To be fair, if two great priests, Ruohuang and Taicang, fight alone against the ten strange ancestors in the realm of sacrifice and who can be infinitely resurrected, the probability of success must be very low.

After all, priests also have their limits. Although the strange ancestors are far from the top in the field of sacrifice, relying on their numerical advantage and immortality, Shi Hao and Feng Lie have no way to survive.

If Ancient Emperor Tai Cang successfully resurrects Emperor Pollen, who is also in the sacrificial realm, and the three sacrificial ministers join forces to face the enemy, although they will have to endure a lot of pressure, it will always be much better.

The three great priests led many immortal emperors and quasi-immortal emperors from the heavens and all the worlds to defend the heavens and the heavens. Whether it was the first generation of heaven or the aborigines of the heavens, the pressure was much reduced.

Many years later, the second-generation Heavenly Court came from the Boundary Sea. The two Heavenly Emperors and Huafen Emperor of the first-generation Heavenly Court personally took action to connect the three Heavenly Emperors of the second-generation Heavenly Court, Ye, Wushi and Henren, and strive to allow them to use the best possible method. Grow up quickly.

Many epochs after that, the second generation of Heavenly Emperor Ye Tiandi rose up, beheaded the strange Immortal Emperor in the sky, and then successfully offered sacrifices to the Taoist priests.

From that point on, the four priests guarded the heaven together, and the weird clan started a long tug-of-war with the heaven.

For all living beings in the world, it was an era of great pressure, but that era was also full of hope. The four heavenly emperors and many immortal emperors guarded the heavens. The weird clan has never been able to launch the Era Festival since then. Many The civilization that was supposed to collapse in the middle was able to continue and had the opportunity to continue to grow stronger.

"It is very meaningful to continue the fire of civilization. One of the purposes of the Weird Clan's Great Sacrifice to harvest the civilization of the heavens and heavens is to prevent the birth of more powerful rebels. Many ancient civilizations that originally had the hope of giving birth to the Immortal Emperor, They were all buried in the years because of the great sacrifice.”

Shi Yi chatted with this technologically advanced female quasi-immortal emperor for a long time. The two traveled through the infinite universe together, walking in the depths of time and space, and finally arrived at the edge of heaven.

It was a deep and terrifying valley that was countless trillions of miles away. The five elements, yin and yang, time and space, and soul, all ten of the most original Taoist substances in the universe, filled every corner of that chaotic void. They were in the Immortal Emperor. They are intertwined and gathered under their mighty power, like a huge city, guarding the borders of heaven and all heavens and realms.

"This is the edge of the sky and all the worlds. Across this valley is the strange plateau above the sky. It is the source of all ominous substances and the foundation of all strange things."

Shi Yi pointed at the boundless void behind the abyss. From the perspective of a quasi-immortal emperor, there were densely packed creatures hiding in the depths of the void. Their bodies were crystal clear, and their bodies were engraved with the strangest and most terrifying lines in the world——

funeral oration!

"Very strong, so powerful that it is simply unstoppable."

As a rare quasi-immortal emperor on the road of science and technology, Emperor Huangxi has an extraordinary origin. She is a Taoist figure who created her own system. Although her system is not perfect yet and is far from being able to support her to reach the realm of immortal emperors, through the analysis of those incomparable The memorial text can still reveal some weird essence.

"You are right. On such a battlefield, the Immortal King is just the weakest soldier. The Giant and the Supreme Giant are slightly better. The Quasi-Immortal Emperor is the backbone of the fight against the Weird. Among the Immortal Emperors, ten of them can compete with the Weird clan. The one who can compete with the Great Immortal Emperor and never fall behind is the great general."

Shi Yi spoke out, looking at the abyss with some yearning and appreciation in his eyes. He had been practicing for many epochs and was still stuck in the realm of supreme giants. He was only half a step away from the quasi-immortal emperor, but that The half-step made him timid, and he never dared to take a step forward.

"So, what's going on with the power we have now?" Zhun Immortal Emperor Huang Xi asked softly.

"At least as far as the Immortal Emperor is concerned, the number of strong men on our side can steadily outnumber the Weird side."

Suddenly, plain words rang out from the ears of Shi Yi and Huang Xi, the Immortal Emperor Huang Xi, the Taoist vase rang softly, and Feng Lie's figure appeared beside them without any warning. The long voice calmed down their minds in an instant. .

"Greetings to Master!" "Greetings to Master Tai Cang!"

At this moment, Shi Yi and the female quasi-immortal emperor bowed together and saluted respectfully.

They carefully understood and analyzed the aura on Tai Cang's body, and found that there was no trace of Dao aura around the existence of this realm. Just standing there, the invincible charm of the law was flowing around his body.

The so-called sacrifice to the Tao means that one has practiced the Tao to the extreme and has reached the level of abandoning the laws. After the road is over, one must burn all the Tao in oneself and transcend the Immortal Emperor.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Yi'er, and this little girl on the road of science and technology."

Feng Lie raised his hand slightly, and the overwhelming power of the sacrificial realm burst out, creating a heavenly palace out of nothing, allowing Shi Yi and the female quasi-immortal emperor to settle down, and said with a smile.

"Lord Tai Cang said that the powerful Immortal Emperor here has surpassed Weird?" Huang Xi, the Quasi Immortal Emperor, settled down and immediately asked respectfully.

In her impression, the Weird lineage has many soul-level creatures, and each of them has absolute power that is enough to overturn hundreds of millions of ancient worlds, making them invincible.

"There are only ten Immortal Emperors. Hundreds of epochs after the arrival of the second generation of Heaven, the Immortal Emperors on our side have already surpassed this number." Feng Lie shook his head.

The original forces of God fought hard for too long. After Feng Lie became a priest in the first generation of Heavenly Court, there were only three or four Immortal Emperor figures such as Luo and Meng Hai, and including Liu Shen, they could not exceed five fingers.

Until Emperor Huafen was resurrected by Feng Lie, the three priests would occasionally work together to resurrect the Immortal Emperor who had been dormant in the era of Emperor Pollen, and the returning unknown quasi-immortal emperor would set foot on the Immortal Emperor, increasing the number of Immortal Emperors in the sky. Quite a few.

By the time the second generation of Heavenly Court had completely taken root in Heaven, and after Emperor Xuan, Gu Tuo, Wu Shi and Empress became Immortal Emperors, several powerful civilizations in Heaven and Heaven had once again given birth to Immortal Emperor-level figures, plus Brother Di Gu on the other side of the world sea, who was designed and corrupted by the strange clan, and others...

Up to now, the number of Immortal Emperors on the Heaven's side has already exceeded ten fingers. If they all come out in full force, even if the ten main roads on the Weird side can be infinitely resurrected, they will not be able to do anything to them.

" are the priests doing now? How many are there?" Shi Yi continued to ask.

"According to time, there are seven living beings in the Sacrifice Realm including Emperor Huafen, Huang, me, Ye, Xuanhuang, Ruthless Empress, and Liu Shen." Feng Lie spoke out, taking stock of the powerful ones he had one by one. , whispered.

Sacrifice is not that easy to achieve. Except for Ye Fan and Emperor Xuan of the second generation of Heaven, the Empress and Liu Shen of the first generation of Heaven only reached that level in the last era, and Wu Shi even more so. Still struggling at the end of the road, unable to take the crucial last step.

"In other words, the day is not far away from the complete counterattack on the strange plateau." Although Shi Yi is not at a high level, he also knows a lot of secrets because he has a good master.

"That's it. The seven great priest-level warriors are already quite an absolute force. If they attack together, even if there are two or three more strange ancestors, they still cannot pose a threat." Feng Lie said.

To be honest, Weird Ancestor is not very strong in the field of sacrifice. For strong men like Shi Hao and Ye Fan, it is not a problem to fight one against two or against three. Calculated in this way, God can completely free up a lot of them. Combat strength.

"When Wu Shi sacrifices, we will attack the strange plateau and destroy all causes and effects." Feng Lie turned around and seemed to be staring at the endless strange waves above the plateau, his eyes were extremely firm and plain, and he said. (End of chapter)

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