New York 2006

Chapter 259 Marvel’s curtain rises

Chapter 259 Marvel’s curtain rises
At the end of the day's shooting, at [-] p.m., Luo Ji and Blake headed to Christine's new home in the Hollywood Hills.

Kristen called some of her good friends today, as well as Blake's new girlfriend. Seven or eight men and women who were under the drinking age were wearing bikinis and swimsuits next to the swimming pool, drinking beer and playing games. They were very happy.

Blake shouted excitedly: "Logic, it's your turn."

Luo Ji picked up the table tennis ball and was about to throw it out when his cell phone rang.Luo Ji took a look and saw that the call was from Zhu Haowei, CEO of the film company.

"I'm going to take a call. You guys can play first," Luo Ji said apologetically.

Dakota seemed a little drunk, she yelled: "Shhh, Logic, you are so disappointing."

Luo Ji waved his hand casually and walked aside wearing colorful pants: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Haowei said: "Logic, I have obtained the internal Marvel information you asked me to check. It has been sent to your computer."


Zhu Haowei hesitated for a moment and then said: "Logic, I originally suggested that you pay attention to comic-book superhero movies, but I didn't expect you to take such a big interest. This, this risk is too great, otherwise, we should learn about Dark Horse Comics Corporation, or Image Comics. They’re not that expensive.”

"I'll take a look first, don't worry." Luo Ji continued, "You can investigate these two companies by the way."


Luo Ji walked towards the parking place. When his girlfriend Kristen saw it, she waved quickly: "Logic, come here, let's continue playing."

Luo Ji waved his hand: "You guys go ahead and play, I have some serious business here."

Soon, Luo Ji took out the notebook he always carried with him from the car and went to the observation deck on the second floor of the villa. Luo Ji sat on the table, enjoying the cool breeze, and turned on his computer.

The scenery here is very good. Looking down from the second floor, you can see the swimming pool and the entire night view of Los Angeles. Office work is not boring at all.

Dakota sat by the swimming pool, glanced at Luo Ji on the second floor, and then looked back at her best friend: "Is he so busy? He has to work at night?"

Kristine nodded: "Yes, after all, he has several companies, and there are often emergencies that need him to deal with."

"Did you ask him about the song he wrote for his ex-girlfriend?"

"I asked, and he said no." Christine then said nonchalantly: "So what if he wrote to his ex-girlfriend? Who hasn't had a past? And he has never admitted in the media that he wrote to that woman. Yes, that’s enough.”

"Okay." Dakota nodded.

Kristine looked around and found no one nearby. She lowered her voice and said, "I'll tell you a secret. You promise I won't tell anyone else."

"Okay, you say."

Christine whispered to her best friend: "This villa was actually given to me by Logic."

"What?" Dakota exclaimed, and the eyes of everyone around him gathered.

"Don't shout!" Christine said quickly.

"I'm sorry, I was so surprised just now." Dakota regained her composure: "This villa is not cheap, isn't it? I remember that it cost more than 680 million yuan in the past two years. He just gave it to you directly?"

Christine smiled and said, "Yes, he gave it to me a few days ago, and the head of the household still wrote my name on it."

Dakota tried his best to suppress his expression and awkwardly squeezed out a sentence: "He, he is so good to you."

Kristen looked sweet: "Yes, I feel that he is the one I am destined for."

"Are you obsessed with love?" Dakota continued: "As a woman, you have to take the initiative. You can't let men lead the way."

"Love should be simple. Why make it so complicated?" Kristen continued: "I don't think about this anymore. He is good to me and I give my sincerity. This is enough. I can't even imagine what will happen if he leaves now." how……"

Dakota looked at her love-minded best friend and was speechless.So he turned his attention to Luo Ji, who was working on the second floor, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


Luo Ji spent half an hour carefully reading the information about Marvel on his computer.

After the new millennium, there are a total of four relatively well-known comic companies in the United States.

Marvel is first, occupying 37%-40% of the market share, followed by Warner's DC Comics, accounting for about 20%-30%.Finally, there are Dark Horse Comics and Image Comics.The rest are small studios, very scattered.

Although Marvel Comics is the largest comics company in the United States, like the music industry, the comics market is also shrinking across the board.Against this background, Marvel is becoming increasingly difficult.

Therefore, Marvel Comics formulated its own movie universe strategy in 2004 and began to produce its own movies.

However, comics didn’t make much money at all before movies were made.The annual profit is only tens of millions of dollars, and the company still has to repay debts, so the company doesn't have much cash left at all.

Marvel Comics simply couldn't afford the high production costs of the movie, so they turned to Merrill Lynch, which invested $5.25 million in eight years and allowed Marvel to produce up to 10 movies in eight years.

However, due to the financial crisis, Merrill Lynch was acquired by Bank of America last year.Everyone is short of money during the financial crisis. Now that the loan agreement has been terminated, Marvel will not be able to obtain subsequent funds.

Therefore, Marvel's movie universe plans have also been postponed.The movie that was originally scheduled to start shooting early this year has no sound.

It doesn't matter if you are short of money during the financial crisis. Logically speaking, the production cost of Iron Man last year was US$1.5 million, and the global box office was US$5.43 million.With such a high box office, Marvel should not be short of money.

But don't forget, Marvel also produced "The Incredible Hulk" last year. The film cost 1.5 million US dollars to produce, but unfortunately it only made 2.1 million US dollars at the box office, which was a huge loss.

Moreover, Marvel is different from Logic Pictures. Most of the movies produced by his company are funded by themselves, and the profits are also shared by themselves.

But Marvel's movies are jointly funded by Merrill Lynch, Marvel, Paramount and other investors.Marvel only gets a portion of the profits.

Moreover, with the failure of "The Incredible Hulk", everyone began to lose confidence in Marvel, and financing became difficult.

The lack of confidence in Marvel is also reflected in the stock price.Marvel's stock price is now US$20 million, and its market value is only US$16 billion.The P/E ratio is about 12 times.

For ordinary investors, Marvel's price-to-earnings ratio is tasteless and a pity to abandon.

But for a person like Luo Ji who has the apocalypse, he knows that Marvel's future is bound to win.

However, although Marvel currently only has 16 billion US dollars, if it wants to fully acquire it, 16 billion US dollars is far from enough.


It is already night at Logic Investment Company on Broadway Street in New York, but the company is still brightly lit.

Xu Youyu directed the company's operators to sell the last futures contract for shorting the banking industry last year. He sat down on the chair and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

The selling started more than ten days ago. He has been working overtime recently, and his body in his 40s can no longer bear it.

An operator walked up to him and asked in a low voice: "Dr. Xu, can we sell everything like this? Will the rise of the banking industry this time be like last year, a small-stage rebound?"

"Just do as I say." Xu Youyu rubbed his temples and said.

The operator asked: "Then what is our next plan? Will we continue to absorb Marvel stock?"

Xu Youyu said: "Just follow the plan and stop when the absorption reaches 4.9%."

"However, this only cost less than 8000 million yuan. We still have a lot of spare funds. Should we just leave it like this?"

Xu Youyu waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about it, just leave it alone."

"Okay." The operator nodded and left with some confusion.

Xu Youyu came to the lounge, drank a cup of coffee to refresh himself, and then took out his mobile phone and dialed Luo Ji's phone number: "Logic, all short-selling contracts last year have been cleared."

"Okay." Luo Ji nodded.

Xu Youyu still asked the question in his mind: "Logic, how did you predict this sharp rise."

"Don't ask."

Xu Youyu was still very curious: "Is it related to the US$7870 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act proposed by President Barack, which has been discussed in the media these days?" "Now that you know, you still ask." Luo Ji He continued: "Last year's economic stabilization bill was worth more than $7000 billion, and now it is a recovery investment bill worth $7870 billion. The Federal Reserve also directly printed money to purchase subprime mortgage bonds in the market. With so many stimulus policies, if there is no economy anymore If things get better, the U.S. government can shut down."

"Okay." Xu Youyu continued: "But you asked me to sell the Recovery Act before it was exposed by the media. How did you know in advance?"

Politicians in Washington are very honest with their donors.As long as it is insensitive national defense information, they dare to disclose any information.

Luo Ji was slow to receive the news. Some financial institutions already knew about the bill when it was still being discussed among a few people.

Luo Ji lied and said, "I saw that the financial industry was beginning to recover, so I predicted that the government would take action."

"Okay." Xu Youyu then said with some worry: "But, less than half a year has passed, and there is another 7870 billion meters of government investment. Will the Republican Party, which advocates small government, object? What if the bill cannot be passed? ?”

"If you look at the Democratic seats in the House and Senate, they hold the majority. It's useless for Republicans to oppose it."

Xu Youyu continued: "However, the two parties have always had a tacit understanding. The Republicans have been firmly opposed in the media these days. The Democrats must also consider their feelings. The bill may have twists and turns."

"Stop thinking about such long-term issues. The most important thing is to be safe now." Luo Ji explained casually, but this was also a lie.

He received definite information from a certain Democratic politician in Washington. She told Luo Ji that the bill would definitely pass.

I just don’t know that the Democratic Party used the majority of seats in the House and Senate to implement it despite the opposition of the Republicans and ignored the tacit understanding between the two parties.Or exchange interests with the Republicans and let them support the recovery bill.

"Okay." Xu Youyu ended the topic, turned around and asked: "Boss, do you really plan to acquire Marvel? I have analyzed his company and the situation is not very good."

"I will definitely carry out this acquisition. Please stop trying to persuade me." Luo Ji continued, "I need you to go to Goldman Sachs for support in the next two days."

Xu Youyu still has some feelings for his old club: "Why not Deutsche Bank? We have always cooperated with them."

"Because last year Goldman Sachs was the only profitable company among all the investment banks in the United States. If I had to choose, I would choose the strongest one!" Luo Ji continued: "The failure to acquire Tesla last time embarrassed me. I don't want to Don’t allow this to happen again.”


Luo Ji used his laptop to log into the investment company's internal network and looked at the company's report today.

The company's cash flow now amounts to more than 2000 million yuan, which is enough for the company's normal operations this year.

He and Taylor shorted the banking industry for $4.3 million last year, and now they have cleared all their positions, which has become $[-] million.

Treasury bonds, gold, and Internet stocks purchased by private equity funds did not sell off.Shorting the banking sector, I liquidated my position and received $3 million in cash.

However, private equity funds have $3 million in cash.If he wanted to use it to acquire Marvel, he wouldn't be allowed.If it is to be used compulsorily, there will be some legal issues.

Therefore, Luo Ji would not use it unless absolutely necessary.

Then, the remaining cash is only the income from record companies and film companies last year.

The film company's revenue was US$3.73 million, and the two record companies' revenue was US$3.53 million, for a total of US$7.26 million.

The more Luo Ji earned, the more he spent.

Last year, I invested $1 million in BYD, another $5 million in 9000% of Netflix, $2600 million in SpaceX, $5500 million in Tesla, $5000 million in other new energy companies, and $3300 million in private jets. , purchased gold worth 1000 million U.S. dollars, education funds for two children, a house worth 2560 million U.S. dollars, and the filming of "Twilight" worth 4000 million U.S. dollars.Charitable funds, political donations of 500 million US dollars, and all daily expenses of 800 million US dollars.

A total of 4.43 million US dollars.

It seems that there is still about [-] million cash flow left, but at the beginning of this year.The film company also has many projects, and all this money has been invested recently.


A total of 2.31 million US dollars.

In other words, last year we earned US$7.26 million, and now we have spent US$6.74 million.There is less than 5200 million in cash left.

If I had known that Marvel might be acquired, I shouldn’t have launched so many projects this year.However, he could not predict when or what the apocalypse would be.

Spending money is too much!However, this is his brokerage strategy. If the money is not spent, he will have to pay a large amount of tax in April.The highest income tax of 35% is painful to think about.

Now, if other companies squeeze in a little bit and pool the funds they get, the cash flow he can use now is about 5 million yuan.

There is also Taylor's 6000 million, which she invested before, and the 1000 million she borrowed from herself during the Grammys.


$5 million in cash is far from enough to acquire Marvel.

Then, there are only mortgage loans, and he has many high-quality assets.This may not be enough, he may need to bring in a few allies!
Luo Ji stood up and came to the edge of the glass guardrail to look down. The night view of Los Angeles was brilliantly lit. A sudden gust of wind blew through, causing ripples in his heart.

Kristine took a coat and put it on Luo Ji: "It's still a bit cold at night in Los Angeles in February. Please be careful. Don't catch a cold."

Luo Ji said, "If you didn't tell me, I really didn't notice that I was a little cold."

Kristine walked next to him: "What are you thinking about standing here alone?".

"Business matters," Luo Ji said casually.

Christine looked at Luo Ji with gentle eyes: "I've heard some bad rumors recently, saying that you are short of money. Otherwise, I'd better sell the house."

Luo Ji touched her head: "No, I earned so much money last year, how could I be short of a few million?"

Kristen said with a worried look: "Can you tell me what it is? I feel that you have been under a lot of pressure and anxious recently."

"There's nothing wrong with me, everything is fine." Luo Ji smiled at her. He still didn't like telling women about the difficulties he encountered.

"How about I stay with you."

"No, you go and rest. Leave me alone."

"Okay." Kristen looked back three times in one step, her eyes full of worry.

Luo Ji tried his best to look calm, smiled at her and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Christine's figure disappeared around the corner, and Luo Ji turned back to look outside.The sky is a bit gloomy today, and there are no stars in sight. Only the city of Los Angeles under the mountain is lit.

Several elites in the company were against him and advised him to play it safe.This acquisition of Marvel, a listed company, is foreseen to be very difficult.

In fact, he could also choose a more relaxed approach and invest safely without being so adventurous.With revelation and intuition, one day he will be able to stand on a high place and see the scenery.

However, with such a stable investment, when will he be able to control a company that can affect the world?

The longer Luo Ji stayed in Hollywood, the more he felt that the six major companies at the top of the industry's food chain were the makers of Hollywood's rules.

Second-tier film companies like them are more or less controlled by the six giants.

In Hollywood, the game of thrones, there is no further step to becoming a giant.His film company will one day become an unknown small company due to lack of creativity, lack of inspiration, or a wrong investment, and will eventually be acquired or go bankrupt.

"In Game of Thrones, you either win or die, there is no middle ground!"

Luo Ji suddenly thought of this sentence from Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire". This sentence clearly described the situation of independent Hollywood film companies.

In the game of power, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Small companies are like a fleeting cloud, fleeting and fleeting, while only giants are eternal.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!
Epic music appeared in Luo Ji's mind, and then a picture appeared. It was a piece of music synthesized by CG technology. There were metal gears on the outside with many patterns carved on them, and a model of the sun appeared on the inside.

Along with the exciting music, the camera began to move. It looked like the map in "A Song of Ice and Fire", the white Great Wall, the last Hearth City, the godswood, Eastside City... King's Landing, until the final Iron Throne.

When the music came to an end, the gear-shaped sun model appeared again, and a few words appeared on the dark black metal.

Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones!

(End of this chapter)

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