New York 2006

Chapter 235 I failed to win your heart in the end

Chapter 235 I failed to win back your heart in the end
December 2008, 12, Christmas, three o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Ji's home in New York.

People from the party company were coming and going, setting up the party scene.

This year’s theme is Chinese festive style, and red is the theme.Red ribbons, red stickers, red streamers, and red flowers placed everywhere.

However, red did not bring joy, and the home was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

Sammy, Chucky, Queenie, Fiona, Lip, Debbie, Ian and other family members were sitting on the sofa in the living room with solemn faces. There was no other sound except the sound of people from the party company walking around. .

Sami looked at his eldest son with a cold face: "Will Robin bring the child here today?"

"She wants to spend Christmas at her own home. What can I do?" Luo Ji said helplessly, "I've asked Lily and Tracy to persuade her to come over. But I can't guarantee the result."

Mother Sammy said angrily: "If the two children can't come home today, I will go to Robin's house to spend Christmas."

"Go! Go! Go."

Suddenly, Luo Ji could no longer control his suppressed emotions, which had been blamed by his family during this period.He shouted loudly: "You all blame me and want to control my life. When Christmas is over, I will move out! This way I will avoid being looked down upon by you."

The busy partygoers stopped and stared at Logic who was yelling, and the whole room seemed to have pressed the pause button.

Grandma Queenie hurriedly advised: "Feili, don't be like this, your mother is doing it for her own good."

Luo Ji looked directly at Fiona and gave an order directly: "Go and contact the apartment for me."

"Feili, don't be like this. Is there anything you can't say to your family?" Fiona said quickly.

Luo Ji didn't want to stay in the living room at all, so he turned around and walked angrily toward the second floor.

As Luo Ji left, the party staff pretended not to see anything and continued busy, with several party members whispering.

"Why are the Logic family so quarrelsome?"

"Maybe it's because of his divorce last week."

Sani, Queenie, Fiona and others sitting on the sofa in the living room looked at me and I didn't know what to say.

Queenie was silent for a moment and said, "I'll call Robin later to persuade him."

"sorry to bother you."

Fiona continued: "I talked to Fili when I was in Portland and he wanted to live his own life. He also talked it through to me, so now I support him."

Sami said angrily: "Why didn't you say it before? You don't support our ideas in your heart."

Fiona didn't talk back, and the living room fell into silence again, and the atmosphere was very strange.

13-year-old Debbie said timidly: "How about I go up and comfort Phillip?"

Fiona sighed: "Let him calm down for a while!"

In the study, Luo Ji sat in front of the computer, sulking and having a crappy holiday.

He simply opened the company's email and internal affairs system, and processed the backlog of documents and reports from various companies.

"Logic Investment Company's weekly report, an analysis report on the financial crisis."

“Multicultural media companies, high school curriculum video production programs, and strategic approaches in education.”

"Logic Pictures and Legendary Pictures invite us to invest in Zack Snyder's "Girls Awakening"."


"Holi Games Huaguo Branch, a social game "Happy Farm" has recently become popular on, with rapid membership growth and extremely high playability... I strongly recommend the acquisition."

Half an hour later, Luo Ji finished trying out "Happy Farm" using the test account given by the Huaguo branch. The feeling of familiarity in his heart was extremely strong. It was even stronger than the previous "Friends Buying and Selling" and "Grab a Parking Space".

He murmured to himself: "Stealing food?"

Steal food!How come this word comes out of your mouth?

Luo Ji immediately took action and gave instructions to Holi's CEO Yang Jian and the general manager of the Huaguo branch: "Direct acquisition. I want to see the successful result of the acquisition before the New Year."

After sending the email, Luo Ji felt a little worried and called CEO Yang Jian again.

"Merry Christmas, I have something serious to do, which is about the Chinese social game "Farm"."

"Have you heard that too?"

"Yes, acquisition at all costs. I want to see the news of the successful acquisition before 2009. Before January next year, I also want to see the news that the game is successfully logged into Facebook."

"If the work progress is tight, then work overtime. Let the Huaguo branch take action today. They won't celebrate Christmas anyway."

"What's wrong with you spending Christmas with your family? Am I not allowed to do it? Didn't you see that I'm still working today?"

"Work hard and I'll increase your year-end bonus."

"Find ways to increase the playability of this game. The current gameplay is still too simple, so the game's vitality will not be too long."

"Just like a real farm, you need to plow the land once you plant. You can add agricultural tools, such as hoes, tractors, etc."

"Yes, there are more places to make money this way."


After finishing all this work, Luo Ji felt much better. The opportunities brought by his intuition made him very comfortable.

Luo Ji closed the browser page and the screensaver on his computer appeared.The photo is of my two children. They are white, clean and cute, with innocent smiles on their faces.

The good mood brought by his intuition suddenly disappeared. He might not be able to see his child on Christmas.

Luo Ji stared blankly at the photos on the screen, his mind returning to a week ago.

That day was the three-month anniversary of his and Robin's wedding, and the day after that was the date of divorce in their contract.

That day, in order to please the child's mother, Luo Ji prepared an extremely romantic date for her.


At seven o'clock that evening, after the two had settled their two children, Luo Ji and her took a car to the John George Restaurant on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

This is the most famous restaurant in New York. This French restaurant once appeared in the hit American TV series "Sex and the City".

Kelly in the play once commented on this restaurant: "The most powerful woman in New York is the waiter in John George's Restaurant who decides whether to give you a seat. To prove the status of a New York man, it is to look at it. Does he need a reservation to come to John George's?"

From a business perspective, in all likelihood this restaurant sponsored "Sex and the City" in order to enhance the restaurant's style.

Luo Ji, who comes from a lower class background, is generally indifferent to this, but the public just accepts it.

Fiona made a reservation three days in advance and lost her seat. It wasn't until Logic's name was announced and the restaurant's attitude changed 180 degrees that the reservation was successful.

Judging from the performance of the restaurant, he already belongs to the most powerful group of people in New York.

During dinner, a special violinist played for the two of them, there were roses, and the waiters in the restaurant also showed a high-end style.

Robin looked satisfied, or so he thought.

The two then watched an opera, interspersed with a performance by the New York Symphony Orchestra, which was the ultimate in style and romance.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, the two came to the Rockefeller Center Observation Deck. There were tiny snowflakes floating in the sky, but there was no wind, and the romantic atmosphere was very good.

Robin was confused: "Why are there only two of us? Where are the others?"

"Didn't you notice? The observation deck closed early today."

"how did you do that?!"

Luo Ji smiled slightly: "Money ability."

Robin patted him lightly: "You know how to spend money randomly."

"It's all worth it for you."

Luo Ji finished speaking with a smile, then took out a women's Cartier watch from his pocket and put it on her hand: "My dear, this is for you."

She raised her hand and looked at it: "Thank you, Fili, it's very beautiful."

Robin took the initiative to approach him and let him hug him. The two of them overlooked New York. The scenery was undoubtedly shocking. Against the background of the falling snow, the entire New York was brilliantly lit, giving it a shocking beauty.

Luo Ji hugged her and smiled and said, "Did you see it? The Empire State Building is across the street, and the whole New York City lights up in front of your eyes. Isn't it particularly romantic?"

"Well, thank you, dear."

Robin stood on tiptoes and took the initiative to kiss him on the mouth.The two of them chatted sweetly and sweetly about some interesting things they had experienced before.She smiled and said: "When I first met you, I had a good impression of you. I felt that you were very special. I thought to myself, this 16-year-old kid, who works so hard in the middle of winter and sings in the square, still doesn't show his voice to the audience. TOLL."

Luo Ji was lost in memories and couldn't help but sigh: "That was two years ago. I remember that I was only slightly famous on the Internet at that time."

"Well, I remember it very clearly. It was November 06, 11. It was windy. You were wearing a black down jacket, wrapped up tightly, and there was orange cat Bob sitting next to you."

Luo Ji was shocked and said, "You remember it so clearly. Did you have thoughts about me the first time you met me?"

"Absolutely not, you were still underage at that time." Robin quickly changed the subject: "I thought you were quite rude at the time, and you were a bit thick-skinned?"

"Why?" Luo Ji asked confused.

Robin rolled his eyes: "How can a man hold a woman's hand without letting go when we meet for the first time? At least it lasted for more than 15 seconds. After it was over, he shamelessly asked for my phone number."

"Hahaha." He smiled casually to hide his embarrassment.

As his intuition appeared more and more, Luo Ji almost figured out that people like Max, Robin, and Bianca who seemed familiar to them when they first met, were inexplicably familiar, and had a liking for each other, might have known each other in their previous lives.

Robin continued: "Do you know what impression I had of you after our first meeting?"


"A smart and scheming boy?"

"Hahaha, why do you think so?"

A smile appeared on Robin's lips: "I clearly remember that during the interview, you deliberately let the cardboard of your YouTube account come into view."

"Hahahahahaha, I thought you didn't know about my little tricks at that time." Luo Ji laughed loudly, thinking of his careful tricks at the time, and he felt proud for a long time afterwards.

"Humph!" Robin raised his chin proudly.

Luo Ji suddenly reacted: "If you hated me at that time, how could you accept my date invitation later? You still said you didn't have that intention?"

Robin simply stopped pretending: "Hahahaha, who can refuse a date invitation from a little fresh meat?"

"You must have been 23 years old at that time!"

"Humph, the law in Canada is that one becomes an adult at the age of 16. I am a Canadian, not an American. Not to mention that in the Middle Ages, it was common for people to get married at the age of 14. This law is responsible for the decrease in fertility rates in modern countries."


Luo Ji nodded. He felt that American laws were indeed overly protective of children, and many people's psychological maturity was getting later and later.

Robin smiled sweetly: "You were 16 at the time, don't say you don't like a big sister like me?"

"Hahaha, you saw it."

The two then chatted about their subsequent dates, which were quite interesting.

Robin smiled and said, "I really didn't expect you to be so bold. After our first date, you took the initiative to kiss me."

"I can't help it, you were really charming back then." Luo Ji continued, "Didn't you say no yet?"

"Uh...well, that kiss was indeed intoxicating."

It was indeed comforting to chat with Robin about the past. Just as the two were getting excited about chatting, the clock next to them dinged, and it was twelve o'clock.

Luo Ji didn't change at all. He kept talking about interesting things from the past with a smile on his face.As he spoke, Luo Ji noticed that the smile on Robin's face disappeared.

"What's the matter, Robin?"

"It's twelve o'clock," she whispered.

"Yeah." Luo Ji thought she missed her baby, so he hugged her and said, "Let's go, it's getting late, let's go home."

Luo Ji moved his steps and found that she didn't make any movement.Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew by, and Luo Ji felt that she had something to say, so he waited quietly for her next words.

She pondered for a while, then walked across to Luo Ji, looked him straight in the eyes and said seriously: "Logic, the divorce date in the contract has arrived."

What she calls herself has changed.

Luo Ji felt something was wrong and said with a playful smile, "Dear, didn't you agree to wait until next year?"

Robin slowly moved to the guardrail of the observation deck to wipe off the snow on it, leaning on it with her arms. The lights in New York City were much dimmer than before, and she murmured to herself.

"I remember when our date ended two years ago, you went to Los Angeles to promote. I thought we would be good, but after a while, your heart no longer belonged to me. Your heart was taken by a little girl who wrote songs for you. Walk."

Luo Ji walked up to her and imitated her by leaning on the fence. A gust of wind blew by, and snowflakes hit his face, which made him feel a little cold.

He said softly: "That's all in the past."

He looked sideways and saw tears appearing in Robin's eyes at some point.

Robin's voice was very low. She looked forward and continued: "Because of the child, you married me. In the past few months, I have been thinking about whether I can win your heart back. So, I have been staying with you. , accommodate you, treat you tenderly, and give you all my love. Unfortunately, I failed to win back your heart in the end."


Robin turned his head and looked directly at him: "So, ask your lawyer to prepare the divorce agreement tomorrow, and I will sign it."

The weak light from the observation deck shone in her eyes, and Luo Ji saw crystal tears in her eyes.

Luo Ji held her hand and said, "Let's talk next year, okay? It will be 2009 in a dozen days."

Robin choked with sobs and said, "Are you willing to do it for me and not provoke other women? Are you willing to do it for me, just me? Are you willing to do it for me and maintain a good family without getting divorced in the future?"

Luo Ji fell silent for three seconds.

"So, what's the point of next year?"

Robin no longer had the image of a little woman in the past few months. She said bravely: "I have to worry all the time that your lawyer suddenly comes over and puts out a divorce agreement in front of me. I don't want to continue living in it." There is such hope, but there is no end in sight.”

Luo Ji realized at this moment that she had never changed and was just trying to accommodate him.

"I'm sorry." Luo Ji whispered.

The tears in Robin's eyes fell instantly, sliding down her cheeks, falling to the ground and disappearing in the snow.

At this moment Luo Ji understood Robin's heart, and she definitely hoped to get a positive answer from him.Unfortunately, the answer is no.

I am only 18 years old.

Luo Ji said nothing and held her in his arms. She began to cry and couldn't stop.

After a long time, Robin stopped crying. She wiped her cheeks and said seriously: "My mood has improved, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Robin continued: "Logic, I have been very happy and happy these past few months. I am also very happy today. Thank you again."

"what I should do."

Robin smiled, with a relaxed expression on her face. She tilted her head and pointed to the exit: "It's getting late, let's go back."

"it is good."

The two came to the exit of the observation deck. Robin looked back at the night in the modern city of New York. There was a trace of reluctance on her face, but this emotion quickly disappeared.

With a smile on her face, she looked at Luo Ji and said carelessly: "By the way, you have written a song for Taylor before, so can you write a song for me too?"

Luo Ji looked at her smiling expression, but in his mind he thought of the sad look on her face just now, with tears streaking down her cheeks.

Tell me something girl
Girl tell me

Are you happy in this modern world
Are you happy in this modern world?

Or do you need more
or you crave more

And in the bad times I fear myself
Or are you afraid of facing your sad moments?

Luo Ji nodded to her: "Okay."

"Really?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes." Luo Ji nodded solemnly.

"You are indeed a good person, gentle, considerate, and good to children. It's a pity..."

Robin then repeated what she had said before, but this time there was a smile on her face, although the smile still looked very forced: "Unfortunately, I failed to win back your heart in the end."

 Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow
(End of this chapter)

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