New York 2006

Chapter 256 The sweetest and bitterest thing

Chapter 256 The sweetest and bitterest thing
Time flies, and three days pass. During a break in the filming of "Five Hundred Miles," Taylor came to the shade of the shooting site and read the latest issue of "Rolling Stone" magazine.

The cover of the magazine is a photo of Logic holding his second album CD.The photo is very artistic, like a king ascending his throne.

There is text on it, Logic's second album "18", sold 294 million copies in the first three days.

Opening the magazine, the first article discusses Logic's second album "18".

"It has been two and a half years since Logic released his first single. Ever since his first single "Viva La Vida", we knew he was a talented musician. His single gave us Huge surprise.”

"Throughout history, even geniuses always run out of creative ideas. But Logic is an exception. Compared to other creators, his output is not high, but every song he creates has beautiful lyrics and beautiful melodies. It has the potential to become a classic."

"In the past two years, Loigc has only released one original song, "Perfect," and helped Lady Gaga and Taylor create a single each, which played a big role in the two becoming global superstars. "

"In two years, he only composed three songs. Just when we thought he was exhausted, he released the first original single of his second album "Counting Stars" without warning, which went straight to the top of the Billboard singles chart. "

"After the release of Logic's second album, in the first three days, 294 million copies were sold in the United States and 103 million copies were sold in the UK, breaking multiple sales records. It brought a blockbuster to the whole world and shocked the world. Even Some people say that this is an album created by God, God!"

"These days, whether it is entertainment media or social media, people no longer discuss other things, all the focus is on Logic. People discuss his music, his movies, his scandals, and all the details of his life. Extremely concerned. Logic has become the biggest hit in the world in just one weekend."

"But in the meantime, few people talk about his second major from a professional perspective. Let's analyze it below."

""18" has a total of 12 songs. Except for three classic ballads covered by Logic, the other nine songs are all original songs by Logic."

"The style of Logic music covers rock, folk, pure music, symphony, reggae, and adult lyricism."

"So many genres seem messy, but we don't feel that way when we listen to the album. We don't feel that the whole album is messy, but we feel that the album is very harmonious. Why is this?"

"A creator's works can reflect the creator's inner emotions. In fact, the name of the album already tells us the answer."

""18", the entire album, Logic elaborates on what he is thinking at this age. Personal ideals, the sweetness and sourness of love, the pain after falling out of love, nostalgia for the past and the desire for victory."

""Counting Stars" expresses the struggle for ideals, "Victory" expresses the desire for victory, and "Memories" expresses the nostalgia for people and things in the past. "I Do", "Perfect", and "Sugar" elaborate on love The sweetness and entanglement of time. "Shallow", "Let Her Go", and "Someone You Loved" are about the pain of falling out of love."

"Logic's songs clearly express these emotions. Music can convey emotions. The emotions in his songs are common human emotions and empathy. This is why we like Logic's album so much."

Next up is our interview with Logic.

"Logic, you have said on many occasions that you are an inspirational singer-songwriter. You also said that "Counting Stars" was inspired by Musk, and "Perfect" is a confession song you once wrote for Taylor. So what do you think? Are the other songs written specifically for someone else?"

Logic: "Yes."

"Can you tell me who your song inspirations come from?"

Logic: ""Memories" was written by me to my father. I once had a wonderful childhood, but he passed away when I was very young. One day when I saw old photos, I suddenly wanted to write a poem. A song to remember him. Hence this song.”

"The childhood you miss is when you practiced all kinds of music, attended various cram schools, and had no time for games and fun? I heard you say on some occasions that your father was a "tiger dad" who treated his children The education is very strict. It seems that many Asian parents educate their children this way."

Logic: "Hahaha, I really miss this childhood time. My father often practiced with me, which made me realize the fun of music."

"I know that there are differences between Asians, whites and blacks in their family education philosophies, so do you support Asians' educational philosophies?"

Logic: "No, I think interest is the best teacher. When I was a child, I had no resistance to practicing musical instruments. On the contrary, I liked it very much. If a child doesn't like practicing musical instruments, and parents force the child to practice, it will cause bad results. Effect."

"The topic about the concept of children's education is too grand. Let's continue to discuss music. Your album has six songs about love and broken love. They are all very beautiful. I guess love has occupied a lot in your 18-year-old life. Important location.”

Logic: "Yes, a love that is devoted to one's heart, in the process of falling in love, makes people feel sweet, and the whole world seems to be her, but when it ends, the dishes are messed up, and all that is left is pain."

"So, who are you writing these songs for?"

Logic: "I don't want to discuss these things."

"So, those experiences were painful for you?"

Logic: " over."

"Who is that person? Everyone wants to know."

Logic: "..."

"The interview with Logic ended here. I never asked who that person was. But that person must have left a profound mark in Logic's life."

"Many people must have had this experience. Love is both sweet and painful."

"My favorite song from Logic's second album is "Let Her Go" written by him. The lyrics and melody are full of poetry and melancholy, describing the regret of ending a relationship. This is perhaps his best interpretation of this relationship. .”

“To quote Charlotte Brontë, love is passionate and painful, the sweetest and bitterest thing we know.”

Fiona walked up to Taylor at this time: "What are you looking at?"

Taylor closed the Rolling Stone magazine casually: "Just take a look, by the way, why hasn't the shooting started yet?"

"The shooting may have to be delayed for a while."

"what happened?"

"Look there!" Fiona pointed to a group of reporters not far away who were surrounding Logic to take photos and conduct interviews: "This is a temporary arrangement by Universal Music. They also want to interview you." "Me." Taylor said in surprise He pointed a finger at himself and then said, "What do they want to interview me about?"

Fiona explained: "Yesterday someone photographed you and Logic standing together on the set, and there was some news about your reunion."

"Okay, I'll go clarify it to them." Taylor nodded.


When Taylor walked to the interview area, Luo Ji smiled and pulled Taylor to his side. The clicking sound of the camera shutter suddenly kept ringing.The reporter had enough footage and started the interview.

"Logic, Taylor, you two are together, are you back together?"

Luo Ji looked at Taylor and motioned for her to answer.

Taylor did not refuse and told reporters: "No, we have been filming the MV for "Five Hundred Miles" these two days. This song was a song we both collaborated on before."

"Then what's the relationship between you two now?"

Taylor said: "Friends."

"Do you like Logic's second album?"

Taylor said with a smile on his face: "I like it very much. Logic is the best creative genius and his music is very nice."

A reporter launched a surprise attack: "Did you know that the lovelorn songs in Logic's second album were written for you?"

Taylor reacted quickly, and she showed a puzzled expression: "Really? Why didn't I know."

Another reporter looked at Luo Ji: "Logic, netizens are speculating that "Let Her Go" and "Someone You Loved" were written by you to Taylor. She is by your side now. Can you tell us if you wrote them for her? ?”

"Since everyone is so concerned and has asked so many times, I will answer truthfully."

Everyone looked at Luo Ji, even Taylor cast a searching look.

Luo Ji said nonsense seriously: "I actually wrote these two songs for Audrey Hepburn. I fell in love with her after watching "Roman Holiday" when I was a child. Then I imagined that she was my girlfriend. Unfortunately, she She broke up with me, and her breakup made me very painful. So I got the creative inspiration."

Hahahaha, everyone in the venue laughed out loud.


At Burbank Airport, the female assistant had already put the luggage on the plane, and Taylor took the initiative to give Luo Ji a hug and say goodbye.

Taylor waved his hand: "Bye, Logic."

Luo Ji smiled at her: "Bye."

Tyler suddenly stopped halfway and walked to Luo Ji: "I've been wanting to ask you a question these past few days, but I haven't asked it yet."

"what is the problem?"

"Did you write those two songs for me?" Taylor read some lyrics in the song: "Only when you let go do you know that it is true love. Your leaving caught me off guard."

Luo Ji smiled playfully and said, "Didn't I tell you that it was written for Audrey Hepburn."

Taylor stared at Luo Ji without saying a word.

Luo Ji was stared at uninterestedly and shrugged helplessly: "Does it matter who you write to?"

Taylor looked at Luo Ji firmly: "It's not important if you write it to other people, but if you write it to me, it's important. I think you should understand what I mean."

Of course Luo Ji knew what she meant. In the past two days, Luo Ji had noticed that Taylor wanted to get back together.

But, what happens after getting back together?

Luo Ji could already predict the outcome. The two of them had a very devoted and vigorous love, the kind of love that would kill them all.

But in the end, Taylor will find that he has another girlfriend, just like the last relationship, they broke up, the dishes were messy, and the other girl was left with only pain.

In Luo Ji's mind, Taylor was different from others. He didn't want Taylor to go through such pain again, and he himself didn't want to go through the inner torture again.

Luo Ji looked at Taylor seriously and said, "Those two songs were not written for you."

Taylor stared into Luo Ji's eyes, trying to detect signs of lying.But Luo Ji's expression didn't change at all.

The light in her eyes gradually disappeared, and she hesitated several times to speak, but in the end she could not say it.After leaving only one sentence, he turned around and walked towards the boarding elevator: "Bye, Logic!"

"Goodbye." Luo Ji nodded.

Taylor trotted to the door of the plane, quickly turned back to look at Luo Ji, and then disappeared.

Not sure if he saw it wrong, but Luo Ji saw that there seemed to be tears on Taylor's face when he turned around just now.

(End of this chapter)

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