New York 2006

Chapter 159 Lost 3 million dollars

Chapter 159 Lost [-] million meters
December 2007, 12, St. Helens, Oregon. At this time, "The Twilight Saga" had been filming for 3 days. The filming of the film was coming to an end. Today, we had to shoot an aerial shot, which was also the most difficult shot in the entire movie.

After the heroine Bella was taken to visit the home by vampire Edward, Edward carried Bella to the top of a tree more than 100 meters high near the house, and the two of them romantically overlooked the scenery here.

Luo Ji and Christine have already taken a close-up shot on a three-meter-high tree. When the time comes, they will use special effects to process it, and the two of them will be standing on a very high tree.

As a result, director Catherine was not satisfied and wanted aerial photography.Let the two people actually stand on the selected tree, and then take a long shot.

This is too dangerous. It is difficult to climb up a 100-meter-high tree.However, director Catherine did not want to let the male and female protagonists go into battle in person. She urgently found two stand-ins and a team from Hollywood to shoot this dangerous scene.

Luo Ji looked up at the tall trees and asked, "Have the safety measures been checked?"

The person in charge of the shooting team said: "Logic, it's been checked. Don't worry, this kind of shot is trivial to us. We don't know how many times we have shot more dangerous shots than this."

"That's good, be sure to pay attention to safety." Luo Ji warned.

Ten minutes later, the two stand-ins arrived on the top of a tree 10 meters high. Two helicopters were hovering in the sky. Director Catherine and the photographer were both on the helicopter, preparing to shoot from multiple angles. They worked very hard to get good-looking shots. .

Although this movie is a bloody romantic movie, Catherine still has some artistic pursuits, but it just consumes a lot of money.

Luo Ji couldn't help, so he could only wait below.He looked around and saw that there were very few people in the film shooting team. From the more than 80 people at the beginning, there were now more than 30 left.

There are not many actors left here, except for Taylor Lautner who plays the werewolf Jacob, the prophetic vampire Alice, Christine who plays Bella, Luo Ji and a character who will not show up. actress.

"Logic, the filming is almost over. Are you going back to New York?" Kristen walked up to Luo Ji and asked.

"Yeah." Luo Ji said casually.

"Can you take me to New York to have some fun?" Kristen continued: "After the filming is over, I won't have anything else to do. I'll be quite free."

Luo Ji said, "I have to be busy with the company and don't have time. But if you want to visit New York, I can ask Fiona to accompany you."

"Forget it, remember to come to Los Angeles to see me when you have free time." Christine said.

"Uh... well."

Luo Ji saw Taylor approaching, smiled and went up to give him a fist bump: "How are you preparing?"

"The scenes I shot were very simple and not difficult at all."

Taylor Lautner held the script in her hand and asked: "But I have a question, what is vampire Alice's dream about? I heard that it will be placed as an easter egg at the end of the movie. The script says that her dream See the backs of the four of us standing together, you, me, Christine, who is the last woman?"

Luo Ji knew the inside story, but it was confidential, so he said, "I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the ending of the novel. I need to ask Stephanie, the author of the novel."

"Oh." Taylor Lautner rubbed his head.

"Logic, this way." A middle-aged white man stood in front of the house, smiling and waving to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji hurried over and said, "Hello, why are you free to come here today?"

The middle-aged white man looked at Luo Ji with admiration: "The stock market has been a mess in the past few days. I lost a lot of money, so I came here to relax. Only a few of your Internet stocks have performed better. Netflix, Amazon, Apple And Booking Holdings.”

This middle-aged white man is the real-life owner of the vampire Cullen family house in the "Twilight" movie. He is a famous local rich man.

The film crew rented his house for filming.The house is at the very edge of the town, surrounded by a large lawn and primeval forest.It fits the reclusive style of the vampire family.

"Did you also buy those stocks?" Luo Ji asked the middle-aged white man.

The middle-aged white man smiled: "Yes, my investment manager bought it for me. He is very optimistic about your strategy. He said that you have a genius-like investment vision. You bought it earlier. Except for Netflix, other stocks this year It’s already doubled.”

Hearing this, Luo Ji couldn't help but darken his face. What kind of investment genius? These stocks all depended on Tianqi.

The subprime mortgage-related products he invested in did not rely on Tianqi, but on insider information. As a result, he suffered a huge loss this month.

At the end of August, U.S. President Bush and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke vowed to resolve the subprime mortgage crisis, and the Federal Reserve also cut interest rates.Luo Ji went long backhand with 8000 million and ten times leverage.The market did as expected, with the ABX index rising sharply.

The home loan derivatives market is booming, and U.S. housing prices have risen a bit.In October, Logic Investment Company’s mortgage-related investments reached a maximum of $3.4 million.

After November, the market was quiet and nothing happened.As a result, on November 11, the ABX index suddenly collapsed without warning, catching Xu Youyu and Luo Ji by surprise.

Luo Ji forced a smile to the middle-aged white man and said, "I have something to do. I'm going to make a call."

"OK." The middle-aged white man watched Luo Ji leave.

Luo Ji walked to the corner on the right side of the house, picked up the phone and dialed Xu Youyu's number.

Kristen glanced at Luo Ji from a distance from time to time, and found that he had walked to a corner to make a phone call, so she followed him secretly. The corner was just right enough to block her sight, and she could still hear Luo Ji's voice on the phone.

"You mean, the market for long and short subprime mortgage markets is not big to begin with. At that time, there was an immeasurable decline. No one took over the market and couldn't run away?" "So, this time it was the handiwork of Goldman Sachs and John Paulson. ? Are they still shorting? I saw Paulson still clamoring in the media that the subprime mortgage crisis is not over yet. There are rumors that he made 100 billion US dollars during this period, is it true?"

"It's not 100 billion, it's 130 billion. Are you kidding me? I haven't read today's newspaper, so I don't know."

"Is the Southern District of Manhattan prosecutor investigating him?"

"I know people hate short sellers right now. Ordinary people have been affected. Many people are homeless. They want to kill the Wall Street gang. The prosecutor is a short seller who followed the polls and shorted subprime mortgages. But we will be fine. , our amount is small and will not attract the attention of prosecutors. Don’t worry, John Paulson is the biggest target.”

"Relax, even if you come to investigate, I am the first target. And the 2.8 million yuan we made before is completely legal. Let's continue talking about investment."

"What you said does make sense. It has fallen a lot now. There is little value in short selling anymore. Maybe the U.S. government will say something again. The financial market is gambling, and the risk is still too great. I will never touch it again. Fortunately, I ran a little bit, otherwise I might have been liquidated and lost all my money. Fortunately, I took out [-] million yuan at that time, otherwise the loss might have been even greater."

"I don't have any inside information. Don't ask about this kind of topic in the future. Netflix has not accepted me into the board of directors. How do I know the growth of their users? I have invested a lot in the stock market, so don't touch the stocks."

"Then let's carry out a venture capital strategy, targeting new energy companies, Internet and smartphone-related emerging companies. The remaining 4000 million should be enough for the time being."

After Luo Ji hung up the phone, he looked at the forest in the distance and said harshly: "The incompetent U.S. government has caused me to lose [-] million US dollars this month. Even if it can't handle such a trivial matter, M-Fxxk is the only super star in the world." A big country.”

Putting the phone in his pocket, he was about to touch his face to relieve his mood.Only then did he realize that he still had vampire makeup on his face, so he had no choice but to give up.Walked around the corner and walked towards the crew.

As soon as I walked out, I found Christine standing not far away looking at the sky: "Hum, Christine, what are you doing here?"

Kristine said nonchalantly: "Take a walk when you're tired of sitting."


Hurrah, huh huh.

Two helicopters in the sky landed on the lawn next to the house.

Director Catherine walked down with a smile on her face. When he saw Luo Ji, he hurriedly greeted him: "Logic, come and take a look. The lens is very beautiful."

Luo Ji hurried over and started playing on the monitor. The lower part of the shot showed towering trees, and the Columbia River could be seen in the distance.There is a feeling of majesty and grandeur.

There are also shots of traveling high in the woods. This action is a bit dangerous, but the shots are so beautiful.It's not worth spending so much money.The two stand-ins stood on the top of the tree and took in the beautiful scenery which was really romantic.


Luo Ji immediately gave a thumbs up and looked at director Catherine with a big smile.Catherine was also very happy and high-fived Luo Ji in celebration.

"Then get ready, there are only a few scenes left."

At night, Luo Ji stayed in the hotel and listened to Taylor's new EP album, "Taylor Swift Christmas Special," which was the album she recorded.There are six songs in it, four covers and two originals.Now available exclusively at Target.

Christmas is coming, and many singers have released Christmas specials, so the competition is particularly fierce.After the album was released, Taylor only stayed with the set for two days before leaving to promote the album.

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away
But you throw it away the next day

This year to save me from tears
This year, I picked myself up again through tears
I'll give it to someone special
I will give my heart to someone special

Luo Ji used the speaker to play Taylor's version of "Last Christmas". This version had a very country song feel.Luo Ji doesn't sound very good, not as good as the original version.

Bang, bang, knock on the door.

Luo Ji looked at his watch and saw that it was already eleven o'clock, so he turned off the stereo to avoid disturbing others.

He walked to the door and opened it to see that it was Kristen Stewart.She's wearing a black dress, a futuristic scene from today's vampire Alice's dreams.very beautiful.

"Is there something wrong at this late hour?"

"Can I go in?" Christine whispered.

Luo Ji looked outside and found that no one was letting her in: "What's the matter?"

Christine walked up to Luo Ji and took his hand.He raised his head and stared into Luo Ji's eyes: "The filming will be over soon. I hope I can keep good memories."

Luo Ji swallowed and was about to agree when he suddenly remembered what Taylor said when he came to see him that day.

"If you dare betray me, I will burn all our photos and I will hang out with your best friends."

Luo Ji couldn't help but shudder and said quickly, "I can't betray my girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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