, screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, director Catherine Hardwicke, and actor Kristen Stewart is a film and television production company. A standard contract negotiated collectively by the Studio Alliance AMPTP and other unions.

"What does this matter have to do with me? My company is not a member of the American Film and Television Studios Alliance. And only the Alliance has the right to make the decision. Even if they convince me, what's the use?" Luo Ji asked in confusion.

A representative of MTV Films said sternly: "Our film "Twilight" has a relatively large investment, and it is a union film. If they convince you to modify the contract, your film company can provide them with public opinion support. This will make us very passive.”

The representative of Summit Entertainment said: "You don't want to offend the MPAA. They have mastered the rating system. How much profit will be lost if they upgrade our movie to a higher rating?"

MPAA is the Motion Picture Association of America, controlled by the six major Hollywood companies. AMPTP, the American Film and Television Studios Alliance, is their affiliated organization.

Luo Ji rolled his eyes and showed off his acting skills.He said distressedly: "I'm not good at rejecting others. Why don't you ask the Studio Alliance to accept my company into the alliance? The Screenwriters Guild came to me and asked them to find AMPTP. This saves trouble and no one is worried." "

Thomas Tull smiled and said: "Well, originally, a company with at least one film and TV series production was required to enter, but now is a special period. I will help you pass the message, and they should not refuse."

"Thank you, Tur."

Luo Ji then asked, "What is the Screenwriters Guild's request this time? They just love going on strike!"

Thomas Tull said bitterly: "They want to increase the share of DVDs from 0.3% to 0.6%."

Luo Ji said angrily: "This is too much! What do these writers union people think? Now that film and television production and marketing costs are rising, this income can just make up for it. And in the first half of this year DVD sales have dropped!"

A representative of Summit Entertainment explained: "They are not just asking for these, they also want to include new media, Internet downloads, IPTV, streaming media, smartphones. Direct-to-Internet content and other on-demand online distribution methods, as well as cable Video on demand on TV and satellite TV and more.”

Luo Ji rubbed his chin and thought for a moment: "Our core appeal is still DVD, right! This is huge revenue. Now the revenue of DVD studios has exceeded the box office revenue."

"Yes." Thomas Tull said seriously: "We will not compromise on this point."

After everyone finished chatting, they started talking about the "Twilight" movie project.

If the "Twilight" movie succeeds in the future series of movies, Logic Pictures will account for 77%, Legendary Pictures will account for 10%, MTV Movies will account for 10%, and Summit Entertainment will account for 3%.The production cost, including the money to buy the script, reached 5000 million US dollars, and Logic Pictures needed to invest 3850 million US dollars.

Luo Ji had previously sent over 1000 million dollars for preliminary preparations.Recently, he took out another 3000 million from the [-] million in cash, and the money from other partners has also been paid into an account jointly supervised by Logic Pictures, Legendary Pictures and MTV Movies.

The project is controlled by Logic Films, who has the final say.This makes the other three parties unhappy.They had rushed in because the game sold well in the first week.Now they may regret it. This is a movie in which the singer invested and starred, and is a project that Hollywood avoids.What makes them even more uncomfortable is that the movie still has a vampire theme that has not performed well in recent years.

Regret is regret, but this has become a fact, and everyone must work together.Luo Ji called producer Zhu Haowei in. He introduced the current situation of the film and then spoke.

"Before the filming of the movie starts, a distributor must be secured. Otherwise, the arrangement will be a bit tight. The ones currently interested in distributing are Summit Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures and Warner Pictures. Warner Pictures offers the best conditions , they are willing to make a commitment to open a minimum of 1500 cinemas,"

Luo Ji had already excluded Paramount and Summit Entertainment from his mind. Both of them had once had the possibility of filming "The Twilight Saga" and had competed with Luo Ji. There was no guarantee that when the movie became a hit, their inner imbalance would cause harm.

Luo Ji said: "The schedule must be in the summer or Christmas time. Most of Stephanie's "Twilight" groups are teenagers. Only at this time do they go to the cinema during the holidays. Other times are meaningless, and the movie-watching groups do not overlap. Picture Er, I would also like to trouble you to communicate with Warner Pictures. I will continue to let Zhu negotiate with other film companies."

"Okay, I'll ask Warner Pictures."

After Thomas Tull finished speaking, he smiled and said: "Logic, don't worry, our interests are the same. I will definitely help us get the best distribution contract."

"OK, I believe you!"

Two days later, in the conference room of Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, Los Angeles, employees from Jamie Hollywood Law Firm read the contract and said there were no problems.Luo Ji read the distribution contract carefully again before signing it.

"Happy cooperation!"

From now on, all Twilight movies will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.After bidding farewell to Warner Pictures, Luo Ji and Zhu Haowei walked out of the building and prepared to return to the company.Their car is parked outside.

Zhu Haowei said: "Today, people from the Writers Guild came to the company to see you again. The novel author Stephanie and the screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg also want to see you. They are both members of the Screenwriters and Writers Guild, and they may be here to intercede. Yes. Boss, procrastinating like this is not the answer, it may affect the progress of the film shooting. And they may have other ideas."

Luo Ji walked into the car and sat down: "Okay, then you can arrange for us to meet at the company!"

In the conference room of Logic Pictures, Luo Ji took the initiative and asked the two women opposite: "Stephanie, Melissa, it's been a few months, haven't you finished the script yet?"

Melissa is the lead writer and Stephanie is the assistant.Both of them are working from home during this period and rarely visit the company.

Melissa said: "Logic, it will probably take some time before the script is completed!"

"It's been almost five months!"

Luo Ji said seriously: "This is not asking you to re-create a script, I am asking you to adapt a novel. I can understand striving for perfection. But the progress of you and Stephanie is too slow! I have heard about screenwriters and writers The union is currently engaged in collective bargaining. Do you have other ideas? Thinking about going on strike? Or wait until the collective bargaining ends to renegotiate the contract with me?"

If collective bargaining really breaks down, they must go on strike!
Stephanie quickly expressed her position: "No, no, I hope the crew will start quickly. My biggest wish is to turn my novel into a film and television. The reason why the progress is slow is because the script adaptation has encountered difficulties. Because of your identity, we have to deal with Make some changes to the background of the vampire character’s family.”

He really had a misunderstanding, but as a boss he would not admit his mistake: "Then how long will it take? We can't keep delaying it!"

"It will take a week at most, and we have reached the final stage."

Melissa then said: "Logic, you don't have to doubt me about strikes or anything like that. I really don't have that kind of mentality. I don't care much about the struggles at the top. I have no income once the strike happens, so how can I support it. This collective bargaining was instigated by the veteran screenwriters and writers, who control the union. We newcomers, editors and writers, support their collective bargaining, but not their strike. However, we newcomers have relatively low influence in the union and cannot decide the union. direction."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"The Screenwriters and Writers Guild asked us to intercede with you and let you meet them. They said you agreed to the meeting request before, but now you are avoiding them."


Luo Ji said, "I'm giving you this face. But I want to make it clear first that I can't be a traitor, otherwise it will be very detrimental to our movie."

Stephanie said, "Okay, we just have a message."

Three people came from the Writers Guild, all old white men, the more famous of whom was David Cape.

His works include "War of the Worlds", "Jurassic Park", "Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World", "Phantom", "Mission: Impossible", and "Spider-Man".He is a well-known screenwriter of commercial blockbusters in Hollywood.

David Cape said seriously: "Logic, you support workers, right?"

"Of course. Of course I support workers fighting for their own interests."

Luo Ji continued: "But I can't help it. My company is a member of the Film and Television Producers Alliance AMPTP. I can't negotiate or reach any agreement with you in private."

David Cape was surprised: "When did this happen? Your company was not a member of the alliance before!"

"My company joined yesterday."

David Cape immediately shouted: "Damn it, there must be traitors among us. As long as we make a move, they will always receive news! This time we must let them understand our will. If the collective bargaining fails, we will Strike, no compromise!”


Luo Ji watched with a smile as several people from the Writers Guild disappeared. He took out his cell phone and called the president of Netflix, Reed Hastings.

"Pay attention to the collective bargaining happening in Hollywood, and be careful that AMPTP sells out the interests of the Internet to satisfy the Screenwriters and Writers Guild!"

(End of this chapter)

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