Perfect World: The Holy Spirit of Perfection is actually myself

Chapter 259 The Supreme Giant Tai Cang Immortal King

Chapter 259 The Supreme Giant·Tai Cang Immortal King


Thousands of roads roared and the sky collided. The waterfall-like blue-gold skylight spewing out from the avenue vase met the dark sun sacrificed by the nine-headed monster. It was like two ancient and huge realms colliding. In an instant, An unknown number of billions of miles of void were annihilated.

It was a power that completely surpassed the level of giants. The awe-inspiring power had already surpassed all the ways. Even though it was as majestic and majestic as the fairyland, this kind of power had not been seen for many years.

At this moment, throughout the Immortal Realm, all living beings who had reached a certain level of cultivation instinctively felt a strong sense of trembling.

It was the fear that originated from the depths of a cultivator's instinct, just like a mortal creature seeing the stars break apart. The unimaginable shock and oppression made countless true immortals fight with each other and almost fall to the ground.

Even the aloof Immortal Kings couldn't sit still. Many of the king-level foundations suppressed in the deepest parts of the Supreme Immortal Sect woke up from their epoch-long slumber in seclusion and looked at the terrifying wave coming from a distance. direction of coming.

At the level of a king, a realm is no longer an insurmountable distance. The so-called supreme magical powers such as being so close to the end of the world and shrinking the earth into an inch are just small means for the Immortal King. Stepping into the universe and overlooking the years, this is the most important thing for the Immortal King. Basic literacy.

However, when they realized that the terrible roar came from the wretched land in the deepest part of the fairyland, all the kings still chose to stop. No fairy king was willing to cross the distance and set foot on that boundless wretched land.

Because every king in the Immortal Realm knows that that piece of bad land is the place that once swallowed up the life of the giant Immortal King!

"It's unimaginable! Tai Cang Immortal King actually got involved with the unknown in the deepest part of Ertu!"

Including Pan King, Hunyuan Immortal King, and the Golden Crow Immortal King of this generation, these kings who were familiar with Feng Lie stopped outside Etu, even though they recognized a large amount of the aura that made them tremble. Dao Yun, who belonged to Feng Lie, still did not step forward.

Because they all felt an absolute power gap. These top immortal kings were all creatures who had met giants and even stronger ones, and they knew better than anyone how huge the gap was.

"It's just like facing the most terrifying old monsters in the world sea!"

The old Immortal King of the Golden Crow clan murmured. This ancient king had an extraordinary origin. He had received the blessings of Heaven. He had also been to the Boundary Sea when he was young. His knowledge and vision exceeded most of the top Immortal Kings. At this time, he murmured. He murmured, somewhat absentmindedly.

"When he first became king, he was only half a giant. It only took a short period of 100,000 years. King Tai Cang could actually reach this stage!"

Another extremely powerful Immortal King also spoke out. His name is Ao Sheng. He is one of the most famous Immortal Kings in the entire Immortal Domain among the giants. He is the same as King Pan, Jinwu and Taishi Immortal King. A powerful and active king.

Hearing this, many Immortal Kings glanced at Immortal King Ao Sheng's face unconsciously and found that the face of this powerful Immortal King was very ugly. Although they looked at Feng Lie with respect, the remaining nine looked at him with respect. Everything is fearful.

After all, Immortal King Ao Sheng has been dissatisfied with the ancient world for more than one or two epochs. As an ancient king who has been targeting the ancient world overtly or covertly for many years, Ao Sheng knows better than anyone else that Immortal King Tai Cang does not like it. It’s absolutely not pleasing to the eye!


Just as the Immortal Kings were looking at the wretched land from afar and sensing the battle there, a giant tower suddenly appeared from the high sky of the wretched land, attracting all the attention.

I saw that on the hazy and peaceful Immortal Killing Platform, the guillotine that seemed to be refined from the blood and bones of the Immortal King shone with dazzling skylight. It was a murderous intention from the sky. Even the kings felt an inexplicable feeling. The coldness of the forest.

"Get free!"

Soon, a regretful but firm sigh came from the distant depths of the bad land, and the bloody guillotine hanging high on the top of the Immortal Killing Platform suddenly fell, bringing with it a shocking bloody light.

"Roar! No!" Immediately after the immortal-killing guillotine fell, there was a crazy roar of unwillingness and despair. This roar was full of energy, and it carried the magic power of the Immortal King that was enough to make all the Immortal Kings pay attention. It shocked Thirty-three Chongtian.

But the owner of that voice just roared, and disappeared completely after just a moment. There is absolutely no living thing that can survive under the guillotine of killing immortals. This is an iron rule that cannot be questioned.


Just like this, under the fearful or indifferent gazes of the immortal kings, the sharp and sharp immortal-killing guillotine was raised and dropped again and again, each time bringing up an illusory dark red blood stain, dyeing the king red. The setting sun at the end of our sight.

Every immortal king looked at the terrifying rising and falling guillotine seriously, no one spoke, and no one left.

They are all deducing, evaluating, and practicing. If they stand under the guillotine, how sure can they survive?

Unfortunately, most of the Immortal Kings gave themselves a negative answer. Including the best among the top Immortal Kings such as Ao Sheng, Pan Wang, Hunyuan, etc., all the kings frowned and remained silent. The guillotine gave them oppression. The feeling is too great. If you are cut in half, even if you are lucky enough to survive, there will be absolutely no chance of recovery.


It was not until much later, when an ancient golden temple that was larger than the sky rose from the deepest part of the Earth, that the Immortal Kings woke up from the faint terror coming from the Immortal Killing Platform.

"The dilapidated Jieyin Ancient Palace and the troubled earth deep in the Immortal Realm were indeed caused by that thing!"

As the Immortal King who had a very good relationship with Feng Lie, King Pan knew that it was impossible for the immortal guillotine to fall on him. He looked at the majestic and majestic hall from a distance and whispered to himself.

"After all, it is the representative of darkness, a terrifying ancient palace that can attract kings. Darkness is indeed all-pervasive. Even though the Immortal Realm has been guarding against it for many, many years, it has never been able to guard against it."

Immortal King Hunyuan spoke out. Compared to the majestic Jingyin Ancient Palace, the creature holding up the broken Jingyin Ancient Palace with one hand under the Jingyin Ancient Palace attracted his attention more. That was the darkest thing in the world. The creature just seemed to be holding a plate of fresh fruit, without any pressure.

"In the future great reckoning, even those as powerful as the Immortal Realm may have to rely on that young supreme king!"

Another old Immortal King who was friendly to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths also spoke up. He looked at the bottom of the majestic dilapidated ancient palace. There, the True Dragon Immortal King and Qi Yu Immortal King of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were also there, but behind that In front of the young Immortal King Tai Cang, the light of the two established giants is really dim.

"Let's go, everyone, I will go with you to meet the supreme giant of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Tai Cang Immortal King!"

The Immortal King laughed, and the gloom on his face swept away. He smiled at the kings present, then took a step forward and walked towards the depths of the distant earth.

Immortal King Ao Sheng, who was outside the crowd, didn't even glance at him. He just recalled the sharp immortal-killing guillotine indifferently. After a long time, he turned around and disappeared from the place.

(End of this chapter)

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