New York 2006

Chapter 92 Crazy Reporter

Chapter 92 Crazy Reporter

Luo Ji and Taylor sat in a stretch Mercedes and arrived at NBCUniversal Pictures' production base in Burbank.

Before 2004, Universal Pictures, NBC television network and Universal Music, the three super media companies, originally belonged to the European company Vivendi.

But due to the Internet bubble, Vivendi's financial problems, and the attacks of Wall Street short sellers.The media supercompany was broken up.

NBC Television Network and Universal Pictures were acquired by General Electric and merged into NBC Universal, with GE holding 80% of the shares and Vivendi holding 20%.

Since no one is optimistic about the prospects of the music industry, Universal Music has not been sold and is still in the hands of the European capital Vivendi.

Although the super media company has been broken up, the three still have close ties.NBCUniversal smeared Luo Ji during his business war with Universal Music some time ago.

Luo Ji and Taylor came here to participate in NBC's Ellen Show to promote their album.

Today, IFPI, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, announced global record sales in February. Luo Ji's album "2" sold 16 million copies, surpassing No. 243 million copies.

Having ranked first in monthly album sales in the world for the past three years, coupled with the blessing of his Chinese descent, and the contribution of the entire recording industry, Luo Ji's popularity increased instantly.

"There are so many reporters at the door!" the Chinese bodyguard said.

"It looks like there are more than 20." Taylor said.

Luo Ji's two bodyguards got out of the car first and stood around warily.Blake walked to the car and opened the door. Luo Ji and Taylor stepped out of the car, followed closely by Luo Ji's assistant Fiona and Taylor's assistant.

When reporters saw this scene, they immediately gathered around.The photographer's shutter clicked non-stop. Taylor held Luo Ji's arm and tilted his head slightly to Luo Ji's side. The two of them were in perfect condition for the reporters to take photos.

"Logic, your monthly album sales have exceeded the record of the past three years. Is there anything you want to say?"

"Logic, Taylor, can you tell me how you two got together?"


Luo Ji and Taylor ignored them and walked straight into the studio, but the reporter was like crazy and kept asking questions, blocking them from leaving.

The two bodyguards were unable to do anything for a while. Fiona, who was from a lower class background, felt reckless and stepped forward, scolded sternly, stretched out her arms to push aside the blocking crowd, and suddenly opened a path.

Taylor said worriedly: "There are so many reporters, how about we answer a few questions."

"Okay." Luo Ji nodded and agreed.

"You guys, stop arguing and let us go outside for the interview." Luo Ji shouted loudly.

When the reporters heard this, they finally fell silent.Silently make way.

Several security guards from the Universal Pictures Production Center saw this formation and hurried out to maintain order.Luo Ji first clicked on a Viacom reporter.

"Logic, your album "16" has broken the monthly sales record for the past three years. What do you think of this?"

Luo Ji said seriously: "To be honest, I didn't expect such good results before it was released. I'm glad that everyone likes my album. I will continue to work hard to create better music."

"Taylor, pick a reporter to ask a question." Luo Ji whispered to Taylor.

Taylor chose an NBC reporter who had a better relationship with Universal Music: "Taylor, how did you get together with Logic?"

Taylor said: "The two of us met in Nashville, and then we toured..."

After Taylor answered, he turned his head slightly to Luo Ji's side and smiled to accept the reporter's photo.

Luo Ji next clicked on a Fox reporter, who raised the microphone and asked a question.

"Logic, you have said in the media many times that Britney is your idol. So what do you think of Britney's disorderly behavior last month?"

Luo Ji said seriously: "I hope the media can give Britney more tolerance and stop chasing after her. She herself suffers from postpartum depression, and her ex-husband does not allow her to see her children. I hope everyone You can understand a mother's love for her children. Not being able to see her children makes people crazy."

"How did you know that Britney suffered from postpartum depression?" the reporter quickly asked.

Luo Ji waved his hand and did not answer.Instead, he pulled Taylor up and walked inside.Reporters wanted to catch up and ask questions, but were stopped by security personnel.

Taylor pushed her hair, looked forward, and asked nonchalantly: "How did you know Britney had postpartum depression?"

Luo Ji said casually: "When my mother gave birth to my brother, she was in a very bad state. The doctor diagnosed her with postpartum depression, and it took her several months to get out of it. So Britney After the accident last month, I found that her condition was very wrong, so I called her to go to the hospital for a checkup, and it turned out that she really had postpartum depression."

Taylor said casually: "Have you and Britney been in contact?"

"U..." Luo Ji reacted: "We only contacted each other occasionally, mainly discussing some music matters. She decided a long time ago that the album would rely entirely on electronic music. You know, there is also a lot of electronic music in my album. Sound elements..."

Taylor smoothed his hair: "I'm just asking casually, you don't need to explain so much."

"Yeah." Luo Ji replied casually.

When Taylor heard Luo Ji's answer, he tried his best to suppress the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Ellen, the host of The Ellen Show, had already greeted him, and Taylor could only smile and look ahead.The three of them came together and chatted enthusiastically.

Luo Ji smiled and said, "I saw you when I attended the Grammys that day. I originally wanted to go up and say hello to you..."


The Ellen Show recording began. Luo Ji and Taylor finished performing "We Don't talk anymore" and walked to the guest seats amidst the cheers of Ellen and the audience.

"Logic, Taylor, the song you just played was great. But since you two are a couple now, wouldn't it be inappropriate to sing this breakup song?"

Hahaha, the audience laughed instantly.

Taylor smiled and said, "This was something we worked together before we became a couple."

"In a sense, we really got together because of a breakup love song." Luo Ji added.

Allen spread his hands and looked at the audience helplessly: "This is the most bizarre reason for love that I have ever heard."

Hahahaha, the scene burst into laughter again.

Allen continued to control the situation: "Taylor, as a musician, do you feel any pressure to be with Logic? After all, Logic's album "16" last month broke the sales record in the past three years, reaching 243 million copies!"

Taylor said solemnly: "There's a little bit of it."

"A trace of silk?"

Taylor smiled and said: "After all, my album of the same name also sold 70 copies last month."

Ever since the media knew that Luo Ji and Taylor had come together, it was under the operation of Universal Music.Record stores were very clever in putting Luo Ji's album "16" and Taylor's album "Taylor Swift" together.

The effect was very good. In the first two weeks of February, Taylor's album sold only 20 copies, but in the next two weeks, her album sales reached 50 copies.

Luo Ji said to the camera: "Taylor is a genius. She is a great musician. Her debut album of the same name is very good. You can buy it and listen to it."

Allen smiled and looked at the two of them: "One of you is 17 and the other is 16. You have become a famous singer at a young age. What am I doing at my age? Hehe, I am no worse than you two at this age!"

Luo Ji promptly complimented him: "What are you doing?"

Allen said proudly: "I was the president of our high school student union at that time."

Hahaha, everyone on the scene burst into laughter.

"So how did you two meet..." More than half of a 40-minute talk show quickly passed. The main conversation was about the emotional experiences of the two people, as well as some adolescent troubles, and of course more chicken soup. , expounding some positive values.

All the dialogues and plots were scripted in advance.Luo Ji acted very calmly, but Taylor was a little nervous.

Alan said in surprise: "So, Logic, you are afraid of doing roller coasters!"

Luo Ji patted his chest: "Don't listen to Taylor's nonsense. How can I, a grown man, be afraid of riding a roller coaster?"


Allen's perspective moved to the big screen behind him, and the photos that Taylor had taken when Luo Ji had just completed the roller coaster that day appeared on the screen.

In the photo, Luo Ji was sitting on a roller coaster. His face was pale and his hair was messy, as if he had just suffered a huge fright.

Hahaha, the people in the audience burst into laughter when they saw this photo.Several audience members laughed so hard that they couldn't stand upright.

The camera captured the scene perfectly.Then the camera switched to Luo Ji's face.

After everyone had finished laughing, Allen said leisurely: "Really? Logic, are you not afraid of doing roller coasters?"

Luo Ji's face was ashen, and he made a deathly expression at the right time.

Seeing this scene, the audience burst into joyful laughter again.


"Logic, why are you afraid of doing roller coasters?" Allen asked.

Luo Ji looked embarrassed: "You might not believe it if I tell you!"

"You tell me and I'll listen."

Luo Ji explained the reason that had been discussed long ago: "After I watched "Death Comes 3" last year, I didn't feel it at the time, but after doing the roller coaster that day, my mind was filled with the plot of the movie. It almost scared me to death. "

Luo Ji fearfully slapped his chest, hahaha, and everyone burst into laughter.

"What happened next..." Ellen Show asked.


As the recording continued, Taylor said: "I took Logic to ski that day. He didn't know how to skate at the time. I only taught him for half an hour, and he learned well. After two hours, he was skiing very smoothly. , we slid all the way from the top of the mountain to the mountain."

"Really?" Allen said.

Luo Ji boasted, "Of course, I feel like I'm very talented at skiing. If I hadn't become a singer, maybe I could have become a Winter Olympics athlete."

Allen looked at Luo Ji with disbelief, and the audience laughed in cooperation.

Allen continued to guide the topic and said impatiently: "I have been talking for so long, when did you get together! The audience has been waiting for more than 30 minutes."

"We'll be there soon," Luo Ji said quickly, "It's Valentine's Day, and I've been prepared for it for a long time. When we skied halfway up the mountain, the scenery was particularly beautiful. The two of us stopped on the mountainside and sat together to enjoy it. The beauty all around, that’s where we came together.”

"is it?"

Taylor smiled and said: "We even took photos at that time."

Allen's perspective moved to the big screen, and the photos taken by the two people with their iPhones appeared on the big screen.

The background of the photo is the vast snow-capped mountains. The two of them are sitting on the mountainside, wearing ski suits. Taylor is leaning on Luo Ji's shoulder. The two are close to each other, smiling very happily and innocently.

"It's so romantic." Allen said with longing.

The camera moved to Luo Ji and Taylor, with their fingers intertwined and their faces filled with happiness as they recalled the scene at that time.

But the beautiful scene did not last long. Allen stared at the two of them with his eyes and spread his hands: "After talking so much, you still haven't said who chased whom? After listening to your story, so, Taylor, it's you Are you after Logic?"

Taylor looked dull. This was not part of the design of the script. The question was a bit abrupt and he didn’t know how to answer it.
Luo Ji immediately answered: "Of course not, I was the one chasing Taylor. I was impressed by her musical talent and started pursuing her."

Allen looked unbelieving: "Then why don't any boys take the initiative to write songs for me the first time they meet me?"

Taylor suddenly turned red and looked embarrassed. Girls are always a bit thin-skinned.

Luo Ji quickly explained: "I am chasing Taylor, and I also wrote songs for her."


Luo Ji smiled and said, "It's true, but the album hasn't been released yet!"

Allen immediately spoke expectantly: "Can you sing it live?"

"of course can."

To be honest, Taylor is the more proactive person in this relationship.So Luo Ji wanted to take advantage of this occasion to make up for Taylor's regrets.

The stage lights dimmed slightly, and Luo Ji picked up the guitar handed to him by the staff.He stood under the light, looked at Taylor quietly, and started playing and singing.

I found a love for me
i found my love

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Darling, just follow me and fall in love

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I found such a beautiful and sweet girl

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
I never thought you were the one I've been waiting for
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
We were just kids when we fell in love

The camera switched to Taylor. At this time, her eyes were red and she was looking at Luo Ji quietly.Allen walked up to Taylor and gently touched her shoulder.


At Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Hollywood, Britney looked exhausted after the examination and walked out of the hospital gate accompanied by her assistant.

In an instant, countless reporters and photographers swarmed up, like hungry wolves surrounding their prey, with flashes blaring non-stop.The reporters all directed their obscene remarks at Britney.

"Britney, what do you think about the New York Post calling you a bitch?"

"Britney, what do you think about Florida's senator saying you're insane?"

"Britney, are you mentally ill? Are you a lunatic?"

"Britney, when are you going to commit suicide?"

The female assistant tried her best to protect Britney, but Britney looked pitiful and just said: "Can you please just leave me alone?"

At this time, Britney was like a small boat in the storm, which could be torn apart by the huge wind and waves at any time.

When everyone saw Britney, it was like seeing rice knives flowing everywhere. They showed no sympathy at all and tried their best to stimulate her, hoping that she would say something outrageous.

Fortunately, the hospital security personnel noticed this situation and quickly came to protect Britney and her assistant and walked them to the car.

"Are they crazy?" the female assistant said angrily.

Britney was sitting in the driver's seat, looking aggrieved, with only tears welling up in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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