New York 2006

Chapter 24 Thanksgiving Chapter

Chapter 24 Thanksgiving

Sammy was busy in the kitchen, preparing Thanksgiving food such as roasted turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry jam, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.Chucky was watching TV alone in the living room, while Luo Ji was playing games in his room.

Not long ago, Sony launched a new generation of home electronic game console PS3, and game developer Rockstar also cooperated with Sony to launch a new generation of GTA game, Vice City Legend.After Luo Ji moved to his new home, he bought a set of the latest game consoles and games and couldn't wait to play them.Luo Ji was controlling the character to perform gang tasks, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Luo Ji opened the door and saw that it was Blake: "I'm having a great time playing the game. I've completed level 13 of the helicopter rescue mission. Where have you been?"

Blake said: "I have just started playing the new GTA, and my progress is not as fast as yours."

Since Luo Ji joined YouTube's Outstanding Creator Program, he has been diligently posting videos, and his videos have been well received. The unboxing video has been viewed 400 million times, and the street performance video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.YouTube has recognized his creative talents.

Not long ago, the recording of Viva La Vida ended. Luo Ji sent the song to YouTube, wrote a project document, and applied for funding from them to shoot the music video.

But there is more money to shoot the MV, and YouTube has been considering it.It wasn't until Luo Ji uploaded the video "Mom, I'm on TV" two days ago, and the number of views exceeded 300 million in three days, and the number of registered YouTube users increased significantly, that they recognized their plan.

With a wave of his hand, the wealthy YouTubers used the 20 yuan Luo Ji applied for, and they directly allocated 50 yuan to shoot the MV. They must make this MV the best among the best.Many people may think that because YouTubers have so much money, they approve so many, but they think about more than that.

First of all, Luo Ji's songs are very good and have spreading value.Second, Luo Ji discussed this matter with YouTube executives. They said at the time that MTV, the American music television network, started by playing music videos. MTV’s current ratings are very high.

If Luo Ji's MV can boost popularity, increase record sales, and get advertising revenue from YouTube.There will definitely be many record companies that voluntarily upload their MVs to YouTube, so that as long as one-tenth of MTV's viewers come to watch the MVs on their website, they will make a lot of money.

With a budget of 50 yuan to shoot the MV, Luo Ji naturally had to spread the word about such a shameless thing. After receiving the news, he notified his family, friends, manager, Max and reporter Robin, who he had a good relationship with, and of course had a cold war with him. Blake.

It may be that the budget of 50 yuan suddenly swayed Blake. He took the initiative to find him, and the two reconciled.

While playing the game, Luo Ji said, "Have you invited Haili to have a dinner party? I feel like you two are a good match."

"I didn't. After all, it's Thanksgiving and she has to spend time with her family."

"Why are you spending time with your family? There are a few responsible parents in our RV campground, but they are not in a free-range state. Why don't you call her and ask her to come over? It's still early anyway?"

"All right!"

A few minutes later, Blake finished the call: "Hailey said she came over. Her mother didn't know where she was, and her father didn't know where she was either. She and her brothers and sisters were the only ones at home?"

Hailey is also a miserable child, and none of the parents there are responsible, including Blake's parents.Mother Sami is a little more responsible, but her emotions are too confusing.

"When I didn't know Haili before, I felt that her reputation was not good. But after I got to know her, I felt that she was okay, quite kind, and not as slutty as the legend said!"

Blake complained: "Girls in school love to spread bad words about others, especially pretty girls. In fact, she is quite nice."

"Oh, by the way, I will never go to our school again. It takes an hour or so to get there every day. It's too far. Chucky and I have both transferred to a nearby school. What are your plans in the future?"

Black felt a little sad: "I don't know, I'm not good at studying either. Let's wait until I graduate from high school in two years!"

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "Now that my song has been released, the Internet sales are also good. My manager said that the physical record release of the single is under negotiation. After the physical record is released, I will promote the song nationwide. , and there will also be some commercial performances. Then can you follow me and be my bodyguard?"

Blake cheered: "No problem!"

Luo Ji had another consideration in letting Blake stay with him because the two of them had done many illegal things in the past.

"Fili, come out."

"Coming, coming." Luo Ji replied loudly, then he put down the controller and said to Blake, "You help me play while I go out to see what my mother wants to do with me."

"give it to me."

As soon as Luo Ji went out, he saw his mother, Sami, standing at the door of the kitchen with her hands on her hips, staring at him!

"It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. Call Max and invite her to come for Thanksgiving. If she doesn't come, go pick her up for me personally."

"Mom, why are you so interested in Max? You have only met a few times."

Sami angrily scolded: "When you perform on the streets every weekend, she will come over to see you whenever she has time, bring you cupcakes and buy you coffee. She cares about you so much, so I can't care about her."

"Of course, but we are just friends. Don't say anything nonsense when she comes."

"I know, I know." Mother Sami said angrily, and she sighed again: "This girl is very similar to me when I was young, with a pitiful life experience and no one to rely on! They are all miserable people."

Luo Ji felt that no one he knew had a complete childhood, such as Sammy, Grandma Queenie, Hailey, Blake and Max.With poor family conditions and chaotic life attitudes, these people living at the bottom of society have more or less emotional deficiencies.Luo Ji called Max.

"Max, what are your plans for Thanksgiving today?"

"What else can I do? Of course I have to work overtime on holidays!"

"My mom has been talking about you today, let's spend Thanksgiving together tonight!"

Max hesitated: "Not good."

"What's wrong? My mother likes you very much. She said you are very similar to him when he was young." Max refused again: "Forget it, I spent the past years alone."

"If you don't come, my mother will ask me to pick you up. You know, I just got my driver's license not long ago."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to pick me up. I'll be here in ten minutes' walk."

"Okay, remember to arrive on time at six o'clock in the evening."

"okay bye."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Ji said, "Mom, Max will be here at six o'clock."

"That's good."

Luo Ji then thought of his reporter friend Robin. She was from Canada. She had just been in New York for a year and didn't know if she had anywhere to go. Luo Ji called her and had a chat, but she had already made an appointment with her friends today. Spend Thanksgiving together.

After hanging up the phone, he thought of his grandmother Queenie who was far away in Chicago, so he called...

At seven o'clock in the evening, soft music sounded in the living room.Luo Ji, Chucky, and Blake sat down around the dining table, which was filled with dishes.As Hailey served various fruit pies, Max brought a basin of vegetables, and Sammy brought out the final roasted turkey, everyone took their seats.

Blake picked up a piece of pickled cucumber and took a bite: "This is really delicious."

Max smiled and said, "I cut this."

Mother Sammy was carving a turkey in her hands, with a meaningful smile on her face: "Every woman knows how to make cucumbers!"

"Oh, oh, oh, mom." Luo Ji said with a look of disgust, "It's too harsh. Can you say something else next time? There are children here."

Max smiled and pointed to the fruit plate and said, "And bananas."

Hailey added in: "And carrots."

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed together.

Luo Ji said, "Before we eat, maybe the chef wants to say a few words."

"Okay!" Mother Sammy finished dividing the turkey, then took out a bottle of red wine, poured more than half a glass for her and Max, and then poured just a little for the four minors.

"Today is the day for us to have dinner together. This feels really good. I can make an exception and let you minors drink a little wine and let us celebrate a happy Thanksgiving together. Cheers."

"Cheers!" Everyone said in unison.

Luo Ji also stood up and said, "I would like to say a few words to thank my mother, Sammy, for preparing a warm, exquisite and delicious Thanksgiving dinner for us. I am also very happy that everyone can gather together and enjoy this happy day. Time, Mom, I love you, and I love you all.”

Everyone had a lively meal, clinking wine glasses and laughing. After dinner, everyone gathered together to play the traditional Thanksgiving game, the Cranberry Race.

This involves placing a large bowl with cranberries on the ground and everyone sitting around, giving each person a piece of needlework.At the beginning of the game, first thread the needle and thread, and then string the cranberries one by one.

When the countdown rang, Luo Ji immediately picked up the needle and thread, but made two mistakes. With a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw that his mother had already put on the needle and thread. He calmed down a little before putting the needle and thread on. Put it on.But Max was faster.

Luo Ji's competitive spirit suddenly aroused, and he skewered small oranges in his hand with great ease.This was a great test of hand speed. When the three minutes were over, Luo Ji saw that Max's was the longest, much longer than the second.

He was so angry that he lost. For some reason, he didn't like this feeling of failure, so he stared at Max, who got first place, with unkind eyes.

Max was enjoying her victory alone. When she turned around, she saw Luo Ji staring at her: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Only then did Luo Ji realize what he was doing, and he laughed at himself, feeling angry for this little competition: "It's nothing, congratulations on winning first place."

"haha, thank you."

The party lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and everyone ended.Hailey and Blake were too far apart, so they stayed at home for one night. Max lived nearby, and Luo Ji dropped her off at the door.

"Thank you tonight, Fili. This is the happiest Thanksgiving I've ever had."

"You're welcome." Luo Ji stood here and suddenly thought of the experience of being kicked out by Max in the middle of the night: "Hahaha, do you remember last time? You kicked me out in the middle of the night."

"Hahaha, of course I remember." Max patted Luo Ji on the shoulder: "Who told you to lie to me in the first place?"

The two of them thought about the XX incident that night again, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into awkwardness.

Luo Ji took the initiative to break the silence: "Bye then."

Max hugged him: "Bye."

(End of this chapter)

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