New York 2006

Chapter 196 Diana and Ares

Chapter 196 Diana and Ares

Early in the morning on June 2008, 6, his best friend Blake drove a car, and Luo Ji, Fiona, Katie and Robin's friend Lily were sitting in the car.

The group headed to Robin's home in Toronto.

Luo Ji said, "Lily, thank you for coming. You have a good relationship with her. I'll need your help later to put in a good word."

"No problem. I didn't expect that Robin came to Canada because she was pregnant. We talked on the phone many times this year, but she never mentioned the child to me."

Lily smiled and said, "Logic, let's talk about how you two got together. I'm going to tell you why Robin is so proud to invite you to my wedding."

Luo Ji smiled awkwardly and did not answer.

It was raining heavily outside, and the rainwater pattered heavily on the roof of the car.Due to the long journey, everyone was silent except for the conversation just now. Only the announcement on the radio was ringing.

"Three days ago, after 30 years as chairman of Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates stepped down from his day-to-day responsibilities to focus on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."

"Last week, Taylor Swift released the first single of her second album, "Love Story," which shot to No. 11 on the Billboard. Next, let's enjoy this song."

We were both young when I first saw you
We were young when we first met you

I closed my eyes and the flashback starts
The scene happened again when I closed my eyes

Katie pointed to a five-story building not far away: "Here we are, my sister Robin lives here."

The car parked and several people walked towards the apartment holding umbrellas.The security of the apartment seems to be okay, there is a security guard at the door.

He recognized Katie and let a few people in without much fuss.

"This is the room."

After Katie finished speaking, she knocked on the door: "Sister, I'm here, open the door."

After a while, Robin's voice came from inside: "Didn't you say two days ago that you would stay in Los Angeles for more than ten days? Why did you suddenly..."

The door opened. Robin was wearing pajamas. After seeing a few people, his face was full of surprise and he stopped what he was going to say.

Robin then showed her iconic awkward smile: "Katie, Logic, Lily, Fiona, why are you here?"

Lily stepped forward and gave Robin a big hug: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's see you. Won't you let us in?"

"Please... please come in."

As soon as several people walked into the room, Luo Ji began to search inside the apartment. There was no one in the living room. He thought about it for a moment, then walked to the side bed next to him.

Robin saw this scene and said, "Logic, what are you looking for?"

"What do you say?"

Robin stared at Luo Ji for a while, then she looked at her sister next to her with angry eyes.


Katie shrank her head and hid behind Lily.

Luo Ji ignored them and pushed open the door with a gap. As expected, there were two children inside. They were sleeping quietly in their cribs.

He walked over and took a closer look. The two children were almost three months old. Their fetal hair had faded and hair had grown.Gender can be distinguished from appearance.

Luo Ji took one look and felt that the two children had his characteristics, especially their mouths and chins, which were very similar to his.Luo Ji instantly felt a blood connection.

The two children noticed someone approaching and opened their eyes to look at them curiously.They immediately realized it was a stranger, and immediately there was a look of fear in their eyes, and they burst into tears.

Luo Ji immediately picked up the boy closest to him and patted his back gently: "Be good, baby, don't cry."

What happened was counterproductive, and the child cried louder, and the girl on the bed also cried loudly.When Robin heard the sound, he immediately came up and hugged the child in the crib to comfort him gently.

Luo Ji coaxed him for a long time, but the child was still crying, which made the child in Robin's arms also cry non-stop.

Fiona said to Luo Ji: "Give me the child, you are holding the child in the wrong position."

Luo Ji questioned, "Can you do it?"

Fiona said angrily: "I raised all the children in the family. Do you think I can do it?"

It was really amazing. After a while, the two children stopped crying.Fiona and Robin carried their children to the sofa in the living room.Several people sat together and chatted.

Lily smiled and said to Robin: "The two children are so cute, what are their names?"

Robin spoke with some embarrassment: "The girl's name is Diana, and she is the elder sister. The boy's name is Ares, and he is the younger brother."

Luo Ji touched Diana's face with his fingers, and then touched Ares's face. The child's skin was so good, pink, tender and smooth.

He squatted in front of the sofa, touching this and teasing that, with a smile on his face.The child gradually became familiar with Luo Ji, and would giggle and respond to Luo Ji from time to time.

Robin looked at his interaction with the child with complicated eyes, chatting with Lily all the time.

"Robin, I want to be the child's godmother, okay?" Lily said with a smile.

"of course can."

The group chatted for about ten minutes, and the atmosphere gradually became warm.The strange feeling of not seeing each other for a year disappeared.

Luo Ji then got to the point: "Robin, are these my children? They are very similar to me."

Robin was silent for a while before saying, "Yes."

Luo Ji observed the two children carefully.Generally speaking, the white appearance characteristics of the two children outweigh the Chinese characteristics. After all, the two children are only one-quarter Chinese.

Diana's hair is not the black color of Robin and Luo Ji, but light blonde.She probably inherited the hair color from her mother Sammy and Robin's mother, both of whom have light blonde hair color.Diana's pupils inherited Robin's blue color, and her eyes have double eyelids.Chinese Americans have fewer characteristics.

Ares was different. He inherited Luo Ji's black eyes and light black hair.The Chinese features of his appearance are more obvious than those of Diana.After all, he has the Y chromosome from his father, David Luo.

So beautiful!
Luo Ji stretched out his finger, and Diana reacted naturally, squeezing Luo Ji's finger tightly with her little hands.Luo Ji looked at the two children and felt his heart melt. Is this the feeling of being connected by blood?
This experience was so complicated that Luo Ji had the urge to cry.He suppressed his excitement and looked at Robin, who was already a mother, with complicated eyes.

"Is the child's surname Luo?"

"They took my last name, Shebasky."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Robin, let them have my last name, Diana Luo, Ares Luo, doesn't it sound good to you?" "No." Robin refused directly.

"Just let the child have my last name."

Luo Ji continued to please: "I will shoulder my obligations as a father. I will also prepare a fund for my two children so that they don't have to worry about money. Of course, they will also have a share of my inheritance. You come with me to New York, and I I will provide you with a house and living funds.”

Robin refused again: "No! I will raise the child alone. I don't want anything from you!"

"Don't you want to travel around the world? Whether you want to be a reporter or something else, I can support you. Help you complete it."

"I don't need your help."

"Shebasky! What do you mean?" Luo Ji said angrily.

"It means literally."

"What do you think I am? A free sperm bank?"

Luo Ji said angrily: "They must bear my surname. There is no room for negotiation on this matter. I am their father, and my blood flows in their bodies. Do you want them to be illegitimate children for the rest of their lives?"

"It's already 2000 years ago, and it's not the Middle Ages."

Luo Ji said, "I can provide them with a better life."

"Do you think I'm after your money?"

"You're not greedy! You also have to think about your children. How much money can you make as a reporter? Besides, you don't have a job yet."

"My family has money."

Luo Ji said angrily: "You don't even dare to tell your family. What's the point of telling me that your family has money? Since you don't want to provide a better living environment for your children, why did you give birth to them?"

"Do you think I want to give you a baby?"

Robin said loudly: "When I went for a check-up, the doctor told me that due to the field training I had when I was a child, the probability of me being pregnant was very low. If I aborted the child this time, I would most likely be pregnant for the rest of my life. Not on."

"Then you should give me the child. And move on with your life."

Robin said, "They are everything to me now!"

"Fxxk, Robin Sherbasky! It's not like I wanted you to leave the baby."

The two had a big argument, and Robin's stubborn temper came to the fore, and he refused to compromise at all.The two children felt their mother's strange emotions and started crying again.

"You two, stop arguing, you are making the baby cry." Katie said loudly, took the baby from Robin's arms, and slowly coaxed her up.

Fiona glared at Luo Ji and said, "Feili, please stop saying a few words."

Luo Ji sat aside and sulked, wondering why Robin was so stubborn.

"Come, let's talk alone."

Lily took Robin's hand and walked to the bedroom. As she walked, she said, "Logic likes children very much. When he heard Katie say that the child might be his, he rushed over immediately and even promoted the movie's promotion. He He is the child’s father, so you can’t deny him access to the child, right?”


Lily and Robin walked into the bedroom and the sound disappeared.

Luo Ji looked at the two children, slowly regained his senses, and started teasing them with a smile.

"Hey Ares, call daddy."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Read it to me, Dad."

Fiona smiled and said, "Children usually don't speak until August. What are you thinking?"

"Am I not training them? From now on, the first thing the children say is daddy. Robin is so angry."

Katie said: "Diana, come on, call aunt. From now on, you must say aunt as the first thing you say, do you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

More than 30 minutes later, Lily and Robin came out. Her attitude was much better than before, and her tone was not as fierce as before, but she still looked serious.

"First, I can live in New York, and I want to be with my friends. But the custody of the child is mine, and you can come and visit the child."

Luo Ji frowned, but still agreed: "Okay."

Robin then said with a serious face: "Second, I don't need your money, I can afford to raise the child on my own."

It seems like she really isn't doing it for money. Is it true that she said it was difficult for her to get pregnant?

But that's not important now, Luo Ji is going to say some soft words.

"Robin, I know you are not greedy for my money. But as a father, I have to fulfill my obligation to raise my children. You can't stop me from spending money on my children!"

Robin frowned, but did not hesitate, and made the third request: "Third, one child's last name is mine, and one child's last name is yours."


Luo Ji refused directly: "Which child nowadays doesn't have his father's surname?"

Robin stared at Luo Ji angrily, Fiona pulled Luo Ji's sleeve, and Lily also winked at Luo Ji.Katie looked at the appearance of several people and ran to the side with her mobile phone.

Luo Ji reluctantly said, "You can use your last name as your middle name. But the child's last name must be mine."

Robin continued to look at Luo Ji without saying a word.

"Custody rights belong to you. Can't you still have the child's surname with me? I promised you a condition, and you should also agree to a condition for me. Otherwise, we will jointly have custody of the child."

Robin still said nothing.

Luo Ji looked at everyone irritably: "Let's put this aside for now and talk about it later! Let's go back to New York first."

(End of this chapter)

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