New York 2006

Chapter 214 Changed

Chapter 214 Changed
On the morning of September 2008, 9, Luo Ji finished a meeting at the film company and sent the crew of "The Twilight Saga 23" to Portland, Oregon, a small town in St. Helens County for filming. Then he was about to take the car to Burban. I rushed to Gram's house.

As soon as they reached the entrance of the company, he, Fiona and others were surrounded by a large group of reporters.

CNBC's financial reporter put the microphone in front of Luo Ji: "Logic, there have been news reports recently, saying that you have been shorting investment banks, insurance companies, and mortgage companies related to subprime mortgages since the beginning of this year. Is this true? ?"

Luo Ji acted businesslike and said in an official tone: "I don't know about this. The affairs of the investment company are all under the control of Dr. Xu. I am not involved in the specific matters. If you have any questions, you can go to him."

CNBC's financial reporter asked: "Logic, the recent stock market has been very bad. The Internet stocks you recommended have basically fallen by more than 30%. Have you cleared your positions?"

"It's a company secret."

"Don't you know how many people have bought the same stocks as you? You have deceived so many investors, and now you just throw away company secrets?"

"This is the cause of the financial crisis. What does it have to do with me! Besides, I bought it at a low point last year and I'm still making money now. So buying it at a high point has nothing to do with me."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he got into the car escorted by his bodyguards, Blake and Fiona.

This year, he enjoyed the benefits brought by talented investors.

Countless people have tried to please him and want to join his private equity fund, and the company's financing has been extremely smooth. Now he is under pressure from the media and investors.

Changed, changed, the media's attitude towards him changed.

But Luo Ji didn't care, and his mood wasn't affected by it.

Apocalypse and intuition have never fooled him. When the financial crisis passes, these Internet stocks will definitely rebound.

Luo Ji now really thinks that he is a "genius".

The hedging strategy developed by Luo Ji and Xu Youyu at the beginning of this year was really great.In the context of the global financial crisis, the wealth of wealthy people everywhere has generally shrunk, but his wealth has still increased slightly.


Doesn’t this mean I’m awesome?

As soon as Luo Ji got in the car, his cell phone rang. Someone was calling.

Luo Ji raised his phone and saw that it was Carl von Rohr, CEO of Deutsche Bank. The two met when Deutsche Bank reconciled with him.

Carl von Rohr, this old white man can tell from his name that his ancestors were a German aristocrat.

"Logic, good morning."


"I noticed in the papers recently, you're shorting the banking industry?"

Luo Ji said directly: "I didn't, so don't talk nonsense."

"You are operating in our bank and you still say you don't have it."

"I wouldn't admit it over the phone."

"What do you mean? Do you think I can record?"


Deutsche Bank CEO Carl von Rohr did not hesitate and said directly: "Why are you shorting?"

Luo Ji said sternly: "What do you mean, what happened to my short selling? Are you starting to dislike your customers? Then I'll find another investment bank. I think Goldman Sachs is very good. They don't have as much trouble as you."

"Of course it's okay to be short-selling. But you shouldn't be exposed by the media. Don't you know what's going on in the banking industry now? You're adding insult to injury."

"It's not like I broke the news on my own initiative, and I don't want to report it."

Only ten days have passed since the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. Stocks in the banking and financial industries generally fell by more than 50%.

The assets of countless people have shrunk, and their wealth has evaporated directly, and the rich have been particularly severely damaged.Now the people on Wall Street are going crazy.

"Logic, what are you going to do about it?" Deutsche Bank CEO Carl von Rohr asked.

Luo Ji heard this and said directly: "No, I am your client. Are you questioning me on behalf of Deutsche Bank?"

Carl von Rohr hurriedly explained: "No, I'm just a messenger. The people on Wall Street asked me to ask you. They hope you can go to the media to explain that you are not shorting the banking industry now."

Luo Ji immediately refused: "I don't want it. I'm not the only one who is short-selling. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Citibank are all short-selling now. And John Paulson. Why don't you go to them? Do you think I'm a threat? ?”

"It has nothing to do with this. You are a celebrity, so you are naturally topical. You are originally only a small number of news in the financial circle. Whatever happens to you will be known to the whole country."

Indeed, he is a star, and everything he says and does will be amplified and interpreted by the media.

However, Luo Ji still planned to refuse.

"I am a public figure. I don't want to talk nonsense in the media. I am currently being investigated by the prosecutor of the Southern District of New York. Don't provide him with ammunition to attack me."

"You are my client, and I advise you not to refuse so directly. The people on Wall Street are going crazy now, and they may be able to do anything."

Luo Ji said: "If they want to solve the problem, they should tell the media to stop talking nonsense instead of coming to me. How can a celebrity like me have such great influence? Now is the financial crisis. People are fleeing the capital market in panic. The decline has half a million to do with my short selling."

Carl von Rohr said solemnly: "Then I will reply to them like this. I don't want to interfere too much in the affairs of you Americans."

"go Go."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he added: "Tell them, I will neither deny nor admit in the media, and I will keep a low profile during this period. If they have time to pay attention to me, it is better to pay more attention to the "Wall Street Rescue Act" , This is the fundamental solution to the problem. The financial crisis cannot be solved by me, an 18-year-old person, saying one or two words in the media."

"Okay." After listening, Carl von Rohr hung up the phone directly.

As they drove in the car, Fiona looked at him with a worried look on her face: "Feili, will it be okay if you reply to them like this?" Luo Ji said indifferently: "It's okay, they are simply seeking medical attention because of their illness. "

"Will Wall Street retaliate against you when it frees up its hands?"

"Revenge is nonsense. If Wall Street was so united, how could the financial crisis happen? This time is probably the whim of some desperate company CEO. When the financial crisis is over, there is no doubt whether he will be fired!" "


The vehicle soon drove to Burbank's home. Luo Ji went to the living room and found Robin sitting on the sofa watching TV. He walked over with a smile behind his hands.


Luo Ji sang a stage ditty, took out a large dove egg diamond ring from behind and handed it to Robin: "My dear, this is the gift I prepared for you. Do you like it?"

"Uh... why did you buy another diamond ring?" Robin said confused.

Luo Ji took Robin's hand, took off the ring on her left ring finger, and put the large dove egg diamond ring on her.

"Robin, I was a little hasty when I got married. I was not prepared at the time. I carefully selected this for you in the past two days. It is a gift to you."

Every woman doesn't like diamonds, and Robin is no exception. She stretched out her hand and looked at it, with a smile on her face.

"Is it expensive? How much does it cost?"

"Not expensive, 330 million yuan."

Robin exclaimed: "Isn't this expensive? You can even buy a villa."

Luo Ji held her hand and said loving words: "My dear, only this is worthy of your beauty."

The two of them immediately kissed each other and came together, ignoring Fiona who was sitting next to her and staring at the two of them, and soon they were entangled with each other and went up to the second floor.

Luo Ji turned sideways, hugged her with one arm, and gently stroked her back with the other.

White women generally have bad skin, with rough skin and enlarged pores.However, Robin's beautiful back feels very delicate and smooth, and she is well-maintained as a middle-class person.

Luo Ji's mind began to wander.

Robin's skin is much better than Britney's and Max's.

But it seems a little worse than Taylor's, but that's right, there's a lot of age difference between the two of them.

"Honey, what are you thinking?"

"I was wondering why you are so charming." Luo Ji lied.

"Hahaha." Robin brought his mouth up and kissed him: "Feli, I love you."

"I love you too." Luo Ji responded casually.

To be honest, the two of them got along very well during this period. Under Luo Ji's offensive of sweet words and physical temptations, the two of them had become a normal couple.

Although he was married now, Luo Ji felt that he had followed in his father's footsteps and got married in a hurry for the sake of his children.I remember that when he was young, his parents' marriage didn't seem to be harmonious.

The purpose of his and Robin's marriage was to give their two children a normal birth environment.It is written in the prenuptial agreement that for the sake of the children, the two people will automatically divorce in three months.

Marriage was a bit unreal and far away for Luo Ji.

However, Robin in his arms didn't seem to think so.

She had shown that she really wanted a wedding at Lily's wedding, but Luo Ji gave her a terrible wedding. She didn't seem to care. Now she is very clingy to herself.

When I heard that Luo Ji was coming to Los Angeles, he immediately followed him with his two children in his arms.

Robin said: "Honey, what are we going to do this afternoon?"

"There's a party, let's go together."

"What party?"

“A party for Silicon Valley’s tech tycoons.”

"Who are there?"

"It's a party for technology elites such as Google, Apple, Yahoo, YouTube, Facebook, and Microsoft."

Robin's eyes suddenly lit up: "When?"

"Three o'clock in the afternoon."

Robin suddenly shouted: "It's already one o'clock in the afternoon, let's get up and clean up quickly."

"Don't worry, it's okay to be late. It's not work." Luo Ji said casually.

Robin refused, got up directly, and started to pack things up in front of the dressing table indoors.

Only then did Luo Ji realize. He was so excited that he didn't notice when there was a dressing table in the bedroom!
"Fili, get up, it's rude to go late." Robin muttered while applying makeup in the mirror.

Luo Ji looked at her hurriedly cleaning up and felt that she had changed a lot during this time.

"Get up," Robin complained.

"I know." Luo Ji responded casually.

(End of this chapter)

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