Chapter 202 Several shocks
"Is there any gain?"

Hearing Han Zhan's words, even Lin Jingxuan's face that had remained calm for ten thousand years had a different expression this time.

Listening to Han Zhan's tone, it seems that the harvest is not small.

Faced with everyone's questioning gazes, Han Zhan did not answer. Instead, he asked: "Before I set off, what were the three main problems that Daxia faced? Do you still remember them?"

"Energy bricks, awakening stones, ancient magic circles."

This time there was no need for Lin Jingxuan to speak, Li Lingzhen took the lead.

"Energy bricks are no longer a problem now. Did you also get a certain number of awakening stones from Titan City?"

"It shouldn't be. The Awakening Stone is currently mainly controlled by the Changsheng Company and the Empire. The other two major forces are not interested in this. There should be no Awakening Stone in Titan City."

"The ancient magic circle is even more impossible. You haven't even entered the secret realm."

Everyone was talking about it, and Han Zhan stopped talking about it and revealed the second important gain from his trip.

"From now on, when all Daxia people awaken, they no longer need to use the Awakening Stone. The problem of the Awakening Stone has been permanently solved by us!"


Hearing Han Zhan's words was like hearing a bombshell. Everyone stood up from their seats involuntarily.

Even Lin Jingxuan was no exception.

The Awakening Stone is related to the future of Daxia. From a long-term perspective, its importance is even more important than the energy bricks.

After all, without the energy bricks, they would at most retreat to primitive society.But without the Awakening Stone, the people of Daxia will not be able to continue to awaken. In a few decades, Daxia will naturally exist in name only.

This is a desperate plan and a naked conspiracy.

However, Daxia's lifeline has been strangled, and it will not be solved for a while.

But now, Han Zhan actually told them that the problem of the Awakening Stone has been permanently solved? !
"What exactly is going on? Tell me in detail." Lin Jingxuan urged subconsciously.

The second senior brother even forgot to hold his glasses. It seemed that he was really anxious.Han Zhan thought to himself, and recounted the conversation he had with Nuwa in Qinse's world.

After listening to the story about the Korean War, everyone had an unreal feeling.

"So, the method of spiritual contract was actually created by Nuwa? A character who exists in mythology created the method of spiritual contract?"

"The reason why there is a distinction between spirit contract masters and contract spirits is like this. The harmony of yin and yang, the harmony of yin and yang, I have never thought of it."

"In order to limit human awakening, the threshold of the awakening stone was deliberately set."

"So, what you mean is that Si Ting awakened the Nuwa Stone, so she can now create countless awakening stones without limit, as long as she wants?" Li Lingzhen finally asked.

Han Zhan nodded. "That's right."

In order to make them believe more, under Han Zhan's instructions, Shang Siting used the Nuwa Stone's Heavenly Origin ability to create a brand new Awakening Stone on the spot.

Watching the Awakening Stone appear in Shang Siting's hands little by little, everyone's eyes were illuminated by this light.

"Han Zhan, and Shang Siting, you did a great job."

This was already tonight, and Lin Jingxuan couldn't remember how many times he had lost his composure.

The harvest that the Korean War's trip south brought back to the whole of Daxia is exaggerated.

Just when they thought two surprises in a row were enough to shock them, Han Zhan spoke again.

"Second Senior Brother, I also got a prop from Qin Se Fu Lai World."

"According to my analysis, it should be inextricably related to the ancient magic circle. With my IQ, I can't control it. So I want to give it to you and let you crack it."

While Han Zhan was talking, a picture with mysterious and complex patterns appeared in front of everyone.

Hetu Luoshu!

When he saw this scroll, it was difficult for Lin Jingxuan to look away.As a person who can be evaluated by Li Shutong as the smartest and most understanding person in the entire Daxia.

His feeling when seeing the pictures in Hetuluo's book was different from anyone else's.

Ever-changing, unpredictable, endless, endless.

Lin Jingxuan immediately closed his eyes and forced himself to wake up from the state of feverish pursuit of knowledge.

"This is a treasure that is no worse than your bodhi tree." Lin Jingxuan paused, and looked at Han Zhan with a complicated expression, "Are you really going to give it to me?"

"of course."

Han Zhan's eyes were sincere and he did not hesitate.

"We are all from Daxia, and we are all students of the teacher. There is no need to distinguish each other."

"Now that Daxia is facing a difficult time, we should put aside all the unnecessary intrigues and intrigues, lead all the people of Daxia to survive, and keep the legacy of Beijun that our teacher left for us!"

Lin Jingxuan stood up, walked to Han Zhan, and put Hetu Luoshu in his bag.

No politeness and no commitment.

There is no need for these flashy things between senior brothers.

it is more than words.

Han Zhan went out and directly or indirectly solved three of the biggest problems plaguing Daxia in one go.

Such efficiency can be described as sensational, not to mention shocking.

After discussing with Han Zhan, everyone decided to unify their approach and only disclose the energy bricks to the public. As for the other two, they will not be announced for the time being.

"Why are you still looking at me?"

"No more, it's really gone now, not even a drop."

After Han Zhan finished talking about his gains, he saw that everyone was still staring at him and spread his hands.

When Han Zhan said there was no chance, everyone felt relieved for some reason.

I'm really afraid that he will come up with something else and destroy his already "fragile" nerves again.

Li Lingzhen and Xia Youwei couldn't wait to take Shang Siting back to their residence first.

Between girls, there are always some common topics that they need to discuss.

Wei Qing also yawned and decided to go back to catch up on his sleep, and then find the feeling of breaking through the ninth level.

When Han Zhan was about to leave, Lin Jingxuan stopped him.

"After hearing about your experience in Qinse Fulai World, I just thought about it and felt that there is something I must discuss with you."

Seeing Lin Jingxuan's serious look, Han Zhan subconsciously asked: "What is it?"

"Nuwa's words."

Nuwa’s words?When Han Zhan heard Lin Jingxuan's answer, he filtered it through his mind again and found nothing out of the ordinary.

Seeing Han Zhan's confusion, Lin Jingxuan continued to explain: "In your report, Nuwa said such a thing."

"The method of creating a spiritual contract is for her and Fuxi to practice and contract with Nuwa Stone and Fuxi Qin."

"Is there something wrong with this sentence?"

When Han Zhan said this, he saw Lin Jingxuan raise his head and look at him with a burning gaze, which he had never seen before.

"There is a problem. Why did Nuwa and Fuxi create a spiritual contract?"

(End of this chapter)

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