Chapter 52

Shui Wang caught a nine-tailed shark weighing more than three kilograms.

The nine-tailed shark is also called the nine-tailed shark, so named because of the nine fins on its body.The meat is refreshing and sweet in the mouth. It is most suitable for stewing. 2-3 catties is the best quality.

Zhang Yaowei picked up a super big rattle snail.

Fishermen often use its shell as a trumpet, so it is also known as the rattle snail.The snail is a more valuable seafood at banquets. Its meat is plump and tastes like abalone.

The rattle snail is a famous conch product. The charcoal grilled rattle snail has a unique taste.

When roasting, alcohol is added to the surface of the snail to heat it to make the meat of the snail more chewy.Finally, take out the snail meat, thin it with a razor blade, and put it on a plate.

In the aquatic product market, this stuff costs hundreds of yuan per catty.

"Let's try the charcoal grill when we get back." Zhang Yaowei said.

If it were in the past, the family would definitely be reluctant to eat such a big rattle snail and let him sell it for money.

But now, as they earn more money, my mother gradually doesn’t have so many opinions on food.

In this mangrove forest, shellfish and crabs are the most abundant.

Zhang Yaohua found a tree trunk covered with barnacles. He collected them without saying a word, fearing that he would be too slow to be eaten by other seabirds.

"Damn it! As expected of Brother Hua, there are so many dog ​​claw snails." Shui Wang's eyes widened.

Dog claw snails are what they call them, and some are also called chicken feet. The real scientific name is gooseneck barnacles. They are a very high-end ingredient with ridiculously high prices and are called "seafood from hell."

To be honest, gooseneck barnacles are a bit ugly and even disgusting.

However, this thing is in hot demand in Europe, and many people are crazy about it.On average, one kilogram can be sold for tens or even hundreds of euros, and the most expensive ones even reach nearly [-] yuan. It is a delicious gift from nature.

They usually grow in reef crevices or dark caves. Pickers need to use ropes to descend from cliffs to find gooseneck barnacles and leave quickly before the waves hit.

It is precisely the difficulty of collecting that makes the price of this thing extremely high.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yaohua found it on a piece of wood.

Moreover, this piece of wood is covered with gooseneck barnacles, which are so densely packed that people with trypophobia will probably get goosebumps when they look at it.

Zhang Yaowei quickly helped to remove the gooseneck barnacles from the wood.

A long time ago, people didn't know how precious this kind of thing was and often sold it at a low price.Later, some people sold it for a high price, and some people went to look for this kind of dog claw snail.

"What a pity! There were so many dog ​​claw snails in the past, but we didn't know how to sell them, so we sold them cheaply," Ah Hui also said.

It seems like I missed [-] million.

Because of this, many people who bought dog claw snails at low prices in the past were scolded.

You know, dog claw snails used to be rampant.

"There were a lot of big yellow croakers in the past! What did you do before?" Shui Wang rolled his eyes.

The two brothers Zhang Yaohua collected all the gooseneck barnacles and almost filled a bucket, weighing twenty or thirty kilograms.Even if it is sold for 1000 yuan per catty, it is still 3 to [-] yuan.

Later, under the guidance of Golden Finger, Zhang Yaohua caught seven large blue crabs, each weighing more than a kilogram.

Shui Wang and others had already seen Numbness and were not surprised at all. They felt that this was Zhang Yaohua's normal level.When the day comes that he finds nothing, that will be something new.

What Ah Hui picked up the most were small octopuses, sea melon seeds and mussels.

Haiguazi is a kind of light-colored small clam, the size and shape are like pumpkin seeds, so it is named Haiguazi.This is one of the most common seashells on the beach, and everyone has eaten it since childhood.

Probably only Ah Hui has the patience to pick up so many sea melon seeds.

Shui Wang and others saw it but turned a blind eye.

It only cost more than ten yuan a pound, and it was so small that they didn't bother to pick it up.Mussels are a bit better, although they are not expensive, costing about ten yuan per catty, but they are not small, about half the size of a palm.

When many people hear mussels, they think they are plants, just like seaweed.But in fact, mussels are a kind of shellfish, some people call them mussels, and they taste pretty good.

However, it seems that every year, people get poisoned after eating mussels.

In fact, green-lipped clams themselves are not poisonous.

The reason why some mussels are poisonous after eating them is because of the problem of sea water.

In spring, summer and early autumn, eutrophication of water bodies will lead to more red tides.The microalgae belt is somewhat toxic. As a filter-feeding organism, green-lipped mussels can absorb granular and colloidal organic matter from seawater, and can also directly absorb organic matter from seawater.

Once a red tide occurs, other shellfish and even fish in the area may be contaminated.

This is why some mussels are fine if eaten, while others will be poisoned if eaten.

"Brother, what are you picking up? Are you the garbage collector?" Shui Wang complained.

Ah Hui glared at him: "You used to pick it up a lot, but now you don't like it?"

It really is.

In the past, it was impossible to let go of seafood worth more than ten yuan.But since hanging out with Zhang Yaohua, my vision has become a bit high, and ordinary things can't catch my eye.

Shui Wang curled his lips. Although there wasn't much in his bucket, he was not in a hurry. He always felt that if he followed Brother Hua, there would be big stuff behind him.

Even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter.

When I came out this time, I didn’t think about making money, I just came here with the mentality of having fun.

As for the Zhang Yaohua brothers, both barrels have already exploded.The blue crabs had to be put into the snakeskin bag, otherwise they would have been unable to fit.

"Shui Wang, you and Ah Wei move to the boat first." Zhang Yaohua said.

Their boat is still outside where there is sea water and cannot get in.

"Go! Leave it to me."

Shui Wang handed his bucket to Zhang Yaohua, and then together with Zhang Yaowei, he carried the catch back to the fishing boat, including Ah Hui's bucket of sea melon seeds and mussels.

At this time, Zhang Yaohua saw the frigate bird he met earlier again.

This guy probably lives in this mangrove forest.

I saw it sneaking behind again.

Zhang Yaohua casually picked up a mudskipper at his feet and threw it over.

Mudskippers are similar to loaches, but they can jump, even into trees.They inhabit brackish waters in estuaries, harbors, mangrove areas and shallow waters along the coast. They move on tidal flats with silt and sandy bottoms, and also enter fresh water.

This kind of fish is very special and can "walk" on land and can stay out of water for long periods of time.By crawling and jumping, mudskippers can move quickly and escape predators.

That's right!Mudskippers can crawl.

Their fins have evolved into the form of feet, and they turn their fins into limbs that they use like land animals.

The frigatebird caught it in one gulp, then screamed happily, and came to Zhang Yaohua's side like it was waiting to be fed.

"It's not like he really escaped from the zoo, right?" Ah Hui couldn't help but say.

An animal with this kind of temperament and clever and skillful business methods can hardly help but make people suspicious.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like it has been raised.

"Who knows!"

(End of this chapter)

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