New York 2006

Chapter 22 TV Interview

Chapter 22 TV Interview
After the recording was over, Luo Ji began to cram in knowledge about recording and music classification, becoming addicted to learning and unable to extricate himself.

Time came unknowingly to November 11th, at the Westinghouse Hotel in New York. Luo Ji and his agent Braun were sitting in the living room of the hotel he rented, watching the sports news on the TV.

"Among the Players of the Week announced by the NBA today, Yao Ming was elected the Best of the Western Conference. This is the third time in Yao Ming's career that he has won this award. Last week, the Rockets won four consecutive victories, defeating the Heat and Knicks respectively. With the Milwaukee Bucks and Grizzlies, Yao Ming averaged 29 points and 11 rebounds per game, shooting 55.7% from the field and 90.3% from the free throw line. The best in the Eastern Conference belongs to Hawks forward Joe Johnson..."

Then an interview with Yao Ming appeared in the news clip.

Reporter: "Last week was the first matchup between you and O'Neal after a season. You defeated your opponent in the game. Do you think you are now the number one center in the NBA?"

This is obviously a controversial topic, and Yao Ming answered very cleverly: "O'Neal has always been my goal to chase on the court. I am very happy to defeat him and his team at the opponent's home court."

Braun clicked his tongue and exclaimed: "Yao Ming is your fellow countryman, he performed really well last week."

Luo Ji was gradually getting used to it now. Although he was of mixed Asian and European descent and could still see some Caucasian characteristics in his appearance, the white people he met did not consider him to be one of their compatriots, so they naturally classified him as one of them. Chinese: "Yes, our ancestors may still be the same person, haha."

Braun looked incredulous: "How is it possible? You are so short and he is so tall."

"How is it impossible? We might have been the same family thousands of years ago!"

"I still don't believe it!"

"Forget it, let's get down to business. My company has signed an online distribution agreement with iTunes. The song Viva la Vida has been uploaded to iTunes for sale. Other secondary online sales channels are also entrusted to cd baby for distribution. Take it. Next, I will use the online promotion platform to let everyone buy the songs."

"You did very well!"

"Braun, after this period of time, you should know something about me. I want to make my own independent music. I don't want other shareholders to enter my record company. You can understand it!"

Braun felt a little regretful: "I will never mention buying a stake in your company again."

Luo Ji was happy to resolve the differences peacefully: "Then, our run-in is over. Please sign this contract!"

"What contract?" Braun took it.

"The song Viva la Vida belongs to 3% of your producers."

Braun was surprised: "Didn't you invite Jeff Basker to be the producer in the later stage?"

"Sign it. I have seen your efforts these days. I will not treat anyone who sincerely helps me."

Braun's expression turned sincere "Thank you, Logic!"

Luo Ji then became serious: "Braun, now it's time to show off your ability. I need you to sell my single to the record company for physical release, which is what you said you could do before!"

"I know, I will do it!"

"Are you so confident?"

"Just watch my performance!" Braun smiled slightly, very mysteriously!
It was another weekend, and Luo Ji had been at the small square in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, since 10 a.m. Today he planned to perform all day.Record more material. He is discussing projects with YouTube these days. He must upload videos with high quality and quantity to try to leave a good impression on YouTube officials!

"Logic, what do you think of the camera setup?" Casey Neistat said, pointing to the three cameras.

"You are the professional, everything is left to you, you just need to remember the elements of the picture I asked you to shoot!"

"OK, no problem!"

Casey Neistat is a well-known photographer in New York that Luo Ji found. In 2001, he used DV to capture the scene of the 911/2003 impact, which was quoted by major media.Later, in 3, he produced a short film "The Dirty Secret of the iPod", which was only [-] minutes long. The film criticized Apple for not providing a battery replacement program for its iPod series products, which caused huge public opinion at the time.

As a result, Casey appeared on major programs and was interviewed, and his reputation increased.Apple's stock price plummeted as a result.Two months later, Apple provided battery replacement services for iPods.Apple spokesperson Natalie Sequeira denied there was any connection between the short film and the new policy.

The venue was basically set up, and in front of the speakers was a cardboard sign that said.

If you want to watch the singing performance of Mao Mao and I, please follow the YouTube account: Logic.If you want to listen to my Viva La Vida, please search and download it on iTunes.

Behind the cardboard sign are speakers, microphones, chairs, trolleys, etc.From now on, Luo Ji will not ask for money from the audience. Some people commented that they did not want to see this scene. There were quite a lot of likes, and everyone just wanted to see Luo Ji show off.

The performance began, and Luo Ji performed from morning to afternoon, with only a two-hour break in between.After the song was over, Max came up with a bottle of water: "Filip, take a sip to moisten your throat. Are you hungry? Here are the cupcakes I made!"

"Come on, I'm a little hungry." Luo Ji then said to the audience: "Everyone, wait a moment, the performance will start in 10 minutes. I will eat some cake to regain my strength. If everyone is satisfied with my performance, Remember to read the information on the cardboard and download my genuine music, which is the greatest support for me."

"Kathy, come and have some cake too!"

"Come on, come on." Max has been coming here a lot in the past few weeks. Whenever he has time on weekends, he will come over to watch his performance.And would bring cupcakes she made herself.Luo Ji gradually accepted Max's proposal to just be friends.

A few people were chatting while eating. Photographer Casey pointed not far away and suddenly said: "Why is someone coming here with a camera and microphone? It looks like the equipment is quite professional."

The two people, a man and a woman, saw Luo Ji and the kitten and leaned over. The woman said, "You are Logic, right? The cat in your arms is Bob, right?"

"Yes, you are?"

The woman stretched out her hand: "Hello, my name is Robin Shibesky. I am a reporter from Metro News 1. Can I interview you?"

Luo Ji was at a loss, and Max was also at a loss. Photographer Casey seemed to be asking female reporter Robin, but in fact he reminded her: "Metro News 1, a local news station in New York City, is part of NBC Universal, right?"

Female reporter Robin Shibesky answered immediately: "Yes."

"Oh, that's right." Luo Ji looked directly at Robin, shook hands and responded, "Hello, I'm Logic. This is my cat Bob, how are you going to interview me?"

Female reporter Robin smiled and replied: "I have my script with me. We paid attention to you last week, but you only perform on weekends. That's why we came to interview you today."

Luo Ji asked, "Where did you hear about me?"

"The station's news and information department has received information from the masses."


"Uh." Female reporter Robin looked at Luo Ji awkwardly.

Max slapped Luo Ji on the head with hatred: "What are you doing? Don't let go!"

Luo Ji immediately let go of his hand. For some reason, a strange feeling came over him again. When he saw the female reporter Robin, he felt an inexplicable fondness for her just like he did when he saw Max.

Luo Ji's head was spinning rapidly, pretending that the embarrassment just now never happened: "Robin, you should know that I am a singer and a YouTube video author."


"So, when you are interviewing later, can I film you interviewing me at the same time?"

"no problem."

"Then can the video clips played by your news station appear in my video?"

Robin smiled and replied: "Leave it to me. I will transmit the video clips played by the news station to you."

"Then let's exchange phone numbers so we can contact you when the time comes."

Max, who was standing behind Luo Ji, glared at Luo Ji when he heard this, and then looked at the female reporter Robin with hostile eyes, but Luo Ji was completely unaware.

Robin smiled awkwardly: "Okay, okay, my phone number is..."

"Then let's discuss the details of the interview."

Some spectators nearby recognized the logo of the TV station, and soon word spread that a reporter was coming to interview.The densely packed small square was soon filled with spectators, all of whom came to join in the fun. After all, being on TV is something worth bragging about.

At the beginning of the interview, Luo Ji carefully adjusted the shooting angle so that his cardboard sign would be in the frame. The TV station's cameraman filmed the Q&A between Robin and himself, while his own cameraman, Casey, set up the camera to capture all the scenes.

"On October 10, I left my friend Max's house. When I went home, I met the kitten. It followed me wherever I went, and it would follow me into the taxi."

"The scarf around the kitten's neck was given to it by an 8-year-old fan. I still have a photo of them here."

"Yes, I am a singer, and I often perform here with Kitty Cat. I have my own original songs, which are now on sale on iTunes. I am also a YouTube video author, and the total video views have reached 1800 million Second-rate."


At the end of the interview, the female reporter Robin said: "I have seen your video. Your family conditions are not good and you live in an RV camp. How did you come up with the idea of ​​​​getting out of poverty by making videos and composing songs?"

"I used to suffer from the poverty of my family, and I lived in a state of confusion all day long. But once I survived a car accident, I said to myself, Logic, life is so beautiful, why not live more meaningfully? What? At that time, I thought of the painter Frida Long Live, and that was the inspiration for Viva La Vida. Then I said to myself, why not be a singer? That’s how I am now.”

(End of this chapter)

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