New York 2006

Chapter 167: Becoming Logic’s girlfriend increases in value to 3000 million

Chapter 167: Becoming Logic’s girlfriend increases in value to 3000 million

Early in the morning on January 2008, 1, Luo Ji stayed in the Future Records office and looked at the Google Trends list on his computer.

Googlegou announced the 2007 global search trend rankings, ranking in order: American Idol, YouTube, Britney Spears, Logic, and the 2007 Cricket World Cup.

Manager Braun looked at the rankings and sighed: "The popularity of American idols is really high."

"It is indeed high, but it has nothing to do with me."

Luo Ji said sourly: "Last time I asked you to help me contact the American Idol production team to be the opening performer, but they rejected me."

"Okay, don't be angry."

Braun smiled and said, "There's good news. Yesterday, American Idol contacted me and asked for the rights to perform your album live. There should be a contestant who wants to perform your songs live. Do you want to agree?"

Luo Ji was a little worried: "What if there is a contestant who can sing better than me?"

Braun comforted: "Don't worry, your first album is already popular enough. With people's preconceived notions, it doesn't matter even if they sing better than you, and they are just performing live and will not make it into a record for release." Yes. You don’t have to worry too much.”

"Okay, then you agree to it for me. If you don't take the money, you won't get it for free." Luo Ji then said, "Has the data from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry come out?"

"Of course it came out. It was reported by many media this morning." Braun asked doubtfully: "By the way, where is Fiona? Isn't she the one who usually delivers the newspaper to you?"

Luo Ji complained: "Holiday syndrome, she just came from Chicago yesterday and hasn't gotten into work mode yet."


Luo Ji happily took the report and read it.The top five are "16" with 1430 million copies, "High School Musical 2" soundtrack with 660 million copies, Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black" with 600 million copies, Avril Lavigne's "Beautiful Bad Things" with 560 million copies, Josh Groban's Christmas album "Nol" has 550 million copies.


Luo Ji laughed and said, "My album is one of the best!"

Braun responded: "Do you know why your record sales are so good, but why no singer or commentator jumps out to diss you? Even if they diss you, the public opinion is quickly suppressed?"


"It's because your album has stimulated a certain degree of buying interest in the record industry, and every record company is protecting you. Otherwise, your public opinion wouldn't be so good. With the way you are so arrogant in front of the media, I guess they will criticize you." There will be more media.”

Luo Ji asked out of curiosity: "How to tell me specifically?"

"They compared the sales volume in January last year with the sales volume in other months. This morning, some recording industry professionals said that the popularity of your album has driven the buying momentum of the entire record industry. This year, the sales volume of all singers' albums should be higher than the actual sales." It looks like it can go up a lot.”

"Then they have to thank me."


"I will keep a low profile from now on."

Luo Ji then said, "My goal has been achieved. I have used my genius persona to raise funds for the company. I will keep a low profile from now on."

"What financing? Why didn't I know!"

"Holi Game Company's financing, in order to prevent attracting off-site competitors, we will not choose to report this financing to the media."

"Oh, that's good. It's better to be low-key."

Luo Ji looked at the report and smiled and said, "Taylor's album sales are also good, reaching 310 million. Surprisingly, they have surpassed Britney, Beyoncé and Carrie Underwood."

Braun frowned when he heard this, and he said, "Let me use the computer for a while."

Luo Ji stepped aside slightly.

Braun searched for news on his computer, and then said seriously: "Look at this, this is some discordant voices in the news that your record sales reached 1430 million." This was reported by a gossip magazine.The headline read: “Taylor Swift’s net worth increased by $3000 million in one year after becoming Logic’s girlfriend.”

The cover is a photo of Taylor and Luo Ji when they were signing albums together at Amoeba Record Store in Los Angeles. At the end of the article, there is also a photo of the two appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show together.

Luo Ji looked at it carefully: "After I received Logic's album "16" which reached 1430 million copies, I also checked Taylor Swift's album of the same name. Her album unexpectedly reached 310 million copies."

"Before Taylor and Logic got together, her albums were selling up to 10 copies a week. Following this trend, her album sales this year will be up to 110 million."

"But after the relationship between her and Logic became public, the two appeared on the Ellen Show together and signed albums together. The two were tied together. Even the record store, her album and Logic's The album was put together. After they announced their relationship on Valentine's Day, her album sales reached 70 copies that month. After appearing on the Ellen Show the next month and signing books together, her album sales reached 85 copies."

"In other words, after she and Logic got together, she sold 200 million more records this year. Based on the average price of online and physical records of 13 dollars, that is 2600 million dollars. From this, it can be concluded that becoming Logic’s girlfriend’s record sales alone have increased by $2600 million.”

"Not to mention, Logic also took Taylor with him to accept commercials, shoot a MV that has been played 5000 million times on YouTube, participate in top-notch Princess Diana music, Live Earth concerts, meet with the Queen of England, etc."

"Not to mention the increase in fame that Logic has brought to him. Who in the United States doesn't know that Taylor Swift is Logic's girlfriend. These potential increases in fame have made Taylor's commercial performance fees, endorsement fees, and the company's attention The level has also been improved in all aspects, and it is worth at least 400 million meters."

"In other words, after Taylor became Logic's girlfriend, the value of his property increased by at least 3000 million yuan this year."

Luo Ji immediately became angry after seeing it: "Which unscrupulous media wrote this article? This is a blow to Taylor's image! Her current image is that of an innocent country girl, which will make people think she is a A scheming woman who came to me for fame.”

"This will improve your reputation, but it will be a blow to her." Braun looked at Luo Ji and said, "Do you want to help her with public relations? It's useless for her to explain herself."

"It goes without saying!"

Luo Ji then said: "Contact Taylor's agent immediately and find a way to publicize the crisis! I will fully cooperate."


Taylor complained on the other end of the phone: "Society always blames you men for women's success. Now I have become a victim of anti-feminism."

Luo Ji comforted him: "Don't be angry, I know you are very good. I will cooperate with your agent to explain to the media."

The two had been chatting for more than ten minutes, and Taylor's mood had been comforted by Luo Ji.

She took a long breath: "Anyway, I still have to thank you, Feili, you really helped me a lot. The media actually makes sense."

"Why are you starting to deny yourself!"

Luo Ji encouraged: "It is true that I have improved your reputation, but your excellence cannot be denied. If your album did not write about the hearts of teenage women, how could you sell so many albums? Think about it, There are several big singers whose girlfriends’ albums can sell so much! In the end, it’s all because of your excellence.”

Taylor said seriously: "I will use the next album to prove myself to everyone."

Bang bang bang, there was a knock on the door. When Luo Ji saw that it was his manager Braun, he said to Taylor on the other end of the phone, "Braun is here, I'll hang up first."

Taylor said seriously on the other end of the phone: "Okay, thank you, Fili."


In the afternoon, many reporters from the entertainment industry gathered in front of Future Records. They had been interviewing for more than ten minutes. Luo Ji had basically answered most of the questions. Now it was the turn of the MTV reporter who had arranged for the interview in advance.

"Logic, can you tell me how you feel about it? Today there was a media report that Taylor took advantage of you, and record sales have been greatly improved?"

Luo Ji replied seriously: "Haha, if I have to say it, I took advantage of her at that time. Because she had already released an album, and I was just a singer who released a single."

"No kidding, I think adults look at the world from a too utilitarian perspective. When Taylor and I met, we knew each other at a young age, and there was no such thing as one taking advantage of the other."

"Just like the song "Coffee" she wrote for me and the song "Perfect" I wrote for her, it was just the mutual love between two underage creators at the time. It was just a simple love story."

(End of this chapter)

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