Dou Po: Rebirth of Xiao Yan, many children and many blessings

Chapter 2 2 Star Dou Huang, Yun Yun invites

Chapter 2 Two-star Dou Huang, invited by Yun Yun
Under the terrifying power of the seventh-grade peak elixir, Xiao Yan, who originally had to train hard for about a year to break through to the realm of Dou Huang, not only achieved a breakthrough in one day, but also jumped to the level of a two-star Dou Huang.

The dark eyes slowly opened, and a majestic aura was like an awakening lion, slowly raising his head to face the roaring sound that shook the world.

Under this powerful aura, thick cracks on his arms spread like spider webs from where Xiao Yan was sitting cross-legged, and finally spread to every corner of the secret room.

The powerful soul power centered on Xiao Yan's body and swept out in all directions like lightning.

The powerful power quickly spread out of the secret room, and countless scenes were reflected into Xiao Yan's mind.

There were many powerful people watching in the sky above Xiao Mansion, but none of them escaped Xiao Yan's soul scanning.

Realizing that Xiao Yan had a great opportunity to break through to the Two-Star Dou Huang, Queen Medusa's cold eyes softened a little, grabbed Zi Yan beside her, and left here quietly.

After this charming and powerful woman left, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

President Fa Ma followed closely and noticed Xiao Yan's strength: "What a terrifying soul power, Xiao Yan has become much stronger!"

Everyone was extremely envious of Xiao Yan's ability to break through so quickly.

How can a disciple of Master Yao not take the best elixir?
The battle between Xiao Yan and Douzong Yunshan is still vivid in his mind. Now that he has broken through and become a powerful Dou Huang, what a terrifying existence it will be!

Thinking of the terrifying fighting power, everyone took a breath of cold air.

The majestic soul power spread to all areas within a hundred miles. It seemed to have reached a certain limit and began to shrink like a tide.

"Break and then stand. I didn't expect that the terrifying power of the seventh-grade peak bone-building and blood-melting pill would allow me to break through to the two-star Dou Huang directly. This gave me a lot of time!"

Xiao Yan knew very well that about a year after the Yunlan Sect was disbanded, the three major empires besieged the Gama Empire.

Aside from the little medical fairy from the Poison Sect, there are still strong men from the Jin Yan Sect and Mulan Valley to deal with.

Later, the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, Black Emperor Sect, Demon Flame Valley, etc. were not simple forces.

With this gap of more than a year, he will be much more relaxed.

"Father, teacher, next, I will definitely work hard to strengthen the Xiao family and save you as soon as possible!" Xiao Yan clenched his fists, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice in his heart.

Xiao Yan was not in a hurry to devour the beast spirit fire, but instead focused on the dark ring on his finger.

This is exactly the bone inflammation ring that Teacher Yaochen bowed to before!

The Najie used by Yao Lao is no longer as simple as high-level, and even the powerful Douzong cannot detect it.

However, at this time, Xiao Yan had the bone spirit cold fire origin in his body, and Xiao Yan was able to control this simple black ring at will.

A touch of forest-white flame emerged from the finger and was lightly smeared on the dark ring. Xiao Yan's soul power suddenly entered the inner space of the ring without any hindrance.

The space of Yaolao Najie is so huge that even the high-level Najia 'Youhai Najie' that Xiao Yan obtained from Han Feng cannot compare with it.

Of course, the most valuable thing is the exercises, fighting skills, medicines and some strange things collected by Gennajie throughout his life.

After rummaging through the space, Xiao Yan finally found what he was looking for—the green scroll left by Yao Lao.

Among them is the method to crack the 'Life-eating Pill' in the body of the second brother Xiao Li.

Xiao Yan knew very well that it had been a long time since his second brother took the 'Life-eating Pill', and he had to solve this hidden danger for him first.

Otherwise, once the time comes, the second brother Xiao Li may die instantly.

After getting this green scroll, Xiao Yan immediately read it quickly with the power of his soul... "Qingming Longevity Pill, a sixth-grade elixir that can increase life span by nearly ten years, and a person can only take one in his lifetime. Refining material: Qingming Fruit , Longevity Royal Jelly, Ten Thousand Years Ivy."

After getting the names of the medicinal materials, Xiao Yan knew that these items were extremely precious. If he wanted to collect them all, he would need the help of Ebi's Miter family.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan immediately walked out of the secret room.

Mitel can not only help collect medicinal materials, Mitel Yafei can even help herself give birth to several children.

This wave is truly a win-win!
As soon as she walked out of the secret room, a maid who had been waiting here hurried forward and said respectfully: "Third Young Master, the eldest young master said that if you come out of the secret room, please go to the living room."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan nodded slightly, waved his hand to dismiss the maid, and walked towards the living room.

In about ten minutes, Xiao Yan appeared outside the living room and heard the voices of Xiao Ding and Xiao Li coming from inside.

"Originally we were still worried about your injury, but we didn't expect you to break through directly. You are a strong Dou Huang in his early 20s, and many strong men in the Jiama Empire were shocked by you again!" Xiao Ding said with a rich smile.

The powerful Dou Huang, who was originally a legend in the Jia Ma Empire, was now standing in front of them at such a close distance.

The key is that unlike those old monsters, he is so young.

"It was just a lucky break." Xiao Yan shrugged, found a chair next to the two of them, sat down, and said with a faint smile, "Those people didn't come in?"

Xiao Li said with a smile: "Not long after you broke through, you left one after another."

Xiao Yan took the tea cup next to him and took a sip: "That's right. The war has just ended, and everyone has their own injuries. It seems that they have not fully recovered yet."

The Jia Ma Empire is located in a remote area, and fourth-grade elixirs are considered rare. Even the top experts in the Jia Ma Empire can only take fifth-grade elixirs at most.

But not everyone can take the seventh-grade peak-level healing medicine at will!

The three brothers had just said a few words when a maid suddenly walked in in a hurry and said respectfully at the door: "Master Xiao Yan, Miss Nalan said at the door that she had something to meet."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan was startled, Miss Nalan was naturally Nalan Yanran.

It seems that his early breakthrough seemed to have stimulated Yun Yun to leave early.

"Invite her in." Xiao Yan raised his hand and touched his nose and said softly.

Yun Yun, a powerful fighting emperor, has a strong momentum, but is an extremely fertile being.

Now that the separation is imminent, Yun Yun's heart is very soft and she must seize the opportunity!

With a flick of his hand, Xiao Yan threw a scroll to Xiao Li: "Second brother, gather all these medicinal materials together. I will be of great use. Remember, don't delay!"

After receiving the scroll, Xiao Li was stunned. Seeing Xiao Yan's slightly flickering eyes, he seemed to understand something, and immediately nodded without any trace.

After waiting for a moment, the maid from before came slowly, and behind her, a graceful figure loomed.

Two figures stopped at the door, the maid bowed and retreated, and Nalan Yanran, in a cloud-colored dress, walked in slowly.

His eyes swept across the faces of the three people in the living room, and then his eyes with some complex eyes rested on Xiao Yan in the center.

Xiao Yan raised his eyes and looked over. This was the first time he had seen Nalan Yanran, an extremely famous woman, with his own eyes.

Wearing a cloud-colored dress, three thousand black hairs slid smoothly down her shoulders, covering her waist and reaching her delicate buttocks.Her dark eyebrows are like a painting, her skin is like ice and snow, and her delicate facial features are cleverly combined with the oval-shaped face that only beauties have.

Under the simple and elegant dress, a pair of round and smooth long legs made her even taller.The plump jade legs are even wearing a pair of white stockings, which is alluring.
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(End of this chapter)

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