New York 2006

Chapter 172 Hunting Britney

Chapter 172 Hunting Britney

"The glorious days are back!"

"haha, yes!"

Several paparazzi were squatting at the door of a mental hospital in California. They were happily discussing that Britney was involuntarily admitted to the hospital for psychological treatment in accordance with California legislation.

"I heard that the photo of Britney being carried into the ambulance the day before yesterday was sold for 50 yuan?"

A paparazzi said with envy: "Haha, it's true. Our colleague at the time hired a helicopter to take the photo. He really dared to bet, but now he has made a lot of money."

"Braun is out, take pictures."

A paparazzi said, and the shutters of several people flashed quickly, taking pictures of Braun.When Braun opened the car door and walked in, the paparazzi asked.

"Braun Scout, as Britney's manager, do you have any business coming to see her? Is Britney really crazy?"

Although these were just a few puppies, Braun still stopped to explain: "She is fine. She just lost her child three days ago and was a little emotional. Now she is in very good condition."

After Braun finished speaking, he got in the car and left.Several paparazzi chased him and shouted loudly.

"Braun, can you say a few more words?"

"Can we go in and interview Britney?"

"What does Logic think about this matter? I haven't seen him make any remarks in the media recently."

The response to this group of paparazzi was a car driving away.

At the same time, in the temporary courtroom of the Los Angeles Superior Court, Goetz, a conservative female judge in her 50s, sat in the courtroom and looked at the supervision letter in her hand.

Britney's father, James Spears, has filed an emergency petition to become Britney Spears' temporary conservator.

"James Spears, as Britney's father, why do you want to apply to become Britney's temporary legal conservator?"

There are many types of legal guardianship in the United States. A guardian is appointed by a judge to manage the finances of another person due to physical or mental problems.Supervisees are usually elderly, and there are very few healthy young people.

Supervision sometimes also includes people, where the conservator is responsible for overseeing the conservatee's day-to-day activities, such as health care, work, or living arrangements.Supervisees cannot decide their own affairs.

James did not speak. His evangelical church lawyer Louise Taylor spoke throughout. As a lawyer, Louise often deals with the entertainment industry. She also represents Britney’s sister Jamie Spears and Gwen Stefani. Mary J. Blige.she spoke.

"Your honor, according to the doctor's judgment, the 26-year-old Britney suffers from dementia and mental-related diseases and must be fully managed. You should have seen Britney's recent performance, she has lost her mind. Judge My lord, here's the doctor's note on Britney."

The judge took the document and looked at it casually, then put it aside. She then said: "Normally, the person under supervision, which is Britney, should be notified five days in advance, but why didn't I see it in the document? Tell us about Britney’s situation?”

Evangelical lawyer Louise Taylor said: "This is an emergency situation. Now Britney is undergoing involuntary sexual treatment in a mental hospital. Her state makes it impossible for her to understand this situation. Now her estate, by her agent As well as being in charge of the bodyguards, Britney’s father James discovered yesterday that a lot of valuable property was missing from the estate, and we very much suspect that it was stolen by insiders.”

Female judge Goetz fell silent, looking at the documents and thinking, and evangelical lawyer Louise Taylor continued to speak.

"Your honor, you should have seen that Britney was not like this before. What a good girl she was once. What she has become now is all caused by the bodyguards, managers, and assistants around her. They also lay on Britney's body to suck blood and tried every means to empty her belongings. Britney's father James hated this phenomenon very much and wanted Britney to return to normal."

Evangelical lawyer Louise Taylor finished speaking and made a cross on her chest: "May God bless Britney."

The female judge in her 50s saw the lawyer's action and nodded with satisfaction.Then she thought about Britney's image in the media and frowned in disgust.She then spoke in a seductive tone.

"California law requires that the conservatee be notified five days before the conservatorship takes effect, but a judge can bypass this requirement if the conservatee is likely to suffer "direct and substantial harm." So you think Britney Who could have been hurt?”

Evangelical lawyer Louise Taylor said: "Britney's manager, the reason why Britney is addicted to opioids is because she operated it in order to better control Britney. We think she is very likely A second injury to Britney.”

After hearing this, the female judge Goetz hesitated. Then she looked at lawyer Louis Taylor seriously and said, "Are you sure? Logic? I saw someone in the media saying that Logic is Britney's manager? This kind of document It is recorded, and it will be very convenient for the media to check it out at that time.”

Evangelical lawyer Louis Taylor saw the judge's scene and immediately changed his mind: "I made a mistake just now. It was her bodyguard. It was her bodyguard who did all this."

After hearing this, the female judge Goetz also asked the court personnel to investigate. She whispered to the recorder next to her: "The deletion just now about the agent and Logic."

The recorder nodded immediately.Then the judge looked at Louis Taylor with a smile: "Since Britney is not in court now, there must be a lawyer representing Britney and becoming Britney's conservator together with James Spears. Now it is you who contact Britney Should Britney notify her and let her find her own lawyer, or should the court appoint a lawyer as Britney's co-conservator?"

"Your Honor, just let the court appoint you." Louis Taylor said.

An hour later, a lawyer close to the judge was assigned to represent Britney, and the judge granted the lawyer and James Spears temporary conservatorship.

"In the future, all financial expenditures related to Britney must be reported to the court regularly. The salaries and benefits of your supervisors, as well as the salaries of the team who serve Britney around her, must be approved by the court. The court has the right to Question the unreasonable parts and you must explain them."

James Spears has been expressionless since the beginning of the court, looking very serious, and now he finally speaks: "Yes, your honor."

Female Judge Goetz looked at Louise Taylor solemnly, and then said meaningfully: "Do you know that this temporary custody is only for eight months?"

"Yes, your honor."

The female judge Goetz continued to say meaningfully: "Then once the eight-month temporary custody time is up, you will have to judge based on Britney's situation whether Britney needs to be supervised again. At that time, you will ask me again Apply, do you understand?”

Louise Taylor winked solemnly at the judge, and then she nodded: "I understand the process, your honor."

Louis Taylor used accents on the process.

"Okay, let's adjourn the case." The female judge nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "After that, the daily wages of your relevant personnel must be submitted to the court in a timely manner."

"Yes, Your Honor."

The three people left the court. The 50-year-old white male lawyer who was temporarily assigned by the judge as Britney's conservator was still a little dizzy. He didn't expect such a pie to suddenly fall from the sky.

James' lawyer Louis Taylor said to the old white male lawyer: "The three of us will talk together? About the salary of the two supervisors of you!"

Louis Taylor, specifically, used the accent on the word salary.

"of course can."

The old white male lawyer understood immediately and continued with a smile: "I know this situation, like Elvis Presley's daughter, don't worry, we are on the same team."

James Spears immediately became furious when he heard this. He pointed his hand seriously at the face of the old white male lawyer: "Don't talk nonsense about Elvis Presley's daughter. I am here for Britney. Don't use you." Those dirty thoughts are trying to figure me out. Do you understand? I'm warning you for the last time."

The old white male lawyer was immediately frightened and said quickly: "I understand."

At night, there were three people sitting in the study room of the home of evangelical lawyer Louis Taylor.

Louis Taylor, James Spears and Britney's former manager Larry Rudolph.The three discussed Britney's arrangements.

James Spears said: "Larry, welcome back. Thank you for your help during this time."

"Should be."

James Spears then said harshly: "I have long been dissatisfied with Britney's current manager. What do you mean she has become a member of Logic? She is a minor. This has a huge impact on Britney's media image. harm."

Larry Rudolph said seriously: "I can't stand this phenomenon anymore. It's just that Britney seems to care about Logic. She kind of hates me."

"Don't worry, I will do a good job in Britney's ideological work." Britney's father promised.

"Thank you then!" Larry Rudolph said sincerely.

"I should be the one thanking you. Without your help, Britney will not return to my arms."

James Spears' expression became serious immediately, and he paused and continued: "Britney's former assistant, must he be yours!"

Larry Rudolph quickly denied: "No!"

James Spears said seriously: "That's fine, I won't allow this to happen again!"

(End of this chapter)

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