New York 2006

Chapter 286 Logic’s attitude towards others

Chapter 286 Logic’s attitude towards others
"Logic, do you really not know how much money you have?" Kate Winslet said with a playful smile while holding a glass of wine.

"It's all reporters' random reports. Don't believe it!" Luo Ji was very thick-skinned and didn't feel embarrassed at all.He walked forward and gave the charming young woman in front of him a warm hug.

"Today's screening was very successful. Everyone liked your movie very much. It seems that there will be no problem for "The Twilight Saga 2" to be successful in the UK."

"Thank you." Luo Ji looked at Kate and said, "It seems that the British and Americans have similar tastes. Everyone likes this kind of bloody love triangle story."

"Hahaha." Kate was amused and laughed.

Today the crew came to London to promote the movie. When the movie is screened, many celebrities will be invited to support it.Warner, as the distributor, certainly has good connections and has invited some British celebrities.

Luo Ji also wanted to contribute, and he invited an acquaintance from England.For example, Kate Winslet is in front of me, as well as Lily Allen, Prince William, and Natasha Kaplinsky, whom I met at Princess Diana's concert last time.

There are also British friends from the music industry such as Adele, Sarah Brightman, Coldplay and others.

Of course, these people can't let their visit be in vain. After the movie is over, a party should be held to thank them. This is how favors are exchanged.

Luo Ji looked at Kate and said, "Where is your husband? Why didn't he come?"

There was an imperceptible dimness in the corners of Kate's eyes, and then she said with a smile: "He's been busy lately, so I'm the only one here."

"Okay. Have fun."

The two chatted for about 10 minutes before Luo Ji said goodbye and left.As the de facto master today, he has to take care of every guest and cannot waste too much time on one person.

Luo Ji walked in the direction of Prince William, who was not far away. When passing by a place, he suddenly heard his little sister Lily Allen bragging to a few people around him.He slowed slightly to listen.

"I told you before, you still don't believe that I can bring you to Logic's party."

"Logic and I have a good relationship. We've known each other for a long time."

"He took the initiative to invite me. When I said I would bring a few people over, he immediately agreed."

Several people around Lily Allen saw Luo Ji passing by and quickly poked their friend. Lily Allen looked back and spotted Luo Ji.

She immediately stepped forward and grabbed Luo Ji: "You are such a busy person. I can't even find a chance to chat with you."

Luo Ji saw a few friends around her and gave her enough respect: "If you want to chat with me, just find someone and say hello to me. I will definitely come over right away."

Lily Allen felt very helpful and puffed out her chest.He took Luo Ji's arm and walked to some friends: "Here, let me introduce you. This is my brother Alfie Allen."

"Hello." Luo Ji took the initiative to extend his hand to shake.

After greeting them one by one and taking photos together, Luo Ji exchanged some pleasantries and said, "Lily, I have something to do here, so I'll leave first."

But Lily Allen grabbed him and took Luo Ji aside mysteriously: "Logic, let me tell you something."

Luo Ji asked curiously, "What's going on?"

Lily Allen said seriously: "The crew of "Game of Thrones" is arranging for you. They said that HBO is unwilling to accept your investment, but you still rushed to join in and took the initiative to write the theme song of the TV series for them."

Damn those big mouths at HBO!
Luo Ji then realized something was wrong and looked at Lily Allen: "How did you know?"

Lily whispered: "My brother Alfie Allen is filming the pilot episode of Game of Thrones, in which he plays Theon Greyjoy. Your story has spread to the crew, and they say you are very optimistic about that. A TV series.”

Luo Ji said bluntly: "I am really optimistic about this drama. Thank you for telling me this news."

Sister Lily Allen patted her flat chest in an ordinary manner: "You're welcome, who is our relationship? We are friends."

"Indeed, I won't be polite to you from now on."

"It goes without saying." Lily Allen said with a smile, and then asked seriously: "What are you going to do?"

Luo Ji said nonchalantly: "You can arrange it if you want. What else can you do? It's not a big deal. Who hasn't been gossiped about behind your back?"


Luo Ji chatted with Lily Allen for a few more words, then said goodbye and left.

He really didn't care much about this matter. Someone was using his reputation to enhance his own sense of superiority. It was too late for Luo Ji to be happy.

This proves that he has become a being that others look up to.

Moreover, he does have the idea of ​​​​leaving his own mark on Apocalypse's works.Although "Game of Thrones" does not belong to him, at least he wrote the theme song.

Having participated in the works of "Apocalypse" was very important to Luo Ji!

"Hello William, hello Catherine." Luo Ji stepped forward and shook hands with the couple.

"Hello, Logic." The two responded enthusiastically.

Luo Ji took a look around, and sure enough, two men in black from the British Royal Guard were watching from a short distance away.They belong to the British royal family's security team and are affiliated with the British Army.

Luo Ji stretched out his hand and waved to them. The two men in black had expressionless faces and made no reaction.

Prince William and his girlfriend Catherine looked in the direction of Luo Ji's wave, then turned back and laughed: "Hahaha."

Luo Ji asked curiously, "Have they always been like this? They are meticulous and expressionless."

Prince William smiled and said: "Yes, they usually do."

Luo Ji looked away and looked at the couple. They had been the darlings of the world's media in the past two years since they got back together.Wherever I go I get full attention.

These two people are simply walking news-making machines, enjoying news all over the world.Luo Ji went to China before and saw gossip reports about the two of them in the media there.

Luo Ji smiled and said, "William, why are you so bald after two years of absence?"

Catherine was a little embarrassed and at a loss by this sentence.

Prince William didn't care, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Logic, I haven't seen you for two years, you are much more active than before."

Although Luo Ji and Prince William have not met in person in the past two years, they are basically still in contact.Luo Ji's charity fund will donate a sum of money every six months to the charity fund managed by William and named after his mother Diana.

Luo Ji was not familiar with his girlfriend Catherine, and this was their first meeting.At the time of Diana's last concert, she was in the midst of a breakup with Prince William.

This woman of British commoner origin has caused great controversy in the UK.In the past, the British royal family always married nobles, but when William came here, he actually fell in love with a commoner.

Americans are indifferent to this and still prefer this woman.But the same cannot be said for the British. Luo Ji felt that Catherine was a little cautious in what she said and did.

After the two chatted for a few minutes, Prince William suddenly said: "Logic, I heard that your second phase of private equity fund raised US$36 billion."

Luo Ji kept a low profile on the raising of the second phase of the fund, and there was no media coverage at all.He also warned many investors not to disclose the rate of return of private equity funds to the media.

This is equivalent to screening, and those who can find out relevant information must have a certain amount of energy.The British royal family member in front of me is certainly the one with energy.

Now that he had asked, Luo Ji didn't hide it and said directly: "Your information is very accurate."

Prince William then said: "I heard that the return rate of your first fund in the first half of the year reached 42%."

Luo Ji said seriously: "Yes, the earthquake in the financial market has finally passed. The rate of return in the first half of the year was very good."

Prince William then said: "I wonder if you can accept my funds?"

Luo Ji immediately came up with his own plan: "There are some difficulties now. The quota of the fund is already full." The quota of the second-phase fund is indeed full, but before the first-phase fund, some people withdrew from the fund due to the financial crisis. There are now a dozen spots left.

Luo Ji has retained these quotas except for Musk, Michael Jackson and others.

Although this prince had energy, he was not to the point where Luo Ji wanted to lick him.

And no one will cherish things that are easily obtained.

Although Prince William is a member of the British royal family, he is not yet in power. His small coffers may not be as rich as those of Hollywood stars, and he has the motivation to make money. He immediately said: "Is there really no other way?"

Luo Ji looked troubled: "If you want to come in, you have to kick someone away. This is very difficult."

Prince William said seriously: "I owe you a favor."

Luo Ji then said, "Okay, I'll go back and ask the company CEO Xu Youyu for you. But I can't guarantee that you will be able to enter the fund."

"Sorry to trouble you," Prince William said with a smile.

Luo Ji said: "William, Catherine, I heard that you have great influence in the British media. I wonder if you can say good things about "Twilight Saga 2" in the media."

Prince William agreed immediately: "Ok, no problem."

Catherine also smiled and said, "Just leave it to us!"

Just then, a waiter passed by carrying a tray. Luo Ji stopped him and took three glasses of champagne from it.Hand each of them a glass.

Luo Ji looked at the two of them with a smile: "Cheers!"



Coldplay frontman Chris Martin and his wife Gwyneth Paltrow were holding glasses of wine and chatting with the band's drummer Will.

The band's drummer Will looked at lead singer Martin, and then said: "Have you ever felt that Logic seems to be too enthusiastic about our band?"

"Is there any?" Martin asked doubtfully.

Drummer Will then said: "Think about it, we have never met Logic before and are not familiar with each other at all. But he not only took the initiative to help us promote the album in the media and invited us to participate in the music festival he founded. He also He took the initiative to call and ask if we would like to invest in the private equity fund he founded."

Hearing this, Gwyneth Paltrow, who was standing next to her, was extremely surprised. She said, "Logic actually invited you to join his fund? I heard people in Hollywood say that someone spent millions of dollars on Logic." Reluctantly accepted their funding.”

"Really?" Martin looked at his wife suspiciously.

Gwyneth replied: "I'm not sure, but Hollywood has been saying this recently. It seems that Singapore's sovereign fund provided Marvel with low-interest loans in order to enter Logic's private equity fund. So Marvel this year Only those who have the money to start "Thor"."

Martin immediately looked surprised, and then became confused, muttering to himself: "But when Logic invited us, he didn't mention any conditions at all?"

Next to him, Coldplay drummer Will immediately said: "That's why I said Logic was too enthusiastic about us."

Martin asked: "Is he like this to everyone in the music industry?"

Drummer Will directly retorted: "No, I observed that when he held the New York Music Festival last year, he was like that to other singers, but he was only very enthusiastic towards us. Oh, there seems to be a band called Republic Era."

Both Martin and Will were lost in thought, thinking for a long time without any clue.

Gwyneth said: "What's there to think about? Isn't he chatting with Prince William? When it's over, wouldn't you just go and ask him?"

Martin laughed and patted his wife gently on the shoulder: "How do you ask this? Could it be that we walked up to him and said Hi, Logic, you are too enthusiastic for me, why? Do you have sexual orientation?" Question, you like me! Or admire me very much."

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"Look over there!"

Martin spoke at this time. The two of them followed Martin's gaze and saw Luo Ji walking towards their direction and waving to them.

The three people hurriedly waved in response. Luo Ji walked up to them and said with a smile on his face: "Martin, Will, and Gwyneth, are you satisfied with the party? If you have any needs, please tell me and I will help you arrange it."

"It's great to send a team! We don't have any needs." Martin said immediately.

Luo Ji asked them how they were doing in a friendly manner: "How are you doing lately?"

"Everything is fine."

"Are there any plans to release an album?"

"Not yet."

Luo Ji chatted with Coldplay for a while, then turned his attention to Martin's wife Gwyneth: "Why do you have time to come to the UK to accompany your husband recently? Didn't I remember that "Iron Man 2" was being filmed? ?"

Gwyneth hurriedly explained: "My scene in Los Angeles has ended, and the crew will be filming in Monaco, which will not start in a few days."

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Is it the scene at the racing track?"

"You remember correctly, it was that scene." Gwyneth nodded.

"Did the filming go well for the crew? Did you encounter anything?" Luo Ji was currently promoting the movie and didn't have time to inspect the various crews in the company, so he could only catch relevant people and ask.

Gwyneth said: "Everything was going well with the crew before I came to the UK two days ago, but I don't know anything about it these two days."

"Okay." Luo Ji said politely, "I'm really sorry that I asked about your company when I was supposed to be relaxing."

Gwyneth waved her hands quickly: "It's okay, it's okay."

"That's it, you guys have fun, I have other things to do here."

"okay bye."


The party lasted for a long time, and Luo Ji finally took some time off and found an empty seat to sit down and rest. He drank a little too much tonight and his head felt dizzy.

Only a few young people are still having fun now, most people have left the party to rest.

At this time, a young British model came and sat down next to him. She said, "Logic, do you have any plans for later?"

Luo Ji said in a daze, "Go back to your room and rest."

The little model approached Luo Ji, put her hand on his shoulder, and said in an ambiguous tone, "Do you need me to take you back? I see that you are a little drunk."

Luo Ji could smell the perfume on her body at this moment, and he suddenly came to his senses.I looked at the little model up and down. She was quite beautiful. Her name seemed to be Cara Delevingne, and she was recruited from Warner.

However, Luo Ji was not familiar with her.

Luo Ji reached out and moved her hand away from his shoulder: "No, I'll just go back alone."

The face of the little model opposite immediately showed a look of disappointment.

Luo Ji stood up and said politely as the host, "Have fun at the party."

(End of this chapter)

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