New York 2006

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

At seven o'clock in the evening, the party officially started. There were no speeches, no proposals for new energy sources in the future, and no exchange of interests.All these things have been completed during the previous lobbying period, and today we just invite relevant stakeholders to come and celebrate.

Luo Ji just finished talking to a politician from the Democratic Party.The president of electric vehicle battery manufacturer A123 came over. He is of Chinese descent.

"Hello, Logic."

"Hello, Jiang Yeming."

Luo Ji was familiar with him and immediately extended his hand to shake his hand. This Chinese-American had a Ph.D. from MIT and was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Engineering this year.

He is very similar to US Energy Secretary Steven Chu who is talking to Musk not far away. He is also very similar to most elite Chinese Americans in the United States. They relied on their intelligence to get into good schools.

After entering the society, you can either continue your academic studies, find a high-paying career, or start a business with your intelligence. In short, you are not an ordinary person.

Jiang Yeming smiled and said: "Logic, I heard that in September and October last year, you invested heavily in many new energy companies in China and the United States, but why didn't you invest in my company? Isn't that right? Are you optimistic about my company?"

"How is that possible? The most expensive component of electric vehicles is the battery. I am very optimistic about the prospects of your company."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "But at that time, your company had no financing plan, so even if I wanted to invest, there was no way for me to invest. Besides, besides BYD and Tesla, I was investing in all start-ups."

Jiang Mingye said: "Then my company has a financing plan. Are you interested in investing?"

Luo Ji was a little surprised: "Aren't you going to get a low-interest loan from the government next? Why are you still short of money?"

Jiang Mingye explained helplessly: "The investment scale of the battery factory is too large. If it cannot produce at scale, it will be difficult to reduce costs and compete with those countries in East Asia."

Luo Ji asked curiously, "What is your financing plan?"

Jiang Mingye said with a smile: "I plan to IPO the company in September this year. If you are interested, I will notify you then."

Luo Ji thought about it and realized that A123 was a company he had researched last year. Its battery technology was world-class and it also provided batteries for electric vehicles made by Chrysler, Daimler, Ford, Focus, and General Motors.

However, A123 is not the main supplier of these car brands. South Korea's LG and Japan's Panasonic are.He wants to compete with these two companies.

However, with the development of new energy vehicles, car batteries will inevitably develop greatly. As long as A123 Company develops according to the current trend, it is definitely worth investing in.

Luo Ji asked the most important thing: "How do you plan to reduce the cost of batteries?"

"We plan to build a factory in Michigan," Jiang Mingye said.

Luo Ji retorted directly: "The United States? The labor costs in the United States are so high, how can you compete with Japan's Panasonic and South Korea's LG?"

Jiang Mingye then said: "We also plan to set up a joint venture factory with China's SAIC and are currently negotiating. Try to reduce costs as much as possible."

"The strategy is fine." Luo Ji nodded: "Okay, you can let me know when the IPO happens."

"Okay." Jiang Mingye said immediately: "Logic, in fact, I can let you buy shares now and give you a more favorable investment condition. The price will definitely be much lower than the IPO price."

Lie down and make money?

Luo Ji was already very familiar with this situation, so he said directly: "You can tell me what conditions you have!"

"I hope you can get Tesla to accept our batteries!" Jiang Mingye then added: "I can also accept Musk's investment."

Luo Ji asked, "Why don't you go directly to Musk? He is the manager of Tesla?"

"I'm not familiar with him." Jiang Mingye said.

Luo Ji didn't really care much about making this kind of money, but Tesla's current main battery supplier was Japan's Panasonic.

Luo Ji then said: "I can help you ask, but I can't guarantee success. Although I am a member of Tesla's board of directors, I promised Musk that I would not dictate how he manages the company."

"Okay, Logic."


At the party, Luo Ji found Musk who was talking to Energy Minister Steven Chu.

"Minister Zhu, Musk, good evening."

"good evening."

Luo Ji said, "What are you two talking about? Are you so involved?"

Steven Chu smiled and said: "We are talking about the technology of Tesla Model S."

"Yeah." Luo Ji looked at Musk: "I just met the CEO of A123 at the party. He wanted me to ask you if Tesla's batteries can be replaced with theirs."

Musk explained patiently: "Logic and A123 are currently only producing electric vehicle batteries in small batches. Their business is mainly concentrated in the field of buses. Their car batteries have not yet passed the market test. The risk is too great. We Can’t take any chances.”

"Is it really impossible?"

"It's impossible." Musk continued: "When the Model S was developed, Panasonic also provided technical support to Tesla. It is impossible for us to abandon mature partners and choose a high-risk enterprise. Moreover, we I am still researching battery technology, and some time ago, we also won a battery business of 4000 million yuan from Mercedes-Benz Group, didn’t you know?”

As soon as these words came out, Luo Ji knew that this was impossible. He said naturally: "Of course I know, I will ask A123."

"Yeah." Musk didn't care.

Luo Ji said, "Did you know that A123 plans to go public in September this year?"

"do not know."

Luo Ji said seriously: "This is the first new energy company to go public in the past two years. If A123 is popular in the market, can we also arrange for Tesla to be listed?"

Musk touched his chin and said excitedly: "If new energy companies can gain favor from the market, we will go public."

"it is good."

Musk continued: "Did you read the document I submitted to you yesterday?"

“Is that the document that says Mercedes-Benz wants to invest in Tesla?”

When Steven Zhu heard this, he said: "Tesla already has low-interest loans from the government, so it's not short of money."

Musk said directly: "But the government's use of low-interest loans is conditional. Some places are not allowed to use it and will be subject to supervision."

Steven Chu explained: "This is also a restriction imposed by the government on you, and it is also to ensure that you do not use funds indiscriminately."

"I know." Musk continued: "So I am hesitant whether to accept investment from Mercedes-Benz."

Luo Ji said doubtfully, "Why are you hesitating? Can't you just refuse it directly? Although government funds are subject to supervision, it will be over if you tolerate it."

Musk said: "When the Model S was developed, engineers from the Mercedes-Benz Group contributed a lot. We are also working with Mercedes-Benz to develop lithium batteries. Of course, this is the least important reason."

Musk then said: "Logic, you know, Tesla is a newbie in the automotive industry. We have made many mistakes before. Mercedes-Benz Group, as the world's number one car company, if they take shares and start a business with us, Strategic partnership, which can bring a lot of potential value to Tesla, such as car brand promotion, rich industry experience and technical support for Model S mass production."

Musk finally concluded: "No giant can achieve success overnight. If we can get the support of Mercedes-Benz, we should be able to avoid many detours."

Luo Ji took a sip of wine and said, "Okay, then you can decide for yourself whether to accept the investment from Mercedes-Benz. I support you."

Musk said, "Okay, I'll think about it again. There's no rush now." Luo Ji still knew the difference between a prototype car and mass production.Tesla has burned almost 3.5 million yuan so far, but mass production has always been a problem for Tesla and has never been solved.If we can get support from the Mercedes-Benz Group, I believe this problem should be solved.

"Stop talking about work."

Musk said with a flattering smile: "Minister Zhu, can you take me to see President Barack? I want to express my gratitude to him personally."

"Okay... okay, I'll ask him for you tomorrow."


Luo Ji walked over with a glass of wine and smiled: "Senator Kirsten, good evening."

Lu Tianna showed an angry expression, and she said in Mandarin: "Logic, we haven't seen each other for a few months, why are we so unfamiliar. I still like you to call me Lu Tianna."

"My bad." Luo Ji kissed her face to face, and then said, "Lu Tina, how does it feel to come to Washington?"

Lu Tianna took a sip of wine, with a smile on her face: "This feels great!"

"It seems like you adapted quickly to Washington."

Lu Tianna blinked: "I can take care of myself wherever I go."

Luo Ji complimented, "Of course, you are the most popular one wherever you go."

"Hahahaha." The young white woman opposite was so amused.

Luo Ji asked tentatively, "Why aren't President Barack and Secretary Clinton here?"

"They are extremely busy." After Lu Tianna finished speaking, she explained for the two bosses of the Democratic Party: "After all, they have to manage the most powerful country on earth."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

Lu Tianna then said: "Logic, do you want to visit the White House?"

"is it okay?"

Lu Tianna explained: "Of course you can. Secretary Clinton and President Barack specifically told me before I came here. If you want, you can do it anytime tomorrow."

Luo Ji was a little concerned, but all visitors to the White House would be reported by the media.Luo Ji's reputation is so great that the photos of him posing with the President and the Secretary of State will inevitably be spread everywhere.

Luo Ji randomly found a reason to refuse: "I'm really sorry, I have to go back to New York tomorrow. The company still has many things that I need to deal with."

Lu Tianna nodded: "Okay, then whenever you have time, you can let me know at any time, and I will help you arrange to attend the White House."

"Okay." Luo Ji then stretched out a hand and said with a smile, "Madam Senator, would you be honored to invite you to dance?"

"Of course." Lu Tianna giggled and put her hand up.


The next day, Musk waited for six hours at the White House and finally met President Barack.

We took photos, group photos and chatted for less than 10 minutes.

Musk was led out of the office by the presidential staff.Although the time was short and the waiting time was a bit long, Musk still had a satisfied smile on his face.

Two Republican senators, one old and one young, happened to come to the White House for business. When they saw Musk coming out of the presidential office, they immediately started talking.

“Musk used to be a supporter of the Republican Party, right?”


The young Republican senator spoke up: "This guy is a man who adapts to the changing circumstances. As soon as the Democrats came to power, he couldn't wait to meet the new master."

The old Republican said helplessly: "Who told us to lose power? M-Fxxk also lost the House and Senate! Now Congress has simply become the playground of the black president. He has completely abandoned the political tacit understanding between the two parties and wants to Whatever you do, do it!”

"He's gone too far," said the young senator indignantly.

The old senator gritted his teeth: "Don't worry, just hold on for now. When our Republican Party regains the majority of seats in Congress, we will ensure that the black president cannot pass any bill!"


At the entrance of the U.S. Department of Energy building in southwest Washington, Energy Secretary Steven Chu is being interviewed by the media.

He talked to reporters: "In accordance with the "U.S. Economic Revitalization and Reinvestment Act of 2009," the U.S. Department of Energy, after many days of review and approval, has officially determined that it will provide guaranteed low-interest loans to new energy companies. The excess interest will be provided by The government provides subsidies.”



Michigan, Ford headquarters.

Ford's president watched the news on TV and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

The confidant immediately stepped forward and said, "Should we let the Republicans protest again."

"Forget it," said the president of Ford Motor: "We may also need government assistance in the future."

The confidant was extremely surprised: "Didn't you say that the Democratic Party's bailout conditions for traditional car companies like us are too harsh and that they don't plan to ask for government bailout?"

"But the company has reached a critical moment of life and death, and asking the government for money is the last resort." Ford's CEO continued: "Let's follow our plan first."

"Negotiate with the union?"


Ford’s CEO said sternly: “Because the high welfare of these workers has caused the company’s profits to drop sharply, we have reached a tacit agreement with the other two major American car companies to take advantage of this opportunity to severely weaken the welfare of automobile workers across the United States. , salary and lifetime employment contract.”

"Yeah." The cronies nodded excitedly. The union is now the owner of the company, and this group of capitalists can't stand it.

The Ford CEO then said: "But we also need cash flow now, so let's put our Volvos on the shelves and see if there are any companies we want to acquire."

The confidant suddenly said: "I remember that in 2007, a Chinese car company sent us an acquisition invitation. It wanted to acquire Volvo. Do you want to inform them?"

"Which car company in China?"

"Geely Auto."

Ford CEO suddenly laughed: "Is that the Chinese car company with an annual profit of less than [-] million yuan?"

"Yes." The confidant nodded.

"They are simply wishful thinking!"

The confidant continued: "But their negotiation team is very well prepared. It seems that they have been preparing for two years. They have also contacted us many times."

The Ford CEO smiled contemptuously, curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Okay, let's notify Geely Automobile, and we'll treat it as a new addition."

(End of this chapter)

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