New York 2006

Chapter 219 Women

Chapter 219 Women

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"Wow, Taylor, your muscles are so strong!"

Several actors from the crew stood on a grassy field, surrounding Taylor Lautner, who plays the werewolf Jacob, admiring his chest and abdominal muscles.

Kristen next to her gave Luo Ji a demonstrative look, walked up and touched Taylor Lautner's chest muscles with her hands: "Wow, how did you train? You are much stronger than last year."

"Just keep exercising every day."

Taylor Lautner smiled shyly: "I have gained 31 pounds more than before. You don't know how much pressure I have. The director said that I can't build muscles, so I have to find someone else to play my role."

Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction. It looked like the movie would be full of male sex.

The director's words must have frightened him. How could the characters be changed in the series of movies? It should be to make him work hard.

Even though he said this, Luo Ji still admired him very much. 31 pounds is about 28 pounds. It's really awesome that he can gain so much weight.

Although Taylor Lautner looks more mature than him, she is actually two years younger than him. She is only 16 years old this year. Her perseverance and execution ability are really strong.

Luo Ji couldn't help but feel a little stressed.

Kristen said with a smile: "Logic, where are you? You also have a nude scene with your upper body, how is your workout going?"

Luo Ji blew his pussy nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I promise to surprise you when the time comes."

Although he said so, he actually only gained about 10 pounds. You can see his abdominal muscles and chest muscles. They are not as exaggerated as Taylor Lautner. He is more well-proportioned.

Several actresses from the crew immediately gathered around and touched Luo Ji's chest: "Quickly, take off your clothes and let us see."

Luo Ji stepped aside and said, "What are you doing? Don't eat my tofu."

Kristen was cheering from the side: "That's right, Logic, take it off and let us see."

Several actresses caught up and stretched out their hands to use force. At this time, director Zhu Haowei came over and said, "What are you doing? It's a mess. Don't get ready. We have to shoot later."

In front of these actors, Zhu Haowei was still very majestic, and a group of actors immediately dispersed to prepare.

Luo Ji walked up to Christine: "Why are you still making noise?"

"I want to see your muscles."

"Didn't you see enough last night?"

Christine smiled and said: "With such a good boyfriend, why don't I be allowed to show off to others?"

Luo Ji took her arm and said, "Didn't we agree not to make it public now? You should be careful and don't let anyone notice it, otherwise there will be a serious public relations crisis."

"I understand the seriousness of the matter. I just want to be happy secretly." Christine showed a pitiful expression.

"Aren't you afraid that I will be snatched away by others?"

"Humph, you dare?" Kristen muttered.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready. You will have your shooting mission later."

Kristine said with anticipation: "Then kiss me."

"Don't make trouble."

"No, I will."

Luo Ji looked around and found that there were still too many people around.So he pretended to hug her goodbye and quietly kissed her on the face.

Christine left with a happy smile.

After getting along with her for the past few days, Luo Ji discovered that Kristen, who seemed cool in the media, was actually a passionate girl in private. She was very clingy and liked to act coquettishly in front of him.

The image of women who have had scandals or relationships with him seems to be different from their actual inner feelings.

Everyone seems to be wearing a veil to disguise themselves.

Robin and Max seem to be carefree and talk about anything on the surface. They are very free and cheerful, with a macho image.

But in fact, they are very sensitive and fragile inside, attach great importance to emotions, and do not reveal their hearts easily.

Lady Gaga looks very avant-garde and wild, the kind of person who dares to love and hate.

In fact, she was very reserved during the time we got together, and she never expressed her concern for Luo Ji. She always expressed her love with practical actions.Love is not so decisive, it is all hints.

Taylor, the media's image is that of a standard middle-class good girl.

In fact, she is very proud and confident inside, and has a strong sense of professionalism.While the two were getting along, she took the initiative to write a song to confess her love, and after they broke up, she wrote a song to scold him.If you dare to love or hate, your emotions are the most intense and can easily burn yourself and others.

It seems that only Britney's actual situation is the same as the media's image.

She is pure and kind, and loves strongly, but after being hurt, she just suffers silently. She never takes the initiative to retaliate or conflicts with others. She is very friendly to others.

"I wonder what she is doing now?" Luo Ji muttered to himself.

She seems to have moved on from divorce, drug addiction, and the loss of custody of her children, and is eager to return to her career and regain her former superstar glory.

She seems to be busy recently producing her new album "Circus", hitting the Billboard for the album's first single, attending various award ceremonies, and accepting interviews with the media.Occasionally her own regulatory lawsuits would break out.

She seems to have even collaborated with MTV, which she has reconciled with, on a documentary to build momentum for her return to the music scene.


Thinking of MTV, Luo Ji thought of Philip Dorman's promise to him.The efficiency of this guy's actions is really low. I haven't given him an answer yet.

"How about giving him a call and urging him."

Luo Ji thought about it and decided to forget it, to save him some face.

His money was still in Luo Ji's private equity fund. The two of them had common interests, so he didn't dare to let go of his own pigeons.

Philip Dowman said that relationships built because of interests are stronger, and it seems to be true.

If Luo Ji hadn't helped him, Luo Ji wouldn't be in such a relaxed state of mind now. He would definitely be worrying about gains and losses, wondering whether he would fulfill his promise.


"What are you thinking about?" Fiona came over at this time.

"It's nothing."

"Then come over here with me and I'll talk to you."

The two came to a secluded place on the set, with no one around.

"what's up?"

Fiona said directly: "What happened to you just now? Are you hooking up with Kristen again? You have to pay attention to your identity. You are a married woman. Don't make news."

Luo Ji couldn't help but feel a little proud. He and Christine were so careful that even Fiona, who had been by his side, didn't notice.

He smiled and said: "I'll just chat with Christine, what else can I do?"

"It better be this way," Fiona warned.

Luo Ji felt a little unhappy: "Fiona, I noticed that after we got acquainted, you became less and less like my aunt. Has your perception of your identity changed?"

"What became?" "My mother."

Luo Ji continued: "During this period, you have to take care of everything. If you don't like it, just stare at me. If I say a few words to a girl, you will become very wary. Sami has never been like this to me before. Too harsh."

"What do you want to express?" Fiona looked directly at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji said seriously: "I think it's time for you to find a man and have your own life. Why do you focus on me every day?"


Fiona didn't speak, just snorted coldly.

Luo Ji spread his hands and said helplessly: "Fiona, tell me, what do you want? Can you give me some freedom? I'm an adult."

Fiona looked at him and said seriously: "I think you should cherish your marriage with Robin and run it well."

"So, are you on her side?" Luo Ji asked.

"We think she is a good match for you. She is beautiful, well-educated, and smart. Sammy, Queenie also likes her, and the most important thing is that you two have a child. Didn't you always complain about Taylor's company? Are you too little? Robin can always stay with you now."

"And she has already signed a prenuptial agreement with you, so it is impossible for her to take away your wealth. You don't have to worry about what other thoughts she has."

Luo Ji complained: "Come on, I am, you tell me this. She can't be my only woman for the rest of my life. I'm only with her for the sake of my children, and it's all written down in the prenuptial agreement."

"Are you really planning to divorce Robin in three months?"

"It's all written down in the contract." Luo Ji expressed his attitude.

"But Robin doesn't think so. As you can see, she has been clinging to you during this time. She recently returned to New York when we came here to film a movie. She has clearly expressed her attitude and wants to continue running this business. A marriage.”

Luo Ji said angrily: "She was not like this before. I feel like she has changed. She is not as free and easy as before. Now she wants to tie me down with marriage."

"Is she not good enough?" Fiona asked back.

"No, she's quite nice."

"Then why don't you want to keep your marriage going?"

Luo Ji remained silent.

Fiona continued: "Phili, a chaotic life is not good at all. I just hope to have a stable marriage now."

"Then you go find someone to get married! Don't bother me."

"I'm here for your own good."

Luo Ji said angrily: "You, Sammy and Queenie are all brainwashing me now. You always want to impose your will on me, and you always want to project your imperfect marriage and love regrets onto me. It’s up to me to make up for it.”

"I hope you can have a perfect relationship, listen to me..."

Luo Ji interrupted directly: "I'm telling you Fiona, I'm not Lip, Debbie or the others, I'm not the one you raised since childhood. You can't pour your feelings for them into me. Play a "mother" in front of me. "character of."

"I do not……"

Luo Ji continued: "I'm smarter than you, and I don't need you to tell me what to do with my life. I'm free, and only I can decide my life."

Fiona continued to persuade: "You are very smart, but do you think being smart can bring happiness?"

"Then you are stupider than me. Have you found happiness?"

Luo Ji was a little annoyed by Fiona and said angrily: "You were a mess in the first half of your life. Don't think that I didn't know about your previous life. I was the one who rescued you from prison. I don’t need you to tell me what to do with my life, please find out the identity of your assistant, and don’t think that you are my aunt and you can tell me what to do.”

Fiona looked directly at him, with hurt pain in her eyes, and she turned her head and remained silent.

Words are the most hurtful. As soon as Luo Ji finished speaking, he regretted it.

Fiona had really taken good care of him this year. Apart from her family, she was the only person around her who dared to get angry with Luo Ji.My best friend Blake, although I occasionally talk to him now, I don't dare to lose my temper with him anymore.

In this life, one always needs one or two people who can talk to each other regardless of each other's status.

Men should still take the initiative and admit when they are wrong.

He stepped forward and put his arm around Fiona's shoulders: "Auntie. I shouldn't have said that. It was my fault. I apologize to you."

"You know, it's just mindless stupidity."

"Don't be angry."

Fiona was silent for a while: "You are actually quite right, I did have a pretty bad life in the first half of my life."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "So, we have reached an agreement, right?"

"I want to fart!"

Fiona's depression quickly disappeared and she said with a gentle face: "Back to the topic, didn't you like Robin a while ago? Tell me what happened?"

Luo Ji pointed at her and said: "Look at you, the fox's tail is leaking out. Your tone of voice is like an "old mother", and you also said that you are not playing the role of "mother" in front of me. You are It’s not that Debbie and the others have grown up and become stupid, and they can’t find their own position in life.”


Luo Ji continued: "Why don't you find someone you like and have a baby? You're not young anymore."

"I'm only 24 years old." Fiona said dissatisfied.

Luo Ji curled his lips and said, "Then you still want to be a 24-year-old "mother."

Fiona glared at Luo Ji with an unprecedented fierce look.

Luo Ji raised his hands in surrender.

"Tell me, what do you think? Didn't you like Robin a while ago? Are you a little resistant to Robin's changes, so you don't like her anymore?"

Luo Ji remained silent.

Fiona patted Luo Ji on the shoulder: "I actually quite understand her. She is not young anymore, she is already 25 years old. This is the moment when a woman's thoughts change rapidly."

"Before she came into your life, she might have some thoughts of reserve, self-esteem, perfect love, and female independence."

"But now she has entered your life. You usually meet people who only appear on TV. The living expenses you provide for your children exceed the income of 99.99% of people in the world. She can operate more than a million dollars of charity funds every year. Do you think she can go back to her old life?"

"I don't actually care about that."

Luo Ji continued: "Even if we get divorced, I will give her that kind of life. She is the mother of the child."

"So, you are not willing to continue the marriage?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "Although I have a crush on her and like her, I never thought about getting married so early. Marriage is too heavy for me. You can't impose your imperfections on me. "

"Alas..." Fiona sighed.

Luo Ji looked at the forest in the distance and said leisurely, "I am the one."

 I'm done with my work, I'll update it steadily in the future

  Thank you to Starfire for the 100 coins, thank Jotaro for the 2000 coins that will always live in my heart, and thank 20230607095316066 for the 2500 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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