New York 2006

Chapter 157 Lies keep coming Logic

Chapter 157 The constant lies Logic
The cast of "The Twilight Saga" rehearsed for two weeks in Burbank, Los Angeles. On October 2007, 10, the production team of more than 20 people took a charter flight to the small town of Portland, Oregon, in St. Helens County.

Luo Ji finished his exam in New York two days late with no rest at all. He took a plane to a nearby airport early in the morning.

It was Zhu Haowei who came to pick him up. He introduced while driving: "The weather here is basically cloudy. There is also the Columbia River, Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, and many century-old trees nearby. It fits the theme of "Twilight" The situation in the novel "The City"."


While talking, the car drove to the small town of St. Helens.Luo Ji had checked before and found that there were only 1 people here in total. It was a typical American small town with a vast area and sparsely populated areas. Except for a few cultivated lands, it was all virgin forest.

People in small towns walk slowly, not at all like the fast pace of big cities.

Luo Ji, who was used to living in big cities, felt that the pace of life here was extremely slow when he came here.People don't have so much pressure and seem particularly comfortable.

But he couldn't enjoy this comfort. As soon as he arrived here, he was already worried about the crew: "The crew has been here for two days, how is the filming going?"

"We are still working on it. We have only filmed some scenes where the heroine Bella has just moved from Phoenix, Arizona to the small town of Forks. This includes the airport pick-up scene and all the scenes in Phoenix. There are no scenes in Phoenix either. It was shot locally, but in a relatively open place nearby. It fits the Arizona terrain perfectly."

Luo Ji was very familiar with the shooting plan and had only shot less than two scenes so far.

He immediately asked: "Why is the progress so slow? We are burning money every day!"


Zhu Haowei started to explain: "More than 80 people from the crew have just arrived here. These two days have basically been arranging for people to stay in hotels and have food and drinks. We also have to adjust the shooting schedule according to the actual situation. Now we are on track. It will be fine tomorrow. .”

"Okay, you are a professional. By the way, how are you getting along with the locals? Nothing happened. Remember safety first!"

"Nothing happened. The local government sent police officers, who are basically stationed near our crew. Moreover, this is a small town with a majority of white people, and the security is very good."

The town is really small, and we arrived at the hotel in a short time.Luo Ji put away his luggage and went to the set with Zhu Haowei.The scenes these days were basically shot around Bella's house.There will be scenes for him this afternoon and evening.

As soon as Luo Ji and Zhu Haowei arrived nearby, they were spotted by Fiona: "If you don't come, I will be scolded to death by the director!"

"Why panic? Do you still have to worry about me?"

"I know you're punctual, but the plane might be delayed!"

Luo Ji and Fiona came to the outskirts of the set and saw from a distance that the heroine Bella played by Kristen, Bella's father, the leader of the werewolves and the werewolf Jacob played by Taylor Lautner were surrounding the house. Chatting.Next to it is an orange pickup truck that has faded over time.

"Are you filming the scene at the beginning of the novel?"

"Well, Bella, who has not been back for more than ten years, met her childhood friend." Fiona said with a smile: "Interestingly, the boy who plays the werewolf Jacob is also named Taylor."

Luo Ji said, "Director Catherine took a liking to him at first sight. The young man was quite handsome. His eyes were particularly deep."

"He's quite handsome." After Fiona finished speaking, she looked at Luo Ji: "But he's not as handsome as you."

"Do you still need to say that?"


Luo Ji suddenly said seriously: "Didn't I give you forty days of leave? Why don't you take a rest? Anyway, I will stay on the set during this period and basically won't run around. I can handle my work myself. You You can take advantage of this time to relax and unwind.”

Fiona patted Luo Ji on the shoulder: "It's okay. I have nothing to do anyway, so I'll just stay with you. I'm afraid you won't be able to adapt without me taking care of you."


Fiona said angrily: "You... don't know a good heart."

Luo Ji smiled and gave Fiona a big hug: "Forget it, I won't be harsh on you. Thank you, Fiona!"

Fiona immediately smiled proudly, then kissed Luo Ji on the face.He immediately wiped it in disgust.

At this time, the filming in the venue has ended.There was applause all around.

"It seems it's over, let's go take a look!"

Luo Ji walked closer and saw that several actors and directors had smiles on their faces. Luo Ji also clapped his hands and shouted encouragement.

"Good job!"

When director Catherine saw Luo Ji, she immediately stepped forward with a smile. She was in a very good mood: "Logic, how was the exam?"

"Easy to do!"

Director Catherine took a piece of paper from the assistant: "You have shooting tasks in the afternoon and evening. These are the lines in the script. Remember to familiarize yourself with them."

Luo Ji was very confident: "OK, don't worry, I will never let anything slip. You can trust me!"

"Haha, then I'll wait."

Catherine's attitude towards Luo Ji was much better than before.During these two weeks of rehearsals, Luo Ji gradually figured out the performance method of the male protagonist Edward.

He has a cold face to people he is not familiar with, but only when he meets the heroine Bella, he has to show a restrained but yearning look.During this time he had already gotten the hang of it.

During lunch, more than 80 people from the crew gathered in the hotel restaurant. The venue was very large and fully sufficient.Food is buffet style.

Luo Ji randomly selected a few of his favorite dishes and found a seat to sit down.After a while, several actors sat next to him.This is not because actors discriminate against other types of work, but because the director requires it.

She asked the actors to get together as much as possible when eating, so that everyone could get familiar with each other as soon as possible and speed up the filming process.

Kristen took a bite of broccoli and asked, "Logic, how was your exam?"

Luo Ji gulped down the beef in his mouth: "It's done easily! What about you? Are you still planning to go to school?"

Kristine answered: "Of course, I am also studying by correspondence. But I just took the exam some time ago."

Ashley Greene, who plays vampire Alice next to her, said: "You are so young. By the way, Logic, do you think I look better with short hair or long hair?"

Ashley Greene had long hair when she came to the interview, but it has now been cut short by her hairstylist and dyed black, which is her image in the movie.

"Short hair." Luo Ji said firmly: "You have to believe in the eyes of professionals. You are the most beautiful with short hair. You are also the most distinctive and recognizable."

"LOL, really?"

After Ashley Greene finished speaking, she stroked her short hair happily.Luo Ji actually had no idea whether her hair should be long or short. It was mainly for the sake of the project.

Anna Kendrick, who plays the heroine Bella's best friend Jessica, also said: "Logic, do you think my hairstyle looks good?"

"Good-looking, good-looking." Luo Ji nodded without hesitation.

This is her hairstyle in the play. She uses a headband to circle her bangs and expose her forehead.It really doesn’t look good, it’s downright ugly.But who asked her to play Bella's best friend? She is the green leaf in the play, and her only purpose is to set off the beauty of the heroine.

Without contrast, it would not be possible to show that Bella was chased by many boys when she first came to school.

Anna Kendrick smiled sweetly at Luo Ji.Luo Ji smiled politely back at her.

Luo Ji looked around and realized why all the people sitting around him were actresses.Several actresses looked very ladylike when eating, a little restrained and not natural at all.

"Logic, why don't you invite me to eat with you!" Austin came to Luo Ji with a plate of lunch: "Oh, this place is full. Come on, Logic, there is an empty seat over there, let's go there together."

"Ok." Luo Ji agreed immediately, then looked at the actresses around him with a smile: "You guys eat first. I'll go accompany him."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he quickly picked up his dinner plate and left.

After walking a little further, Austin complained: "Call me next time you have dinner. If I don't pay attention, you will be surrounded by actresses. They all want to eat you."

"I can't help it, why am I so charming?" Luo Ji said casually.

In the afternoon, near Bella's home in Twilight, Luo Ji was sitting in the makeup van. At this time, he had been being taken care of by the makeup artist for 10 minutes.Luo Ji complained.

"Why did it take so long to clean up?"

"Logic, don't say anything yet. I'll be fine soon." The 40-year-old female makeup artist touched up the makeup on the corners of Luo Ji's mouth.

Luo Ji could only wait. After another 10 minutes, the makeup artist said, "Logic, okay, take a look."

Luo Ji quickly turned around and looked at the mirror, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Perfect, so perfect."

Luo Ji in the mirror looked pale, even whiter than white people.And this kind of paleness does not have a sick feeling, but is very beautiful.The only flaw was that there was a layer of pink lipstick on his lips.

"Can you please take off the lipstick? I'm not rude at all!"

"Don't do it. The director specifically told me that it looks very good in the camera."

Luo Ji had no choice but to give up after moving out the director. Luo Ji had promised director Catherine before that he would give her maximum authority during filming: "Okay."

The makeup artist smiled: "Logic, I've seen the shooting footage, it's really beautiful. Don't resist, your makeup will definitely charm thousands of girls!"


In the afternoon, everyone rehearsed in person, and then the filming officially started.

In the living room of the heroine Bella's home, two cameras are placed on one side of the living room.The photographer holds another camera ready to adjust the position.The director sits behind the monitor and someone holds a microphone above the actors' heads.

The heroine Bella's father is sitting on the table, oiling a double-barreled shotgun. The heroine holds a can of Budweiser beer and hands it to her father.

Bella said: "I'll give you another can!"

Bella's father fiddled with the shotgun and said casually: "Thank you."

Bella made up her mind: "I have a date with Edward Cullen."

Bella's father put down his shotgun oiler: "Isn't he a little old for you?"

Bella said, "No, he is in the third grade and I am in the third grade. I thought you liked Karen and the others."

Bella's father picked up the Budweiser beer on the table and took a sip: "I thought you didn't like the boy in this town."

Bella whispered, "Edward doesn't live in this town, technically."

Bella's father put down the beer and looked a little impatient. Bella said, "He's right outside."

"he is?"

"He wants to meet you officially."

"Okay, bring him in."

After Bella's father finished speaking, he closed the double-barreled shotgun and put it heavily on the table.

Bella was startled, then she leaned toward her father and begged, "Can you be nice to him? He means a lot to me."

Her father was a little helpless, but still agreed.

Bella walked to the door, opened it, and then walked in side by side with Edward, played by Luo Ji.Luo Ji was wearing black clothes and a pair of gloves.

"Officer Swann, I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Edward Cullen."

Luo Ji's expression was serious and he looked a little nervous.Then he reached out and shook Bella's father's hand.

Bella's father was a little angry, but he still endured it: "Hi, Edward."

Luo Ji tried his best to put on a friendly expression: "Bella won't be back too late tonight. She's just going to play baseball with my family."


"Yes, sir, that's the game."

Bella's father smiled: "Bella is going to play baseball." Then he touched his neck and said helplessly: "Okay, I wish you good luck!"

Luo Ji said seriously: "I will take good care of her, I promise."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he walked towards the door. He hid outside the camera and watched the performance of the two people inside.

Bella put her hands in the pockets behind her buttocks, and Luo Ji looked strange.

"Hi." Bella was stopped by her father: "Do you still have the pepper spray?"

Bella smiled softly: "Yeah, Dad."

Luo Ji hid outside the camera. Hearing this, he couldn't bear it anymore and burst into laughter.The classic scene of meeting the father-in-law.

"Stuck!" Director Catherine shouted angrily: "Logic, why are you laughing!"

Luo Ji quickly said, "It's nothing, it's pretty good."

Director Catherine glared at Luo Ji, and then said, "Bella, Swan, you can do the next part again."

While repositioning with the help of the camera, Luo Ji walked up to Kristen and whispered, "Don't put your hands in your butt pockets later. It doesn't look good with a normal posture."

Kristine thought for a while, smiled and said to Luo Ji, "OK."

After more than ten minutes, Bella and the two took the photo again.Luo Ji also saved one, and the entire scene was completely shot.

Luo Ji walked up to director Catherine: "Director, have you finished shooting the close-up of Budweiser beer?"

"Okay, don't worry." Catherine said with a smile: "You said that these sponsorship fees will be put into the production cost, so I will definitely complete it with quality and quantity, don't worry!"

Luo Ji continued: "Are you satisfied with the clothes designed by Xiyin Clothing? If not, I can ask them to redesign a few styles."

"It's good enough." Catherine said seriously.

"That's good." Luo Ji nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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