New York 2006

Chapter 265 Oscar teases Luo Ji

Chapter 265 Oscar teases Luo Ji

Hugh Jackman stood on stage in a suit and tie to host this year's Oscars.

His opening line is interesting: "This year, Kate was nominated for playing a German in The Reader as an Englishman."

"Hahahaha." The whole venue burst into laughter.

"And I, as an Australian, play an Australian in a movie called Australia, to host."

"Hahahaha." Luo Ji was also amused and clapped along with everyone.

Hugh Jackman talked for a while, then changed the subject and said: "Due to the Academy's budget cuts, there will be no opening song this year. But, I have to sing one anyway."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The people in the audience started to cheer.

"Last night, I was in the garage, trying to string together all the famous movies of last year, and wasted a lot of my brain cells. Now please enjoy my masterpiece."

As soon as Hugh Jackman finished speaking, music sounded on the stage, and he sang along with the music: "Why movies adapted from comic books have never been nominated for Oscars. Why the global box office of one billion dollars is still not enough to prove. Everyone Everyone went to see The Dark Knight, why doesn’t Oscar like it?”

"Hahahaha." Luo Ji laughed, the official complaint was the most deadly.

"The Dark Knight", last year's global box office champion, did not receive any film-related nominations. Only Heath Ledger, who played the dead Joker, was nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

Jackman then used the form of a musical to complain about "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," which has thirteen Oscar nominations, and "Slumdog Millionaire," which has nine nominations...

Immediately afterwards, Jackman quickly ran off the stage: "Annie, I need your help next."

Anne Hathaway acted very flustered and danced around like she was unaware.

How is this possible? Luo Ji saw her from a distance several times during Oscar rehearsals.Luo Ji looked at Hathaway's movements and laughed out loud. Her live acting was a bit exaggerated.

However, after continuing to perform in the musical, she and Hugh Jackman worked very well together, and it was obvious that she was well prepared.

Luo Ji didn't really like musicals in the past, but after "Mamma Mia" had a higher box office than "The Twilight Saga" last year, he learned more about musicals.

Musicals are very popular in Omi, with annual box office revenue of 20 billion US dollars on Broadway and 10 billion US dollars on London's West End.Musicals account for [-]% of the revenue.In addition to the musicals and movies in history, Omi musicals still have a strong mass base.

But I didn’t expect that this year’s Oscar performance would also be in the style of a musical.

Hugh Jackman sang: "I'm a hundred-year-old vampire."

Anne Hathaway sang: "I am an 18-year-old human girl."

"I fell in love with you for no reason."

"I fell in love with you for no reason either."

Then the two began to sing together: "We came together, but some people complained about our poor acting skills, and we were nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award."

Hahaha, everyone laughed louder than before!
The TV camera instantly focused on Luo Ji and Christine, and many people looked at them.

What an unexpected complaint!
Luo Ji reacted quickly and responded with a smile. Kristen didn't react, and her mouth opened slightly, feeling a little embarrassed and a little surprised.

Hugh Jackman then sang: "I felt very uncomfortable, so I thought about buying a comic company to relieve my bad mood."

It’s like keeping up with current events, right?
"Ah ha ha ha ha!" More than 3000 people in the Kodak Theater burst into laughter.

Luo Ji also laughed. In the entertainment industry, you still need to have an entertainment spirit. American programs often make fun of celebrities, and even the president and the richest man can't avoid it.

Moreover, his moral integrity is low to begin with. He can even say things like running naked, but he is still afraid of this.Kristine was also infected by the hearty smile of her boyfriend at this time, and started laughing too.

After laughing, Luo Ji continued to watch the musical performances by Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway on the stage.Gradually, his expression became serious in relief, because the familiar feeling came again. Could it be that the apocalypse was coming?

If I faint today, it will be a big blow and I won’t be able to cover it up even if I want to.

Fortunately, the feeling of apocalypse disappeared as Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway disappeared from the stage.

However, Luo Ji rubbed his chin and thought, could this apocalypse have something to do with the two of them?

Soon, the nominations for Best Supporting Actress began to be handed out, among which Luo Ji could recognize only three, Taraji Henson, Penelope Cruz and Amy Adams.

Of them all, Luo Ji's favorite was Amy Adams.

This female star is 35 years old this year, but she still has a baby face and looks very young. She is a very special existence among white women.No wonder she also played a Disney princess two years ago.

"Best Supporting Actress went to Penelope Cruz for 'Midnight in Barcelona.'"

Bang bang bang, everyone in the venue applauded.

There has always been a saying in Hollywood called the Oscar Curse. It is said that after a female star wins an Oscar, her relationship will suffer setbacks and her career will not go well.

But why are there so many female stars chasing this award?Of course, it’s not just an honor, this award will also bring a lot of benefits.

After winning, auditions will become easier, the pay will be higher, and the probability of getting luxury endorsements will greatly increase.

Moreover, in fact, the Oscar curse is not true at all, and most companies in Hollywood think so. This is actually survivor bias.

The media will only report on those female celebrities who have problems with their relationships and careers after winning awards.What's more, the entertainment industry is inherently chaotic, and divisions and mergers are common, which is why everyone feels that the Oscar curse exists.

"I want to thank Harvey Weinstein." Luo Ji suddenly heard the best supporting actress say these words.

Harvey, Luo Ji heard that he was a great public relations officer and won the Oscar almost every year. He really lived up to his reputation.

However, the two haven't contacted each other for a long time. He previously said that he would take him to see beautiful female celebrities, but now he doesn't believe it.

......... "Please, Logic from "The Twilight Saga" and Amanda Seyfried from "Mamma Mia"."

Bang bang bang, the audience suddenly burst into warm applause.Amanda took the initiative to hold Luo Ji's arm and walked towards the center of the stage.When the two came to the microphone, she didn't let go.

Luo Ji struggled a little but to no avail and had no choice but to give up. Now in front of the camera, he couldn't do anything too extreme.

Amanda smiled and approached the microphone: "A boy meets a girl. The boy falls in love with another girl, and the boy falls in love with a third girl. Finally, the boy realizes that perhaps, he should be with the first girl he met. Girls spend their lives together.”

Luo Ji approached the microphone and said, "Such scenes can be seen in many contemporary movies. In fact, this is from the best movie "Wing" in 1927..."

While Luo Ji was speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Amanda. At this time, she was smiling and looking at him with love in her eyes, which was completely in line with the style of this speech.

Her acting skills are so good.

As the speech continued, Luo Ji said, "In order to find the destined woman, I had to become a vampire."

Amanda said: "And I have three dads."

There was laughter in the venue. This is actually the usual routine of the Oscars, making fun of some movies from last year.Some people who don’t know the inside story may not really understand what the point of the joke is.

Amanda opened the show and Luo Ji closed the show. He said into the microphone: "The movie is still going on, and the theme of love will never go out of style. Let's enjoy the love clips from the 2008 movie."

The venue turned dark, and with the soundtrack of Luo Ji's "Perfect", clips from last year's movie about love played on the big screen behind them.

"The Twilight Saga", "Midnight in Barcelona", "Revolutionary Road"...

Luo Ji wanted to laugh when he saw the clip from "Revolutionary Road", but it wasn't that the movie was funny.The male and female protagonists of this movie are Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, who collaborated again after ten years after "Titanic", which caused a great sensation at the time.

Moreover, the theme of the movie is very serious, it is about the married life of the male and female protagonists, and the ending is a tragedy.

What’s funny about this movie is behind the scenes.

The film was directed by Kate's husband Sam Mendes, and there are also sex scenes with her wife Kate in the film.It's really speechless.

Luo Ji knew that there were many such couples in the European and American entertainment circles, but it was really difficult for him to accept this weird relationship.

He suddenly thought that if Kate wins Best Actress this year, the unreliable Oscar curse will be confirmed for her.

When the lights came on, Amanda took Luo Ji's arm and said, "Let's leave!"

"Okay." After reaching the backstage, Luo Ji said, "I'm going to the front desk, do you want to come with me?"

Amanda smiled: "I have a performance later and I have to change my costume."

"Ok." Luo Ji waved and left quickly.


From then on, the Oscar had nothing to do with Luo Ji. He returned to his seat at the front desk to enjoy the award ceremony.

Natalie Portman, who has aged so much that you can see the wrinkles on her neck, presented the award for Best Photography.

Miley Cyrus came on stage and said something, and the good girl turned into a childlike face with big breasts. Well, she's still underage!It was so exposed.

Will Smith, a client of private equity funds, is indeed a big star. He presented four awards for Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing and Best Film Editing.The Oscars probably awarded these unimportant awards all at once in order to shorten the time.

As expected, Heath Ledger won the Best Supporting Actor award, and no one could compete with A Dead Man.

"Slumdog Millionaire" turned out to be the biggest winner, which was somewhat unexpected, having won six awards.These old white men all like to see the dark places in the third world to enhance their sense of superiority.

There are too many gay elements in this year's Oscars. The Democratic Party has changed the trend as soon as it came to power. Hmm, Oscars are a group of guys who adapt to the changing circumstances.

As expected, the movie "The Embalmer" won the Best Foreign Language Film. When he re-watched the nominated movies, he liked the movie very much.Compared with Europeans and Americans, movies made by East Asians are more emotionally delicate.

Luo Ji and Kristine whispered, "Are the only ones left that are most important, Best Actor and Best Actor and Best Picture?"

"Yes." Kristen looked directly at the stage and nodded flatly.

Luo Ji complained: "I think the Oscars are a bit boring. They are not as exciting as the Grammys."

"That's because you don't want to compete for an Oscar. If you have that idea, you won't feel that way."

Luo Ji thought about it carefully: "It's true, I do care more about honors in music, but I don't care much about movies."

"I know." Kristen continued: "I can feel your contempt for Oscar from your words during this period."

Luo Ji started to explain: "That's because the Grammys not only focus on artistry, but also on commerce. In order to show their differences, the Oscars only focus on artistry. Moreover, the Oscars can be influenced by a small group of people, and they are simply their playthings." . But the Grammys are different. Public relations are difficult."

"Okay." Kristen looked at her boyfriend and said, "So, you think the popular ones are the best."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "I think the best ones are those that can make money."

Kristine cast a look of disdain: "It's really a capitalist mentality, can you be a little more reserved like an artist?"

Kristen was a little emotional now because of her intimate interaction with Amanda on the stage.

Luo Ji said with a gentle look on his face: "If I didn't have such a capitalist mindset, how could I have been lucky enough to meet you?"

Kristine suddenly beamed and quietly held her boyfriend's hand: "You know how to say sweet words."

(End of this chapter)

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