New York 2006

Chapter 94 Helping Britney

Chapter 94 Helping Britney

The Ellen Show is a daytime show, and overall it's very heartwarming and cozy, and Ellen herself is relatively easy-going.

When discussing the script, because Taylor would also appear, at Luo Ji's insistence, the topic about Britney was deleted to avoid embarrassing scenes, and Allen finally agreed.

But the Jon Stewart talk show is different. This evening talk show itself is relatively large in scale and is named after its spicy satire.

Jon Stewart himself is also very strong.After several communications, the topic was changed again and again in order to avoid embarrassing situations.Taylor did not attend, and in the end only Luo Ji came.

In the first ten minutes of Jon's evening talk show, Jon alone introduced the recent hot events in the United States in a spicy and sarcastic humorous way.

As usual, he first satirized the Iraq War, President Bush, and recent hot events.

His topic then shifted to the media's relentless hounding of Britney in recent days.A video appeared on the screen, showing dozens of paparazzi surrounding Britney.

Jon Stewart accompanied everyone to read it, and then said: "If you ask me, we should simply change the American media into a media that bullies women. They attack a woman every day."

The camera cuts to the audience, who all burst into laughter.

Jon Stewart said: "The person we are about to welcome next is not an easy person. He rose from the ghetto and became a world-famous singer at the age of only 16. Last month's record sales exceeded the previous three years." The global record reached an astonishing 243 million copies, so we invited Logic to play.”

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.The audience applauded.

Luo Ji walked onto the stage wearing a suit and hair gel, completely different from his usual image.Wave to the audience.

"Hello everyone, I'm Logic."

Jon showed a puzzled expression: "Who are you?"

Luo Ji sat next to Jon Stewart and spread his hands: "I am Logic, my full name is Felix Sloat Law. Am I not me?"

Hahaha, the camera switched to the audience at the right time, and soon switched to Jon's face.

"Your image today is very different from the past."

The most classic photo of Luo Ji appeared on the screen. He was wearing casual clothes, with messy hair, and his middle finger raised, looking very cold.

After looking at the photos, Luo Ji replied seriously: "I didn't think I was here to participate in a serious news program, so I should dress more formally."

The scene switched to the auditorium, hahaha, the audience burst into joyful laughter.

Jon looked serious and thoughtful. After two seconds, he nodded seriously: "You are dressed right Logic, our program is indeed a serious news program."

Hahaha, the scene burst into laughter again.

Jon started the conversation: "Logic, do you know which photo of yours has been circulated the most online?"

Luo Ji's acting skills were very good and he looked calm: "I don't know, can you tell me?"

Jon Stewart smiled mysteriously, and Luo Ji and Britney appeared on the big screen standing together, with the caption being the song we wrote all night last night.

Hahaha, the audience gave the most powerful laugh today.

There is really no end to this picture. After many original creations by netizens, it has completely become a hot meme in the United States and will last forever.

Luo Ji looked serious: "I think it's okay. We did write a song that night. The caption of this picture is correct. The song "Marvin Gaye" written by Britney and I will be released as a single in a week issued."

Everything went according to the script, Luo Ji handled it easily, and even promoted the single.

Jon Stewart changed the subject: "I don't believe you only created a single for one night. Britney is your idol!"

A new photo appeared on the big screen. In the photo, Luo Ji and Britney were kissing each other passionately in the car.

Hahaha, the audience burst into laughter.Laughing louder.

This paragraph was not in the script, Jon Stewart M-Fxxk actually conducted a raid.

The past story between Luo Ji and Britney is most likely known to Americans. However, there is no direct evidence. Now it has become one of the mysterious cases in the United States, so the popularity has been very high. There are people on the Internet who are offering a reward of [-] meters. direct evidence.

Unexpectedly, Jon, an old boy, wanted to deceive Luo Ji temporarily.

But Luo Ji was very skilled at this kind of thing and replied calmly: "We are indeed just composing songs."

Seeing that nothing was being deceived, Jon immediately changed the subject and said seriously: "So what do you think of Britney's disorderly behavior last month?"

Photos of Britney shaving her head appeared on the screen, as well as a video of Britney beating paparazzi with an umbrella.Under Jon's control, everyone did not laugh, but listened carefully.

"I have told the media countless times that Britney suffers from postpartum depression. I hope everyone can be more tolerant to a mother. But I have no weight in front of the media. The media reports selectively. I feel that the American media is crazy. It's like being caught up in a sick Britney-destroying orgy."

Jon looked at the camera and said solemnly: "I also agree with your statement. The American media has indeed gone too far this time. Does our country only know how to bully a mother who has just given birth to a child?"

Luo Ji then said, "Do you know what's even more outrageous?"

"What is it?"

"Britney is currently in a divorce lawsuit with her scumbag ex-husband, and Britney actually has to pay for her ex-husband's divorce lawyer fees."

Jon exclaimed: "Why does this happen?"

Luo Ji did not directly name the conservative judge in charge of Britney's divorce and custody lawsuit: "I don't know exactly. But there are more egregious ones."

"What is it?"

"Britney's five-month-old child is now taken care of by the two of them for two months. However, in order to force Britney to make concessions on the divorce, her ex-husband did not allow Britney to take care of the child at all while he was taking care of the child. Britney visited her children. This caused Britney to lose control of her emotions last month."

Jon Stewart exclaimed: "So this is the reason why Britney is out of order."

Luo Ji said, "Yes, it was postpartum depression, the mother's longing for her child, her ex-husband's ruthlessness, and the media's unscrupulous insults and siege that made Britney collapse."

Jon Stewart said: "Is this still happening in the United States?"

Luo Ji said, "I'm also surprised. It's already the 21st century. My mother had such an experience after giving birth to my brother. It's really painful for women. So I can understand it. Britney is so helpless now, I hope society and the mass media can give her more tolerance."

Jon Stewart followed Luo Ji and said, "I myself am firmly opposed to this kind of thing. I hope that women's organizations such as the National Organization for Women in the United States can support Britney and provide her with public opinion and legal support."

Jon Stewart's influence on American politics is much greater than Luo Ji's.His words are very powerful and should affect a large number of people.

Luo Ji continued to ask according to the script: "Jon, why do you think this kind of thing still happens in the United States in the 21st century?"

The following is the moment of Jon's performance: "I think society's requirements for men and women are different. Public opinion's requirements for women..."

At the end of the recording, Jon Stewart found Luo Ji, and the two were drinking coffee in the lounge.Jon looked at Luo Ji: "Why did you help Britney?"

"Look how pitiful she is." Luo Ji said.Jon smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of the saying that a man will remain a boy until he dies?"

"heard about it."

Jon said: "This emotion is real. You have said many times in the media that your idol when you were a teenager was Britney. You will wear a filter to look at her all your life. When you have the ability , you will unconsciously get close to her, want her to live well, and help her selflessly. This kind of emotion is not mixed with interests and is the purest."

"Really?" Luo Ji thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, this is a romance for men." Jon said.

Luo Ji drank coffee and looked at the city outside the glass, with the lights brightly lit at night, and fell into memories of the past.

Two days later, Jon Stewart's talk show was aired and quickly aroused a huge response in the United States.Everyone wants to know if Logic’s revelations on the talk show are true.For a time, countless media came out to look for clues.

In Studio City, Los Angeles, Luo Ji, bodyguards and manager Braun broke through the siege of reporters and entered Britney Spears' mansion.

Britney came out to greet her in person. She looked listless and weak.She walked up to Luo Ji and said sincerely: "Logic, thank you for your help."

"No problem." Luo Ji waved his hand.

Several people walked into the living room. Luo Ji sat on the sofa and only found her personal doctor and assistant: "Where are your agent Larry Rudolph and your lawyer?"

Britney said angrily: "I don't know where he is? He seems to be busy with other things out of town."

Luo Ji said, "Then do you trust Braun and me? Let us help you with this public relations affair."

Britney said seriously: "Of course I trust you."

Agent Braun said: "In that case, there are three main points involved now. You have postpartum depression. You have to pay your ex-husband's divorce lawyer fees. You are prohibited from visiting the children while your ex-husband is taking care of them."


"You cannot admit these three points in person. A third party must come forward to clarify. Only in this way can you have credibility and convince others."

"Yeah." Britney nodded.

Agent Braun said: "The strongest evidence of your postpartum depression is your diagnosis at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the top hospital in America. Can you convince the doctor who diagnosed you at the time? Tell reporters the truth? If that doesn't work, you can also ask your personal doctor to come forward and show everyone your diagnosis certificate."

Britney said: "He was very nice to me during the few days I was in the hospital and seemed very kind. I feel that there is a high probability that I can ask him to testify for me."

Britney looked at everyone, and Luo Ji nodded to her.She dialed the doctor's number.

"It's like this..."

"Is there a doctor-patient confidentiality agreement? Are there any legal issues?"

"Of course you can record our call, I will do what you say..."

10 minutes later.Britney smiled and nodded to everyone: "He agreed."

"Well done." Luo Ji said with a smile.

The voice of Britney Spears suddenly came from the TV. Everyone looked towards the TV, and the voice of a 40-year-old Latina woman appeared on the screen.

"She is the nanny hired by my ex-husband!" Britney exclaimed.

The Latina woman stood in front of the camera and talked freely: "I am the nanny at Kevin Ferdinand's house. I can prove that everything Logic said in the talk show is true. Kevin is a complete scumbag. After he moved here, all the money he spent was the money Britney paid to her lawyers."

The reporter asked: "How did you know?"

The Latina woman said: "This is not a secret at all. Kevin's friends, the strippers he hired, and the lawyers all know about this. He deliberately quoted Britney a high price for legal fees and waited for Britney's money. Once it is deposited into the lawyer's account, the lawyer will transfer part of the money to him. Because Kevin has boasted about this many times in front of others."

Luo Ji looked at Britney worriedly, but Britney showed no signs of collapse and just looked at the TV calmly.

The reporter continued to ask: "Then while Kevin was taking care of the children, he prohibited Britney from visiting the children and forced Britney to compromise on the divorce agreement. Is this true?"

The Latina woman continued: "It's absolutely true. I saw it with my own eyes before the day Britney shaved her head. She came to visit the children, but Kevin refused directly. Then before the day Britney hit the paparazzi with an umbrella, she came again. Once at Kevin's house, she was still rejected. She may have behaved like that because she lost control of her emotions."

After the reporter interviewed the Latino nanny, the screen switched to an interview with Britney's ex-husband. He was accompanied by a woman. When Kevin saw the reporter, he fled in panic.

"I didn't get any confirmed information from Kevin. He himself seemed a little guilty..."

Everyone in the living room fell silent.Britney's face was expressionless, showing no sadness at all.It seems that during this period of intense media pursuit, her ability to withstand pressure has greatly improved.

Agent Braun opened his mouth to lighten the mood: "Haha, it seems that the last two items don't need us to take action, the reporter will solve them for us."

"Thank you, Braun." Britney nodded sincerely.

"Probably by tomorrow, your public opinion will change. How much people and the media hated you before. Out of compensation, they will support you more..."

Two hours later, everyone saw on TV that doctors at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center confirmed to the media that Britney had been diagnosed with postpartum depression.

Luo Ji and Britney were taking a walk in the garden to relax. Although the garden was full of flowers, it seemed that it had not been taken care of for a long time and looked a bit messy.

Spring is the season when all things flourish, but here I feel a little desolate.

"I'll give you Jon Stewart's phone number later. You call him personally to say thank you. This talk show has been so successful because of his help. He was very dissatisfied with the media's endless pursuit of you. Kill, so he immediately decided to support you after I proposed it."

Britney smiled and said, "I will."

Luo Ji thought for a moment and tried to lower his tone: "Although your public opinion issue has been resolved, your lawsuit is still in the hands of that conservative judge. Should you consider hiring a conservative lawyer in Los Angeles to stay closer to traditional values? Of course. I'm just suggesting, it will definitely not affect you..."

Britney interrupted: "Okay."

"it is good?"

Luo Ji was a little surprised. The two of them had a fight about this matter last time.

Britney looked at Luo Ji and said calmly: "I will do it, don't worry. I will become the good girl image that the media hopes for in the future."

This was supposed to be the state that Luo Ji longed for Britney to return to, but at this moment Luo Ji felt no joy in his heart, instead he had mixed emotions.All he said was what he said.


Luo Ji looked at Britney. She had a calm face, as if this incident had not had any impact on her.

But Luo Ji saw that the passionate light in her eyes gradually dimmed and dissipated until she could no longer see it.

(End of this chapter)

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