New York 2006

Chapter 179 One Exciting Day

Chapter 179 An Exciting Day

On the morning of March 2008, 3, Luo Ji, Lady Gaga, Lady Gaga’s album producer Redone, Jeff Busker, and several Future Records employees were sitting in the Future Records conference room listening to Lady Gaga’s “Super Popular” album. The song "Just Dance".

RedOne, Konvict
GaGa, oh, eh
I've had a little bit too much
I seem to be a little drunk
All of the people start to rush.
everyone looks a little flowery

A dizzy twister dance
dance until dizzy
Luo Ji looked at Redone, a Moroccan, and said with a smile, "Haha, your name is at the beginning of the song!"

Redone is the producer of this song, and now he is an electronic music creator signed to Electronic Records.

Redone smiled shyly: "Gaga took the initiative to join in."

Soon the entire album was played, fifteen songs in total.The overall impression is very good.

Luo Ji said, "Yes, it's a very good electronic dance music album. The style is relatively new. It depends on whether the market can accept it."

Lady Gaga complimented and said, "With the song "Bad Romance" written by you as the title song, there will definitely be no problem with the album."

"I hope so!"

Luo Ji then looked at the person in charge of publicity: "Has Universal Music agreed to a publicity fund of 100 million US dollars?"

"Agreed." The head of publicity said with a smile on his face: "When Universal Music heard that you wrote the hit song, they didn't object at all."

"Then how was the publicity plan drawn up?"

The person in charge of publicity said: "In addition to conventional publicity techniques, this album is very suitable for playing in nightclubs, dance halls and bars, so through the relationship with "DJ" magazine, we have contacted more than 100 of the most famous clubs in the world to let They play Gaga's album, which increases its popularity."

"DJ" magazine also has a list of the 100 most famous clubs in the world. It is easy to let these nightclubs play Lady Gaga's songs for free through the magazine.

Luo Ji said, "Very good."

LadyGag said: "I feel that my album is very avant-garde and more suitable for the Gay group and those performance art groups. So I will promote my album in those online communities."

"I don't know much about these niche communities, so I'll just leave it to you. If you need anything, please contact the company's publicity department."

Luo Ji then said to Lady Gaga: "But don't worry about online promotions. Our company is very experienced. I became famous on the Internet. We have people in all major online communities."

"Well," Lady Gaga continued: "I still have more than 1 fans on Myspace, and some of them are willing to order my album."

"Not bad, not bad." Luo Ji praised.

The new singers Luo Ji met, such as Republic Era, Lady Gaga, Taylor, Justin Bieber, etc., all had many fans on the Internet.This is one of the characteristics of singers in the Internet age.

"These promotional techniques are all auxiliary. The main promotional technique is to hit the bulletin board." Luo Ji said, "Gaga, you will have to work hard to promote it all over the country."

Lady Gaga said with a smile: "It's not hard at all. I can't wait to get started now!"

Luo Ji said in an experienced tone: "Haha, I was promoting..."

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and everyone in the conference room who was chatting easily was instantly startled.

The sound came from outside. Luo Ji and others hurried to the window. A building not far from the company had collapsed and was filled with smoke and dust.

"It can't be a terrorist attack!" Jeff Busker said worriedly.

Last week, a small bomb exploded at an empty recruiting station in Times Square, New York.It makes sense for Jeff Busker to guess so.

Bang bang bang.

Everyone's nerves were on edge now, and they were startled by the sudden knock on the door.

It was Max who opened the door.She looked at Luo Ji worriedly and said, "The employees in the company are all panicking now. What should we do now?"

Everyone looked at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji regained his composure in an instant: "Let's take a holiday! Let all the employees leave the company and wait for specific notices on when to go to work. The distance here is still too close."

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Don't be crowded!"

Luo Ji and several senior executives of the company began to evacuate employees.Seeing that the situation was almost the same, Luo Ji said to the executives of the company next to him.

"Let's all take the car and go to my house first. My house is relatively close to here!"

Except for a few in this building, almost all of them were Luo Ji's companies.

Arriving on the street, Luo Ji found that people in the surrounding buildings had also come to the street.Everyone was in great panic. At this time, the whole street felt like it was the end of the world, and everyone fled in all directions.

Seeing this scene, an apocalypse suddenly appeared in Luo Ji's mind. A family of four appeared in the picture. The male protagonist was played by Brand Pitt. The streets were full of people fleeing. Some of them seemed to have mutated and turned into zombies. .

"Why are you standing there, get in the car quickly!" Fiona reminded.

"Yes." Luo Ji hurriedly got into the car.On the way home, Luo Ji saw several news vehicles heading towards the scene of the incident.This group of reporters would risk their lives for the sake of news.

By noon, electronic music CEO David Guetta, investment company's Xu Youyu, lawyer Jamie, Future Records' Jeff Busker, Max, Lady Gaga, CEO of multicultural media company, "DJ" magazine ’s network department director, as well as some senior executives from several companies.

A group of people gathered at Luo Ji's home and chatted. The news was playing on the TV. The picture showed the collapsed building, and firefighters gathered around it.

"What happened today was a construction accident! A construction crane fell on a residential building in Manhattan, killing 4 people and injuring at least 17 others. Please don't panic, this is not a terrorist attack!"

Lawyer Jamie said: "It seems we had a false alarm!"

Max asked Luo Ji, "Are you still going to work this afternoon?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "It's holiday anyway, so let's give everyone a day off! We'll go back to work tomorrow! Please inform everyone!"

"Okay," Max replied.

A Chinese international student in an investment company looked at the scene in the news and said, "Why are the police and firefighters standing nearby but not making any rescue moves?"

"This is different from what happened on 9.11. I remember when I was watching the news in China, everyone was actively trying to rescue them. They had to face countless falling objects from high altitudes, buildings that could collapse at any time, and raging fires. They didn't flinch. There is no danger in this scene now, why is there no one to rescue them? Maybe there are survivors."

Luo Ji looked at this scene with some confusion: "What exactly is going on?"

Xu Youyu said: "We have to ask the US government!"

Lawyer Jamie sighed: “On 9.11, the US government conveyed to the rescuers that it was safe to enter the ruins for rescue. Therefore, many rescuers broke into the burning scene without even wearing masks. The actual situation is that burning building materials will emit toxic gases and carcinogens. Especially for building materials such as asbestos, even masks are useless after burning, and special gas masks must be worn. Therefore, during rescue and During the more than 10 months of debris clearing that followed, the rescuers were directly exposed to toxic gases. Many of them later developed cancer."

Jeff Basker continued: "What is even more infuriating is that the U.S. government refuses to admit that these diseases were caused by participating in the 9/11 rescue, and naturally refuses to pay related medical expenses. Many people who once bravely participated in the rescue have He died due to poverty and illness, so the first duty of firefighters at the scene is to protect their own safety first. They will only start rescue after getting the test report from the relevant agency."

Luo Ji knew about this for the first time, but he was keenly aware of the consequences of such a thing: "Isn't this a crisis of trust? Who would be willing to be on the front line in this kind of situation from now on!"

Lawyer Jamie said in disappointment: "So, this is the consequence! You saw it too!"

Everyone fell silent at this time!

Mother Sami smiled and said: "Don't discuss these unhappy things. I have already prepared lunch. Let's have lunch first."

"Then let's eat first!" Luo Ji said to everyone.

Everyone walked towards the dining table, but Xu Youyu did not move, staring straight at the news on TV.

Luo Ji looked at the TV.At this time, the news on TV changed. The news just now was just one of the few small news today.

"Recently, Bear Stearns, which suffered heavy losses during the subprime mortgage crisis, has suffered a run from investors. The company's cash flow is in a hurry and has been on the verge of bankruptcy a few days ago. This has caused a general plunge in stock prices in the U.S. banking industry, and major banks have begun to There are layoffs, and people are worried that the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis will further intensify and turn into a financial crisis.”

Lawyer Jamie suddenly shouted: "I still have investments in Bear Stearns! Isn't it really going to go bankrupt?"

Xu Youyu said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, even when the bankruptcy assets are liquidated, your investment can still be recovered."

The news host continued: "U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson told the media after a meeting with President Bush and his economic advisers at the White House that ensuring the orderly operation of U.S. financial markets is the current top priority. Rather than letting this third U.S. company Five major investment banks, Bear Stearns, filed for bankruptcy. It would be better to arrange for it to be acquired. In order to facilitate JPMorgan Chase to complete the deal, the Federal Reserve of the United States promised to provide Bear Stearns with no more than 300 billion U.S. dollars in "less liquid assets." "

"Just now, JPMorgan Chase has reached a preliminary acquisition intention with Bear Stearns. Bear Stearns' share price has rebounded slightly, reaching 5.91 million dollars. But it is still far from the 2008 million dollars at the beginning of 70."

After the news ended, Xu Youyu looked at Luo Ji with a smile, and Luo Ji smiled and gave him a thumbs up!

In the afternoon, in front of the Bear Stearns Building on Wall Street in New York, a few scattered protesters held signs that read.

"Oppose the government to use taxpayers' money to save Wall Street capitalists!"

"Oppose the government to use taxpayers' money to save the vampires of Wall Street!"

"Give me back my taxes, vampires of Wall Street!"

The White House, a few days ago, as other contenders withdrew, Arizona Senator John McCain easily became the 2008 Republican presidential candidate.

At this time, McCain asked President Bush, who was sitting on the presidential desk, in a stern tone: "Why are you going to save the vampires on Wall Street! Do you know that this is very detrimental to the Republican presidential election this year? The people are very worried. I hate using taxpayers’ money to help Wall Street!”

President Bu said calmly: "What can I do? Everyone under me asked me to do this."

McCain said seriously: "You do it for the sake of the donation! How much has Wall Street donated to your family's charity fund recently?"

President Bush said sternly: "Is this how you talk to me?"

"Then you should also consider next year's general election! Will your family not run for election in the future?"

"It's still early! People's memory is like a fish. No one will care about this issue anymore!"

McCain looked at President Bush seriously and could only leave alone and sulked.

(End of this chapter)

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