Super God Infinite World: A star core enters the belly at the beginning

Chapter 311: The Void Should Not Exist in the Material Universe

Chapter 311: The Void Should Not Exist in the Material Universe

Kesha expressed extreme disdain for Carl's words. This old villain, Carl, would never show up to fight the enemy unless he was pushed into a corner.

So Kesha just shook her head slightly.

"Wang Lei has never said that the gods of the older generation must retire. The gods who are retiring now are all gods who cannot adapt to the new era. Carl, you are no exception. The void is indeed very powerful in distorting the rules of reality, but it is an evil way. It is the mutant energy of imaginary numbers and a disease.

It is a very simple truth that if there is a diseased cell in an organism, the organism's immune cells will automatically drive away and kill the diseased cells. Otherwise, the organism itself will be killed by the growing diseased cells.

Carl, you are now the diseased cell of the known universe, and I will judge you on behalf of justice! ! "

After saying that, Kai'Sa didn't play any tricks. A giant silver angel made of dark silver appeared behind her, and then decomposed into countless dark silver blades that surrounded Carl.

Of course, Kai'Sa was not prepared to use Darksilver to eliminate Carl. The phantom is immune to physical attacks, and the piercing damage of Darksilver is very low.

The main reason Kai'Sa did this was to use dark silver to create a cage frame.

As for building the cage, Keisha said that her good friend Hexi would take care of it.

The tacit understanding between Kaisha and Hexi has been cultivated for 30,000 years, and the two do not need to communicate at all. When Kaisha made a move, Hexi also made a move.

It was still the barrier that stopped everything. He Xi used the property of Dark Silver that was easily analyzed by wormholes to form a fixed structure that could travel through the wormhole, and then used the barrier that stopped everything to lock Carl.

Then, Kesha and I will combine the computing power of Kesha's sacred treasure house and the space-based system to suppress his spirit. Wang Lei said that Carl has lost the support of the big clock, and now he can't resist the computing power suppression of two super celestial computers.

If Kaisha and Hexi's strategy was only used to deal with Carl without the big clock, the success rate would actually be higher than 90%.

Moreover, the implementation of the first half of the strategy was also very smooth. Carl was enveloped by the barrier that stopped all things with almost no resistance.

However, Carl, who was trapped in the barrier, was not stopped. He looked at Carl and He Xi and said calmly using the dark energy communication

"It's a magical barrier. The particles inside are almost at rest, and it's not prohibited by the absolute zero temperature. Unfortunately, it's still using the rules of the event itself, rather than distorting and resisting the rules. Therefore, it is ineffective against the void."

After saying that, Carl raised his hand and the big eyes formed by the power of void that Wang Lei had seen several times appeared behind him.

Dark energy was directly dispelled by this eye, and imaginary energy was distorted by this eye. Naturally, the barrier that stopped all things based on the two could not be maintained.

However, Carl's action directly allowed Wang Lei, who was observing everything from the outside, to find the Void Eye Viktor through the energy link. Viktor had been using the void energy scattered throughout the galaxy to hide his own position.

So Wang Lei stretched out his hand in the posture of a star god and grabbed Carl. You should know that Wang Lei's star god body is much larger than a star. Carl's size is like an insignificant single-cell organism in Wang Lei's palm.

Moreover, Wang Lei’s attack was not just to catch Carl. He used the energy of the Eye of the Void behind him to break through the space and go straight to the body of the Eye of the Void, Viktor.

Without any surprise, the big eyes of Void Eye Velkoz were pressed by Wang Lei's Star God's hand, and then pushed. The two directly broke through the world and were brought to the space outside the world by Wang Lei.

At this time, a wild burst of void power shot out from the big eyes of the Void Eye Viktor, which directly blew up Wang Lei's Star God's hand and even broke Wang Lei's hand.

However, this injury was not a wound at all to Wang Lei, who controlled the power of destiny. He recovered instantly. The existence that recovered from the injury was peeled off from the Void Eye Viktor.

Now that they were face to face, Wang Lei had a clearer understanding of the difference between the two. In terms of rank, Void Eye Vel'Koz was like the difference between a relatively large adult lynx and a healthy adult of 1.8 meters in height to Wang Lei.

It is a life-and-death battle. It is impossible for an adult to kill a lynx without any injury, and there is a high possibility that he or she will be killed in return.

But what Wang Lei possesses is the power of destiny, and the power of destiny is the weapon of the Star God. Now the situation has become, lynx VS human, the lynx is still an ordinary lynx, but this person not only has a steel exoskeleton all over his body, but also holds a Maxim.

This actual combat power gap makes it almost impossible for Wang Lei to fail, unless he does not use the power of destiny and insists on fighting nakedly with the Eye of the Void, Viktor.

Void Eye Viktor also knew this truth. It was not completely insane. Once it reached the universe outside the world, it turned around and ran away, leaving Carl alone to face Wang Lei in the Star God state awkwardly.

At this moment, Carl facing Wang Lei was like an ant looking up at a giant.

Wang Lei looked at Karl and asked with interest
“Karl, won’t you say something? I have this strength now, which is the result of your encouragement. At least I let you say my last words.”

Carl looked at Wang Lei in the Star God state and just shook his head. He himself had long lost the emotion of fear. But he had never given up his obsession with the void.

So Karl finally took out a dark golden crystal and said slowly
"I thought the era of the void had arrived, but I didn't expect that I was still short-sighted. However, my failure is not the failure of the void. Wang Lei, you should know very well that the void exists objectively. As the embodiment of existence, you should know this."

Wang Lei did not deny this, and the limitations of his fate did not allow him to deny it, so he replied:
"It does exist, but it shouldn't exist in the ordinary material universe. When the void grows stronger, it will be poisonous to material life. Everything exists, so in order to maintain more existence, the incarnation of the void can only stay in the gaps of the universe. And people of material civilization will eventually abandon the void, because using the void to the end will end with the destruction of the world, and the remaining people will become void creatures and return to wandering in the gaps of the universe again."

When Karl heard Wang Lei's explanation, he rarely showed a bitter smile on his face and murmured:
"I see... Although I believe you won't lie to me, I still feel so unwilling. It's strange that I still feel unwilling... Forget it, let me try one last time."

After saying that, Carl crushed the crystal in his hand.

At this moment, Void Eye Viktor, who had escaped over an unknown distance, was pulled back in an instant.

Carl looked at the Void God he summoned himself and said lightly
"Don't forget, when I summoned you into the material world, you used your original power to promise me that you would start an era of the void. So, you can't escape now. Also, I didn't create the phantom just to abandon human emotions and concentrate on research. The phantom, in the end, still serves the void body."

After saying that, Carl went straight into the big eyes of Void Eye Vel'koz. Then, Void Eye Vel'koz began to twitch directly in the universe, and the tentacles of its lower body began to whip everything around it indiscriminately.

Wang Lei was speechless. Carl, even if you want to seize another body, isn't it a bit too much to do it right in front of me? And are you sure that your mental will is not to deliver nutritious meals to the Twilight Ancient Beast? You know, Void Eye Velkoz is a Twilight Ancient Beast that is good at mental power. At this time, Wang Lei suspected that Carl was going to defect, so he pulled Void Eye Velkoz in front of him and took the initiative to control it with his life to prevent it from escaping.

Honestly, if Void Eye Velkoz really ran away today, Wang Lei would have a headache, because it knew the coordinates of the Super God Universe and had actually come in once. It would not be surprising if it came back at any time. If he was not in the Super God Universe at that time, then when he came back, this world might be gone.

So Wang Lei didn't hesitate either. He turned the power of existence into a sword and cut the big eyes of the Void Eye Viktors into two halves with one sword.

The vitality of the Dusk Beast would not die just because it was cut in half. Even though the two halves of the Void Eye Vel'koz were now madly spraying purple fluids, it still did not die. The power of the void was distorting reality, intending to restore itself to the state before it was cut in half.

But how could Wang Lei watch Vel'koz recover? Without any hesitation, the power of existence immediately turned into divine thunder and divine flames that even the Star Gods could not ignore. They enveloped the two halves of the Void Eye Vel'koz's body respectively, allowing it to experience what it was like to grill and roast at the same time.

At the same time, Wang Lei directly reproduced the elemental reaction rules of Teyvat in this area of ​​the universe. Whenever the two halves of Vel'Koz's body overlapped, it would trigger an overload and be blown apart directly.

Of course, this overload also became a star god level, and his body was directly blown into pieces.

At this time, Void Eye Vel'Koz's control over the power of the void had been greatly reduced, his body was seriously injured, and there was a Carl in his soul causing trouble.

Wang Lei said that it was a good habit to take your life while you were sick. He directly used all his strength to stimulate the destiny of existence. He intended to strip the power of controlling the void from the Eye of Void, Vel'Koz.

Eye of the Void, Viktor, was completely unable to put up any effective resistance at this time and could only struggle desperately to snatch the power of the void from Wang Lei.

But this struggle was doomed to be in vain. Wang Lei was like a giant in iron armor cutting the nails and pulling out the teeth of a cat.

No matter how Void-Eye Vel'Koz struggles and fights back, its current attack is like scraping the barrier formed by the force of existence.

And Wang Lei was indeed depriving Viktor of his power over the Void, just like removing its minions one by one.

In the end, the Eye of the Void, Viktor, was like a sick cat with all its teeth and claws pulled out. The existence of the power of the void was completely stripped away by Wang Lei.

Without power, Vel'Koz's body cannot be restored, and his recovery ability is greatly reduced. He can only be completely destroyed by thunder and fire and turned into charcoal.

However, Vel'Koz's soul remains intact, and his existence has not disappeared.

Wang Lei had no way to really destroy Viktor's existence directly, but in his current state, he could cut it into countless parts and transform them separately.

First, Wang Lei separated Carl's existence from Vel's soul. This guy couldn't just think of dying like this, he had to face the judgment of the entire Super God Universe before being sentenced to death.

So after Wang Lei separated his existence, he kindly used Vel'Koz's existence to repair his soul, which still showed signs of damage, and resurrected him. He had a physical body and all physiological functions were intact. But he didn't have any super genes, just the level of an ordinary Shenhe body.

Carl's current body can't even support him to survive in the universe. For this reason, Wang Lei also made a small ecological ball to protect him.

As for the remaining soul of Viktor, Wang Lei unceremoniously divided it into thousands of parts and fed them to Sui Yang.

These Sui Yang were actually the ones that were enslaved in Wang Lei's original world bubble. After being swallowed by imaginary numbers and losing all their intelligence, these Sui Yang were reborn as Wang Lei achieved the status of a Star God. Even after their rebirth, they were born with the ability to manipulate the power of existence.

However, these reborn Sui Yang flames have lost their souls and intellects, and can only stay in Wang Lei's Star God body and burn quietly.

As for these Sui Yang who were reborn in his body, well, they should not be considered Sui Yang now. In short, Wang Lei has a natural liking for these lives that were reborn in his body.

Therefore, Wang Lei directly stripped away the memories of Vel'Kuz's soul and fed all the remaining pure soul to them, allowing them to gain the possibility of rebirth of their own unique intellect.

Afterwards, Wang Lei sent these lives to a world bubble that he could easily create, and left them alone for the time being. Later, they will grow and wake up in this world bubble and become real lives.

In fact, what Wang Lei could not foresee was that these lives would wake up after countless years and give themselves a name, called the Red World Devil King.

Putting aside the matter of the Red World Demon King, in a sense, Viktor, the Eye of the Void, is dead.

The body was burned, the soul was split and devoured, and only the memory remained.

However, this memory itself would not move without the support of the soul. Wang Lei sealed it in a book and made a divine artifact called the Book of the Void.

Afterwards, Wang Lei threw this artifact into the system space that he had retained when he was upgraded to a star god.

After doing all this, theoretically, the threat of the Super God Universe has disappeared, and Wang Lei can confirm that Carl has not come into contact with the second dusk ancient beast related to the void. In Carl's current state, there is no way to stop Wang Lei from exploring everything about his past.

So, Wang Lei waved his hand and took Carl back to the Super God Universe. At this time, the war in the Lisander Galaxy was nearing its end. The Void Zerg was beaten to a pulp by various large-scale destructive weapons. The armies of the Angels and the Lieyang began to clean up the battlefield and collect the wounded.

Wang Lei saw that the test was almost over, so he directly converted all the remaining Void Zerg in the Super God Universe into stone, completely ending the Void invasion.

Afterwards, Wang Lei restored his human form and threw Carl, who had become a mortal, in front of the gods and said directly
"Kesha, hold a trial of the gods for the entire universe. Carl needs to receive a reasonable punishment. The executioner... let Rose do the execution."

Although Wang Lei said this, everyone knew that the only result of Carl's trial was death, the kind that would cause the soul to be torn apart.

But for the long-term stability of the universe, a form of law enforcement is necessary. So Kesha agreed to this matter
"No problem, leave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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