New York 2006

Chapter 176: Picking out soft persimmons

Chapter 176: Picking out soft persimmons

February 2008, 2, Logic Films in Burbank, Los Angeles.

Luo Ji, Twilight film director Catherine Hardwicke, publisher of Warner Bros. Pictures, Twilight novel author Stephanie Zhu, film editor, producer, Jeff Basker of Future Records, Warner Bros. Pictures Thomas Tull, the soundtrack director and collaborator of Legendary Pictures, was hired.

The group watched the editing of the "Twilight" movie. After two and a half hours, Luo Ji was basically satisfied with it. It was a qualified fantasy Mary Sue movie.

Stephanie was the first to speak: "It's the first time I've watched a movie like this without a soundtrack. It's quite refreshing. However, the viewing experience is a bit unsatisfactory. Only with a soundtrack can the movie have a soul!"

“Haha, when the time comes, the soundtrack will still depend on Logic.

Thomas Tull smiled and said: "By the way, Logic, I saw you signing your album "16" in New York and Los Angeles some time ago. How are you doing with the cover songs? It won't be postponed!"

Luo Ji said, "No problem at all. My music company is professional. Jeff Busker is in charge of everything now. I promise to get it done on time."

Jeff Busker explained: "Taylor Swift's two songs are ready right away, and the songs of the other four singers in the company are also ready. Logic's "Perfect" and a cover of "How Long Will I Love You" The production has also been completed. The remaining two songs have just been copyrighted. The production will be completed by the end of the month."

Thomas Tull said: "That's good!"

The soundtrack director smiled and complimented: "We all listened to Logic's "Perfect". The lyrics and melody are very suitable for this movie! As the title song, I feel that this song was created for this movie. It will definitely become popular." "

"Hahaha, our genius Logic."

Catherine said with a smile, clearly delighted with the music.

Stephanie smiled and said, "It's a pity that "Perfect" was not written for the movie. This song is a love song written by Logic for Taylor."

Hahaha, everyone in the venue laughed happily.

The old white man from Warner Films Distributor frowned, which was a bit out of tune with the joyful atmosphere.

He said: "A 150-minute movie is too long and is not conducive to cinema arrangement. It must be compressed to less than 130 minutes. This is the length of a standard feature film!"

Directors Catherine and Stephanie wanted to retort: ​​"This..."

The old white man from Warner Film Distribution immediately interrupted: "Post-editing is originally a matter of the producer and the distribution company, not the director or author at all. If it weren't for Logic's support, I definitely wouldn't have let you guys in. Catherine , you are an old man in the industry, you should understand this truth, too long will affect the box office."

"But this is all my hard work!"

exclaimed Catherine, visibly moved by the film.When Luo Ji saw this scene, he didn't expect that this woman in her 50s still had the heart of a girl. She obviously put her heart and soul into this Mary Sue movie.

Stephanie also spoke up: "This is the result of careful editing. Only this length of time can the story be told clearly!"

Stephanie now dares to speak loudly. Her current novels often occupy the top of the New York Times bestsellers. The popularity of "Twilight" is getting higher and higher, and the fan base is now large.All the teams are excited now.

The old white man from Warner Film Distribution glared at Luo Ji and complained that he put these two women into the post-production team.

Luo Ji shrugged. This was a film from a female perspective. Luo Ji was worried that no women would participate in the later stages.

The old white man from Warner Bros. Pictures released the final word: "This is a love fantasy movie, and the focus should be on the male and female protagonists. Love stories like those of vampire families and school plots can be appropriately compressed. The movie must be edited to Under 130 minutes, there is no room for negotiation on this matter.”

The audience fell into silence, and everyone looked at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji thought for a moment and looked at everyone: "Let's continue editing! Make it under 130 minutes."

Stephanie and Catherine immediately looked at Luo Ji with angry eyes. This liar had previously said that he would support them unconditionally.Sure enough, no man can be trusted.

Luo Ji continued: "This version will also be kept. When the DVD is released later, just release a director's cut version! I will pay a certain amount of publicity fees at that time."

Stephanie and Catherine's eyes softened.

Thomas Tull smiled and smoothed things over: "Isn't that great! Everything is settled." The old white man from Warner Films Distribution said, "Then I have no objection."

Luo Ji said depressedly, "What about the release? Spielberg's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be released on May 5, so we have to avoid him."

After discussing the release with Warner last year, the few people agreed on a release date of May 5, which would give them a good start for the summer season. However, Spielberg came to pick their weak persimmons, and everyone gave in decisively.

Thomas Tull said: "The summer vacation in the United States generally lasts from May to August. The vacation time varies from state to state, but it is mainly concentrated in June to July. It is best for our movies to be released during the summer period. , our main movie-watching group is still students.”

The old white man from Warner said: "This year from May 5th to July 9th, Warner has no movies to release. You can pick a time period to release them."

Luo Ji took out this summer's movie release schedule and looked at it. Here are the relatively well-known movies.


"How come there is a blockbuster movie released almost every week this summer with a production cost of over [-] million yuan!"

Luo Ji fell into depression.What's the point of this mentality that no one can compare to him? In the music industry, he is walking sideways. Others avoid him to develop his career, but when he comes to the film industry, he has to avoid others.

The old white man from Warner said: "Isn't that what summer movies are like? Harry Potter won't be released this year, otherwise the competition will be even more intense."

Luo Ji looked at him seriously and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

The old white man from Warner smiled and said: "Definitely not July, there is Warner's "Batman: The Dark Knight."

"Of course!"

Luo Ji nodded quickly. In January this year, the villain of "The Dark Knight", the Joker Heath Ledger, suddenly died at home, making the movie the most popular this summer. Luo Ji couldn't help but You would be stupid enough to confront them head-on!

Warner's old white man continued: "I suggest you choose to release it at the same time as Marvel's "The Incredible Hulk". This movie is relatively weak. The Hulk is obviously not likable. No one likes to see a fat green man fighting on the screen. Come and go, the 2003 movie "The Incredible Hulk" is proof. It invested US$1.37 million, but only earned US$2.45 million at the global box office."

Luo Ji asked in confusion, "Isn't this related to the director?"

The 2003 movie was directed by Ang Lee. Luo Ji heard the Chinese community around him discuss this issue, saying that it was too profound and unpopular.

The old white man from Warner said: "Bull Shxt has nothing to do with the director, it has to do with this Marvel superhero. Think about it, when an audience becomes a superhero, they will lead themselves into the Hulk. Everyone will lead them." Most of the superheroes that have been introduced are Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man and other human-like superheroes. The Hulk is naturally flawed, it’s so ugly!”

"That's right!"

Thomas Tull said: "The blockbusters released in June are two animated films, "Kung Fu Panda" and "Wall-E," as well as a live-action film, "The Incredible Hulk." Although animated films squeeze into the global box office every year These two movies in the top ten also have this potential, but our movie is a live-action movie, so it will fit right in, so the viewing will not overlap. In this way, our movie will be released on June 6, as long as it can compete with Marvel's "Green" "Giant" is a draw, it will be considered a success."

Warner's old white man continued: "The movies released on June 6 are basically light comedies and there is no big threat. In this way, we will have two weeks to compete with "The Incredible Hulk" to compete with the live-action moviegoers. The box office is strong. The summer market is very strong. As long as our global box office can reach 20 million US dollars in two weeks, it will be considered a success."

"That's it!"

After listening to their analysis, Luo Ji felt much better.

The old white man from Warner then said seriously: "Then we will adjust the schedule. After this time, we will not adjust it again unless you give up the summer release, so that we can help you."

"No problem." Luo Ji said firmly: "If anyone wants to think that we are soft persimmons again this time, then we will confront him head-on."

"Hahaha, what if Spielberg is switching gears?" Thomas Tull said with a smile.

Luo Ji boasted and said, "Am I afraid of him? You let him come!"

Hahaha, there was joyful laughter in the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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