New York 2006

Chapter 2 Black

Chapter 2 Black

"Are you cold?" Luo Ji asked Blake, who was also waiting for the bus next to him.

"It's not cold!" Blake, who was shivering from the cold, replied calmly.

"I'm not very cold either. My mother asked me to put on my long johns this morning!" Luo Ji then said.

What Luo Ji and Blake mean by not being cold have different connotations.

Young people in adolescence are full of egocentrism. They think that all rebellious behaviors in life are cool and do not conform to the lifestyle of mainstream society. To them, it is their individuality.I don’t wear thick clothes when it’s cold. If you ask me to go west, I will go east, as if I’m going against the whole world.

"Autumn clothes?" Blake asked, confused.

"Just thermal underwear and thermal underwear." Luo Ji replied casually.

"Why do you refer to thermal underwear as autumn trousers, and thermal underwear as autumn trousers? I don't even know what you are referring to when you say autumn trousers?" Black said.

"Really?" Black's casual words made Luo Ji startled.The four seasons in New York are not very distinct. People's concept of autumn pants only refers to clothes worn in autumn, and there is nothing specific about it. Blake thought so, and Luo Ji's memory clearly told him so.

His memory told him that the long johns looked like this, but in his subconscious, he regarded the long johns as thermal underwear.Is this a conflict between self-thinking and memory?

"Of course, is there something wrong with your brain?" Blake looked at Luo Ji with worry on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay." Luo Ji said casually. At this time, his mind entered a fog. He vaguely noticed something and wanted to find a way out.

Luo Ji chatted with Blake at various intervals along the way, but his mind was no longer here; his thoughts had long since drifted far away.

Didi didi, the school bus came, and a group of people rushed to the school bus.

Luo Ji didn't notice the sound of the school bus at all, and he didn't react until Blake slapped him on the shoulder.Luo Ji and Black also slowly followed the team and boarded the school bus.

The students who had already boarded the bus at the front platform looked at the door as if they were waiting for something. When they saw Luo Ji and Blake coming up, they immediately rushed to speak proactively: "Logic, Blake. Good morning."

Logic, the English translation of logic, was also Luo Ji’s nickname in school.Everyone calls him "Logic".

Luo Ji is his Chinese name, which is very different from the font meaning of Logic.But once, after he told his friends that Luo Ji and Logic had the same pronunciation in Chinese, everyone started calling him "Logic".

"Good morning." Luo Ji nodded in response, acting like a boss, indicating that he had received their greetings.

He glanced at the back of the car and found that Chucky had walked to his seat and was sitting with several junior students, upright and meticulous.Then Blake and I found their exclusive seats and sat down.

When I got on the school bus, someone took the initiative to greet me, and no one dared to occupy my exclusive seat.Everyone is in the game of "power" all the time, and obviously the ivory tower of school is no exception.Luo Ji and Blake are the best among them.

Luo Ji and Blake were the populars in the school. On the one hand, they were both handsome, cool and classy. They were always independent and unconventional.It is easy to attract the attention of young people.

On the other hand, it's because they have more money than most students. No matter which country they are in, most people don't have much money to spare when they are students.This was not the case with Luo Ji and Blake.

It all starts with its predecessor. After his father passed away, the family moved to the RV campground, and their neighbors were the Black family.From then on, Luo Ji got to know Black, who had lived here since childhood.

When Luo Ji arrived at a nearby public middle school, as a mixed-race child, it was obvious that Luo Ji was in a messy public middle school. Many people came to bully him. A child from a middle-class family had never seen such a scene, and he was frightened every day.

Fortunately, with Black's protection, Luo Ji got through the initial adaptation period.

Human beings are extremely adaptable, and he quickly learned to be like Blake. He kept a serious smile every day, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked as cold as ice.

He would take revenge on those who provoked him in school, and he would also give severe lessons to those who first came to school to bully him.Slowly, other people in the school, whether they wanted to or not, at least superficially began to respect him as a mixed race.This also gave him a place in the school.Smoothly integrated into Blake's circle.

Luo Ji followed Black and gradually learned how to deceive and deceive others, but the most Black could do was go to the supermarket and steal some things, which was just a trivial matter.The longer Luo Ji stayed in this environment, the more courageous he became.

The quick-thinking Luo Ji dismissed Blake's petty theft. After several trials, he found that Blake was a very loyal person.So after a discussion, Luo Ji began to use his intelligence and wisdom to make their criminal career bigger and stronger.

The business currently operated by the two mainly includes the following aspects.[-]. Selling pirated video tapes.Second, sell high-end counterfeit watches to tourists in New York.Third, if they meet a suitable target during this process, they will pretend to be skateboarding boys to play porcelain, or use illegally purchased guns to rob some targets from out of town.This body still knows about this criminal enterprise, and the more people who know about it, the greater the risk of exposure.So from beginning to end, the two of them were doing it themselves.

And because they are in school, the two of them can only work during holidays.They don't make a lot of money, but they have much more money at their disposal than students.

What should I do if I have money?Naturally, you have to show off. How can you show off? Of course, you have to have a party.

People who often hold parties in American high schools are of course the center of social life.Not everyone will be invited, but many people want to be.

When you have the power to choose others, you will be taken seriously by others.

"You've been resting for a week. How is your health?" Blake asked.

"Much better. There is no problem with my body at all." Luo Ji replied.

"Then what's going on with you today? Why are you so distracted?"

"I'm thinking about something." Luo Ji replied.

"Oh, is that what happened?"

"No." Luo Ji knew that Black was referring to the "car accident" incident.

Blake said: "Although there was an accident this time, the harvest this time is still great. A total of [-] meters of knife."

"Yes." Luo Ji responded subconsciously, but when he thought about it carefully, it was wrong. He was a time traveler.At least we can't lose the face of the time traveler. Do we have to rely on deceit and abduction to make a living in the future?So he said seriously: "This situation is still too dangerous. We can't do this kind of thing again in the future."

"Haha, a [-]-meter knife is enough for us to live happily for a while." Blake said carelessly.

Luo Ji saw Blake's expression and knew that this guy didn't take what he said seriously at all. He just thought Luo Ji was joking like before: "Save your money, we won't have a party this time. This is I worked hard to earn it back. I can’t let it go to waste.”

"How can we not have a party? I made an agreement with Hailey. Next time we have a party, we must invite her and her little sisters." Blake said with a depressed look.

"Is Haley the captain of the school cheerleading team?"


Luo Ji said in surprise: "I heard that she had an affair with many members of the school's rugby team. Her reputation in the school is not very good. How come you like her?"

Blake was also surprised: "But she is beautiful and is a popular figure on campus."

The Hailey in Luo Ji's memory was a school bully like those in Hollywood movies. She was pretty and flirted with popular figures in the school.

She and her little sisters often teamed up to ostracize the girls who were good at studying and those who were socially awkward. They also often bullied the Nerd crowd in school.Some weak boys will be bullied by them, and after the bullying, they will proudly show off everywhere.

"But she bullies her classmates, and her nature is very bad."

Blake was even more shocked: "Aren't we just like this? You also said that in school, either you bully me or I bully you."


"Did you really have a brain problem due to a car accident? It feels like you are a different person, behaving strangely."


Luo Ji was speechless and recalled a lot of details in an instant.
Damn it, my predecessor was also poisoned by the culture of this garbage public middle school.

Luo Ji quickly changed the subject: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Please tell me about the situation after I was hit by a car."

(End of this chapter)

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