New York 2006

Chapter 276

Chapter 276
On April 2009, 4, Zhu Haowei led the legal team temporarily hired by Marvel, as well as several company executives, to take Luo Ji's private plane to the Marvel Toy Factory in Ohio.

When everyone arrived at the gate of the factory, they saw a group of workers organizing a strike. It looked like more than 500 people at a glance.There were a group of reporters around taking photos and interviews.

Zhu Haowei frowned: "Why are there so many people?"

A Marvel executive explained: "There should be support from the workers' families and other local unions."

Another asked: "Why are there still reporters? How did they know we were coming?"

"Don't think about it, the union must have informed us. To put pressure on us."

Reporters immediately gathered around after seeing the crowd. They recognized Zhu Haowei at a glance, and the microphone was directly thrown into his face: "Mr. Zhu, did Logic say anything about this strike?"

"Mr. Zhu, Marvel was fine before and never mentioned layoffs. How come the company was in the hands of Logic and suddenly said it would lay off more than 80% of its employees and close the factory."

Zhu Haowei learned his lesson this time and didn't mention words like layoffs.

He talked to himself into the microphone: "Marvel is now in difficulty, with debts exceeding $19 billion. We have to find ways to reduce operating costs in order to avoid the company going bankrupt!"

The reporter immediately said: "We have heard some news that Logic has outsourced production tasks to..."

Zhu Haowei raised his hand to stop him directly: "This is the end of the interview. Next, I'm going to negotiate with the union representatives."

After he finished speaking, he led a group of senior lawyers in suits and ties and walked toward the factory with a calm demeanor and steady steps.This scene.It was in sharp contrast to the surrounding workers wearing work clothes and shouting at the top of their lungs.

Entering the factory, Zhu Haowei looked around. There were many fewer employees in the entire factory, but basic security and the company's basic operations were still in progress, but production tasks were completely stopped.

Zhu Haowei is quite satisfied. It seems that the union has carried out the strike negotiations between the company and the union fairly well.

You read that right, union strikes also require negotiation with the company. Otherwise, the union will be shut down without negotiation. Then the union will become the uncrowned king.

In fact, the reason why this toy factory has a trade union is because it was established too early.This factory was established before the end of the Cold War, and the workers' rights and interests were fairly well protected.

However, since the beginning of the new millennium, union membership has dropped rapidly among workers across the country, and now only accounts for less than 15%.Some companies will deliberately avoid union members when recruiting.

Just like the film, music, investment and Internet companies founded by Luo Ji, there are no company unions like Marvel Toys, and only 18% of employees are union members.

Most of these union members still belong to traditional industries such as music and film.For companies such as investment companies, Holi Game Company and WeChat, less than 5% of them are members of the guild.

If Marvel Toy Factory didn't have a union, layoffs would be much easier.However, the company has a labor union and can only solve the problem through collective bargaining.

Zhu Haowei came to the company's conference room under the leadership of a senior executive from the factory.When I opened the door, I saw three trade union representatives and two local government officials sitting inside.

Their attitude was very good and they were not as tense as the workers outside.Stand up and say hello.

However, when the topic got down to business, the expressions of the three union representatives became serious.

A white union representative in his 50s asked: "Isn't Logic here?"

Zhu Haowei said: "Logic is not involved in the company's daily original production. He leaves everything to me."

"Logic's one word has determined the survival of so many workers." The union representative sarcastically said: "Does he not have the courage to face us?"

"It's still a matter of survival, let alone whether there is something or not." Zhu Haowei showed his toughness directly: "Is it possible that these workers will not be able to find other jobs if they leave the toy factory?"

The union representative did not reply, but explained patiently: "They are generally older, and it is difficult to find a job again. And the probation period for a new job is usually more than six months. What do you want them to do?"

"But Marvel is about to go bankrupt." Zhu Haowei did not compromise: "You have also seen the documents we submitted. In the past two months, Marvel has lost 800 million yuan each month, and this year it is expected to lose [-] million yuan. Is it possible? When the time comes, can we all finish playing together when we’re bankrupt?”

The government official who had been listening said, "Can you please not close this factory? Only a small number of employees will be laid off, and the government is willing to give Marvel tax incentives."

"How much is that? This amount of tax revenue is not enough to make up for Marvel's losses." Zhu Haowei continued: "If the government can find a company to take over this factory, we are willing to sell it at a low price."

The government official said: "We can help find it, but it will take at least half a year."

"We can't wait so long." Zhu Haowei immediately realized that this was a blank check, and he immediately said: "Marvel is not not thinking about selling this factory, but after asking around with partners, no one is willing to buy it."

The government official said coldly: "So you must close factories and lay off people on a large scale?"

"Yes." Zhu Haowei was not timid, and he immediately added: "If you can find a buyer willing to acquire the company within the two months when the layoffs are final, we are willing to take action."

Government officials stopped talking. Now is the financial crisis. The manufacturing industry across the country is shrinking. All kinds of real companies are bankrupt. The unemployment rate is soaring. It's strange that they can find a new home.

The union representative immediately said harshly: "Then we will continue the strike to see who can't hold on." "It's up to you, the factory's orders are also decreasing now, so you don't have to pay wages if you strike."

The union representative said: "Aren't you afraid of breach of contract? You must know that this factory produces not only orders from Marvel, but also orders from other companies. Liquidated damages will be paid at that time."

Zhu Haowei said lightly: "It doesn't matter."

Luo Ji wasn't afraid of a strike at all.

Compared with the long-term wages and benefits of these workers and the high cost of operating the factory, this order compensation is nothing.This is labor pain and there is nothing you can do about it.

A group of people negotiated with each other for a long time. The union representatives finally realized that they did not have much bargaining chips. The closure of the factory and layoffs were inevitable.

The 50-year-old white man lost his momentum and bent down. He took a deep breath and said, "Tell me your layoff conditions."

Zhu Haowei nodded to the lawyer next to him and took out some documents from his briefcase.

"In this layoff, 130 frontline workers, cleaning staff, and logistics staff will all be laid off. The factory will be completely closed in two months."

"Of the thirty workers who transport goods, only 10 employees will be retained. However, the work location will be changed to California, and the work content will also change to contacting third-party transportation and will not be involved in the specific transportation of goods."

"There are more than 30 clerical staff, and only 20 related sales staff will be retained. However, the work location will be changed to New York and directly integrated into the Marvel headquarters."

"As for the company's senior executives, all production-related executives will be laid off. One transportation-related executive will be retained and will go to work in California. Two sales network executives will be retained and will go to work in New York."

The union representative shouted angrily: "This is simply a big purge!"

The lawyer ignored him and continued: "Anyone who is willing to stay will have their salary increased by 20% on the original basis. As for the laid off employees, Marvel is willing to compensate them with two months' salary in accordance with the provisions of the law."

"Two months is the deadline. If you don't agree, we will directly initiate the compulsory layoff process at that time."

"The company still has some production orders. If the negotiations go well and we are willing to keep the workers who complete the orders, we are willing to provide 1.5 times the salary. However, we will lay off all workers when production is over."

"Executives can be compensated according to the contract. If there are special groups, such as disabled people, we can..."

After hearing all the conditions, the three old white men were panting.

They gave Zhu Haowei a hard look, then picked up the contract and walked out the door, angrily saying: "Our union needs to discuss it. Also, this condition is definitely not acceptable!"


Two days later, Luo Ji and Fiona were sitting at home, watching FOX news on TV.

"The strike at Marvel Toys that lasted for four days has finally come to an end. Logic and the union have reached an agreement, and more than 80% of the layoff plans have officially taken effect."

"Today, more than 100 employees have officially left Marvel Toy Company. In the next two months, more than 60 employees will also be laid off after completing orders from the toy factory. The number of layoffs this time will reach 172 people.”

"Our Logic has made a great contribution to the unemployment rate across the country today."

The host Tucker Carlson said sarcastically on the TV, while Luo Ji looked at him coldly and frowned.

The screen switched to the front gate of the Marvel Toy Factory in Ohio in the Great Lakes region. A group of white men and white women around 40 years old, holding their personal belongings in their hands and with bitter expressions, walked out of the factory door step by step.

Reporters immediately gathered around to interview him, but they didn't ask anything useful.Most were complaints about unemployment.Because they have all signed confidentiality agreements regarding their resignation, they will not reveal some of the company's secrets.

"I think it's okay. I'm very satisfied with the conditions for this layoff."

“I don’t know when I will find my next job.”

"I still have five children to raise at home, and I don't know if anyone can help me."

"No comment."

Fiona looked at the interview screen and suddenly said: "Look, those people in the back are laughing."

Luo Ji gritted his teeth and said, "How can they not laugh? They don't have to work and they get four months' salary and severance pay at once."

"Okay." Fiona continued to look at the TV. After a while, she came to her senses and looked at Luo Ji with concern on her face: "You, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Ji said with a sad face: "It's nothing, I'm just a little heartbroken. My money!"

(End of this chapter)

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