New York 2006

Chapter 338 Luo Ji’s Lover Chapter and Spring Chapter

Chapter 338 Luo Ji’s Valentine’s Day and Spring Festival

Sunday, February 2010, 2.

Today is a special day, it is both Valentine's Day and Spring Festival.

“Happy Chinese New Year!”

"Happy Valentine's Day."

Psaki's tone was a little low, and she said wiltedly: "Can you come to Washington to see me today? Today is Valentine's Day."

Luo Ji immediately said, "My dear, I want to see you too. But I have several business meetings today and I really can't get away. I'll see you when I'm free."

"That's fine."

"Have you received the oil painting I sent?"


"How do you like it?"

"I like it," Psaki continued, "but I want you to be by my side even more."

"Uh... definitely next time."

Luo Ji chatted with her for a long time, and his iPhone 3GS started to get hot, so he found an excuse to hang up.

Why is Psaki a bit clingy now, just like Kristen.

Can pregnancy really change a person's personality?

Psaki's strong personality as an independent elite woman in the past has completely disappeared. Recently, she has become a bit of a womanizer and is particularly attached to him. She had to talk to Luo Ji for a long time every day, and her mood was very unstable.

Maybe she lacks security.

After thinking about this, Luo Ji planned to spend a few days with her to stop her from being so anxious.


"Hi, dear Christine, what are you doing!"

"Shopping with Dakota Fanning."

"Oh." Luo Ji said with a smile, "Have you received the Valentine's Day gift I gave you?"

"I got it, I like it very much..."

It took more than forty minutes for Luo Ji to finish calling Christine and Robin respectively. Having completed his Valentine's Day mission, he suddenly felt relaxed.

To be honest, being a playboy is quite a test of skill. Especially during the holidays, everyone needs to be taken care of.

"There shouldn't be a Shura field this year. Psaki is in Washington, Christine is in Los Angeles, and Robin is in New York. The three of them can't meet together."

"However, it shouldn't be much of a problem even if we bump into each other."

Robin and Psaki know he now has an official girlfriend, Kristen. And Christine most likely knows that he has another woman.

Especially ex-wife Robin and Luo Ji were sometimes photographed and reported by the media when they went to see their children. However, without solid evidence, the impact is not significant.

The three of them all knew that Luo Ji was a playboy, but they all tacitly agreed not to mention other women, which was regarded as acquiescence in Luo Ji's way of handling each other's feelings.

"On Power"

Luo Ji couldn't help but think of a description in this book, which could probably explain Luo Ji and their current situation.

It is said that when people get along with each other, no matter what the relationship is, a strong party and a weak party will naturally form.

This kind of power inequality will make the disadvantaged feel angry, depressed and other negative emotions.

At first the weak side will be patient, but as this emotion accumulates over time, it will make them explode. If they don't get the results they want, they will either completely break with the strong side or accept the status quo.

The same goes for the relationships between Luo Ji and his girlfriends. They were unequal from the beginning. Luo Ji was a playboy and had several girlfriends.

When Robin and Psaki found out, they had a cold war with Luo Ji and got angry with him. After Kristen found out, she broke up with him directly.

They wanted to use this method to make Luo Ji surrender and stay with them alone.

But Luo Ji didn't change for them, he was still a playboy. After they didn't get the results they wanted, they slowly accepted the status quo.

The three of them were angry, angry, resistant, and threatening from the beginning. I accept the reunion now.

The bottom line is broken step by step.

Only Max completely broke up with Luo Ji. We only maintained a working relationship, and now our relationship is just business-like, and we can no longer be friends.

And Taylor took revenge on him. Now……

"Feili, it's time to go out and attend the company meeting." Fiona's loud voice sounded downstairs.

"Here we come." Luo Ji threw away the complicated thoughts in his mind and walked downstairs.


New York’s “Silicon Alley”, WeChat Company.

Valentine's Day and Spring Festival are not legal holidays in the United States, but several of Luo Ji's companies have particularly large Chinese employees, so the company stipulates a three-day holiday during the Spring Festival.

But not many people are on vacation today, and everyone is working overtime.

Of course, this group of employees felt very uncomfortable, especially the Chinese, Korean, and some Southeast Asians in the company. The Spring Festival is particularly important to them. But who knows that the company has been very busy recently. Not only does it have to spin off subsidiaries, it also needs to contact investment companies, deal with a lot of things such as the National Security Agency of the United States. They can only work overtime to cooperate.

Company meeting room.

Luo Ji, Yang Jian, and CEO Deborah Liu were discussing major company matters in the company conference room.

Deborah Liu held the document in her hand and began to introduce it.

"Now, WeChat's apps in Russia, China, South Korea and Japan have all been spun off and formed independent subsidiaries."

"We have recently contacted many Internet companies, and several companies have strong intentions to acquire them."

Luo Ji looked at her and asked, "Are there any American Internet companies?"

Deborah Liu shook her head: “No.”

"As expected, American Internet companies are not stupid. They know that they cannot compete with local Internet companies in these places. Even if they acquire them, they may not be able to compete with local Internet companies in the end."

"Yes. Of these four subsidiaries, the ones with the strongest acquisition intentions are all local Internet companies."

"Have you reached any agreement during this time?"

"Yes!" Yang Jian laughed: "Do you know Masayoshi Son? The Japanese tycoon who was very generous in Holi's Series C financing."

Luo Ji nodded: "Of course I know him."

Yang Jian said: "After he knew that we were going to sell WeChat's Japanese branch, he was very generous and directly quoted 3 million yuan, which strongly persuaded other local competitors in Japan. As long as we agree to this quotation, we can sign the contract immediately .”


Luo Ji sighed. Instead of being happy when he heard the price, he felt very uncomfortable.

The Japanese branch now has 800 million monthly active users. In two to three years, the number of users could reach to million, and the company's valuation could easily increase tenfold.

Deborah Liu saw Luo Ji's sadness and comforted her: "Logic, don't feel bad. Your judgment is correct and the sale is correct. Recently, subsidiaries in Japan and South Korea have been subject to restrictions by the local governments. They are obviously supporting our competitors. Local Internet companies are also cooperating and reducing our traffic. Local mobile phone operators are also making things difficult for us and raising our service fees. If this continues, in a year or two we will It is very likely that we will lose our leading position and be overtaken by our competitors.”


Deborah Liu then whispered: "Logic, don't feel bad. People from the National Security Agency of the United States have been pestering us recently, asking us to provide the communication data of our subsidiaries. We can't keep fighting with them. Once we provide it and it is discovered by the local government, the consequences will be very serious. It is best to sell now."

"I know." Luo Ji then looked at Yang Jian: "Does Sun Zhengyi agree to let us retain a small amount of shares in the subsidiary?"

Yang Jian said: "No, he said that if we want to retain the shares, we cannot retain the subsidiary's shares alone, but can only exchange them for SoftBank's shares. This acquisition is based on SoftBank."

Luo Ji said unhappily: "What's the use of SoftBank's shares? Their market value is already so high."

Yang Jian advised: "Logic, Internet company acquisitions are basically like this. If you want shares, you can only exchange the shares of the other company. If you lose, you will both lose, and if you gain, you will prosper."

"Okay." Luo Ji then looked at his two elites: "What do you think?"

“Just ask for cash!”

"That's my opinion too."

Deborah Liu continued: "Logic, since we plan to sell the subsidiary, we should do it more thoroughly. Get the cash to the head office and use it to vigorously develop WeChat. There is no need for financing on the head office side, yours You can also retain more shares, which is the same as retaining shares in subsidiaries.”

Luo Ji knocked on the table and thought for a while: "Okay, then help me contact Son Zhengyi. I can sign the contract at any time in the next two days."

"Okay." Deborah Liu looked excited. Selling the subsidiary was considered financing, and she could cash in part of the options.

Luo Ji continued: "The branches in Russia, China, and South Korea should also speed up negotiations."


"By the way, you can contact Yuri Milner on the Russian side. Didn't he participate in Holi's B-round financing? He has connections in Russia. You can contact him as an intermediary. I believe there will be many Russian Internet companies will be interested."

Yang Jian nodded: "We have already contacted him."

Luo Ji then asked: "What's going on with WeChat in China? What's Tencent's attitude?"

"Tencent seems unwilling to acquire."


"Their self-developed APP based on mobile phone address book is now on the shelves, and it is already our competitor."

"We already have 3000 million users, and they only have a few. Do they want to compete directly with us?"

"That's what it looks like now."

Luo Ji frowned: "Contact China's Internet giants Baidu and Alibaba to see if they are interested in acquiring us. Then tell Tencent the news. Tencent is confident that they can compete with us. Let's see if they have the confidence to compete with us. These two local national internet giants.”

A smile appeared on Yang Jian's face: "What a good idea. Instant messaging is Tencent's basic business, and they definitely don't want to see the other two Internet giants in China get involved."

Luo Ji then added: "By the way, the sales valuation of the subsidiary must be kept confidential and not disclosed to the media. The mobile social field has just emerged, so don't attract too many competitors to us."

"Okay." Deborah Liu nodded excitedly.

 The subsidiary valuation is based on WhatsApp, which was valued at US$2012 billion in 15 and US$2014 billion in 160. WhatsApp is now valued at at least billion U.S. dollars.

  Moreover, in the early days, WhatsApp was paid, but WeChat in the book is free and has more users.



(End of this chapter)

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