New York 2006

Chapter 96 Daily Work

Chapter 96 Daily Work
In California, Luo Ji and his team spent the whole morning preparing, discussing the shooting location, props, costumes and shooting process of the "We don't talk anymore" MV.

At noon, the crew booked a nearby restaurant and gathered together to chat and wait for the meal to be served.

Taking advantage of this moment, Luo Ji sat alone in a seat, and Fiona handed over a stack of documents.

"This is a document transmitted from various companies today. You need to sign and fax it back! I have classified the documents according to company and department."

"it is good."

Luo Ji took the document and read it carefully.First up are the files for Future Records.

The first thing Luo Ji saw were two application documents from music president Jeff Busker.

"In the past 180 days, more than 5 singers have submitted resumes to the company, and a lot of demos have been submitted. It is difficult for me to share such a workload alone, so I want to recruit [-] employees for the artist management department."

Luo Ji thought for a moment and wrote a comment on the document: "It is approved for you to cooperate with the human resources department. First, recruit two employees to share the work. We will wait until I return to the company to discuss the follow-up."

After signing, Luo Ji put the document aside.Then I looked at the second document.It was proposed by Jeff Busker.

"Given that the company's on-site sound audition will be held in more than ten days, the company does not have a large sound audition venue, so I suggest finding an audition venue."

"Isn't this a waste of money?"

Luo Ji thought to himself, but quickly dismissed the idea. After the initial screening, at least more than 50 singers had arrived. It was really inconvenient to squeeze in the company for auditions, and it would affect the daily life of the company. But if these people were allowed to The group of people believed that the company was not strong, which might affect the signing of the contract.

Luo Ji wrote a comment on the document: "I agree that you will cooperate with the administrative department to find an audition venue."

After Luo Ji finished writing, he thought of the singers who appeared in Tianqi's MV, and added: "Send me the resumes of all the singers, and don't stop collecting resumes of singers."

After signing, Luo Ji continued to process other documents, namely Hooli, a mutually beneficial Internet company.As well as the documents of the multicultural new media company that cooperated with Liu Shu, they were quickly processed.

Unknowingly, more than 30 minutes had passed and the crew members had already started eating.

Taylor came over and asked with concern: "Feili, why don't you eat first."

Luo Ji looked at the document without raising his head: "It's okay, you guys can eat first. I'll finish it soon."

"Fili!" Taylor sat next to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji raised his head and said, "It's going to be over soon. Look, there are only three documents left."

Taylor touched Luo Ji's shoulder: "Okay, hurry up."


Luo Ji picked up the document sent by accountant Lin Qingji. There was a paragraph on it: "The application for the Long Live Life Charity Fund has been approved. This is the document of the charity fund. Please check it carefully."

Luo Ji then started to read: "With the approval of the US Internal Revenue Service, the Long Live Life Charity Fund has been established. The charity fund must... every year..."

After reading it, Luo Ji called his mother, Sami.

"Mom, the charity fund has been established. You, me and grandma are the three members of the board of directors. Remember to contact Lin Qingji. He will send someone to help you handle some daily affairs. There will be some documents that you need to sign. Then confirm that I donation matters.”

Sami asked: "Does that mean that in the future, family expenses and parties can all go to that account?"

Luo Ji rolled his eyes: "How many times have I told you not to say this on the phone!"

"I see."

Luo Ji said: "I am going to donate 500 million US dollars to the charity fund. Please contact my current school and donate 20 US dollars first. Remember to have a good relationship with my principal. She has urged me to go to school many times. I'm in school, please say something nice to me."

"So are you going to attend?"

"Just you and my grandma can attend. I won't go. I'm very busy recently."

Sammy said, "Okay, remember to take care of yourself."

"Yeah." Luo Ji continued, "By the way, Mom, if you and my grandma want to do any charity projects, I fully support you."

"Really?" Sammy said in surprise.

"Of course, Mom, both you and my grandma can become philanthropists." Luo Ji said sincerely.

Sammy said unconfidently: "Can I?"

Luo Ji added: "Of course you can, but don't spend too much money. It's not easy for me to make money. This year, I can give you two a quota of 100 million each. Do something truly meaningful. For example, support poor children to go to school. Establish a scholarship in your name, donate to a community church, etc.”

Sammy said sincerely: "Thank you, Fili."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Go and realize the value of your life, Mom!"

After Luo Ji hung up the phone, all he had left was the documents of the two companies he was working with, his agent Braun.

Luo Ji does not participate in the specific management of these two companies, but Braun will still give him a summary of the company's current situation on a regular basis, and he will also be consulted on some important decisions.

The document of SB Brokerage Company reads: "The company now has three employees, and their work content is to handle some daily affairs. During this period, 3 US dollars were spent, mainly for company procurement..."

After Luo Ji read it, he made some calculations in his mind.Expenses are very reasonable, nothing huge.So I wrote "read".Then write suggestions.

"Future Records has begun to collect resumes of singers on a large scale. I suggest you communicate with Jeff Basco more. If you are satisfied with it, you can look for opportunities to sign contracts. Future Records is preparing to focus on electronic music on a large scale. It is recommended that you sign contracts related to electronic music. Producer, songwriter..."

The document from SB Live Performance Company reads: "The company now has more than 30 employees, and some of the employees are preparing for your global tour. Your global tour is a cooperation between the company and Live Nation, and they will take a certain commission."

"There are also some employees who have begun to accept touring jobs from other teams. However, due to costs and channels, it is difficult for us to compete with those large touring companies, such as Live Nation, Anschutz Entertainment Group, the four major record groups, etc. Now the company mainly It’s about taking over the touring work of some young singers.”

"During this period, the company spent 143 million US dollars, mainly for the purchase of large trucks, lighting equipment, venue props and employee wages. It is currently in a loss-making state, and we may need to continue to invest funds in the future. Don't worry, when your tour starts, the company It will definitely be profitable.”

Luo Ji felt very uncomfortable when he saw the money loss.However, this is a necessary initial investment, but relying on Luo Ji alone to maintain the company is not an option!
Luo Ji thought for a while and wrote a suggestion: "My album proves that electronic music can be accepted by American audiences. Electronic music has just become popular in the United States, but there are many electronic musicians in Europe. I suggest you contact more European electronic musicians. , you can try to get them to tour in the United States."

After Luo Ji finished processing all the documents, he stretched his body.Fiona immediately came over and packed up the documents on the table: "Feili, go and eat quickly, I've already finished eating."

Luo Ji warned, "Okay, you can fax these documents to the company now."

"it is good."

Fiona took the file and walked out. Luo Ji walked over to Taylor and sat down.

Taylor said: "You just said it would be done right away, but now it has been more than 30 minutes."

"It's okay. Anyway, the crew has to take a two-hour break at noon, so it's still early."

The waiter placed a piece of pasta, a salad, and a cup of coffee in front of Luo Ji.He was really hungry, so Luo Ji immediately started eating.

Taylor said in confusion: "Why do you have to deal with so many documents every day? Doesn't your company have so many employees?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Just leave it all to the employees and the company will be done with it. The company's large expenditures and important decisions must be made by me. Otherwise, they won't even count the money they spent."

"Okay, hurry up and eat. We have to go shoot the MV later."

In the afternoon, at a local photo studio, Luo Ji was wearing a black T-shirt and a thin jacket.He was wearing a pair of pants underneath and casual shoes on his feet.Taylor wore a white shirt on top and blue denim shorts on the bottom, revealing her long legs.

The clothes of the two of them were as close to the original MV as possible, except that Luo Ji did not wear sunglasses. He was much more handsome than the male coach in the MV.

Zhu Qinqi, the founder of Nordica, stood in front of the two people and looked back and forth.Then he smiled and said.

"Logic, your design concept is very good. Taylor looks very beautiful, especially the women's denim shorts. They look very fashionable and are likely to lead the trend. How did you come up with this design?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Maybe it's the artist's intuition."

"very good."

Taylor smiled and walked up to Francis: "Director, what do you think?"

"Perfect!" Francis nodded with satisfaction.

Luo Ji looked at Zhu Qinqi and the director and said, "Is this the one you want?"

"Yeah." They both said at the same time.

Luo Ji said, "Then let's take photos of Taylor first. She will go to promote her album in a few days."

"Okay." Director Francis said.

The crew immediately took action, and only Luo Ji and Zhu Qinqi were left in the room.After Luo Ji and Luo Ji had initially negotiated the establishment of a youth clothing brand at the last party, Zhu Qinqi went to make preparations, but there was still no news. So taking this opportunity, Luo Ji took the initiative to contact Zhu Qinqi to show him his value.

"Mr. Zhu, this is the design drawing. I also designed some other clothes. What do you think?"

Luo Ji copied these design drawings from the MV.Zhu Qinqi took it and looked at it for a long time, then said with a smile: "You are a genius, you look very original."

"Thank you for your compliment. How is the company's progress now?"

Zhu Qinqi said: "Reopening a new brand is not a simple matter. It involves raw materials, clothing OEMs, sales stores, designers, market positioning, etc. It is very cumbersome, especially to find a group of young designers. , repositioning youth clothing, this is not an easy thing.”

Luo Ji nodded: "How's the investigation going?"

Zhu Qinqi said: "I formed a team of five people and conducted a preliminary investigation. To be honest, I am not optimistic. The competition in the youth clothing market is very fierce. Giants such as ZARA, H&M, GAP, and Uniqlo have a large number of self-operated stores. We It’s not that simple to develop.”

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Then what are your plans?"

"It has to be done, and the project plan has almost been written. I plan to invest 5000 million yuan first and open dozens of stores in major cities in the United States to test the waters!"

"Then is our last agreement still valid?"

Zhu Qinqi smiled and said: "Of course, I will ask the team members to pass the project information to you later."

Luo Ji continued to demonstrate his value: "I have many online promotion channels, which can help us promote the brand. I can also embed a large number of our clothing brands in my MV."

Zhu Qinqi smiled and said: "Hahaha, okay. I heard that you and Mr. Liu founded an Internet media company."

"Then what's the name of our company?" Luo Ji asked.

Zhu Qinqi said: "I haven't decided on a name yet. Do you have any suggestions?"

An idea flashed in Luo Ji's mind: "Shein, how is Xiyin?"

Zhu Qinqi said: "The name is very good, I will consider it."

Half an hour later, Zhu Qinqi left, and Luo Ji held the project plan in his hand, which contained more than 50 pages.Luo Ji browsed through it in general, and the content was very detailed.

The specific location for opening a self-operated clothing store, the OEM looking for factories in China, logistics system, brand positioning, etc.

It took Luo Ji an hour to take a rough look at it and found that China's clothing manufacturing industry has been integrated into the global supply chain. Manufacturing, shipping, and logistics are all very convenient. These are the easiest and most cost-effective.

The most troublesome and expensive thing is to find young designers and trendy styles.Open dozens of self-operated stores in major cities across the United States.There are many links involved and it is also very complex.After the entire project is implemented, the first store will probably open in June or July this year.

To be honest, Luo Ji really didn't understand the clothing industry and whether an investment of 5000 million was too much or too little.But Zhu Qinqi is the founder of Nordica.

Luo Ji thought for a long time and decided to be cautious and called the lawyer Jamie: "I will send you a business plan later. You can help me find relevant people to evaluate it. Remember, it must be kept confidential!"

(End of this chapter)

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