New York 2006

Chapter 54 Artistic Intuition

Chapter 54 Artistic Intuition
Something happened in New York last December.Martin Channing is a New York billionaire and a famous fund manager on Wall Street. His fund has had a return rate of more than 10% for three consecutive years. However, this year due to a broken capital chain, the fund went bankrupt involving more than 10 billion US dollars. At this time Only then did people discover that his fund turned out to be a Ponzi scheme.

Ponzi scheme is also known as "tear down the east wall to pay for the west wall" and "empty wolf".In short, new investors' money is used to pay interest and short-term returns to old investors to create the illusion of making money, thereby defrauding more investments.

Martin Channing's Ponzi scheme was not big, only more than one billion dollars. There were many tens of billions of funds on Wall Street, but the media stopped chasing after a little coverage.But most of the people Martin Channing deceived were New York natives, and he offended many people.

Luo Ji heard news reports that his daughter, Caroline Channing, was homeless because of her father's fraud.Unexpectedly, he and Max became good friends.

The reputation of having the daughter of a financial fraudster in your own company is not a good one.Moreover, Caroline's account is definitely under FBI surveillance. Once she enters the company, there may be many problems.

But Max is his friend, and this is the first time he has made a request to him in a long time.It's not good to say no directly, you need to use some strategy.

So Luo Ji told her the truth, told her the seriousness of the matter, and gave her the choice: "Max, do you still insist on letting her come to our company? If you insist, I will help her."

Max looked ashamed: "I didn't expect it to be so serious, so let's forget it. I thought about things too simply."

Luo Ji was very satisfied with Max's reaction. It seemed that she had a clear understanding of priorities and the distinction between closeness and distance.Not an unreasonable person.

This is the price of crime. No matter which country, companies or governments generally recruit people with innocent backgrounds.For criminals, except for small restaurants and the like, few formal companies are willing to recruit.

Financial cases like Martin Channing's can affect even children.Otherwise, how could a top student who graduated from Wharton School not be able to find a decent job?
"How did you know each other?"

Max was very honest and told what happened. It turned out that both of them worked in a Williamsburg restaurant, and later became friends. They even rented a house together and lived together.During the start-up of Luo Ji Future Music Records, Caroline Channing helped Max after Luo Ji appointed Max as the administrative director.

But when the topic came to this, Luo Ji also became interested in Martin Channing's Ponzi scheme: "What's going on? The fund is good, how could the capital chain suddenly break? If calculated based on 10% profit, this scam can at least It lasted more than 20 years.”

Max said: "I heard Caroline say that it seems that New Century Financial Corporation suddenly took away 3 million yuan of the fund, which caused panic among other investors, and everyone withdrew their capital one after another, which is why the scam failed."

"New Century Financial Company? What does this company do?"

"I do not know either."

"Isn't New Century Financial a home loan company? Logic, why are you asking about this?" Brower, the agent, walked up to Luo Ji with excitement on his face.

"It's okay, just ask."

Agent Braun raised the envelope in his hand: "Logic, what do you think is in this?"

"Which organization is this invitation from?" Luo Ji was in Chicago some time ago and often received various invitations. They would always put them in envelopes as a sign of solemnity.

"It's a Grammy. Congratulations. On February 2, the No. 11 40th Grammy Awards will be held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, and they invite you to attend."

"Grammy?!" Max exclaimed.

The Grammy is the top award in the American music industry. The awards ceremony attracts a lot of attention every year. Being invited to such an occasion proves that Luo Ji's achievements have been recognized by music peers.

"Did you notify me of a performance or something?"

"What the hell, I just invited you to participate. Your song was not nominated."

"I know this."

The Grammys announced the nominations as early as November 11 last year.If Luo Ji's single can be nominated for a Grammy, it will only be next year.

After chatting, Luo Ji went home to visit his grandmother Queenie and his brother Chucky.The first moment they met, Luo Ji saw that Chucky, who used to be a chubby boy, had lost some weight. Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction.Chucky walked up to Luo Ji with a grimace on his face.

"Brother, please take me to find my mother. I really want to eat hamburgers and fries. Grandma's cooking is not delicious."

"Eating junk food will make you fat. If this continues, no girl will be willing to fall in love with you."

Although Chucky has some intellectual disabilities, he still understands the confusing relationship between men and women: "Okay, can I bring my classmates to see you? After they know that you are a singer, they all come to flatter me and want to see you."

"Of course." After talking to his brother, Luo Ji looked at his grandmother. She was now dressed more normally, no longer in the hippie bohemian style. With the living allowance Luo Ji gave her, the clothes she bought were all lightweight. Luxury brand.

Luo Ji had already adapted to this situation. His mother was like this, and so was his grandmother. They talked about becoming a hippie, escaping from the enslavement and alienation of people by capitalist consumerism, and conversely, when they got rich, they bought things without mercy.Luo Ji was actually happy to see this, it was much better than actually becoming a hippie.

"Grandma, I miss you so much."

"Oh, my Fili, you have lost weight these days. Are you eating irregularly? I heard from Max that you have been running around this week. Although you are young, you still need to pay attention to your health."

"It's okay. I've only been working hard for a while. By the way, grandma, have you ever been to my company? The day after tomorrow is my company's opening party. Remember to come."

Grandma Queenie smiled: "I've been there twice. Max took me there. She said it was your company. My child, you are the most promising among my relatives."

"is it?"

Grandma touched Luo Ji's face: "Of course, you are really similar to your father. You are smart and handsome. I couldn't figure out why he fell in love with your mother Sami at first. But now I understand, son, you That’s why, you are the greatest gift God has given them.”

Has anyone said that about his daughter?Luo Ji complained in his mind.However, Luo Ji knew the reason why his parents got married. They had children before they were married. Chinese Americans pay more attention to family, so the two got married.My father has very few relatives. He has an uncle and a grandfather who died before his father's accident.Otherwise, according to the Chinese family values, how could the predecessor be reduced to living in an RV camp.

"Thank you, grandma. By the way, I may be a little busy these two days, so I won't be home much."

Luo Ji had lunch at home and then went to major radio and television stations to promote the project.Basically, for second-tier programs, all the major radio and television stations would agree if Luo Ji said he would participate, and he was still very popular.

After returning to New York, Luo Ji certainly did not forget his reporter friend Robin. After the shooting incident some time ago, Robin wanted to interview him to get an exclusive report.However, in order to cooperate with Daley's public relations actions, Luo Ji had no choice but to refuse. This time when he returned to New York, Luo Ji specially left an exclusive interview for her.

The photographer was filming nearby, and reporter Robin held the microphone: "Logic, you are a New Yorker, can you tell me what you think of New York?"

Luo Ji opened his mouth to tell lies: "The people in New York are warm and hospitable. The public transportation here is convenient and the environment is very good. Life is very comfortable and there is no pressure at all."

"Pfft, haha."

The photographer was so unprofessional that he laughed out loud.Luo Ji glared at him before he stopped.Luo Ji continued: "New York has a very diverse culture. Here you can experience food and culture from all over the world. It is definitely the first choice city to settle down and live in."

Robin continued to ask: "Logic, you are the most popular video author on YouTube. Everyone knows that you became famous on YouTube and then became a singer, but your path to fame seems to be different from that of most singers. How did you do it? Made it happen.”

"This is all thanks to the current web 2.0 era." Luo Ji began to show off his knowledge: "In the web 1.0 era, all kinds of professional organizations published news on the Internet. But now, this is In an era where everyone can become a member of the media, Myspace, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter all provide this convenience. Everyone can succeed. As long as you dare to think and do, you may succeed. I was the first to realize that That changed a group of people, and then I succeeded.”

Robin said: "The primary reason is definitely the emergence of the platform, but you cannot ignore your personal factors. You are very talented. Your video editing, soundtrack and photography are all very artistic and beautiful. Recently, the University of Southern California The professor also specifically analyzed the reasons why your YouTube videos are popular. He said that in addition to the interesting plot, he also said that your video editing method is different from the public. He called it the Logic editing method. How did you come up with this editing method? "

Luo Ji had read the article published by a professor at the University of Southern California, analyzing his YouTube videos in full. Apart from creativity, why did it look more interesting than other similar videos on YouTube?
This university professor focused his interpretation method on editing techniques. He said that his editing techniques are faster-paced and more densely packed with information than traditional movies and TV series. He prefers to use hypertext narratives and the technique of editing the same picture multiple times, which makes him feel more comfortable. People look more excited and so on.

After reading it, Luo Ji felt that it made sense and his analysis was very clear and logical.But Luo Ji had never learned this theory before editing videos.It was all edited based on intuition. Luo Ji didn't believe it when he said he was a genius and created this editing technique.

Luo Ji was more likely to have seen this type of video in his previous life, so naturally, it subconsciously affected him now.

Luo Ji looked at the camera with strong eyes and a firm tone: "Create editing techniques? No, I prefer it to be the artist's intuition. I don't have any theory when editing. I just think it's more interesting to edit the video this way."

Reporter Robin echoed: "It is indeed the case. Many artists create art through direct, keen, and rapid feelings, and the form of expression is perceptual, unconscious, illogical, and non-utilitarian. But the essential connotation is It is often intrinsically related to rationality, logic, and utilitarian purposes. It seems to be an innate instinct, but it is actually an acquired reconstruction. It is based on the long-term practice accumulation, experience accumulation, and ideological cultivation of the aesthetic subject. And scientifically Studying artistic intuition will help explore the laws of literary and artistic propaganda.”

"Yes, I agree with the USC professor's interpretation of my video editing method. What he said makes perfect sense. I hope this can help my YouTube colleagues and other video editors."

"Just like Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa", when he first painted it, he painted it based on his own artistic aesthetic. But after Mona Lisa's mysterious smile spread widely, scientists discovered that the character in this painting, Perfectly consistent with the mathematical golden ratio and the logarithmic spiral.”

“Art and science sometimes blend together like this.”

The fact that the interview was so smooth was obviously something that had been discussed in advance.Luo Ji sang along with reporter Robin, blowing his own rainbow farts.Luo Ji tried his best to publicize his genius to the public.

(End of this chapter)

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