Dou Po: Rebirth of Xiao Yan, many children and many blessings

Chapter 77 Attack on the Ten Thousand Scorpions Gate

Chapter 77 Attack on the Ten Thousand Scorpions Gate

This old man obviously has a very high status within the Poison Sect, and he is dressed in green robes.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a jet-black martial arts line painted on its face. Coupled with the trembling wrinkles on its face, the centipede is like a living creature, slowly squirming, giving people a cold chill. Evil spirit,
Xiao Yan's eyes swept over him several times, and when he saw the pitch-black centipede on his face, his mind suddenly flashed some things about the Poison Sect that the little doctor said on the way here.

This old man with a centipede on his face was named Centipede. His strength was around the peak of Dou Huang. He was originally the leader of the "Centian Mansion" of the Izumo Empire.

But in the end, he took the initiative to surrender to the rapidly expanding Poison Sect, and then became a high-ranking elder in the sect. He usually attracted many powerful people in the sect. Even if it was the order of the Little Medical Fairy, he could sometimes speak out. Fight against each other.

Xiao Yan knew that this old man was one of the traitors of the Poison Sect.

Not enough. He didn't know much about the remaining four traitors.

"They are all friends I invited, what's the matter? Elder Wu, what's the problem?" Seemingly expecting Wuya to ask this question, the little fairy doctor said calmly without even raising his eyes.

"Hehe, I naturally have no problem, but this battle with the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect is related to the reputation and status of our Poison Sect in the Izumo Empire in the future. Naturally, we need to be more cautious. Therefore, if the sect leader wants to ask outsiders for help, he must be more cautious. be careful,"

Hearing the words of the little medical fairy, a strange light flashed in Centipede's eyes, and then his eyes carefully scanned the four Xiao Yans. When he discovered that the strength of the four Xiao Yans was only at the Douhuang level, there were slight wrinkles on his face. Shake.

Of course, with his strength, he cannot tell the strength of Xiao Yan and others.

Knowing that there is a traitor within the Poison Sect, Xiao Yan and others will naturally not expose their full strength.

"But... Sect Master, in a battle like this, just four fighting emperors may not have much effect?"

Seeing this old guy taking advantage of this to speak again and again, the little medical fairy's expression slowly turned cold: "Whether it has any effect or not, we will know later. Elder Centipede, you seem to have a lot of opinions today?"

"Haha, what did the sect master say? I am also thinking about the Poison Sect. After all, this battle is too important to us." Looking at the face of the little medical fairy, Centipede also smiled.

Regarding the former, he is still a little wary in his heart, and naturally he does not dare to go too far. He is also very clear that if he did not have a high reputation within the Poison Sect, he would have been eliminated by the Little Medical Fairy long ago. .

Perhaps it was because the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect had gathered everyone on the Ten Thousand Scorpions Mountain, but no too heated fighting broke out today. Everything seemed to be extremely peaceful.

However, anyone with a slightly keener sense can discover that this is just the calm before the storm. With the strength of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, they will definitely not be willing to be blocked by the Poison Sect on a mountain peak. Therefore, maybe soon, a The battle that will really determine the outcome of this great battle will sweep in like a storm.

Xiao Yan naturally knew that this was giving the traitor some time to act.

As time goes by, night gradually covers the entire mountain range, and night is when the poison is most prevalent, so the entire mountain range is constantly filled with tiny rustling sounds.

In the camp at night, the campfire burned brightly, and occasionally there was a burst of thunder.

Under the moonlight, a small black shadow a few centimeters long flashed across. It was a poisonous centipede with several thin wings.This kind of thing is common in the Scorpion Mountains, but this one is a little unusual.It flew quietly over the mountain stream and flew towards Wanxie Mountain.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in mid-air, grabbed the centipede, and quickly wrapped it with fighting energy. The centipede struggled violently, but could not break free.

The black shadow flicked his finger, and Centipede fainted immediately.With a push of his fingers, the centipede was crushed, green blood flowed out, and the rolled paper appeared.This black figure was Xiao Yan. Green flames glowed in his palms, evaporating the green blood.He looked at the scroll in his hand, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

The note said "Everything is ready", indicating that what was about to happen was not simple.

Xiao Yan threw the centipede corpse into the mountain stream and narrowed his eyes, obviously discovering the traitor and well-arranged plan within the Poison Sect.

The pretty little medical fairy behind Xiao Yan had a cold face: "It seems that the traitor is indeed Elder Centipede! I treated him well, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be a spy."

Queen Medusa said calmly: "Now that we have found the traitor, we just need to eradicate it."

"Don't worry, this can only point out the biggest traitor. It is difficult to guarantee that there are no other traitors in the Poison Sect." Xiao Yan shook his head, "Tomorrow's decisive battle, all these traitors will inevitably appear, and then we can catch them all."

The Little Medical Fairy nodded and said: "The poison sect is really too chaotic. Apart from the traitor from the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, there is no guarantee that no one else has other thoughts. This is the perfect opportunity to make the entire poison sect work together."

Putting his arms around the unbearable soft waists of the Little Medical Fairy and Queen Medusa, Xiao Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Go to rest early."

"There will be a battle tomorrow." Queen Medusa understood this very well during the past few days on the road.

"It is because of fighting that you need to practice." Without waiting for the two wives to object, Xiao Yan held one in each hand and walked into the tent.

Dawn passed quietly in a quiet night, and when the sky was just getting slightly brighter, subtle whining sounds could be heard in all the camps of the Poison Sect.

The hearts of many members of the Poison Sect who knew what this voice represented suddenly froze. It seemed that today they were going to attack Wanxie Mountain in a big way.


The sharp humming sound resounded through the mountain range, and suddenly, the sound of fighting came out, and the densely packed poisonous sect people, like a frenzy of ants, poured into Wanxie Mountain overwhelmingly, and then charged towards the top of the mountain where the Wanxie Gate was located. and go.

Just as the Poison Sect's army charged into the densely forested Ten Thousand Scorpions Mountain, there were sudden screams. Obviously, the members of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect were also hiding in the forest, waiting for the Poison Sect's attack at any time.

What the Wanxie Sect didn't receive was the words 'everything is ready'. They had already prepared everything.

However, since the Little Medical Immortal knows the preparations of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, he will naturally make certain adjustments.

Possessed with Netherworld Poison Fire, Xiao Yan has no fear of the Poison Sect's methods of Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect and Poison Sect. A wisp of blazing wind can easily kill millions of Scorpion Sect members.

This wisp of flame contains not only Nether Poison Fire, but also Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Fallen Heart Flame and other flames.

These alien fires are the nemesis of toxins. They contain a variety of alien fire fusions of netherworld poisonous fires. They can also absorb toxins and increase Xiao Yan's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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