Chapter 54 The old king
Virtual God Realm, the initial place
In this area where cultivation is strictly limited to the Blood Moving Realm, Feng Lie's strength was suppressed to a great extent. He was not much stronger than ordinary creatures. However, he simply stood among the crowd, and his whole temperament remained the same. So otherworldly.

When he saw Feng Lie for the first time, Master Bird's slightly cloudy eyes suddenly flashed with a fairy light, but soon returned to his original cynical appearance and said with a smile:

"I dare not say how famous he is. Where do you young people come from? Why do you come here?"

"Coming from the ancient world above, I came here specifically to pay a visit to you and another senior." The other party pretended to be stupid, and Feng Lie naturally laughed. He only revealed a little information, but it made the other party's expression more serious.

Feng Lie was sure that it was impossible for this old man who was transformed into the second soul of the Ancient Immortal King to know everything. He might have forgotten a lot, but he still held too many secrets.

"Oh, it seems that young people do know a lot about the past." Master Bird and the red bird on his shoulder looked at each other, with fairy light shining in their eyes, and actively invited, "This is not the place to talk, why don't you two come to me A brief introduction to his mansion?"

"Of course, please." Feng Lie responded with a smile. Kun Pengzi was also a little curious. He had indeed been taken care of by this old man when he was a child, but he had never been to his mansion.

Three people and one bird walked through the initial land, and soon they came to the foot of a huge mountain tens of thousands of feet high. There, among the gurgling water and lush dense forests, there were two ordinary-looking small courtyards. Standing side by side, quiet and transcendent.

Feng Lie and others were not slow, and soon they arrived in front of the two small courtyards. In front of one of the courtyards, there was a spirited old man lying on a large chair, taking a nap.

This is an old man dressed as a Taoist priest. Even though the black Taoist robe has long been washed and faded, it cannot conceal the indifference and calmness that radiate from his bones.

"Old guy! Wake up! Little Kunpeng is back, and there is an amazing young man coming to visit you!"

When Master Bird saw the old man's appearance, he couldn't help but smile. He strode forward and kicked the old man's bench, causing the old man and his bench to fly up.

"What?" This kick instantly woke up the old man on the big chair. He turned over vigorously in the air, grabbed the big chair and landed steadily, obviously a little confused.

"Kunpeng's child, don't tell me that you forgot." Master Bird looked sideways at the old man in Taoist robes and said calmly.

"Kunpeng's child? Isn't Kunpeng's child long gone?" The old man in Taoist robes glanced around with empty eyes. It wasn't until his eyes fell on Kunpengzi that a smile appeared on his face:
"Oh! It's really that little Kunpeng from before. Didn't you go to the Upper Realm? How was it? Have you been doing well in the Upper Realm these years?"

"Not bad!" Kun Pengzi smiled. At this time, he no longer maintained the drunken old man's posture, but transformed into a black-haired young man. He looked to be in his thirties or forties, stable, confident and vicissitudes of life.

"Alas! The two of us also have shortcomings. We have lost a lot of memories and inheritance about the past. Otherwise, we wouldn't have let you go to the upper world alone." It can be seen that the old man in Taoist robes cares about Kun Pengzi very much, and he really cares about Kunpengzi. He regarded him as a junior.

"You two have helped me a lot back then." Kun Pengzi shook his head. He had to go through many roads by himself. Even if he might suffer a bloody blow, he never regretted his past choices.

"Qi Ling!" Just as the two living fossils of the Virtual God Realm were reminiscing with Kun Pengzi, Feng Lie's low voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the words of the two old men.

He didn't say much. The fairy light between his eyebrows was brilliant, and the divine Tao Seed was automatically manifested. This dazzling Tao Seed glowed, turning into two divine rainbow-like rays of light, shining on the two people's eyebrows.

This is the true light of immortality. It has infinite divine power and has the magical effect of enlightening the true spirit and destroying illusions. At this time, it shines on the eyebrows of the two old men, making the two people seem to be directly transformed into immortals.

After a moment, all the green divine light dissipated, and the two old men appeared. Their temperaments had not changed much, and even the look in their eyes towards Feng Lie had not changed.

"You are indeed an extraordinary young man. You have an aura that I like very much. Is that the spirit bred from that seed?" The old man in Taoist robes was the first to speak. He patted him with a big hand from deep inside. Feng Lie's shoulders and smiled. "Yes, I am the Holy Spirit in the Tao Seed. What did the old man remember?" Feng Lie was pleasantly surprised. If there were no surprises, this old man was the living soul of the Ancient Immortal Golden Immortal King of the Zodiac, so he would naturally be familiar with his aura. .

"I've already remembered what I should have remembered, and I didn't think much of what I lost."

At this time, Master Bird's voice came. The old man's face also had a lot of celestial light, but his eyes were very dull, and it was obvious that no memory had been awakened in the windy celestial light.

"What else do you two know?" Feng Lie asked with interest.

From beginning to end, he never explained the purpose of his trip, but Lord Bird and the old man in Taoist robes cooperated with everything very tacitly. They obviously guessed what Feng Lie was thinking.

"We were the Immortal Kings of the primitive ancient world, and experienced great battles with foreign lands and darkness. Unfortunately, we died, and our remnant souls wandered here, where they took root and became the guardians of this world." Lord Bird, the second incarnation of the world. The old man said.

"We remember Kunpeng, the True Dragon, the Skyhorned Ant, and many other past comrades and partners. Therefore, when we met Kunpeng's parents and children, we became his guides." The old man in Taoist robes on the other side added that he was the Yellow Dao The soul of the Immortal Gold King was looking at Kun Pengzi with a loving face and said.

"Yes, we remember a lot, but we have forgotten only ourselves. We cannot remember who we were during our lifetime or who we were killed by. All our past memories seem to be scattered with the wind, making it difficult to catch up." In the end, Master Bird was helpless. road.

"The main thing I lost was my memory? Is it because the soul was too seriously injured?" Feng Lie asked.

He has heard of similar examples. In the ancient world of Xiling in the Eight Realms, there were three broken parts of the Immortal King in that cage. The three skulls and other body parts all contained wills, but because they were too incomplete Awesome, I also forgot a lot of things in my life.

"Not entirely," Master Bird shook his head. "The Virtual God Realm is a good place for cultivation, but the two of us have been away from our true bodies for too long. Our physical bodies are no longer there, and our souls are left empty. It is difficult to find the past."

For Feng Lie, a strong man they met for the first time, these two old men seemed very free and easy, and explained their status to Feng Lie seriously.

They made it clear that they should have been strong men who paid great attention to the cultivation of the Tao body during their lifetime, and did not pay much attention to the soul, so that a large part of the Tao fruits were in the physical body. Now that the soul has left the body for nearly an entire era, it will naturally be lost and forgotten. A lot.

"Then I might be able to help you two." Hearing this, Feng Lie couldn't help but smile. He raised his hand, and the energy around him instantly gathered, turning into two water mirrors, appearing in front of everyone.

Master Bird and the old man in Taoist robes looked at the same time, and saw one of the two water mirrors, one of which showed the appearance of a silver giant beast. The beast's whole body was covered with huge silver-white scales, like a pangolin, or like an ancient pangolin. Crocodiles are stronger.

Of course, the creature couldn't be a pangolin or a crocodile, because it had a huge horn like a real dragon on its head, a head like a real dragon, and a pair of broad silver wings on its back, which were strong and powerful.

But what is shocking is that the strange creature with a dragon head is currently chained to a stretch of mountains by thick chains, and its head is penetrated by a war spear. The fairy light is gorgeous and very ferocious. And tragic.

On the other side of the water mirror, there is a mysterious ancient cave. A golden humanoid creature over a foot tall is sitting cross-legged. Although it is only over a foot tall, it feels like a vast expanse. The universe is heavy, deep, and elusive.

But now, the golden creature is facing away from the ancient cave, silent and silent, as if it has been sitting for many years.

What Feng Lie has evolved is exactly the current situation and appearance of Taoist Immortal Gold and the Second World Under Heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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