Rushing to the sea: I can see the prompts

Chapter 32 Dolphin asks for help

Chapter 32 Dolphin asks for help
Zhang Yaohua looked at his deposit balance, and there was still about 20, which was basically earned after getting the golden finger.

There is really no rush to get married.

Now make more money and find someone younger.

Money is the key!

Don't say what's appropriate or inappropriate, as long as you are rich enough, have a lot of beauties in your arms, and are obedient to you, and even don't hesitate to be your underground lover.

If you don’t have money, how can people talk to you about love?
You look average, but are you older?

Talking about money with a poor boy and talking about relationships with a rich second generation is a basic thing for some women.

It's such a double standard.

However, if a man is rich, why should he play with you emotionally? Isn't it good to look for young girls every day?

As a man with golden fingers, it shouldn’t be too much for Zhang Yaohua to find a fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged young beauty as his wife, right?
Luxury cars and villas must also be arranged for yourself.

Towards evening, the village suddenly became noisy.

"What's going on outside?" Zhang Yaohua asked.

Zhang Yaowei went out and stopped a villager, only to learn from him that a dolphin washed up on the beach and became stranded.Now, everyone is planning to return it to the sea.

"Dolphin beached?"

The two brothers Zhang Yaohua also followed to watch the fun.

It is not uncommon for dolphins to be stranded. A few years ago, there were sharks stranded in their town!In some coastal cities, whales even stranded, causing uproar.

When they came to the beach, they found several layers of people inside and outside.

Creatures such as dolphins are not unfamiliar to them. Almost every fisherman will encounter them. They often follow the boats and ride the waves, and sometimes jump acrobatic into the water, making the scene spectacular.

"The lone dolphin is in trouble," someone said.

As we all know, dolphins are highly social species that live in large groups, some groups numbering as many as hundreds of thousands of dolphins, and exhibit many interesting collective behaviors.

Lone dolphins are often in danger.

Although this is a large carnivore, it is not the top predator and will also feed on other creatures. For example, sharks prey on dolphins.

"It's strange. Last year, dolphins were also found stranded in other villages. Isn't this very smart thing? Why do they keep stranding?" Someone was puzzled.

"How fresh is it? When the tide went out, it was too late to run away and it was stranded! Isn't it the same for other marine products? Dolphins are no exception."

"Bullshit! Is it low tide now? It obviously washed up on the shore by itself. I saw it with my own eyes. Don't rely on the low tide."


Shui Wang squeezed to Zhang Yaohua's side: "Brother Hua, I heard before that dolphins washed up on the shore and wanted to commit suicide. Could this one also commit suicide? Everyone just pushed it back to the sea and it came back on its own."

Zhang Yaohua shook his head: "Probably not."

He had also heard about the mass suicide of dolphins.

In recent years, there have been many "suicide" incidents of cetacean groups stranding at home and abroad. The strandings may be related to reasons such as increased man-made noise in the ocean and pollution of ocean water bodies.

And some studies have shown that dolphins stranding collectively may be caused by Alzheimer's disease.

Foreign biological research experts have found typical markers of Alzheimer's disease in the brains of three cetaceans stranded on the coast of Scotland.

Someone may ask, are the dolphins collectively suffering from Alzheimer's disease?Isn't this unscientific?

As mentioned before, dolphins are highly social species, so leaders will emerge.It is possible if the leader suffers from Alzheimer's disease, gets lost, and is stranded on the beach with his family members.

"That's strange, why doesn't it leave?"

Zhang Yaohua was also curious and came closer.

Everyone was still trying to push the dolphin into the sea, but the dolphin still rushed back with the waves and had no intention of returning to the sea.

Zhang Yaohua discovered that this was a porpoise.There are many kinds of dolphins, and porpoises are a very common one.Its back is black, with a gray area starting from the dorsal fin, and its belly is white.There is a black channel from the mouth to the base of the pectoral fin.

"What's going on?" Everyone was confused.

"Otherwise, call the fishery administration and let them handle it," someone suggested.

All dolphins are protected marine animals in China. There is nothing wrong with calling the relevant departments.

"and many more."

Suddenly, everyone turned to look at Zhang Yaohua, it was him who shouted.

"Give way."

Everyone took the initiative to make way for Zhang Yaohua to squat next to the dolphin.

Zhang Yaohua stared at the dolphin's breathing hole, located on the top of its head.

Everyone should know that dolphins, like humans, breathe with their lungs, but they have no nostrils. Like whales, their breathing holes are on the top of their heads.

If you look carefully, you will find a transparent plastic tube inserted into the dolphin's breathing hole and close to the inner wall.

"Look at this." Zhang Yaohua pointed at the dolphin's breathing hole and said.

Everyone took a closer look and finally found the plastic pipe.

"I'm telling you! Why doesn't it go away? It turns out that it came specifically to ask for help from us. Hey! Who can go home and find some tweezers and pliers?"

Dolphins are very intelligent animals and are close to people, so when they encounter difficulties, they often seek help from humans.For example, if you get entangled in a fishing net, you will look for passing fishing boats.

Such a cute animal, how could you bear to hunt dolphins in your childhood?
It is indeed a cruel nation.

"I have tweezers here, here." Someone handed in the tweezers.

It makes sense for people who go to sea to carry tweezers and pliers with them, right?

"Why are your hands shaking? Parkinson's disease? Give me the tweezers." Seeing the guy's hands shaking, Zhang Yaohua suddenly said depressedly and couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, Andy, come here, be careful."

Zhang Yaohua took the tweezers and accurately grasped the transparent plastic tube. He did not dare to pull it up too hard, but gently pulled it up bit by bit.

A plastic pipe more than [-] centimeters long was pinched out. It was an oversized straw, which made everyone's scalp numb.

They can imagine how uncomfortable the dolphins must be.

After clamping out the plastic pipe, Zhang Yaohua gently patted the dolphin's head twice and said with a smile: "Okay, pay attention next time!"

The dolphin's roar of joy affected all the villagers present.

As expected of dolphin sound, it is really nice and clear.

After taking out the plastic pipe, the villagers scrambled to return it to the sea.

This time, the dolphins turned around three times, as if saying goodbye to everyone, and then swam toward the middle of the sea to find their own group.

After saving the dolphin, everyone was in a good mood.

"Wazai should observe carefully."

None of them noticed anything unusual just now.

It's no wonder that Zhang Yaohua always encounters beautiful things when he goes to sea. He has a sharp eye and careful observation, and it doesn't all depend on luck.

Uncle Quan shouted: "Pick up the garbage over there."

No one loves this sea more than them, after all, they depend on the sea for their livelihood.Especially plastics, foam and other difficult-to-dissolve items are basically picked up easily when encountered.

(End of this chapter)

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