New York 2006

Chapter 152 Logic’s Influence

Chapter 152 Logic’s Influence
On September 2007, 9, Luo Ji was interviewed by mainstream American media because of his sales of tens of millions.He and Fiona were staying in the office of Logic Pictures. It was noisy outside and the employees were busy, but Luo Ji was leisurely looking at the results of the interviews and the Wall Street Day reports over the past few days.

After reading the report, he was already happy, but he kept a calm face and said in an unhurried manner: "The good news about me during this period has almost made me sick. Is there any negative news about me?"

“Mainstream newspapers don’t have that.”

Fiona said casually, without raising her head, and was reading the English global version of Forbes magazine with great interest.From time to time he would raise his head to look at Luo Ji.

The cover of the magazine showed a photo of Luo Ji, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a dark background. There was a little stubble on his mouth, making him look a little more mature.He looks like a domineering president and a successful person.It also has the text "I never invest in the present, I invest in the future!"

Fiona looked at "Forbes" magazine and read: "I don't like investing in the present. It's not interesting. Making money is too easy for me. I like investing in the future and want to make a contribution to the reform of the industry." Contribution. Like Apple’s smartphones, Netflix’s streaming media, SolarCity’s clean energy, Amazon’s e-commerce, Booking Holdings’ internet travel. And of course my own technology and music company, Holi Games’ social free games and me The electronic music strategy of the old music company.”

Fiona put down the magazine and said, "Feili, is what you told the media true? I have saved a lot of money during this period, can I also buy these stocks?"

Luo Ji said seriously: "Of course, but if you want to invest, just invest your money directly in my investment company! The financial policy of the United States is still too unfriendly to individual investors. I have suffered such losses before."

Fiona smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Fili!"

"Hahaha, it would be nice if you were more gentle with me."

After Luo Ji finished speaking with a smile, he took out a beautifully wrapped box from his pocket and handed it to Fiona: "Yes, it's for you."

"What is it?" Fiona took it in confusion.

"Cartier women's watch."

Fiona immediately took it apart, couldn't put it down and fumbled with it, then put it on her hand and showed it to Luo Ji: "Does it look good?"


Luo Ji continued to pretend, "But luxury goods are mainly about style. They are used to show a person's status, which is relatively vain. I don't care about this. My face is the biggest luxury item."

Just when Fiona was about to scold Luo Ji for not showing off, she touched the watch on her wrist again.Finally, he walked up and kissed Luo Ji on the face.

"Thank you."

at this time.Agent Braun opened the door and came in just in time to hear it, so he answered: "The French are good at making luxury goods. Their luxury goods have the greatest influence in Ome. Several members of the Bourbon dynasty back then The extravagant life of Emperor Louis made the monarchs of various European countries envious, so the influence of French luxury goods spread in Europe. From then on, French luxury goods became the benchmark in Europe, and their high style was established in the hearts of the European people. But what I didn’t expect was that this kind of kindness would also affect France today.”

Luo Ji complained: "It's a pity that Louis XVI was guillotined!"

"You have such a venomous tongue!"

Luo Ji looked at Fiona with a smile: "Didn't you learn this from Fiona?"

Fiona immediately laughed: "It seems that you have learned the essence of me, nephew."

Braun then said seriously: "Your documentary has been broadcast, and it is the same as the version we saw before. MTV has abided by our agreement, and there is no negative report about you in it."

"Have MTV's ratings improved?"

Braun said flatteringly: "Of course, there is no doubt about your current fame. There are 300 million more views than usual. After you sold tens of millions of copies, everyone is curious about your experience of becoming famous. MTV's documentary is the most popular one right now. Detailed, a detailed record of your growth experience from childhood to adulthood. Very positive. You are a billionaire and a big singer who came out of the slums. It is very inspirational and one of the best representatives of the American dream. I have done research. , now everyone’s evaluation of you has reached the highest level ever.”

Finally, Braun added: "Of course, if you can restrain your big mouth, more people will like you!"

Luo Ji retorted: "Without my big mouth, how could I have the influence and media exposure I have now? The media doesn't like to report on a good boy. They naturally like controversial figures, like Turner. I didn't see it Has Netflix’s stock price increased by 20% during this period? My influence is spreading step by step.”

Braun rarely said something venomous: "What does that have to do with you? Netflix's semi-annual report is obviously out. Their user growth rate exceeded market expectations."

"This does not represent my foresight. The influence is built step by step." Luo Ji continued: "During this period, the stocks I bought have all risen to varying degrees! Many people responded to my call. Call.”

Braun earnestly advised: "There are always two sides to everything. When the stock rises, everyone will support you, but when the stock falls, those who follow you to buy stocks will resent you. The media will also attack you. You are a singer. , you naturally want to please the majority of people, and you can make money easily, so why would you put yourself in such a dangerous situation!"

Luo Ji said seriously: "You don't understand. I want such influence for other purposes. Don't try to persuade me."

Seeing that Luo Ji couldn't speak, Braun turned to Fiona for help.

Fiona curled her lips: "If I can persuade him, do I still need to ask you to come over?" Braun then said: "Forget it, I can't persuade you either."

"It's best this way, Braun. I'm very sensible. Don't think I'm messing around." After Luo Ji finished speaking, he repeated what he said before: "I want my influence to be used for other purposes."


Braun continued to talk about topics related to the entertainment industry: "Your appearance on the Oprah talk show has been broadcast, and the ratings are very high. It has created the best ratings this year, and your influence in the media is increasing. Expanding step by step. American housewives’ impression of you is improving step by step, and your evaluation among them is getting higher and higher. But..."

"But what?"

Braun whispered: "I received news and heard from others that Oprah complained about you in private, saying that you did not cooperate with her."

Luo Ji started to explain: "Her program is just Chicken Soup for the Soul, and she wanted some touching scenes. She wanted me to cry in front of the program when she talked about the tragic experiences I had as a teenager. My experiences as a child didn't mean anything to me. So miserable, at most I am poor. Not to mention that I don’t have such good acting skills. Even if I had such good acting skills, I would not cry in front of the media. I am now establishing my image as a successful person. What I want is A strong person will not cry in front of the public to gain sympathy. Human beings love to be strong!"

Braun opened his mouth to say something, then gave up after thinking about it.

Luo Ji then whispered, "There is another reason."

"what reason?"

Luo Ji lowered his voice and said, "While the show was being recorded, Oprah raided me and took away the moral high ground of mutual support among ethnic minorities. She wanted me to express my stance in front of the media to support Barack, who is also a minority, in his candidacy for senator. president."

Braun said nervously: "You have a great influence among East Asians. She may very well want to use you to influence some East Asian votes. You haven't expressed your stance!"

Luo Ji said proudly, "Fortunately, I reacted quickly and excused myself by saying that I was young and didn't know much about politics. I guess she didn't record the material she wanted, so it wasn't broadcast on the show."

Braun continued: "You must never express your support for the Democratic Party on any occasion. Look at Xu Yongqian. Although he shouted in the media that he was racially profiled and politically hunted, he was still punished by the Republican Party and had to serve five years in prison. You are a big singer and your influence is very high. It is one thing for you to donate to Democratic politicians, but if you express your support for them in front of the media, the Republican Party will definitely take action against you. Think of the Dixie Chicks, they will take action against their own people, and even more Don’t tell me that you…”

Luo Ji's eyes became sharp, but then he hid them and softened, and he murmured, "I know."

Although Xu Yongqian shouted in the media that she was being hunted by politics, she also caused some waves.But his ass is so dirty.In the end, he was sent to prison by the Republican Party.

However, his political pursuit in the media was effective. Luo Ji heard Lin Qingji say that in order to silence him in the media, the Republican Party quickly completed its attack on the Democratic Party and reduced the 24-year sentence to 5 years. And as long as If he serves two years in prison, he will be released on parole.

But because Xu Yongqian was surrounded by lawyers from the Democratic Party, he did not dare to rebel.In the end, the Republican Party did not gain the advantage of public opinion in the media.

As long as Fox says that Xu Yongqian's butt is not clean, there will be problems with political donations to the Democratic Party. CNN said this was a political hunt.This media offensive and defensive war launched by the Republican Party was a bit anticlimactic, with the two parties fighting a [-]-[-] split.

Even when the news of Xu Yongqian's fugitive identity first came out, Democratic politicians who planned to quickly cut off from Xu Yongqian and return Xu Yongqian's political donations, such as Ms. Clinton and the governor of Pennsylvania, gave up their thoughts and began to defend him.

The Democratic Party's crisis of confidence in Chinese Americans has been minimized.Xu Yongqian's network was quickly taken over by John Liu's campaign assistant Ellen Young.

Chinese Americans in New York, Los Angeles and other places have also organized protests for a period of time, mainly due to media reports from the Democratic Party.However, the TV station also has to consider the ratings. After protesting for a period of time, the ratings were very poor. The American people usually don’t care about the small transparent groups in the United States. The media reports are getting less and less. In addition, Xu Yongqian has pleaded guilty. In the end, everyone also They all gave up their protest.

The main reason is that Xu Yongqian's butt is too dirty. If he were a normal person, this incident would be handled more perfectly.

Luo Ji said fiercely: "Damn it!"

Fiona asked: "What the hell?"

Luo Ji said casually, "It's okay."

Fiona didn't pay attention and was very excited: "Then let's go out. There are many beautiful and handsome guys outside. I want to go take a look."

Luo Ji took out his phone and checked the time: "Okay, it's time."

"Logic, Logic, Logic..."

Luo Ji was instantly surrounded by countless young and beautiful beauties.

(End of this chapter)

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