New York 2006

Chapter 56 Media’s reaction

Chapter 56 Media’s reaction

"Are these reporters crazy? Why do so many people come to interview me? I was almost blocked by them and couldn't even enter the company."

"It's not just because you took the number one spot on Billboard. With the news in the past two days, your attention is getting higher and higher." Jeff Busker said to Luo Ji.

The last time there were so many reporters pestering Luo Ji was when he was having an affair with Britney. However, most of the reporters who came were tabloid reporters. Luo Ji had just seen the signs of several major news stations outside.

So he called his agent Braun and asked him to collect all the news newspapers in the past two days and send them to the company.

In the recording studio, Luo Ji was playing with Jeff Basker, looking for songs suitable for his album.An hour later, agent Braun came to the company with all the recent newspapers on the market. Luo Ji, Jeff, and Braun searched for news about themselves.

Fox's newspaper: "Logic, a 16-year-old mixed-race European and Chinese singer, won the first place on the Billboard singles chart yesterday. This is the first time in the history of American music that a singer of Chinese descent has won the first place on the Billboard singles chart. The last time such a young singer won the first place in the United States was the former American sweetheart Britney."

Cable News Network "Logic, a famous Chinese-European mixed-race singer, got the number one spot on the Billboard singles chart when he was only 16 years old. Not long ago, he was robbed in Chicago and killed two people on the spot."

Black Entertainment Television Network: "Logic, a 16-year-old Asian singer, takes the No. [-] spot on Billboard."

A local Chinese newspaper in New York: "The famous 16-year-old Chinese singer Luo Ji won the first place on the Billboard singles chart yesterday. This is the first time a Chinese has won this honor. Luo Ji has made history. He is the light of the Chinese people." .”

Manager Braun looked at Luo Ji and said, "Logic, I've said before that as long as you succeed, both parties will accept you."

"Haha, you're right."

In the past, white media like Fox liked to call him the Chinese boy, the Bruce Lee of the music industry, the Asian boy, and so on.

But with Luo Ji's success in the United States, the rise of YouTube, the release of singles, and the Logic shooting incident, his experience is in line with American values ​​to a certain extent.He was self-reliant, got rid of the low-class life through struggle, bravely fought off the invading robbers, owned a gun, and was one of the representatives of the American dream.

During this period, the way he was called by white media kept changing.Until this time Luo Ji took the Billboard No. 1 spot.All white media use words as if they were agreed upon.

The white media, whose politics tend to lean toward Republican conservatives, call him a European-Chinese man who puts Europe first.The white media with political leanings toward the Democratic Party called him a Chinese-European mixed-race.These white media outlets went out of their way to highlight Luo Ji's white ancestry.

Such a title basically shows the interpretation of Luo Ji's identity by people of all ethnic groups in the United States.

White man: “Oh, he’s a mixed-race singer with our blood.”

Blacks, Latinos, Middle Easterners, etc.: “Oh, he’s Asian.”

Chinese: "He is Chinese."

The American media's overall coverage of their ranking first on Billboard was out of the loop.Every major news network has more or less mentioned it. Under normal circumstances, a singer ranking first on the Billboard will not attract so many reports.

Luo Ji has received so much coverage because, on the one hand, Luo Ji is only 16 years old. He composed his own lyrics and composed music and won the No. [-] spot on the Billboard singles chart. He is a young genius.

On the other hand, of course it was his Chinese heritage that made history.This is the first time that a singer of Chinese descent has entered the American pop music market and achieved such good results.It attracted a lot of media attention.

Manager Braun smiled and said: "To a certain extent, you have the aura of Chinese descent. Ordinary white singers who achieve this result do not receive such great attention."

Jeff Basker explained it from a rather strange angle: "There are actually deeper reasons why Logic has received so much attention this time. The music industry has been declining in the past few years, and major record companies are thinking about it. Ways to save yourself. After news about his robbery case broke out last time, major record companies added fuel to the fire. This time after he got No. [-] on Billboard and broke out, they also helped, making everyone focus on the record industry. If you look at this report, it’s clearly written by the record company.”

Luo Ji took the newspaper and read it: "Compared to 2005, when rap madman 50 Cent and Mariah Carey dominated the scene, in 2006, although many singers performed well in the American music scene, they really stood out. But there are not many. In the past few weeks of 2007, the American record market has been extremely sluggish, and record sales have even dropped to the lowest point in recent years. The audience has been attracted by "American Idol". We hope that you will Big-name singers are doing their best to come up with some powerful new works to save today's increasingly sluggish record market. Just one hit single from Logic is obviously not enough."

Manager Braun scolded: "It's all because of this damn "American Idol", a bloody talent show, which has taken away the attention of the record industry. When the record industry was prosperous in the past, a hundred flowers bloomed, but now it can only eat leftovers." Down."

The talent show has indeed taken away a lot of popularity from singers who are still working in the traditional record industry, but the main reason is the impact of digital music on traditional records.The price of regular digital music is already cheaper than that of traditional records, and many pirated copies are not paid at all, making the entire record industry even worse. "American idol, American idol, American idol." Luo Ji muttered, and suddenly an idea came to his mind: "We are planning to make an album now. It can be completed in a month or two quickly. Then I will go to promote it. My first album, then can you contact "American Idol" and I will perform songs on their show then. It would be a pity not to take advantage of such a high-profile show."

"This show seems to invite a singer, Logic, I will contact them."

Jeff Basker then handed Luo Ji a newspaper: "Look at this."

"The audience of pop music changes every ten or eight years. The audience that grew up in the last teen pop era has aged. It has been almost nine years now. The new generation of listeners has grown up, so the new group of listeners have grown up. Singer stars are about to rise, and they have shown signs of success in the past two years. 9-year-old Rihanna, 18-year-old Taylor Swift, 17-year-old Logic, 16-year-old Mai Li Cyrus, this batch The singers are relatively young and very relevant to today’s young people.”

"What I'm most optimistic about is Logic. His songs Viva La Vida and Marvin Gaye. Logic participated in the creation of both songs. He is a singer-songwriter. His songs have very nice melodies and can definitely become popular around the world. Of course. One thing is very important. Logic is really beautiful. My 12-year-old daughter likes him very much and goes to YouTube to watch his videos every day. His appearance also has a huge impact on the singer's global popularity."

Indeed, many media say that he is really handsome, a bit like a mixture of the young Zun Long and Leonardo.There are also people on the Internet who mixed the photos of Zunlong and Leonardo together through technology, and compared them with their own photos, they turned out to be [-]% similar.

However, Luo Ji still doesn't like the media focusing on his appearance, which will make the public hate him.Lawyer Jamie once said that the media has very low requirements for men. They can fight, curse, and give the middle finger.But men cannot show their looks like women. Men show their looks, which is not in line with traditional values.

Those who do not conform to traditional values ​​will be torn apart by the media until they return to traditional values.

Therefore, Luo Ji has never followed the path of a dainty boy's idol, and he doesn't care much about his daily attire. His hair is deliberately messy and beautiful, he likes to give the middle finger, and he likes to say Fxxk.

"I'm complimenting you again. This article is very innovative."

Luo Ji took over. This is a relatively professional newspaper. The article first analyzed the shrinking music market, and then briefly talked about Luo Ji's label, his Chinese descent, his scandal with Britney, and the shooting incident. A 16-year-old singer-songwriter.

"Aside from the above, I think the real reason why Logic is famous is that his YouTube channel is like a medium-sized TV station, promoting himself 24/[-]. He is the person with the most followers on YouTube, and the total views of his YouTube videos are The amount has reached a terrifying [-] million."

"The music video for his song Viva La Vida has been played 2600 million times. The video of Marvin Gaye playing guitar and singing with Britney has been played 2300 million times, and his "Mom, I'm On TV" has been played 2400 million times. There are also videos he recorded for fans after the shooting to report that he is safe, and videos of him performing on the street with kittens, all of which have millions to 2000 million views. Even after he became a singer, he would still post videos every once in a while video."

“The author once consulted YouTube executives, and they said that Logic is YouTube’s biggest publicity ambassador. Logic’s success has brought many outstanding creators to YouTube, and they all hope to become the next Logic. Logic has also brought many outstanding creators to YouTube. Since Logic joined YouTube, the user growth rate of YouTube has increased by 20%. As the YouTube platform spreads around the world, countless media have also mentioned that Logic became famous on YouTube. Platform and author, that’s it. Mutual success.”

Agent Braun shouted: "There seems to be a newspaper here scolding you."

Luo Ji took it over and read it. The influence of this newspaper was neither too big nor too small. It contained many black photos of himself and mentioned some of his experiences before becoming a singer.

"Before Logic became famous, he was not as good at character and academics as he said. He was a bully in school before and often bullied his classmates. Moreover, his behavior was very disorderly and he committed all sorts of deceptions and abductions..."

The whole article tells several stories, which are completely consistent with the memory of the previous one.Bullying classmates and selling fake goods.The article portrays himself as a hypocritical bully.

Luo Ji was still a little panicked after reading it, but once he calmed down, he realized that this was just a confession at most, with no solid evidence at all, and it would only cause some damage to his reputation.

"what do you think?"

"I tend to treat it coldly. The sales volume of this kind of newspaper is not big or small, so he and his family are the ones singing the opposite tune. The more entangled you are, the more media you pay attention to, and you just treat it as if you don't know."


Other media reported positively on itself, but this media reported the opposite.This experience seemed familiar. Luo Ji remembered something and asked casually: "Whose newspaper belongs to this?"

"Owned by CBS."

 I'm quite busy during the Chinese New Year, so the update is a bit late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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