New York 2006

Chapter 36 Recording and MV

Chapter 36 Recording and MV
Jeff Basker looked outside the building: "Britney seemed to have driven here alone."

Luo Ji jumped up from the sofa and rushed outside.When he arrived outside, Britney was already surrounded by paparazzi. Luo Ji shouted as he squeezed in: "Everyone, please give way and stop pushing."

It took a lot of effort for Luo Ji to squeeze in to Britney's side, and he protected Britney as she walked into the Universal building.The paparazzi seemed to be going crazy. The shutter of the camera kept clicking.

"Logic, are you writing songs with Britney again today?"

"Logic, did you have sex with Britney that day?"

Jeff Busker also rushed out and protected the two of them before they got rid of the paparazzi and squeezed into the building.Luo Ji stood in the building and gave the paparazzi the middle finger.The paparazzi seemed to be even more excited when they saw this scene.

"Logic, good job, another middle finger."

Are you mean? Luo Ji retracted his middle finger and walked towards the recording studio.After almost two weeks, I saw Britney again. She was wearing a yellow coat and looked much more haggard than before.There was a lot of negative news about her during this period.Rumors spread.There are rumors flying all over the place about child abuse, madness, and sucking.

"Why are you the only one here today without any bodyguards or anything like that?"

Britney rolled her eyes at Luo Ji: "Didn't you watch the news?"

Luo Ji looked confused, and Jeff Busker explained: "The negative news about Britney during this period was revealed to the media by her former bodyguard."

Luo Ji was speechless: "I was the driver before, and now I'm the bodyguard. Didn't you sign a confidentiality agreement or something to prevent them from revealing your information to the media?"

Britney explained: "After the driver in front of me had an accident, I planned to ask the bodyguard to sign a confidentiality agreement. As a result, the bodyguard resigned directly, and then he started talking nonsense to the media. During this period, he could earn hundreds of thousands in announcement fees alone. .”

Jeff Busker shouted in surprise: "Is it so profitable?"

Luo Ji looked at Basque in confusion: "Huh? You don't want to sell the scandal, do you?"

Basque shrank his head: "Of course not, I'll just ask."

Luo Ji looked at Britney: "Are you just going to let the driver and bodyguard go so easily? Are you not going to initiate legal action or something like that?"

"Forget it, forget it, it's not easy for them. They are all ordinary people." Britney then scratched her hair and broke down and shouted: "The main reason is that my photos are too profitable. I heard that one of my nude photos can be sold. 100 million yuan, and other ugly photos can also be sold for hundreds of thousands. During this period, I was almost driven crazy by the paparazzi. They never stopped, surrounding me 24 hours a day."

Luo Ji was dissatisfied and said, "It wasn't because you got involved with Paris and the others after your divorce that the popularity soared."

Britney glared at Luo Ji: "Logic, what are you talking about? You are not responsible for this. If you hadn't concealed your age from me, would I be in such a mess? How could my driver betray me?"

Luo Ji retorted harshly: "What does this have to do with me? It was obviously you who got involved with Paris and the others first and the heat was so high that we were photographed by the paparazzi."

As they were talking, a few people arrived at the door of the recording studio. This recording studio is one of the best recording studios in Los Angeles.Britney was very satisfied when she saw the recording studio: "I won't argue with you, you are just a child."

When Luo Ji heard this, he was at a loss and stood on the spot. Jeff Busker covered his mouth and laughed when he thought about the scandal between the two.Britney opened the door and walked in. Luo Ji shouted, "You are just a child, your whole family is a child!"

Britney sat down on the sofa and rubbed her temples with her hands, her expression painful: "Okay, I'm a child, please stop arguing."

Luo Ji sat down next to Britney. He recalled that the media had reported extensively on Britney's divorce lawsuit and child custody battle in the past two days.The lawyer hired by her ex-husband Kevin is top-notch, so Britney should be under a lot of pressure.

"Britney, are you okay? You look like you need some rest."

Britney raised her head: "It's okay, just record. I'm just a little tired. Just go back and have a good rest at night. The rent of this recording studio should be quite expensive. You have just started your career, so save some money."

When Luo Ji thought about the rent, he lost the motivation to continue persuading him: "Okay, let's get started!"

The two recorded it first, and Luo Ji went outside to listen.The overall effect is unexpectedly much better than the original song.This is not because Britney and Luo Ji only recorded it once and surpassed the original song, but because the original song has a strong male and a weak female.During the duet, the girls’ voices were almost inaudible, and the girls were only allocated a little bit of the lyrics.This creates an overall imbalance in the song.

The distribution between Luo Ji and Britney is much more even. The chorus of the chorus can clearly be heard as the voices of two people, unlike in the original version where almost only the male singer's voice can be heard.Luo Ji felt that the song surpassed the original version.

At this moment, a video suddenly appeared in Luo Ji's mind. It was a video of a man and a woman singing. The title was Jason Chen x Marie Digby covering Marvin Gaye.This video shows two Asians, a man and a woman, standing in front of the camera and singing cover songs.

The way they sang was exactly the same as Luo Ji and Britney.Apocalypse or Apocalypse’s new song actually gave Luo Ji a Marvin Gaye cover song, which is better than nothing.

Britney patted Luo Ji on the shoulder: "What's wrong?" "It's okay. Our chorus is very good." After saying that, Luo Ji suddenly had an idea: "Do you have any ideas for the MV? How do you want to shoot it? For big productions, it’s better to keep things simple.”

Britney smiled and said, "Just keep it simple. No big production is needed. It's best if I can complete the shooting during this period. I will make my new album after a while. After all, I haven't released anything in three years." Specialized."

Luo Ji thought about Tianqi's cover video just now, in which a man and a woman sang and danced in front of the camera, and the song was over.It's not impossible to shoot the MV in this way. At that time, you only need to adjust the color of the lens to make it look like a movie, and not look like a passerby.

As for the original MV, it was about a group of people having a party at a graduation dance and kissing each other passionately. Luo Ji always found it weird and a bit nonsensical.Moreover, Britney is already a mother, so it would be inappropriate to shoot the prom scene with her.It just so happened that Luo Ji paid for this MV himself, so it was simple enough to save a lot of money.

"Okay, then let's shoot our MV in this recording studio. It just so happens that this recording studio is well decorated."

Britney asked in confusion: "Shooting in this recording studio? How to shoot?"

Luo Ji smiled mysteriously: "Let's record the song first. After we finish recording the song, I'll ask the director to shoot it."

Luo Ji was in good condition, almost performing at the highest level he could achieve. Britney's condition was somewhat flawed. This song was leaning towards soul music, and she couldn't handle some parts well. Luo Ji had to calm down and guide slowly.As for Jeff Basker, he mainly solves some technical problems.

"Britney, you have to let out your voice, otherwise your voice will be suppressed by my voice. This song is more soul-oriented. Just imagine that you are singing "My Heart Will Go On" and release all your emotions. Come out. I know this is different from your previous song style, but it’s precisely because it’s different that it better reflects your skills.”

"I quite like soul music, but now we are not discussing the type of songs I like. You have to put your emotions into it. The most important thing about soul music is your emotional involvement. As long as your emotions are in place, you will find that the songs you sing are really It sounds great. Otherwise your skills will be useless no matter how good you are."

"The human ear is actually very sensitive, especially to music. People can detect slight emotional ups and downs. So when recording, you have to put the emotion into every sentence. Listen carefully to what I sing. I really mean it. emotionally invested."

After a whole day of adjustments, the most perfect version of the whole day was finally recorded at [-] p.m. Luo Ji felt that it was much better than the original version.

"That's the version."

Britney looked at Luo Ji and said, "I feel like I can still improve. After all, I haven't recorded in three years, so it will take some time to adapt."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "It's almost as good as it gets. I was deeply involved in my emotions just now. I feel like I may not be able to reach the same state if I continue to record. You should also feel this way. Emotions will be dulled."

"Yes." Britney nodded in agreement.

Jeff Busker took the tape and handed it over to the post-production staff. Luo Ji and Britney sat on the sofa and drank mineral water: "Come over tomorrow and shoot the MV. I think it can be done in one day."

Britney laughed and said, "You are so fast."

Luo Ji was embarrassed: "Are you making a pun?"

Britney raised her right hand and stretched out a finger: "One minute."

Luo Ji jumped to his feet: "It was the first time I was so close to an idol. I was so nervous. My performance afterwards was not bad. You must hold on to the first time and talk about it whenever you have time. I Is it possible that this embarrassing incident will be dealt with by you for the rest of your life?"

Britney giggled: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Let's get down to business. Remember to call me when the song is promoted."

Luo Ji did not refuse: "Okay, then when do you think it would be better to release it?"

Britney said: "Maybe next year. Your Viva la Vida has just been released not long ago. This single should be released at least two months apart."

"Okay." Luo Ji paused and continued, "Then we can be friends from now on?"

Britney smiled brightly: "Yes, let's be friends."

"Okay, then I'll go out and get some air."

Luo Ji stood at the Universal Music Headquarters building and looked at the sunset sky. The orange light reflected everything red, and the whole of Los Angeles seemed to be covered in a layer of red light.After more than ten minutes, he took a deep breath and exhaled the turbid air in his chest. He felt much better.

When he returned to the recording studio, Britney was already asleep on the sofa, with her arms folded across her chest and her legs pressed against her abdomen.The whole body was curled up into a ball, sleeping like a child, looking very insecure, soft and helpless.

Being a superstar doesn’t seem that easy.

 Jason Chen x Marie Digby cover Marvin Gaye
(End of this chapter)

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