Rushing to the sea: I can see the prompts

Chapter 35 The strange way of death of the sunfish

Chapter 35 The strange way of death of the sunfish
Unconsciously, Zhang Yaohua and the others were far away from the coastline.

Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared in the sky and pressed towards them.

Shui Wang and others were all surprised and confused. Before going out, they checked the weather forecast and saw that there was no problem before going out to sea.

"Are you still going?" Zhang Yaowei asked.

If it’s a big ship, don’t worry too much. As long as it’s not a typhoon, it can withstand ordinary wind and waves.

Moreover, Lu Xun once said that the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.

But for a small boat like theirs, if a bigger wave hits it, it is likely to capsize.

Can't bet.

"This kind of dark cloud should not become a climate." Zhang Yaohua analyzed.

Don't look at this kind of dark clouds as scary, but there is only such a group, it is weak, and at most it will rain.Are they afraid of rain?They are just afraid of strong winds.

Not long after, dark clouds passed over Zhang Yaohua and the others.

The whole sky was dark, and the sun couldn't shine in at all.

The dark cloud was a bit big, and it took more than 20 minutes for Zhang Yaohua and the others to escape from the dark cloud and see the sky again.

To be honest, everyone's hearts were in their throats just now, it was so depressing.Fortunately, there was no near miss and we passed safely.

"Look, it's a sunfish."

Zhang Yaohua looked towards the sea ahead and saw a huge sunfish with a piece of it bitten by something unknown.The sunfish dragged its mutilated body and continued to survive.

The sunfish is one of the largest and strangest-shaped fish in the world.

Their bodies are round and flat, like a big saucer.There are long, pointed fins on the body and belly of the fish, but the tail fin is almost non-existent, making them look like a piece has been cut off from the back.

It has different names in different places.

For example, the United States and Britain call it the ocean sunfish, Spain calls it the moonfish, the Germans call it the swimming head, and the little ones call it the mambo.

"It's not dead, it's quite tenacious." Zhang Yaowei slowed down the fishing boat and admired the sunfish that was still swimming.

Although he often goes to sea, he doesn't often see sunfish.The shipowner had told them before that this fish was inedible and not tasty.

"Tough ass, this kind of fish has the most glassy heart, and it dies in a weird way." Zhang Yaohua said.

"What's so weird?" The second brother looked puzzled.

He had never heard of the idea that sunfish died in strange ways.

"I heard that if the sun is too strong, you will die; if water gets into your eyes, you will die; if you are too nervous, you will die; if the salt content of the sea water is too high and leaves spots on the fish, the sunfish will also die due to too much impact; or even die because of When a companion dies or is hit too hard, he will also die with him, etc."

The various bizarre ways in which the sunfish dies have long been spread across the Internet, causing people to make fun of them.

Are you telling me that it is very tenacious?
The sunfish in front of me is indeed still alive, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that it won't live long.

"Ah! Is it true?" Zhang Yaowei's outlook exploded.

I’ve seen dead sunfish, but I didn’t expect them to die like this.

"Can there be a fake?"

Zhang Yaowei doesn’t understand.

"This kind of fish is not extinct? It's unreasonable!" Zhang Yaowei heard from the previous ship owner that this kind of fish is stupid, and it doesn't know how to escape while watching it being eaten.

However, Zhang Yaowei didn't know that it wasn't that Sunfish didn't want to escape, but that his strength didn't allow it and he was powerless. "People have many babies, laying more than 3 million eggs at a time." Zhang Yaohua explained.

As long as I give birth to enough, I will not be exterminated.As long as you don't wipe out my entire tribe at once, there is no possibility of extinction.

"Really? But why are they so rare?" Zhang Yaowei has been going to sea since he was a child, and he doesn't often see sunfish.

"The survival rate is not high."

Some fish eggs cannot be fertilized and die, and some fish eggs and hatched young fish will be eaten by ferocious fish. In addition, newly hatched fish are very fragile. When a storm comes, rough waves will also destroy some young fish. Fish lost their lives.After all kinds of disasters, not many can grow into big fish in the end.

Therefore, although sunfish lay many eggs, due to some natural factors, there are very few sunfish in the ocean, which is very rare.

Zhang Yaohua once learned that of the 3 million eggs laid by a sunfish, only about 30 will survive until the breeding season.

The survival rate is one in [-] million.

Speaking of which, sunfish are quite tragic. Their growth history is a history of blood and tears.

When they are young, they lack maternal love and are too small. Even if they gather in groups, they are often harassed by various predatory fish. Tuna, mahi-mahi, etc. all regard them as delicious meals.

Although they have a terrifying size as adults, they lack sufficient self-defense and escape skills. Therefore, large marine carnivores such as killer whales and sharks will not let them go. Sea lions sometimes even hunt sunfish for fun.

Sea lions play with sunfish, just like killer whales play with seals and manta rays. It is a virtue.

At this moment, Shui Wang took a harpoon and inserted it into the head of the sunfish.

The sunfish quickly stopped moving, probably because it was cold.

Ah Hui couldn't help but scolded: "Are you crazy? People are nice, so what are you doing? This kind of fish can't be eaten, and it can't be sold for money."

"No, brother, do you call that a good one? A piece of it was bitten off. You can tell at a glance that it won't survive! I feel bad for it just looking at it. I'll give it a good time."

Shuiwang even feels that his actions are of great merit.

It’s better than eating it bit by bit for other sea creatures, right?
It's all death, but seeing yourself being eaten is really cruel.

"It's a pity that sunfish cannot be eaten," Zhang Yaowei said.

"It's not that we can't eat it, it's just that we don't eat it. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan all eat sunfish."

Sunfish has more bones and less meat. After peeling, the fish meat is about 1/10 of its body weight. However, its meat is delicious, white in color, has high nutritional value, and its protein content is higher than that of the famous pomfret and hairtail.

After Xiaori and Bangzi catch the sunfish, they will directly peel off the skin of the sunfish, because the skin of the sunfish is so tough that it cannot be used at all.

On the one hand, the skin is tough, but on the other hand, the skin of sunfish has many parasites.

The flesh of sunfish is crystal clear, like jelly, and can generally be cut directly into sashimi. Although the meat is relatively hard, sunfish absorbs other flavors very well, so it is quite popular in island countries as sashimi.

On the streets of Bangzi, sunfish is a street delicacy. You only need to add chili noodles and it can be eaten directly.

In Taiwan, the intestines of sunfish are very expensive. There is a famous dish called "Miaolong Soup" that uses it as the main ingredient. It is crispy, fragrant and appetizing.

Even after his elder brother said it was edible, Zhang Yaowei had no intention of fishing it out.

I believe that it will not be long before other marine creatures eat it up and it will never be wasted.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Yaohua's indicator arrow is thirsty.

Still a few nautical miles to go.

(End of this chapter)

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