New York 2006

Chapter 154 Isn’t this perverted?

Chapter 154 Isn’t this perverted?

After seven busy days in Hollywood, it's already October, and the casting for "The Twilight Saga" is finally over.There was a large group of more than a dozen men, women and children, representatives of three film companies involved in the production and investment, five casting directors, the film production team formed by director Catherine, and an old white man who distributed the film from Warner Bros.Gathered in the Logic Films conference room.

Most people had smiles on their faces, except for a few older white men who were not too happy.Luo Ji curled his lips and cursed these stubborn old men in his mind.

"Then let the meeting begin." Director Catherine spoke.

Catherine is over 50 years old. Although she does not have many works, she has rich shooting experience and everyone is quite satisfied.Except Constance Wu.Austin Stewart, and Ludacris who later found Luo Ji.

For other roles, Luo Ji supported director Catherine's decision, and with Zhu Haowei's support, with a 3:2 casting ratio, the entire casting was considered a continuation of director Catherine's will.Now she has become the person with the greatest say in the crew.

There is a blackboard in front of the conference room, which is covered with photos of the actors, with the corresponding names of the characters written around it.There are about 30 named people in this movie.

Director Catherine continued: "Then the casting is over and the role is decided. Do you have any other opinions? If not, you will sign a contract with them."

"no problem."


"You decide."

The filming director team formed by Catherine, producers Zhu Haowei, Luo Ji, and Thomas Tull all immediately supported it.

Stephanie, the author of the novel, also spoke in support: "No objection."

Stephanie's words now carry a lot of weight and her stance is powerful.After the release of her third novel, "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," sales were much better than before, and it topped the New York bestseller list many times.

As book sales increase, the outside world is increasingly optimistic about the "Twilight" movie.

If successful, it could become a successful film series.This also made other participants pay more and more attention to the project.

The old white man from Warner Bros. said: "The races of many characters have changed. Will this cause dissatisfaction among fans of the novel?"

Isn't this aimed at me?Just as Luo Ji was about to retort, Zhu Haowei stopped him and whispered, "Don't offend the publishing company."

Director Catherine said seriously: "I think it's just right. Racial equality is a major trend now, and the willingness of ethnic minorities in the United States to watch movies is increasing rapidly. The adaptation of this book is just right, and it perfectly fits this general trend. I believe that ethnic minorities The willingness to watch movies will be greatly stimulated.”

Director Catherine, as a Jew, is obviously happy to see such a work come out.

Stephanie also spoke up to support: "I think Logic is very suitable for Edward. If you look at his usual photos, he looks handsome, cool and seldom smiles, and gives off a very strong temperament. He looks quite white, and if he looks a little bit... The make-up makes him the perfect vampire Edward. I also looked at the makeup photos, he looks like he stepped out of a book."

Zhu Haowei took out his notebook and opened it and explained: "Speaking of the makeup photos, we did a poll after posting the photos on Reddit. More than 80% of people agreed, thinking that Logic is very suitable for Edward. In line with Logic's popularity in reality , I believe many of his fans will definitely be willing to go to the cinema for him."

The old white man from Warner curled his lips and continued: "I didn't talk about Logic, I talked about other people. I completely agree with Logic's popularity and appearance."

Director Catherine continued: "The main changes are the werewolf family and some minor characters. The other characters remain the same, and the overall changes are not big! We also discussed the changes to the werewolf family with the novel author Stephanie, and she decided to introduce werewolves and vampires It is the origin of the feud, and the three of them, Edward, Bella, and Jacob, will be the introduction to the complete reconciliation of the two ethnic groups."

In European and American literature, vampires and werewolves are basically twin brothers. One was bitten by a bat and turned into a vampire, and the other was bitten by a hungry wolf and turned into a werewolf.Later, the two bit others, which led to the proliferation of vampires and werewolves. The vampires initially regarded werewolves as slaves and beasts, and then the werewolves rebelled.The two races began a long century of war.

Thomas Tull became interested and asked: "How to say?"

Catherine explained: "Our movie has more descriptions of the world view than the novel. The vampires and werewolves were originally feuding and have been at war for thousands of years. But as human power increased, the two races could only sign a truce treaty. And Bella and Edward's child is the key to reconciliation between the two parties."

"At the end of the first part, it will be released in the form of an easter egg in the form of Alice's dream with the power of prophecy. The vampire never sleeps, but when she does, I believe it will arouse the interest of many people."

Luo Ji started to draw the pie: "From the very beginning, I planned to make this into a series of movies, so I had all the considerations in mind. My goal is to make this series as high as Harry Potter. "

The old white man from Warner sneered: "Just this romantic vampire love story? A love triangle?"

Luo Ji said seriously: "It doesn't stop us from thinking about it, what if it comes true? Don't you Warner, Harry Potter, know how profitable the Harry Potter series of movies is? My prediction for Netflix has now increased by 30%. My other investments have also increased by more than 10% during this period. Everything I said has come true. Don’t forget that your issuance has a 30% profit.”

The old white man from Warner looked at Luo Ji solemnly, and then said seriously: "Then I have no objection."

Successful people always speak more convincingly than others!

Director Catherine smiled and said to everyone: "Then it's settled!"

Luo Ji looked at the photo wall, which was filled with lists of actors and actresses.Eric, the East Asian classmate beside the heroine Bella, is played by Remy Hii, who was recommended by Zhu Haowei.He was a Malay Chinese. Luo Ji liked this young man very much and was very polite.

Charlie, the white classmate beside the heroine Bella, is played by Austin Swift. At 15 years old, he looks slightly more mature than Luo Ji.White people mature relatively quickly, and Leonardo's delicate face when he was young is more unique.

Vampire Family: Logic plays the vampire Edward (who has the ability to read minds), Constance Wu plays the vampire Esme (the female leader of the family), Peter Facinelli plays the vampire Karen (the male leader of the family), and Ashley Greene plays the prophecy The capable vampire Alice stars Jackson Rathbone as the vampire Jasper, Oscar Isaac (Latino) as the vampire Emmett, and Nikki Reed as Rosalie.

The Werewolf Family: Taylor Lautner (mixed race) plays the werewolf Jacob, Mike Welch (white) plays the werewolf Sam, Eddie Gaethje (black) plays the werewolf Bronson, John Finn (Chinese) Played by Bronson.

Bella's besties: Anna Kendrick plays Jessica and Christie Serratus plays Angela.

Vampire villains: Rachel LeFevre as Victoria, Cam Gigandet as James, and Ludacris as Laurent.

Most of these actors came through the relationship between director Catherine, Summit Entertainment and MTV.They had more or less personal relationships before.

Luo Ji heard from Zhu Haowei that there were unspoken things happening inside.Even director Catherine, who is in her 50s, found a young guy.

will play.

Thomas Tull was also excited: "These actors should remember to sign long-term film contracts, so that their salaries will skyrocket in the second and third films!"

Zhu Haowei hurriedly said: "Of course, we will not make such a small mistake."

Three days later, all the actors were signed on, and a group of actors with major roles gathered in the conference room of Logic Films to read the script together.

Fiona's narration sounded: "The weather was cold and cold. Edward and Bella came to a high mountain. They were surrounded by many trees that had been growing for hundreds of years and were lush and green. The two walked to the edge of the cliff at the top of the mountain. At a glance, they could see See the big river below.”

Christine looked at the opening and said, "Edward, how long have you been like this?"

Luo Ji looked at the script and said, "It started in 1918. I was in France just after the First World War, and Carlisle found out that I was about to die from the Spanish flu, so he transformed me. Esme was a doctor at the hospital at the time. Nurse, she was also infected and was transformed at the same time. Our families are basically not related by blood, they were all brought together because of Carlisle. We usually treat her like family."

"How did you end up there?"

Luo Ji showed a painful expression: "Of course it's a war, World War I! It's so cruel."

Kristen asked curiously: "How does that feel? I mean transformation."

"The venom is excruciatingly painful. But Carlisle suffered even more. Few of us have the control he does."

Kristen then asked, "Didn't he just need a bite?"

"Of course not. If it were that simple, the world would have been ruled by vampires long ago. Transformation requires paying a huge price and enduring extreme pain."

Christine spoke with great expectation: "Then will you transform me?"

"I don't want to, not because of the pain, Bella. Vampires have no souls, and I don't want you to become such a monster."

Fiona's narration sounded: "The scene changed. In the car, Edward and Bella saw the police station next to them filled with people and an ambulance. Bella couldn't help but feel worried..."

There have been many adaptations of this paragraph, explaining some world views.

Luo Ji was very satisfied with this adaptation, which strengthened the rationality of the plot.But the overall tone is still mindless romantic love.

Luo Ji looked at the script and protested: "Edward's two sentences, I don't have the strength to leave you anymore, that's a bit too much! And this sentence, I've been peeking at you these past few months. I like to watch you when you sleep. This look fascinates me. Peeping and stalking, I’m afraid it’s not a perversion!”

The boys around him laughed, and Stephanie's face turned red.Several actresses were also a little embarrassed.

Director Catherine immediately scolded: "Logic, if you don't understand women's psychology, don't talk nonsense. Women actually long for a strong man who is devoted to her and cannot leave him. He can protect her when she sleeps. Especially a vampire like this A strong creature. Immortal and very strong, a coveted mate."

"OK, you are the boss and you have the final say." Luo Ji smiled and raised his hands in surrender.


Everyone burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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