New York 2006

Chapter 78 Los Angeles Trip

Chapter 78 Los Angeles Trip
The next afternoon in Los Angeles, Luo Ji and Doug Morris stood at the door of Universal Music Headquarters and were photographed and interviewed by reporters.

"Mr. Doug Morris, there were rumors that Universal Music wanted to monopolize Logic's future records. Is this true?"

Doug Morris smiled and said: "It's all fake news. We have a very good cooperation with Logic. It was only because of some mistakes by the publisher that we had some minor misunderstandings with Logic. Now the conflict has been resolved. "

A FOX reporter raised the microphone and asked Luo Ji: "Logic, is what Mr. Doug Morris said true?"

"it is true."

Luo Ji answered briefly with a straight face, and then said: "My physical album will be sold all over the country today. You can buy it in various department stores, record stores, and Wal-Mart. You can also buy it on Amazon. Order my physical album "16" on eBay and other online shopping platforms. I hope everyone can support my music."

"Logic, Logic, Logic." Other reporters also raised their microphones for interviews.

Luo Ji said to everyone: "After a day of flying, I'm a little tired, so I'm going back to rest. Goodbye, everyone!"

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he turned around and walked inside Universal Music. Doug Morris looked at Luo Ji awkwardly and stayed alone to be interviewed by the media.

Manager Braun followed Luo Ji: "You should stay with him and wait for the interview to end. This will make the media think crazy."

Luo Ji said with a tired look on his face: "I feel like it's really hard for me to be like these people. Yesterday, I wanted to destroy each other. Today, I smile at each other like no one is doing anything, and I'm pretending to be polite. This kind of interpersonal relationship makes me feel I’m so tired, I feel like I’ve been drained of time, and I feel like it’s really hard for me to be so hypocritical.”

Manager Braun looked directly at Luo Ji: "You are an artist. I understand. Just keep your heart. There is no need to cater to others. There are many artists with quirks. As long as your music is excellent, everything else will be fine." People will fawn over you.”

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "Do you think Universal Music will cooperate with me well in the future? Will they do anything else?"

Manager Braun responded affirmatively: "They have fully accepted your conditions and recognized your will. They should not stir up trouble anymore. Yesterday was probably their last attempt. The quality of your records is too good. They We can’t afford to delay, as this will only make digital distribution channels such as iTunes cheaper.”

"All right!"

Braun suddenly laughed and said: "The people at Universal Music are quite well prepared. They have secretly prepared your physical album CD, and the first batch of 100 million copies was directly produced. As soon as the peace talks ended yesterday, they released Sold all over the country. This is a physical CD. Take a look!"

The cover of the physical CD is the same as the cover of the digital album. It is a photo taken by Luo Ji in the studio when he was filming the Viva La Viva single MV. The photo was very artistic.

The name of the album "16" and his stage name Logic are written on the lower right corner of the front of the CD. On the back are the names of the producers, Logic, Jeff Basker, Brian Eno, and Scooter Braun.In small font on the lower back it says Universal Music.

The CD also contains lyrics and a poster of Luo Ji.This is something digital albums don’t have.The unified wholesale price of the entire album to dealers is 11 US dollars, and the recommended retail price is 15 US dollars.

Universal copied the design of the album from Luo Ji's digital album.After reading it, Luo Ji gently stroked it with his hand. It was really like Taylor said, it was like his own child.

"Logic." The old white man from Universal Music who negotiated yesterday came over with a playful smile: "We at Universal Music have paid the greatest attention to your "16". This time we directly approved 200 million yuan, and you also Offer 200 million yuan. Try to make your album win the sales championship this year. When will you be free, can we discuss the album promotion schedule? "

Luo Ji said, "You go and discuss it with the person in charge of publicity at my company. I'm really tired. Just tell me the results when you have them."

"Okay, Logic." The old white man from Universal Music paused and said sincerely: "I'm here to say sorry to you. Everything yesterday was just a means of commercial competition, and we didn't mean to ruin you. I hope what happened yesterday will not affect our future cooperation."

"I have something else to do next! I'll leave now." Luo Ji waved his hand casually and walked towards the parking lot of Universal Music.

"Goodbye, Logic! Remember, we at Universal will give you the greatest support for your album." The old white man from Universal Music shouted at Luo Ji's back.

Luo Ji and Braun walked to the parking lot of Universal Music Headquarters and got in the car. Blake was already sitting in the rented car waiting: "Want to go to Studio City?"


The car drove all the way, and only one or two paparazzi were found behind the car. Braun was confused: "Did something happen? It stands to reason that the news of your reconciliation with Universal Music today should have attracted a lot of attention. Why are there only one or two paparazzi?" Is there a paparazzi following you?"

"Is there any big news happening?" Luo Ji asked.

"Turn on the radio and listen to what news there is?" Agent Braun said to Black.

As soon as Blake turned on the radio, Luo Ji's song "We are young" came from the radio.Blake changed several radio stations and finally heard a piece of news on the radio.

"This morning, Anna Nicole Smith was found dead suddenly and mysteriously in a Florida hotel this morning. The exact cause of death has not yet been determined. She left behind only a 5-month-old daughter, Daniellynn."

"Anna Nicole Smith?" Blake exclaimed!

Anna Nicole Smith is very famous in the United States. She became famous for marrying the 26-year-old oil tycoon Marshall at the age of 89. However, the tycoon Marshall passed away 14 months after the marriage. After Marshall died in 1995, he left as much as 16 billion A US dollar inheritance, but it turned out that there was not a penny left to her in the will.This made Anna go crazy and started making various statements in the media.

She said she got married for true love, and Marshall promised her before his death that he would leave her half of his wealth.

After that, she fought a 10-year legal battle with Marshall's son to fight for the inheritance.She is a very famous money-worshiping girl in the United States, and many of her shocking remarks have made everyone in the United States eat melon with relish.Her reality show was once popular, but due to her money-worshiping remarks and chaotic life, she was criticized by the public and eventually stopped broadcasting.

The black guest on the radio said: "It is obvious to me that Anna's death was definitely not an accident. The lawsuit over the property has reached the Supreme Court. President Bush has personally spoken and asked the judge to try the lawsuit properly. I also heard that Anna With strong evidence this time, her estate lawsuit is likely to win."

The radio DJ was not afraid to make a big deal and said, "Then you suspect that Marshall Jr. ordered someone to assassinate Anna!"

The black guest continued: "It's obvious, isn't it? On the eve of the Supreme Court case, she had a problem. Who else could it be if it wasn't the Marshalls?"

The radio DJ continued: "But I heard that she has a serious substance abuse problem. Could it be that you are overthinking it?"

The black guest said in a tone that had seen through the truth: "Haha, I thought too much. Is this kind of thing rare in the United States? I know best what kind of virtue these rich people are. They are really cruel when they are cruel! You Think about how many desperadoes you can buy with a hundred million-meter knife. Isn’t it easy to kill one person?”

When his agent Braun heard this, he said, "The news of your reconciliation with Universal probably won't make many news pages. I think Anna's death will trigger crazy reports across the United States."

"If you can't board it, then you can't board it. I also hope this matter will be handled in a low-key manner!" Luo Ji said nonchalantly.Jingle bell, jingle bell.Luo Ji looked at his phone and saw it was William Daly calling.

"Blake, please turn off the radio and I'll take a call."

"it is good."

Luo Ji deliberately waited for more than ten seconds before picking up the phone.Said angrily.

"Mr. William, I received bad news yesterday. Someone wants to open up my old score. Didn't we already reach an agreement last time? Isn't your promise like a piece of paper that can be torn up at any time?"

William Daly said with a puzzled tone: "What are you referring to? Can you make it clear? I don't know what happened?"

Luo Ji reminded: "It's the black prosecutor of the Southern District. Yesterday, he put pressure on me on behalf of Universal Music, saying that he wanted to settle my old scores and threatened me!"

William Daley shouted loudly: "What? This is something I have agreed with you. How dare he threaten you with this? Don't worry, Logic, I will definitely seek justice for you! Just wait for me." Yes, I’ll call and ask!”

After Luo Ji hung up the phone, he looked at the scenery outside the window.William Daly's acting is okay, but his tone is a bit exaggerated and seems particularly grandiose!About 10 minutes later, the black prosecutor called.

"Logic, it was my fault yesterday, and I am here to apologize to you."

"Yeah." Luo Ji said casually while holding the phone and looking out the window at Studio City getting closer and closer!
"The past things are over and no one will mention them again. I'm here to promise you!" the black prosecutor continued.

Luo Ji held up his cell phone and said calmly: "Is there anything else? If not, I'll hang up! I still have something to do here!"

After a moment of silence, the black prosecutor said: "No, goodbye, Logic!"

When Luo Ji heard this, he immediately hung up the phone and stared blankly at the scenery outside the window.Manager Braun heard a few words on the other end of the phone, saw Luo Ji's depressed mood, and said, "Is he the person who threatened you on behalf of Universal Music yesterday?"

"Yeah. He's here to apologize to me today. This guy who takes advantage of the situation!"

Broker Braun thought for a while and said: "I have also experienced what happened in Chicago. I can probably guess what politicians are like. There is a mutual game between the funders and politicians. If they think you are weak, In the face of greater interests, they will betray you or even threaten you in turn. But if they think you are a tough person, they will respect you and think for a moment before betraying you. You have to consider whether it will cause you to resist and retaliate."

Luo Ji had already secretly recorded this person in his notebook.

"Ok, I know."

Braun continued: "People are in a power game all the time. Either you want to overwhelm me, or I want to overwhelm you. Staying strong is very important in this highly competitive society in the United States. For everything before, you There is no need to lose, just strengthen yourself..."

While Braun was still telling the story, the car had already arrived at its destination.Luo Ji saw the intersection that often appeared on the news.Britney's home has arrived. Even if there is news of Anna Nicole Smith's death today, there are still more than a dozen paparazzi squatting in front of her home.

Luo Ji made the call: "Britney, I'm here!"

There was a big iron gate outside Britney's house. Luo Ji's car drove up to the gate. The paparazzi were curious about who was inside the car and ran up to take pictures.The car's light-blocking ability is very good, but it cannot hold the paparazzi's professional cameras.They soon spotted Luo Ji sitting in the car.

"Logic, are you here to write songs for Britney again?"

The surrounding paparazzi burst out laughing when they heard this.Luo Ji opened the car window: "I'm just here to see my friends today, so don't make random reports. Be careful, I'll sue you for libel."

"Logic, what do you think about Anna Nicole Smith's death?"

"Logc, are you here to discuss the single release with Britney?"

"Logic, Logic, Logic."

The door was already open. Luo Ji ignored the group of paparazzi and asked Blake to drive in and close the door.Britney's residence is very large, covering an area of ​​nearly an acre, with a swimming pool, villas, garages, and gardens.

"Logic, I'm here!"

Luo Ji saw Britney standing at the door of the villa, wearing a pink dress, raising her hand to wave to him. She smiled happily and walked slowly towards the vehicle.

Just then, Luo Ji's phone rang. He looked at his phone and saw that it was William Daley. He picked up the call.

"Logic, are you free later this month? Can you come to Chicago? Let me introduce you to a very important person?"

Luo Ji held the phone to his ear with his left hand, stepped out of the car, looked at Britney in the distance with a smile, and waved to her with his right hand.

Then he said to William Daley on the other end of the phone: "Sorry, I will be very busy this month. Can't go to Chicago."

William Daley continued to persuade: "Senator Barack, do you know? I have important news for you. He will participate in the 2008 US presidential election. There will be a fundraising dinner then. I hope you can attend."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "That's really inconvenient. There's nothing I can do about it. The publicity plan has been arranged."

"It only takes one day, no delay..."

"I still have something to do here, so hang up now. We'll talk about it later." Luo Ji had already walked up to Britney and said to William Daley on the other end of the phone.

Luo Ji put the phone in his pocket, and Britney smiled and asked, "Who were you talking to just now?"

"Nobody!" Luo Ji looked at Britney with a smile, stretched out his hands and hugged her.

(End of this chapter)

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