New York 2006

Chapter 238 Shock in the Music Circle

Chapter 238 Shock in the Music Circle
"Today, Logic released the single "Counting Stars" without warning to warm up the album. Universal Music announced that Logic's second album "18" is about to be produced and will be officially released on February [-]th."

"This is Logic's second album release after two years. Logic's first album "16" sold an astonishing 2000 million copies at the end of last year. I don't know what "18" will have this time. Let’s wait and see what kind of performance it will have.”

At this moment, the conference room of RCA Records owned by Sony/BMG was full of people, and everyone was watching the news on TV.

No, it should be said to be Sony's RCA now.Because Sony acquired another 12% stake from the Bertelsmann Group in August last year for 50 billion yuan, BMG Global Records "passively" disappeared.

The most famous record label owned by BMG is undoubtedly RCA, which pioneered the teen pop music at the beginning of the new millennium.

The most famous artists under its umbrella now include A-list singers such as Britney, Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake, Alicia Keys, and Pink.

Of course, there is also Kelly Clarkson, who was born in "American Idol", and she is also very popular now.Everyone gathered together today because of her.

After the MTV news report on TV ended, Logic's single MV was played, and everyone watched it carefully.

Everyone in the conference room made comments.

“Is this a video of a rocket exploding?”

"Hey, why did Musk appear on the scene?"

"I don't know, but Logic and Musk have a good relationship, and they cooperate very closely."

"Isn't this photo the photo of Logic and Musk after the successful launch of SpaceX? I remember this photo was widely circulated."

"Logic has shares in SpaceX!"

The more than four-minute MV ended quickly. The quality of the MV is very good.

The theme is very inspirational. In addition to some scenes of the band and Luo Ji's lip-syncing singing and dancing, the rest mainly shows the history of SpaceX. Musk's number of overseas trips is second only to Luo Ji's.

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other in silence.

A clever subordinate said: "This is a fart MV. It looks more like a promotional video for SpaceX!"

"Okay, let's not discuss the MV anymore!"

Peter Agee, the music director of RCA, said with an unhappy look on his face: "This guy Logic doesn't understand the rules of the record industry at all. When a single hits the charts, he doesn't know how to give advance notice."

The clever subordinate hurriedly said: "That's right, Logic doesn't comply with the tacit agreement in the industry. Fortunately, he still has two record companies. He doesn't know how to run it. Sooner or later, it will be over!"

What his boss said was obviously nonsense, but he echoed it without feeling any psychological pressure at all.

When singers in the recording industry release albums, they usually give advance notice, just like the film industry.If you feel you can't play, quickly adjust your schedule.

But there is no such thing as a single. Just like a movie trailer, you can release it whenever you want without notifying others.

The music director looked at Kelly Clarkson: "What do you think? Your single and album are going to collide with Logic."

Clarkson felt a little guilty, but she didn't let anyone see it. She raised her chin and said with a bit of arrogance: "I'm not afraid of Logic."


The music director began to persuade: "You have also seen that the overwhelming news in the entertainment media today is news about Logic's singles and albums. Not to mention how many media outlets have spontaneous reports, Universal Music must have invested a huge amount of publicity funds. You If I release a single tomorrow, I won’t get much airplay.”

The clever subordinate also hurriedly said: "Kelly, what the director said makes sense. Just listen to him."

Clarkson still maintained his arrogant expression, showing no intention of compromising at all.

The music director continued to persuade: "Kelly, you have listened to it. The quality of "Counting Stars" is obviously very high. Logic's reputation as a creative genius is not just a boast. He can always write moving melodies. The quality of other songs in the album is also very high." It shouldn’t be low, let’s jump gears, okay?”

"I agreed."

"Don't be impulsive...uh."

The music director was confused by Clarkson's change in attitude: "You, you agreed?"

"Yeah." Clarkson nodded.

The music director complained helplessly, "Then what's the matter with that arrogant expression on your face just now!"

In Los Angeles, in front of SpaceX, Musk, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, was being interviewed by reporters with a smile on his face.The background behind is the company building, and some employees are still watching nearby.

A reporter from the New York Post said: "Mr. Musk, you said that the inspirational single "Counting Stars" just released by Logic was inspired by you, right?"

Musk looked serious and slowly told what happened before.

"Yes, when the Falcon rocket was launched in the South Pacific last year, I invited Logic to watch it. The two of us were walking on the beach in the evening. I said that if the satellite was launched into the sky, it would turn into a star. He raised his head and looked I glanced at the stars in the sky, and then I was inspired to write this inspirational song "Counting Stars"."

"Yes, Logic told me personally that he wrote this song for me. He is very optimistic about my ideals."

“I was the first to hear the song after it was recorded.”

"Hahaha, I am the only one. In addition to writing songs for girls, Logic can also write songs for me."


“Logic’s MV is not a SpaceX corporate video!”

"Logic didn't take advantage of me! In SpaceX, Logic itself has the priority to increase capital."

"Next, I will tell you about my plan to retire on Mars. Hey, what are you doing!"

"Don't leave, otherwise I'll tell you about the results of my efforts at Tesla during this period."

"Hey, don't leave!" Musk said to stay.


Beyoncé, who was promoting her single "Single Ladies" in Los Angeles, was sitting alone in her hotel room watching Musk's interview on TV.

After reading it, she felt very unhappy. "Single Ladies" ranked second on the Billboard singles chart last week. With a little effort this week, it can surpass Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" and take the first place.

As luck would have it, Logic, who had suppressed her two years ago, reappeared!
Beyoncé quickly took out her mobile phone, logged into Apple's iTunes, and prepared to download "Counting Stars" and listen to it.

She heard the live version of this song at President Barack's "Charity Dinner" and it was very good, but she didn't know what the studio version was like.As soon as she logged into the iTunes homepage, Beyoncé immediately started to curse: "Fxxk, Apple has received money from Logic, right? Why is it that the homepage recommends his singles?"

Beyoncé was helpless because none of her previous singles, "If I Were a Boy," had reached this position.As a result, Logic got it!
Comparing yourself to your peers is very frustrating.

When I came to the download page, what caught my eye was the cover of the single.In the photo, Logic is wearing casual clothes, holding a guitar in his hand and raising his head, with a starry sky in the background.

Beyoncé curled her lips and said: "He's a bit handsome, but he's just a pretty boy!"

For 0.99 yuan, Beyoncé downloaded the single and listened to it carefully.The studio version sounds better than the live version.

Folk pop rock, the lyrics are very good, in line with mainstream values, inspirational, savor it carefully, the melody is unexpectedly good, and Logic's singing skills are also stronger.

Beyoncé compared it with her single "Single Ladies" that she is currently promoting. Although the two do not belong to the same style, they are better and worse.

As a professional musician, she had the answer instantly, and she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged for a moment.

"Come on! Beyoncé! My song is now No. [-] on the Billboard singles chart. I have a huge advantage. I won't lose!"

Beyonce cheers herself up. She has grown from a little girl to an A-list superstar and has gone through countless competitions to get to this point.She has no shortage of courage to fight!

If this song takes the top spot on the Billboard singles chart, it will be her fifth, which will make her surpass a large number of female singers in the same period. She will not give up this honor.

Then the next few days will be critical. She had been relaxing a little in the past few days, but now it seemed that she had no time to rest.

The assistant is not available at the moment, so Beyoncé can only do it herself.

She took out her work phone and rummaged through it. After a while, she found a DJ whom she had met several times. He was an employee of a major local radio station in Los Angeles.

After getting on the phone, Beyoncé chatted with the other person.

"Hi Will, I'm Beyoncé."

"Haha, why can't I call you? Don't you welcome me?"

"Well, are you still free during prime time on the radio tomorrow? I can be there in person. Of course, help me promote my single "Single Ladies"."

"What? Can't I even be there in person?"

The DJ opposite explained helplessly: "Beyoncé, it's not that I don't sell you this face. Tomorrow's prime time has been determined. It was arranged by the boss himself. This is Logic's second album after two years. He is not The kind of singer who produces a lot, you know everyone has been waiting for a long time.”

"Could Logic go to your place in person?"

"He was promoting in New York, but he provided us with a lot of material that was not published in the newspapers. Well, what about the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow?"

Beyoncé was very angry. She couldn't compete with Logic even in person, and she was ready to curse immediately, but she was very honest and changed her words as soon as she spoke.

"The day after tomorrow, that's settled!"


At one o'clock in the morning, accompanied by her assistant, Beyoncé, who had been promoting all day, dragged her exhausted body back to the hotel.

She threw the Hermès bag on the sofa and didn't care that the female assistant was beside her. She took off her clothes and walked to the bathroom. After a tiring day, a hot bath would be very comfortable.

"Yeah, yeah, feel good!"

Beyoncé was lying in the bathroom, murmuring, her eyelids slowly drooping, as if she might fall asleep at any time.

“Oh My God!“

Suddenly, the female assistant's scream came from the living room outside.Beyoncé suddenly had a quick wit and sobered up.

She stood up quickly, wiped her body casually with her bathrobe, then wrapped herself in her bathrobe and secretly opened the bathroom door and listened. There was no sound of fighting in the living room.

Beyoncé breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the living room to see the female assistant looking at her phone. She said helplessly: "What happened just now? What's your name? It scared me. I thought there was a burglar in the room."

The female assistant quickly took out her mobile phone and handed it over: "There is news. Logic's single "Counting Stars" has a digital download volume of 73 today?"

"What?!" Beyoncé quickly took her phone and looked at it.

The website is TMZ, a famous American entertainment gossip website.

The news headline read that Logic's single "Counting Stars" had a staggering 73 iTunes downloads in one day, breaking the iTunes single download record in one day.

"This newspaper received yesterday's latest data from Apple..."

"The MV for Logic's "Counting Stars" was played 243 million times on YouTube on the first day!"

The picture accompanying the news is a photo taken by Logic from a radio station. The background is dark and there is snow falling around it. It should be a New York night.

Beyoncé took a serious look at the photo, then turned to the news, not wanting to miss a word.

"Logic appeared on many radio stations in New York today to promote the single. Our reporter had the honor to interview Logic after he finished promoting the single."

"Logic revealed to this reporter that he hopes this single will land at No. [-] on the Billboard singles chart, and he is very confident about it. According to today's sales data..."

When Beyoncé saw this, she was no longer in the mood to continue watching.

She glanced at the picture accompanying the article again. Logic must have been working hard today. Like me, the background photo was already dark, so it must be very late.

She returned the phone to the assistant and sat blankly on the sofa without saying a word.

The female assistant sat next to her and said: "The number of digital single downloads is 73. If you add the physical single, it is possible to reach 100 million?"

"Yeah." Beyoncé nodded.

The female assistant advised: "What better result than this! His MV playback volume is still so high, why don't we slightly reduce the intensity of publicity in the next few days."

Beyoncé covered her face with her hands and did not notice that the towel had slipped down. She said with a cry in her voice: "Am I going to be pinned down by Logic again?"

(End of this chapter)

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