New York 2006

Chapter 60 Capitalists and We Are Young

Chapter 60 Capitalists and We Are Young
"Brothers, when I went out today, I suddenly received an envelope. I didn't know what it was, so I took a video like this out of doubt. I will open it now for everyone to see."

In the video, Luo Ji looked puzzled as he slowly opened the envelope, revealing a card.

"Oh My God. This seems to be a Grammy invitation. I actually received a Grammy invitation. This is so surprising."

Luo Ji was caught in the huge surprise and screamed loudly. He didn't care about his own image at all and fell into ecstasy.

"You know, I'm just a singer who released a single. Unexpectedly, I received an invitation from the Grammys. Are they impressed by my handsome appearance?"

Luo Ji showed a thoughtful expression, and then spoke thoughtfully for a while.

"I really can't think of any other reason. They must be fascinated by my handsome appearance."

Luo Ji nodded with certainty, and then the video ended.

The title of the YouTube video is, I actually received a Grammy invitation.

This could have been made into a serious show-off video, but after Luo Ji's deliberate brain circuit analysis, the whole video became funny. In just a few days, the video became a hit on YouTube and was pushed to the home page. recommend.

There are several favorable comments below the video.

"I also think the Grammy organizers thought you were very handsome, so they sent you an invitation. There must be no other reason, after all, your single is so bad, smile emjo."

"Hahaha, Logic, I would like to call you the chief helmsman of the "Mental Hospital"."

"I'm willing to give you full marks for your pretense."

"Son, I watched you become a singer step by step, but when will you become a cool singer instead of a funny guy!"

After a period of exploration, Luo Ji developed his own style. His current YouTube videos always adhere to two concepts. There must be pretense in the video to arouse everyone's desire to watch it. At the same time, the video must have a funny plot. , causing everyone joy.

Simply showing off may arouse others' disgust, but with joy, everyone will like it very much.

Luo Ji turned off the computer in his office and went to the party being prepared outside. Today was a small surprise party, attended by only eight people from the company.

The banner at the door of the company reads, Welcome Brian Eno and his team to the United States.Luo Ji is willing to spend a lot of money to attract outstanding talents.This kind of small party doesn’t cost much.

After Luo Ji received the news that music producer Eno had arrived at the company, he personally went outside the building to greet them.Behind Eno were two British people, his production team.

Ino himself is a middle-aged white man. Like most British people, he went bald early.He doesn't have the temperament of an artist. He wears a pair of glasses, has very sharp eyes, and has a shiny bald head, which makes him look very oppressive.

Sure enough, most of people's intimidation comes from status and has nothing to do with appearance.

Philip Dauman, the president of Viacom, looked like an ordinary middle-aged white man, but Luo Ji treated him with great caution.

British music producer Brian Eno seemed very oppressive, but Luo Ji could face him very easily.

"Welcome, Ino."

"Logic, it's an honor to work with you."

Although the music producer Eno was very polite, his expression was still serious and there was no smile on his lips.

Luo Ji brought them to his company, and after music producer Eno discovered the surprise party held for them, a smile finally appeared on his meticulous face.

It seems that formalism is still effective.

The party started. Luo Ji, as the boss, first went up and had a chat, and then led Ino and his team to get to know the company's talents.

"This is the company's post-production engineer, this is the administrator of the company's technical department, and this is Max from the administrative department. Ino, if you need anything, you can go to Max and she will help you get it done."


Luo Ji finally introduced Eno to the company's music president, Jeff Busker, and the two of them had a competitive relationship to some extent.However, Luo Ji had already suppressed Jeff forcefully once before. Now he did not dare to show any emotion and chatted with Ino with a smile.

Luo Ji finally completed the team building work perfectly. People who did not know each other got to know each other through the party, eliminating the sense of strangeness so that they could start work as soon as possible.

In order for talented people like Ino to work hard, Luo Ji, a capitalist, worked very hard.

The effect of the party was very obvious. Luo Ji saw that the two young British men brought over by Ino were hooking up with two female clerks in the company.

To be honest, the United States was only founded in a short period of time. It has become the number one country in the world in more than 200 years. It has no foundation and looks like a nouveau riche.They are very arrogant on the surface, but they are somewhat inferior to those old European countries.

These two British young men were average-looking, but they spoke with a London accent. After a while, they were so fascinated by the two female clerks in the company that they almost fell in love with them.

Luo Ji looked at the post-production engineers and technical managers in the company with regret. They were useless even if he was given a chance.

These two people were single and had some slight social fears. Luo Ji wanted to win over them, so he asked Max to introduce them to two women from the company. As a result, after a few days, two British guys came to him.

Luo Ji walked over and patted them both on the shoulders to express comfort.But these two people didn't seem to understand what he meant, and looked at Luo Ji with some restraint.

"Boss, is something wrong?"

"It's okay, just have fun."

When Luo Ji was just a singer, he didn't have deep feelings about it.But after actually setting up a company during this period and gradually managing the company, Luo Ji truly discovered that in this capitalist world, capital naturally has its own deterrent power.As a boss, he uses capital to control others to work for him. He controls whether these people will stay or leave, and controls the resources of these people's lives. These people naturally respect him.

This sense of awe is difficult to eliminate, and eliminating it will consume a lot of energy. Luo Ji does not have three heads and six arms, he has more important things to do.Luo Ji found that all he could do was play the role of a capitalist and control these people to serve him.

Luo Ji looked at Max, who was arranging a party. During this time, their relationship was somewhat alienated.

Max made a mistake at work some time ago. Luo Ji warned Max as a friend, but she didn't take it seriously and made one mistake three times.

Luo Ji changed his strategy and used his identity as a boss to criticize Max. She became more attentive to her work and made fewer and fewer mistakes at work.But the relationship between the two became estranged.Now the two seem to be no longer friends, but more and more like superiors and subordinates.

It seems that it is really difficult for bosses and employees to become friends.

This made Luo Ji very conflicted. He actually cherished the relationship between the two. After all, they had known each other since Wei Mo. When Luo Ji was performing on the street, Max often brought her cupcakes to see Luo Ji.

"La la la la la la la."

Jeff Busker was very happy, humming a little tune, and walked next to Luo Ji. Luo Ji found that he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Logic, Ino is very good. He is very talented. I gained a lot from chatting with him just now."

It was indeed good for artists to cherish each other and understand each other, but Luo Ji felt his brain began to operate at high frequency, and the long-lost feeling came back. He looked at Jeff with a serious face.

"What was that you were humming just now?"

Jeff Busker was very confused, but he immediately answered: "What I just hummed was a short melody I wrote, but I have no inspiration and don't know how to write it into a song."

"Hum it again."

"La la la la la la la."

With a bang, the long-lost apocalypse came again. The prelude of a unique music beat sounded. In Luo Ji's mind, a white band sang in a bar. The MV was presented in slow motion and looked very elegant.

Give me a second
give me a second

I need to get my story straight
let me clear my mind
My friends are in the bathroom
Best friend passed out drunk in the bathroom

Getting higher than the Empire State
Higher than the Empire State Building
My lover she's waiting for me
My lover is waiting for me

Just across the bar
Just over the bar

"Logic, why are you stunned?"

Jeff Basker patted Luo Ji's shoulder. Luo Ji finally recovered from the apocalypse and looked at Jeff with a puzzled face. Could it be that he composed the future song of the apocalypse, "We Are Young"? of.

"Jeff, I just heard your melody and suddenly got inspiration. You don't object to me writing a song based on your melody."

Jeff knew that the three songs "composed" by Luo Ji were of first-rate quality.He agreed immediately.The two came to the recording studio. Luo Ji held the guitar in his hand, playing it from time to time, then writing on paper, humming and singing, pretending to create.

Jeff watched the whole process without making a sound. He knew that when the artist was inspired, he must not disturb him. Fifteen minutes later, Luo Ji took out the finished song and handed it to Jeff.

"How do you see it?"

The completion of the song was very high. Jeff was dumbfounded after reading it, with only admiration in his eyes.Luo Ji still respected talented artists, and since Jeff was most likely the creator of the original song, he wouldn't be stingy.

"Jeff, this song is based on your melody, so we will all sign as songwriters, and you will also get half of the proceeds from this song."

"That's not good, I just created a little melody."

The song "We Are Young" brought Luo Ji some emotions about youth. He thought about himself performing on the street and Max supporting him no matter what, so maybe he shouldn't criticize her so much during this time.

"Jeff, this is final. Half for you, half for me, and if you don't want me, I'll donate the proceeds to charity for you."

"I accept." Jeff said with a happy smile on his face.

We are young
We in the Mood for Love

So let's set the world on fire
set the world on fire

We can burn brighter
we can shine
Than the sun
Let the scorching sun eclipse

Luo Ji came to the party outside and saw that Max was concentrating on arranging the little things for the party without enjoying it at all. Luo Ji walked up to her.

"Dear friend, can I invite you to dance with me?"

Max was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face.

"of course."

Luo Ji and Max walked to the middle of the field, showing off their youthful energy.

 Fun-We Are Young ft. Janelle Monáe late update, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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