New York 2006

Chapter 33 Radio Propaganda

Chapter 33 Radio Propaganda
It was already ten o'clock in the night. After a whole day of promotion in Los Angeles and two more commercial performances in the evening, the group returned to the hotel.Publicity manager, manager Braun, music producer Basque, assistants Blake and Luo Ji.Everyone met to discuss today's shortcomings.

Manager Braun said: "One song is still too few during commercial performances. Many people still want to hear your Marvin gaye. You have to arrange the accompaniment."

Luo Ji said: "Basque, you find a drummer, a pianist, and two guitarists. We'll find time tomorrow to come up with the accompaniment. Forget it, I'll do the piano, the drummer will come, and we'll just find two more guitarists." .”

Music producer Jeff Busker spoke up: "Okay, no problem."

"Do you have any other questions?"

Blake from Life Services said, "I feel like the RV is not enough. It's too crowded and I can't rest well."

"Okay, let's arrange another RV and hire two drivers. Do you have any other questions?"

Jeff Basker said: "Prepare a few more copies of the accompaniment files, just in case they are lost. You always have trouble singing the most difficult feeling in "Long Live Life". Do you want to add the original song to the accompaniment? At that time, I could just lip-sync that sentence."

Luo Ji still has some artistic pursuits, and he doesn't want to be a fool: "I have been practicing recently and have asked for professional vocal guidance. We communicate on the phone every day. Don't worry, I will be very strict with myself."


After a few days of running in, everything that could be improved has been improved.Everyone's promotional position also moved from Los Angeles to San Jose.

San Jose, California is a city in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States. It is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area, Santa Clara County and Silicon Valley. It is the third largest city in California, after Los Angeles and San Diego, and surpassed Detroit in 2005. Becomes the tenth largest city in the United States.As housing prices in San Francisco have increased, many high-tech companies have moved to San Jose. San Jose has gradually become the business and R&D center of Silicon Valley, and has also begun to be nicknamed the Silicon Valley Capital.People here have very strong spending power.

Luo Ji came to a local radio station that focused on business and technology. This radio station was the largest radio station in San Jose. The public relations officer of the YouTube company came and he wanted to promote YouTube while promoting the song.

The host asked: "Logic, we just listened to your song. Your song is very good. Can you talk about your creative inspiration?"

The answer to this question was already familiar to Luo Ji. He said it in every radio interview these days: "After I had a car accident in September, I felt the preciousness of life, so I said to myself, why not I wanted to live a more meaningful life, so I started to change. One day I saw the oil painting of Frida Kahlo's Long Live Life, and I got inspiration..."

The host smiled and asked: "So this song was written in the history textbook when you were in history class, right?"

"Yes. I hope my history teacher hears this and doesn't deduct class points from me."

The master laughed and said: "Haha, definitely not, he will be proud of you. I heard that your single CD has been released, so is there any difference between the CD and the songs released on the iTunes network?"

"The difference is huge. Let me tell you, my single album contains many versions that have not appeared on the Internet. There are mixed versions, symphony versions, and versions where I played the violin alone. The total length is more than 15 minutes. I hope everyone can enjoy it. Come and buy.”

The host continued: "You became famous through YouTube, and your song MV was first released on YouTube. So how did you first think of releasing videos through YouTube?"

The topic finally came: "You know, now is the era of web 2.0, everyone can become a media. I am a young person, and young people always like new things. When I saw YouTube, I thought , why not upload my street singing video to YouTube for everyone to see?”

The radio host spoke up: "You did it, and you did it successfully."

Luo Ji was proud of himself: "Yes, I went from having nothing to now having videos with over 20 million views. It only took a few months, so if there are any listeners who think they can make interesting videos, then join YouTube. , YouTube has launched an advertising sharing system, and I will reveal a number. In the past few months, the advertising sharing revenue from my videos has exceeded [-] U.S. dollars."

This was not communicated beforehand, and the host was also very surprised: "20? Is that a lot?"

Luo Ji had a serious look on his face: "Of course, I never brag. Whatever it is, that's what it is!"

The host changed the topic and smiled slightly: "Logic, I know you never brag about your pussy, so can you tell me whether you and Britney did or didn't have sex that night."

Luo Ji immediately broke his guard and became angry: "Fxxk you, how many times do I have to say this? I have told the media many times that the two of us are composing songs. Why don't you believe what I say? You are such a serious commercial radio station Are you also such a gossip..."

Luo Ji left the radio station angrily. He was almost overwhelmed by this question these days. Paparazzi, reporters, radio hosts, and people from countless newspapers asked this question countless times.

Walking to the parking lot and getting into the rented RV, the publicity manager was drinking a cup of coffee, musician Jeff Busker was playing with instruments, manager Braun was yawning, and Blake was playing casually with great interest. PS3 game console carried in the car.

"How is the itinerary arranged? Are we going to pick it up next?"

The head of publicity said: "Tomorrow we will go to Phoenix, Arizona, where we have several interviews scheduled."

Braun said, "Can we accept some commercial performances today? There are a few clubs nearby that offer very high prices. I will go over to perform two songs tonight, your Viva La Vida and Marvin Gaye. I will get them for 3000 dollars. One You can pick up several clubs at night. There are several clubs in San Francisco that offer higher prices, the highest is over 8000 dollars. It seems to be a bar near the Chinese community. They like you very much."

Luo Ji suddenly remembered what lawyer Jamie said. There is not even a single heavyweight Asian singer in the record industry. If you succeed, you will get the support of the entire Asian community.It seems this statement is true.

"Then we will go to San Francisco to promote first tomorrow. We will attend a few commercial performances in the evening and then go to Phoenix the day after tomorrow."

The person in charge of publicity said: "Isn't this bad?"

Luo Ji stared at him and said, "It won't be difficult for you, don't worry, as long as you try your best to help me, you will benefit me along the way."

The next day, Luo Ji went to a local Chinese radio station in San Francisco for an interview. This radio station is affiliated with the American Multicultural Communication Group Corporation.

Multicultural Communication Group is a Chinese-owned broadcast media group.It now owns 44 radio stations, broadcasting in more than 23 languages ​​including Spanish, Chinese, French, Korean and Indian in 30 cities in the United States including New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Among them, there are 6 Chinese radio stations and 12 Spanish radio stations. Radio.Its scale ranks among the largest among Asian media groups in the United States.The interview basically followed a routine. At the end of the interview, the Chinese host couldn't bear it anymore: "Come on, bro, tell me, did you and Britney have sex that night or not."

Luo Ji covered his face with his hands: "Fxxk, can you pay attention to some major national affairs for one day, just focus on the siege of the lower three groups. All the children in the United States have been led astray by you people."

"Haha, let's move on to the next topic."

At the end of the interview, the Chinese host came over to apologize: "Understand, everything is for the sake of listening rate. Hahaha."

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

The Chinese host approached: "Tell me secretly whether you two are together. Well, you know."

"I don't understand."

The Chinese host was really speechless, so he got down to business: "During this period, the Chinese radio stations in San Francisco have been playing your two songs, and our American multicultural communication group has also been playing your songs on dozens of radio stations around the world. Song, we’re all rooting for you. Come on.”

"Thank you."

The Chinese host said: "So can I do an exclusive interview with you? Write a detailed report about you. It will be published in Chinese and English newspapers that have influence on the Chinese people. Everyone is very curious about your experience of becoming famous. "

Luo Ji didn't feel sleepy when it came to being famous in newspapers: "Of course there is no problem, but you have to show it to me when the deadline comes. You can't say anything bad about me."

The Chinese host blinked: "Don't worry, we are our own people, I will not trick you, and I guarantee that all your news will be positive."

"Haha, we were all the same family 5000 years ago."

"Yes, a family. All family."

In the evening, at a local club in San Francisco, Blake was wearing a suit and black sunglasses at night. He walked in front with a serious smile to clear the way for Luo Ji.

Luo Ji, dressed in casual clothes, stood in the middle and walked inside. Jeff Busker followed Luo Ji, holding an instrument and moving forward slowly.Manager Braun and the head of publicity were last with boxes containing single CDs.

A group of people found the bar owner. The owner was a Chinese. He was quite young and looked less than 30 years old. His neck and arms were covered with tattoos. He had a blue dragon on his left and a white tiger on his right. He was followed by a group of boys, dozens of them all in suits and leather shoes. The formation was quite large.

Blake leaned close to Luo Ji's ear, his voice trembling: "It seems to be a Chinese gangster."

"Hahaha, Logic finally met you, you are so proud of the Chinese people."

The Chinese boss spoke Mandarin without any pretense. He rushed up and gave Luo Ji a big hug.Luo Ji also felt a little guilty during this battle and responded with an awkward hug.

"Logic, your Chinese name is Luo Ji. I listened to your broadcast today. My lover's name is Luo Yufeng, and she happens to have the same surname as Luo. She likes you very much."

Luo Ji gradually relaxed: "We are all Chinese. We were one family 5000 years ago. One family."

"Hahaha, family."

The bar owner, his wife and his younger brother took Luo Ji for a photo together, and Luo Ji came to the club stage to perform.Looking down, there are mostly Chinese faces, a small number of whites and Latinos, and only a few black faces.

The DJ on the radio station immediately picked up the microphone when he saw Luo Ji: "Everybody, guess who is standing on the stage?"

"Logic! Logic! Logic!"

"Luo Ji, I love you!"

"Logic, you're my little baby."

There were English speakers, Mandarin speakers, and Cantonese speakers in the audience. Luo Ji greeted everyone, Jeff Busker played the accompaniment, and Blake stood around for protection. Manager Braun and the head of publicity arranged their own music on a table. Signed CD sales, everything is ready.

I used to rule the world
I was the master of the world

Seas would rise when I gave the word
The sea water surges at my command
After the song ended, several girls rushed to him and asked for a photo. Luo Ji was in a good mood and did not refuse.Why are you so unreserved?All kissed on the face.Hey, hey, don’t eat my tofu.

When the audience saw that they could take a group photo, hundreds of people in the bar crowded over.Seeing something was wrong, Luo Ji quickly picked up the phone and refused.

"This is the end of the group photo. Let's get back to our positions. Let's perform the second song, Marvin Gaye."

Another song, the entire performance plus interaction with the audience and group photos were completed in less than an hour.After collecting the money, the group drove to the next location in the RV.Three shows to run tonight.

It's really easy for singers to make money. As expected, fame is everything.

(End of this chapter)

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