New York 2006

Chapter 203 There was someone you once loved

Chapter 203 There was someone you once loved
At eleven o'clock in the evening, many people at the party who were not familiar with each other or who had something to do tomorrow had already said goodbye and left.There were only some people who were usually close to him, and some men and women who were already drunk and lying motionless on the ground.

Luo Ji held a glass of wine and ended his conversation with Chelsea Clinton with a smile.A day of socializing made him feel very tired, so Luo Ji found a seat and planned to take a rest.

Lawyer Jamie walked up at this time: "Congratulations, Logic, you are an adult."

"Thank you." Luo Ji answered him.

"I have good news for you. Deutsche Bank settled today. From now on, your transaction commissions at Deutsche Bank will be discounted. They also agreed to us a settlement of 500 million dollars."

Luo Ji snorted: "These Wall Street capitalists can't wait to see the coffin without shedding tears. It seems that our ultimatum of threatening to expose them in the media is still effective."

"Yes. Your strategy is great!"

Jamie smiled and said: "The financial market in the United States is now in turmoil, and everything is in turmoil. As long as there is any negative news about financial companies, it may cause the stock price to plummet. Deutsche Bank currently has no capital to bargain with us."


Jamie continued: "You're an adult now and can handle your own problems. Sammy may need to sign some papers tomorrow."

"Okay, you can send the documents to my home tomorrow and I will have her sign them."

Jamie looked around and said, "By the way, why don't you see Sammy and Queenie? I saw them just now."

Luo Ji said, "They went home with Robin to see their children. They will sleep there tonight. They won't come back."

"Aren't you going?"

"I just went to see the children this morning. As the host of the party, it's not easy for me to disappear early."

Jamie looked around and saw that there were only a dozen people left in the field.He glanced at Lady Gaga not far away, who was chatting with Braun at this time.

"She seems to have some different thoughts?" Jamie suddenly said.

Luo Ji frowned and said, "You can see it too, right? I feel like she is not satisfied with just being my rumored girlfriend. She seems to like me a little bit and wants to be my real girlfriend."

"It's normal! You are so rich and so handsome. It is normal for girls to have a crush on you. But you have to be careful this time and don't make any more children."

"Will not."

Jamie said: "Then what are your plans?"

"What was the plan?"

"It's just feelings."

Luo Ji glanced at Jamie with contempt: "I don't want to talk about emotions with you. You are still single now. How can you enlighten me? We have known each other for two years, but why haven't we met your girlfriend?"

Jamie said: "Just because you haven't seen her, it doesn't mean she doesn't exist. She is relatively low-key."

"Be low-key, don't think I don't know. You, Braun, and Barney, the three of you often go to bars to hook up with girls. I feel like the media said my nickname should be applied to you. You guys are the real ones. Playboy, I have only had a few women in the past two years, and they are nothing compared to you!"

"Who told you that?"

Max told him, but of course Luo Ji would not betray her.Luo Ji spoke directly.

"Do I need someone to tell me? The gossip about you guys has been spread throughout the company."

Jamie's face was a little confused: "It's getting late, I'll leave first."

Luo Ji refused to let him go and said jokingly, "By the way, how did you and Barney get together?"


Luo Ji smiled and said, "Tell me, I quite like hearing gossip."

"Barney and Ted used to be pick-up partners, but as you know, Ted and Tracy are now together and completely over it. Then we met Barney at your party."

"How do you usually hook up with girls?"

Jamie saw that Luo Ji was very interested, so he taught him humbly: "Let me tell you the method with the highest success rate. Braun and I have been on the news with you, and we are considered minor celebrities. Barney has also been with you before. You took a photo together, and he used money to buy several tabloid pages and get some news for himself. There are photos of you taking a photo together."

"What news?"

"Logic's billionaire and adventurer friend Barney Stinson."


Luo Ji couldn't help but laugh. Barney was a talent.

Jamie then said: "Let's go to the bar. If we see a girl we like, we'll walk up to her and order a drink. Then we'll pretend to be distressed. Alas, we've been discovered again. Give me the notebook. I'll Sign it for you."

"and then?"

"The girls tend to be very confused and say, who are you? We'll tell her our names. And then leave."

"Leave?" Luo Ji asked confused.

Jamie smiled and said: "Yes, just leave. Just imagine the scene. After we leave, those girls usually can't help but search our names on the Internet, and then they can see our photos with you. We Wikipedia has also been specially edited, which has improved my worth."

"Then you went back to her and said you had feelings for her?"

Jamie said: "Yes, it's hard for women to refuse us when they see our net worth on Wikipedia and our photo with you. Many girls can succeed that night, and those who are a little more reserved can do it in about a week. Got it."

"Any more?"

"Of course, there are many more. I ran over to a girl who was about to drink and said that someone else had drugged your wine glass. Or maybe she just fell out of love..."

Talents, these old men are really talents!But it is indeed a bit flowery and a bit scummy.

Jamie looked at the watch in his hand: "It's getting late, so I'll leave first."


Jamie reached out and patted Luo Ji's shoulder: "You are still young and your days will be long. Don't be too sad. You will definitely find someone you like in the future."

"I'm not sad." Luo Ji said angrily, "Okay, okay, you go home quickly, it's already so late."

After Jamie left, Luo Ji picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip. Then he put the wine glass on the table and stared blankly at the brandy inside.

"What are you thinking about?" Lady Gaga walked over with a smile and sat next to Luo Ji.

"I don't think about anything, I'm just a little tired."

Luo Ji asked about business: "By the way, how are you preparing for your MV?"

"It went very well. Based on your recommendation, I chose the studio of Director Francis. They are writing the script." Lady Gaga continued: "Do you have anything to say about the song MV of "Bad Romance"? After all, this is The songs you create.”

Luo Ji thought of Tianqi's MV. That MV really fit Lady Gaga's current media persona.Avant-garde, alternative, weird and beautiful.

"I'll help you get the script out tomorrow, and you can just ask Director Francis to produce it then."

Lady Gaga immediately thanked her sincerely: "Thank you, Logic."

"You're welcome!"

The MVs for Luo Ji's songs are scripts written by himself.Including the newly uploaded "Perfect", the MVs of his six songs have been played more than 6000 million times on YouTube.

"We don't talk anymore" filmed by him and Taylor has been viewed 9800 million times, making it the most viewed video on YouTube.It is worth mentioning that the second most played song is Avril Lavigne’s “Girl Friend”.The industry recognized Luo Ji's talent in music videos, and American netizens even named him the ruler of YouTube.

Lady Gaga hesitated for a moment, then said: "Feili, I drank a little too much. It's not convenient to drive in my current state. Do you have an extra room at home?"

Lady Gaga's meaning was already obvious, but Luo Ji decided to play dumb: "Of course there is a guest room. Do you want to rest now? I'll let Fiona take you there."


Luo Ji looked around and saw Fiona not far away: "Fiona, take Gaga to a room to rest. She is tired."

Fiona immediately came over with a smile and said meaningfully: "Gaga, I will take you to rest."

Lady Gaga glanced at Luo Ji resentfully and had no choice but to follow Fiona and leave.Luo Ji looked at the backs of the two of them and felt that Fiona didn't like Gaga very much.

By the time the two left, the night was already deep.Luo Ji walked around the house and found that few people were still awake.

So I planned to go upstairs to rest.But he found his best friend Blake lying on the lounge chair next to the swimming pool, looking at the night sky in a trance, looking a little depressed.

"Why are you here alone?"

"It's okay, just lie down for a while."


Luo Ji was about to leave, but after thinking about it he decided to stay. He and his best friend Blake hadn't had a heart-to-heart talk for a long time.So he sat on the lounge chair next to him.

"What's wrong? You seem to be feeling very disappointed."

Blake hesitated for a moment and sighed deeply: "Alas, Hailey and I broke up."

"When did this happen?"

"A week ago."


"I didn't control myself and she found out."

Luo Ji said, "You keep acting like that. I thought you didn't like her a long time ago. Why are you still looking like you're dying now?"

Blake said: "People outside are the communication of the body and the satisfaction of desires, and the girlfriend is the harbor of the soul. Can this be the same?"

"Your concept of love is invincible."

Blake's mood improved a lot as the conversation went on.He gradually became more active and spoke more.

"Don't just talk about me, what about you? What are your plans. Logic."

Luo Ji said dejectedly: "I was really invested in my last relationship and tried my best to control my desires. I refused so many temptations, but it happened only once. As you can see, now I am like this The situation is over.”

"Do you regret it?" Blake said.

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "If I didn't have children, I might regret it. But seeing my children, I feel that they are the most precious gifts in my life. The feeling of becoming a father is amazing, surpassing all emotional experiences, you I would like to give them all the good things in the world. That kind of happiness cannot be replaced by anything else."

Blake curled his lips and said, "You are controlled by the instinct of human reproduction. This sense of happiness is a product of human evolution. It is all the result of the control of chemical substances. This is not your free will, you are a slave of genes. .”

Luo Ji looked at Blake in surprise: "You still understand this!"

Black felt uncomfortable with Luo Ji's look and immediately said, "I can also study, okay? I usually have nothing to do except running around with you. Is it wrong to read more books? Isn't that what you said? The exact words?"

"Okay, but you must not understand life from a scientific perspective. If you use the reproductive instinct to explain children and my emotional state, you will fall into skepticism. Just experience it. The most important thing in life It’s the experience.”

Blake said with a smile: "But my view on love is scientific. Males have the desire to spread genes everywhere."

"Well, this is your goal, to find a theoretical basis for your own views on love."

"Hahaha, I also saw it on the Internet. Regarding how Playboy convinces his heart, my view on love is in line with human evolution."

The August night in New York is still a bit hot, and a breeze blows through, making people feel a little cool.Blake looked at the pool under the moonlight and suddenly said.

"To be honest, I have never noticed before that you can endure so many temptations for a woman. I remember you were not a lover before! You were always flirting with women."

Luo Ji said seriously: "Maybe it's because I met the right person!"

Blake continued: "To be honest, I quite admire Taylor."

"How to say?"

Blake explained: "If I were Taylor, I would definitely forgive you after seeing your wealth. You are so good that most people would not be willing to give up on you. But Taylor didn't and even exposed you in the media. Hahahaha..."

Luo Ji didn't know what to say, so he could only reply: "There are some things that money can't buy."

Blake said: "I think there is a sentence that describes Taylor's state very well, as deep as the love is, so is the deepness of the hate."

"Alas." Luo Ji sighed.

Blake was relieved: "Don't be sad. This at least proves that you really loved each other. Your emotional investment is real, and Taylor's emotional investment is also real. Without interests, the two souls are closely connected. With such emotion Isn’t the experience satisfying? Some people may never have such an experience in their entire lives.”

"Blake, when did you become an expert on emotions?"

Blake sighed heavily: "Oh, I'm also heartbroken, okay?"

Luo Ji looked at the stars in the sky and said softly, "Maybe I will never put too much emotion into a relationship again."

Blake suddenly handed the phone to Luo Ji: "Take a look, this is a post about your relationship with Taylor. It's quite popular."

"As a fan of Logic and Taylor, after receiving the news of their breakup, I couldn't let it go for a long time. I relived their performance at the Grammys and watched their "Perfect" MV. It was obvious that they were so in love. Two people, I can’t figure out why they broke up.”

"It wasn't until I relived their experiences that I found that everything was already doomed. Their love was a Shakespearean tragedy, doomed from the beginning."

"Taylor and Logic met and fell in love because of a breakup love song "We don't talk anymore". In fact, the song has clearly described that they will eventually break up. But what I didn't expect was that they were performing a super song They broke up after the sweet love song "Perfect"."

"Their fate has already been written out like Oedipus. Although there is some fatalism, I can only understand their love in this way, so that I will not regret too much and continue to believe in love."

Luo Ji curled his lips and handed the phone back to Blake: "It's too much to interpret."

"Haha, just take a look. Don't pay too much attention."

Two men who had just fallen out of love were chatting like this.

Of course, what we were talking about was the past. In the past, four young people, Taylor, Luo Ji, Blake and Hailey, had visited the Free Girls and the Empire State Building together in New York.Several people also visited the RV campground where they lived before.

The good times of the past came to mind one by one.

Suddenly, the apocalypse appeared in Luo Ji's mind. A man and a woman were sitting on chairs beside a bridge. They were holding each other's hands. The music sounded and the girl stood up and left.

I let my guard down
I'm defenseless

And then you pulled the rug
Your leaving caught me off guard
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
I gradually got used to being the person you loved
Luo Ji quietly felt the emotion in the song. As the last line of the song ended, he raised his head and looked at the night sky and murmured to himself.

"Maybe it's time for me to start a new life."

 Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved
(End of this chapter)

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