New York 2006

Chapter 335 Conspiracy?

Chapter 335 Conspiracy?

No matter what the reason is, a person who is not married to you is willing to give you a child, especially if she takes the initiative. That means she really cares about you.

This time, Robin didn't mention that he had a girlfriend, nor did he mention getting married. She simply wanted to have two children with Luo Ji based on her own wishes.

This can be regarded as making up for the slight grudge between the two.

To be honest, although Luo Ji was kind to Robin, there was always a gap between him and her in his heart. I feel like the two of them are together just because of their children.

Now, Luo Ji's feelings for Robin were the same as everyone else's.

As for Robin's question of having a child, Luo Ji certainly agreed.

Continuing one's own genes is engraved in instinct. Both men and women.

Of course Luo Ji was no exception. He loved children, especially his own.

But now, the probability that he and Robin would conceive naturally was extremely slim, so they could only do in vitro fertilization.

These days, when Robin goes to the hospital for check-ups, Luo Ji usually stays with her.


2010 1 Month 23 Day.

Columbia and Cornell Presbyterian Hospital, New York.

Luo Ji held Robin's hand and sat opposite her personal doctor.

The doctor was in her forties and a white woman. She is responsible for Robin's usual inspections. This time they wanted to do in vitro fertilization, and they also found her.

The female doctor explained to the two of them again: "Since the success rate of embryo culture in IVF is not 100%, we have to prepare multiple eggs. Robin, the medicine you are taking today is to promote ovulation. Under the stimulation of the medicine, approximately After half a month, you will release multiple eggs.”

Robin nodded: "I know, I have taken this drug before when I froze my eggs."

The female doctor said: "That's very good, Robin, but I still have to warn you again. In the next few days, you must pay attention to your diet and health. Also, remember not to drink alcohol."


The female doctor then looked at Luo Ji: "Logic, the same goes for you. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't stay up late, and stay healthy."

"I will."

The female doctor then said, "Do you two still have any questions?"


"That's good, Robin. Next, if you feel any discomfort, you must come to the hospital for examination in time. If there is no discomfort, then come once a week."



After the conversation ended, Luo Ji put on his mask and sunglasses, took Robin's hand to the hospital's underground parking lot, and got in the car to go home.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle!
  As soon as Luo Ji got in the car, his personal cell phone rang. The caller was Yang Jian, CEO of Holi Company.

"Logic, please come to Holi Company. Deborah Liu and I have something urgent to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Luo Ji was very confused when he heard Yang Jian's urgent tone.

"It's not convenient to talk on the phone, so come here quickly."

Luo Ji frowned for a moment. It was inconvenient to say on the phone that this was the first time Luo Ji had encountered Yang Jian like this.

Yang Jian didn't wait for Luo Ji to answer, and urged him again: "Logic, if you are not free, we will go find you. Where are you?"

Luo Ji suppressed the doubts in his heart: "No need, I'll go to the company to find you."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Ji patted Robin on the shoulder: "You take this car home first, and I'll go to the company."

"what happened?"

"I don't know, it shouldn't be a big deal."


Robin nodded and didn't care. Half an hour later, she returned home successfully.

As soon as they entered the door, the two children immediately broke away from the nanny's arms and ran over, shouting: "Mom, mom..."

When Robin saw the two children, his heart almost melted. He kissed each of them on the face.

Diana asked: "Where is dad?"

"He went to the company."

"What is a company?"

"The company is where we make money. Only when we make money can we buy you toys and beautiful clothes."

Diana was still a little confused and couldn't quite understand: "Hum..."

Ares was a little impatient: "Mom, let's go play games."

"it is good."

Robin accompanied the two children to sit on the carpet by the fireplace and played a game. The two children are almost two years old and have no problem walking.

Robin looked at the happy faces of the two children and murmured to himself: "My dear, I will help you protect what belongs to you."


In the Holi company's office, the blinds in the room were drawn up, so people outside could not see what was going on inside.

Luo Ji looked at Yang Jian and Deborah Liu opposite him in disbelief: "Waht?! Did I hear that right?"

Yang Jian said with a worried look: "Logic, you heard it right. Today, several people from the National Security Agency of the United States found Deborah and I. He asked us to provide them with the company's user data and give them permission to access the company. server."

Luo Ji still couldn't believe it: "Have you checked the identities of those people?"

"Of course I have verified it, otherwise how could I call you? Those people do belong to the National Security Agency."

"How did you reply to them?"

"I said I need to contact you first. They are still waiting for our reply in the reception room."

"What was the reason they gave?"

"They talked about the "Protecting the United States Act" and the "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act" and so on. They also provided us with some documents."

Luo Ji frowned: "Have you consulted a lawyer?" Yang Jian shook his head: "We haven't yet. This matter is too sensitive and needs your decision. If others find out that we have provided data to the government, what will happen? It’s a devastating blow to our company.”

Luo Ji tapped his hand on the table and thought. His mind was very messy and he had many thoughts, but things had to be solved one by one. He forced himself to calm down.

ten seconds later.

Luo Ji issued an order: "Debra, go to the reception room and let the group of people wait. Yang Jian, contact Jamie and ask him to come over quickly."


after an hour.

Jamie walked into the office with several pieces of information. He looked at Luo Ji and the other three and spoke.

"The government does have a bill that gives them the power to let private companies provide users' data."

Luo Ji asked the question he was most concerned about: "Is the court document they provided true?"

"It's true, I checked it."

Jamie continued: "That document comes from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which is not the same system as the ordinary courts in the United States. It can almost be said that it is controlled by the Ministry of Intelligence."

Luo Ji frowned: "Then do they have the right to directly access our server?"

Jamie thought for a while and said: "Logic, legally speaking, they have no right to access our server. We can only provide him with the data they request. But during the implementation process, they also have the right to verify the data we provide." The data is completely incomplete. So they do have brief access to our servers to check the accuracy of our data."

Luo Ji stood aside and said, "I can't figure out why they want us to provide the game company's user data. Is it possible that they also need to monitor the game data?"

Yang Jian pushed up his glasses and said, "They probably came mainly for the communication software WeChat. Maybe because WeChat is on Holi's server, our game company was affected."

Luo Ji looked at Jamie: "Is it possible that our company will not provide users' data?"

"No way, Logic."

Jamie continued: "They have a court order, and we cannot disobey it. If we refuse, they will directly fine us, which is hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. We simply cannot afford it."

"Then is there a way to take out the game company? This can reduce the company's risks."

"Hard to say."

Jamie continued: "The intelligence department is too special. Who knows what they think. But I can discuss it with them. If not, you can appeal to the court. As for whether it will succeed, I can't say for the time being."

Luo Ji had already roughly judged the current situation: "Then, whose information do we need to provide?"

Jamie said: "Americans who communicate with foreign countries, Americans who are abroad, and foreigners who are in the United States. Although it is said so on the surface, the people from the National Security Agency clearly told me that foreigners The data must be provided.”

No wonder many countries are wary of American Internet companies, either using government power to support local Internet companies, or directly banning American Internet companies.

Luo Ji looked at the few people and said, "You bring the person in charge of the security department here, and I'll have a chat with him alone."


Three minutes later.

Luo Ji looked at the middle-aged white officer in front of him and got straight to the point: "Why do you want my game company's user data?"

The officer on the opposite side replied: "Some of your company's games have internal chat functions, which may also transmit intelligence."

Luo Ji looked at him and said seriously: "Is it possible that you are asking every game company to provide company data? Let's get straight to the point. You are here for WeChat, right?"

The white officer was surprised by Luo Ji's directness. He nodded and said, "Yes, your company has enough users. So, Logic, will you cooperate with us?"

Luo Ji did not answer, but asked instead: "What is the name of the plan you require us to provide information for?"

"Logic, this is a military secret, no comment."

"Is it just us who need to provide this information, or are there other companies?"

"Military secret, no comment!"

"I have the right to know." Luo Ji then said: "If it is exposed by the media one day and I am the only one in the company, my company will be destroyed."

"No one would do that, it's treason."

The white officer looked at Luo Ji calmly, as if he was also warning him.

Luo Ji stopped pretending and said directly, "Did someone ask you to target me?"

The white officer's face showed confusion: "Logic, why did you say that?"

Luo Ji looked directly at him: "I'm just worried that some people may want to destroy my company."

"No one can direct the National Security Agency to deliberately target one person!"

The white officer continued: "Logic, this is just normal work of the national security department. We did not receive orders from anyone to target you."

Luo Ji looked at him and couldn't tell whether he was lying or not.

The air fell into silence, and the two just stared at each other without saying a word.

After a while, the white officer couldn't help but said: "Logic, will you cooperate with us?"

Luo Ji said calmly: "Go and talk to my company's lawyer."

After the white officer left the room, Luo Ji first called Jamie in and asked him to hold back the National Security Bureau people and not agree to anything.

Luo Ji then took out his cell phone and dialed Fiona's number: "Call me a private jet and we'll go directly to Washington. By the way, call Chelsea on board."


To be honest, not long after Scott Brown was elected to the Senate, something like this suddenly happened in the company, which had to make Luo Ji wary.

Could this incident be a conspiracy? Is there someone behind it?

For example, did the Democratic Party discover that he secretly supported Scott Brown? This incident was a warning to him.

For another example, in this incident, Scott Brown, who had just been elected, still had hatred for Luo Ji. So he pushed it privately after he was elected to the Senate.

Is there any conspiracy waiting for him inside?

Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

There were too many uncertainties, and Luo Ji couldn't get any useful information out of the white officer.

Then, a trip to Washington to find out the news is essential.

(End of this chapter)

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