New York 2006

Chapter 76 The Joy of Harvest and Steve Jobs

Chapter 76 The Joy of Harvest and Steve Jobs

On February 2007, 2, Luo Ji woke up from bed early in the morning, touched the cat that was still sleeping next to him, and then turned on his phone to check.There are two text messages in it, one is that there is a new deposit in the company's bank account, and the other is a text message from Patty Doyle.

"Universal agreed to your four conditions."

"Okay, thank you Patty."

Patty on the other end of the phone replied instantly: "Control your bad temper and have a talk with Universal Music at noon. They should treat you equally this time."

"I will."

Six days of high-intensity confrontation finally came to an end. Luo Ji's pressure suddenly disappeared and he jumped out of bed with a swipe on the floor.I hugged the cat who was sleeping on the bed and rubbed it non-stop.After putting on his sweater, Luo Ji picked up his down jacket and put it on.

There was a red scarf on the clothes rack nearby. Luo Ji touched it gently and walked out of the bedroom happily.

"Grandma, is breakfast ready?"

"Okay, okay, hurry up and eat."

After washing up, Luo Ji found that Sami had already sent his younger brother Chucky to school.So I walked to the dining table, picked up the breakfast made by my grandma Queenie and started eating. As soon as I took a bite, I was conquered. I immediately stuffed my mouth full and mumbled: "Wow wow wow wow wow wow."

Grandma Queenie walked up to Luo Ji and handed him a glass of milk: "Filip, eat slowly, I didn't hear what you said clearly."

Luo Ji took a sip of milk and swallowed the food in his mouth: "Grandma, the breakfast you made today was really delicious."

Grandma Queenie also became happy: "Feili, what happened to you today? Did something good happen to you? You have been looking sad the past few days, but you feel sorry for me."

"Universal and I should be reconciled soon," Luo Ji said easily.

"That's great."

After breakfast, Luo Ji called Blake upstairs. When the reporter at the door wasn't paying attention, he brushed the floor, ran to the parking lot, got in his car and drove away.

As soon as Luo Ji stepped into the company's door, the company's financial officer approached him: "Boss, this morning Universal Records transferred the revenue from physical singles for the past two months to our account. This is the report provided by Universal. "

Luo Ji took it over and looked at it. In the past two months, the sales volume of physical singles at home and abroad totaled 71, including ordinary CDs, high-quality CDs, and vinyl records.After excluding all costs, the average price they gave was 6.3 million US dollars, with a total revenue of 447.3 million US dollars.The sales volume of mobile phone ringtones was 76, which cost US$3 per song, and the total revenue was US$228 million.Copyright agency income, as well as some derivative products, earned 36.6 US dollars.Income of 711.9 million US dollars.

After deducting 23% of the distribution fee, they got 548.16 million US dollars into the account of Future Records.Luo Ji compared the numbers in the text messages with those in the text messages, and they were exactly the same.

"Boss, should we also settle the accounts of the singles released online during this period to Universal Music?"

"Bring me the report."

Luo Ji took a quick look and found that iTunes sales accounted for 70% of the total sales, digital single sales from other channels accounted for 26%, and the remaining 4% had no sales volume, only an amount of 10 US dollars.

"What is this 4%? Why is there no single sales number?"

The company's financial officer said: "This is an emerging platform streaming media, mainly used in Europe."

Luo Ji didn't care and continued reading.The total sales volume of the single online platform is 163 million, with an average price of 0.7 million US dollars and a total revenue of 114.1 million US dollars.Including the money from streaming media, it is 124.1 million US dollars. After deducting Universal's distribution fee, the income is 95.55 US dollars.

"After all, it is physical records that make money. The sales volume of physical records is less than half of digital singles, and the sales volume is indeed more than three times that of digital singles."


Luo Ji reacted: "Go ahead and settle the online single sales to Universal Music. By the way, send them the report as well. The amount given to them is 28.54 yuan, right?"


"Go ahead." Luo Ji said calmly to the finance manager, and then slowly walked toward his office.

Arriving at the office, Luo Ji immediately clenched his hands and jumped up. His heartbeat accelerated, his face flushed, and he was extremely excited. He suppressed his voice and yelled: "YEAH, YES. It feels so good!"

In other words, he created an income of 836 million US dollars in the past two months, and he received an income of 643.71 million US dollars for himself and the company.And he also created an income of 192.28 million US dollars for Universal.This was still a single, not to mention a better-selling album.No wonder Universal Music coveted his company.

"If we don't resist fiercely, how can we get this profit safely?" Luo Ji said proudly.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle!
Luo Ji was in the joy of imagining the future when Britney called. He calmed down a little before picking up the phone and answering the call.

Britney said, "Logic, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, everything is fine. How are you doing over there?"

"I'm pretty bad. Kevin has been attacking me in the media. But my popularity has dropped a lot during this time, and a lot of media are talking about you. So are you really okay? Do you need my help? We can I released the single in advance. I’ll help you divert the media’s attention.”

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Thank you, Britney. I can tell you a little bit. Universal and I are very likely to reconcile."

"That's really good, but it's a pity that I haven't been able to help you during this time."

"It's okay. Thank you for supporting me in the media. You have to take care of yourself."

"I will." Britney was silent for a while and said in a low voice: "Can you come to Los Angeles to see me in a while?"

"Of course, I will be going to Los Angeles in a few days." Luo Ji's mind was now filled with thoughts on how to spend the more than 600 million yuan.

Britney smiled and said, "That's okay. See you in Los Angeles then. Bye."

As soon as Luo Ji hung up the phone, his agent Braun and the head of publicity walked in. They happily handed a newspaper to Luo Ji: "Logic, take a look at this report. This is very beneficial to us. "Luo Ji took it over and looked at the author's name in confusion, Bill Lamb. He had seen reports about this man before, and he was very influential in the record industry.

"The record industry has been in decline since 2000. In January of this year, record sales even dropped to the lowest point in recent years. I have appealed to all the big-name singers to do their best and come up with some powerful records as soon as possible. New product."

"The work is ready. Logic's "16" is the best album I have listened to in the past three years. Every song in it is great, especially the five songs composed by Logic. Each of them is a masterpiece. . But the recording industry is not united at all. Universal Music and Logi actually started a civil war at this critical moment of life and death. Now no matter who is right or wrong, I call on both parties to reach a settlement as soon as possible and release physical records to save this withering industry. The record industry.”

The person in charge of publicity said: "A few days ago, the physical dealer went to Universal Music to make a fuss, but somehow he was suppressed by Universal Music. This report should put pressure on Universal Music. His report has a great influence. ."

Luo Ji looked at the two of them with a smile and boasted, "Don't you know it yet? Yesterday I went to see Senator Clinton and asked her to put pressure on Universal Music. This morning they settled the proceeds from the single to me. Yes, there will probably be peace talks in the afternoon."

"Ms. Senator, can you influence her?" Braun said with a look of disbelief.

Luo Ji stared at Braun closely: "I told you that yesterday was a fundraising banquet held by us Chinese for Ms. Clinton, so are you questioning the influence of our Chinese community?"

Braun said awkwardly: "Of course not, I just didn't know that your influence among the Chinese-American community was so great that you could allow them to put pressure on Ms. Clinton."

Luo Ji said angrily, "There are so many things you don't know, so go ahead and do your business."

Braun was very thick-skinned and walked up to Luo Ji with a playful smile: "Then how do you reply to other record companies? They have offered you a lot of better terms during this period. Sony just gave you the latest terms, and now they They are willing to acquire 2600% of your record company's shares for 30 million, sign you with four albums in seven years, and they are also willing to pay Universal's liquidated damages."

Luo Ji said: "Liquidated damages? This must be a confusing deal. I signed a contract with Universal for at least three majors for five years, and the liquidated damages are 30% of their income. How to estimate the value of these three majors? Universal will definitely go higher. valuation, and Sony’s valuation will definitely be lowered, and it will definitely be a piece of cake by then.”

"Then reject it directly?"

Luo Ji said, "Send this contract to Universal Music and see what they say."

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

Luo Ji picked up his personal cell phone and looked at it. It turned out to be an unfamiliar number. How could he have his own personal number now?

"Logic, right? I'm Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple."

"Ah." Luo Ji was extremely surprised, but quickly calmed down: "Mr. Jobs, I admire you very much, and I also bought shares of Apple. I watched your iPhone launch event some time ago, and I admire that phone very much. I like it, but I heard that the phone will not be released until around July this year. I don’t want to wait that long. I wonder if your company has that phone now? Can you send me ten units?”


"If ten stations are inconvenient, eight and five stations will do."

Steve Jobs thought for a moment and said, "I'll give you two at most."

Luo Ji regretfully said, "Okay, two channels are fine." He suddenly had an idea: "Mr. Jobs, I wonder if you have listened to my "We don't talk anymore"."

"What did I hear?"

"What do you think?"

"The melody is very catchy and the lyrics are also very good. But the style is more avant-garde. But I still like it."

Luo Ji happily said: "I want to use an iPhone in the MV. I wonder if you are interested in placing ads. The idea of ​​the MV is like this. Two men and women who have just broken up occupy half of the screen of the video respectively. Starting from the morning When they woke up, they used their iPhones to look at their previous chat history and their previous photos..."

Jobs did not urge him. Instead, he listened to Luo Ji's overview of the MV with great interest. After listening to it, he said: "Your MV design is great. You are indeed a genius. Logic, write the script and send it to Apple. I will I asked someone to negotiate with you."


After Jobs finished speaking, he finally got to the point: "I heard that Universal Music wanted to acquire your company's shares, but you didn't agree, so the two of you had a conflict."


"Logic, you must not give in. These big companies want to take advantage of you. I will use media resources to help you. You have to hold on. Do you believe my guarantee?"

"If it had been someone else at Apple who was calling, I certainly wouldn't have believed it, but I do believe your word, Mr. Jobs. Still."

"But what?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment and finally decided to tell the truth: "I don't want to lie to you. It is very likely that I will reach a settlement with Universal Music today. I cannot continue to fight against the music company that accounts for 28% of the world's market share."

Jobs said sternly: "My iTunes accounts for 70% of digital music distribution channels. Aren't you afraid of offending me?"

Luo Ji had no choice but to hold back his temper and cried: "Mr. Jobs, I have promoted iTunes in countless media this week. Don't you know how many new users I have brought to iTunes? This paragraph Apple's stock has risen so much over time, and the stock prices of traditional record companies have fallen so much, they wish I was dead, do you really want to see me assassinated by Universal Music?"

Luo Ji then shouted, "If this continues, I'm going to make a statement on YouTube not to commit suicide."

Jobs softened his tone: "Okay, okay, can you delay it for one more day?"

"I'll put it off until the afternoon at most."

"Okay. If your relationship with Universal Music breaks down, remember to call me and tell me. My promise is still valid."

"Okay." Luo Ji put on his playful smile again and said, "Mr. Jobs, what about the implantation in the MV?"

"I sent you the script, and it's indispensable for you." Jobs said speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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